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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. For some sick reason I just had this flash of Constance/Helena and Rachel Ames/Audrey in Disneyworld with Aiden, Cameron and Spencer, and Maleficent coming out and bowing to Helena. while Audrey rolls her eyes
  2. Hmmm in that Sam is older? Or that TJ has talent LOL it was a generalization :)
  3. I saw today that ABC Family is in the process of re-branding for millennials, this to me is the prefect opportunity to get a hold of Sir Rao and relaunch Night Shift. He would not need to commit to the daily grind of a Day time Soap, he could show run the night time version. Move Morgan, Michael, Sam, Molly, TJ and some new young doctors on over. Re-cast Ethan (or get Nathan Parsons back) and use him as a combination of his two fathers Robert and Luke (when he was good). Something along this line could breathe new life into GH and allow the show to continue in some form for a long while. Ron and Frank need to be pitching this
  4. I think Julian and Alexis are an Endgame couple for the most part. I do think he has Chemistry with Jordan and I do not think that the interracial issue will prevent them from going there and I would be personally offended if it did, but here I will give Ron credit, he could care less if he offends people with gay men kissing, or gay men interracial relationships kissing he is not going to GAFF about Jordan and Julian Kissing. I would like to see them chem test Jordan and Nathan as I think she would be the perfect counter point to Maxie as a spoiler in that relationship: Not too Bright Cop torn between cute dumb blonde and Smoking Hot Smarter than he is fellow officer
  5. Hmmm even if you don't like them cranberries are pretty and sweet. Lauren is more the turnip. Happy Thanksgiving
  6. So we are suppose to see Dr O and Faison as well as the SERIAL KILLER and Nina as rest romantic couples? I am getting ill. At least Carly and Sonny have an almost twenty year history. I am sick of Ron's fascination with evil campy characters. And Spencer still creeps me out. It's just wrong.
  7. So This. If I were Carly I would be throwing Sonny under the bus so fast to get my kid back: Hell Carly should tell Michael that Sonny threaten to kill her if she told. You know like he did when he thought she shot Olivia. Defending Sonny is the Last thing Carly needs to do here
  8. Okay I just played catch up: I am still not convinced it is Bill. Julian told Alexis that lots of people in witness protection get plastic surgery. Bill would not need that to look like Luke. and why would Bill be in Witness Protection? What the hell did he witness? I still think Damian Smith makes the most sense, especially since he was burnt in a fire: But I have two other suspects one long shot that does not seem to fit and that would be transvestite hit man Sally and the other Harlan Barrett. Harlan would tie in with all the cartel stuff that is going on, and it would explain the things he does not know about Luke, the hatred of Sonny (over Brenda) and the seeming lack of malice towards Luke (Yes he has stolen his life but he has not killed him) and if I recall Harlan pursued Tracy but failed. As to Duke taking over Sonny's Business the only way this works is if we see him meet with Shawn, Max and a few flunkies and then when they leave the room Monica steps out of the shadows: "So you will begin dismantling Sonny's empire?" Duke: "It will take some time but yes." Monica: "I am sorry about you and Anna" Duke: "We have come back from worse. How is he?" Monica: "AJ? The Doctors say it will be years but eventually he will recover." Only this gives the real talent that Ian Buchanan has any play at all.
