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I’m having a hard time watching this season. I have skipped ahead to seasons 5 and 7 which I found much more enjoyable. For those I can hardly wait to see the next episode.
I guess that was too early in the show’s run for them to realize that the race wouldn’t try to kill them. I recall one of them (Peach?) being really freaked out and believing it.
Just finished watching this season. The first few episodes