  9. O, like corn and BLT is another joke of Ron's that has overstayed its welcome. As a villain she was fine as a regular on the show Dr O needs to go. I so need Tom Hardy Jr to show up and throw her the hell out of his Father's Office. i think this is what annoys me most about Dr. O she is disgracing the memory of Steve Hardy. COS's after him always tried to measure up: Be it Alan, Robin, the Guy who died on Night Shift or Monica. GH has for the most part even under Guza been respectful of the memory of Steve (and Jesse) every time I see Dr O all I see is Ron pissing on John Beradino's Grave
  10. WFS an new abbreviation Writing for Sweeps. That is all this has become we bounce from Feb to May to two weeks in Summer to Nov and the hell with the rest of the year
  11. Actually Tom Hardy would have worked as well, he is Steve and Audrey's Son, he was married to Simone (They have a son TJ) and was involved with Felecia, he was a shrink. So bringing him back does a couple of things: He could fight with Dr O to be COS and protect his Father's legacy,: he could have interacted with Nina as a doctor and with the Vets set as one of them. It would put the Hardy's back on GH which is we are in the twilight years seems fitting. He was last played by Matt Ashford, so the talent is there
  12. The whole Fluke things proves two points; 1) Ron trolls these and other boards: He wanted Fluke to be Bill but too many people on the board figured that out and than pointed out that it made no sense, this hurt his feelings and this is now the hissy fit result. and 2) Ron makes up stiff as he goes along, even if he backed away from the Bill idea Ron could have tied it all together, instead he has thrown in this mishmash Bonus 3) Tony Geary has said he was planning to retire but Ron came up with this amazing story: THIS IS NOT that story, it got changed because of Geary;s illness and Geary is not going to be happy with the outcome, which may lead to his actual retirement at the end of his contract
  13. I kind of hope that Jerry is in on her rescue this time: "Come on Little Robin, it is time to go home, this is just madness keeping you here, even I can't justify it. Please do me a favor though and do not go back to Dr. Drake he is so beneath you. I'm going to drop you off with your Uncle Mac, is that all right? Or would you prefer your father."
  14. Their relationship was rocky at best last time the characters were on Tom was involved with Felecia and Simone with Justus
  15. Actually Shawn may shoot your dog while aiming at your date
  16. has any one seen the ratings for "The Fall of Sonny" not that ratings seem to mean a thing to Ron but It would be awesome if they were way up
  17. if some one on this show could remember that Dominque was the love of Scott's Life not Laura or Lucy or Bobbie, I would stop complaining for a month
  18. I may be the last hold out but I do not think this is going to be the case. ShYAWN told Sonny very specifically that he was not TJ's father the other day, and given where Sonny was, if he was planning on telling TJ otherwise, why lie to Sonny. It is not like Sonny could have used that as his get out of jail card. No Shawn is not his father.....but I think....
  19. One of Ron's big problems lots of things have ceased to be funny or out lived their usefulness but he keeps plugging away: Corn, Spencer, SERIAL KILLER, Dr. O, Sobby, BLT's and Kiki have long since expired the shelf life but he keeps trying to sell them
  20. They needed the cells at the PCPD: But it drives me nuts that people not convicted are sent to a prison, isn't there a detention center in Buffalo or something to send them to. I mean I know it snowed up there today but man transport Duke to Jail In the GH in my head some day Helena will walk in look at Spencer take out a knife and slit his throat then turn to Nicholas and say "Try again and this time do not pick a peasant for a mother"
  21. Jason Q with Jason Morgans memories and skills could be fascinating. I am thinking of a rift on the graphic novel/movie A History of Violence. Jason looking for peace but when confronted by danger his instincts kick in. And I can even see where danger would be lurking behind each corner. With Sonny in jail, and Jason back to life the assumption by Fluke Julian and others would be that Jason would take over the "bizness" again. So in a get him before he gets us move they attack Jason. Jason then realizing the only way to stay safe and still be a good man turns over all of Sonny's business records to Anna. thereby decimating Sonny's empire. Which then goes up for grabs, just in time for Sonny to be released and have to decided if he wants to fight for it again. And suddenly every one is interesting
  22. I am almost tempted to hope that this is where we are headed. Given the past week for Sonny and Carly I am praying that Ron has finally seen that the only way left to make either of them interesting is to have them lose. A Sonny and Carly with nothing left but themselves and crawling their way back, would be more interesting to watch than a Sonny and Carly who always win and who despite their constantly amoral actions are welcomed by the town, Jason and Michael, their two greatest "victories" turning their backs on them would be awesome.
  23. I would love for Serena not to be mad at any of them, instead for her to be super mature and be like "yeah my parents have issues" It would be fun to have a SOAP kid who was self aware of the looney tunes around her. She and Dante then could become friends (Friends not lovers) and kind of roll their eyes at every one and wink and nod to the audience at the stupidity around them
  24. I have never understood the idea that night time soaps are some how inherently better than day time ones. While the acting and writing may be of a higher quality they also have so much more time to do it. I always thought soaps should be compared to a daily live play more than a night time TV Show. Think how good, even with Ron's bad writing, GH could be if they had to do only 22 episodes a year and had weeks to shoot them.
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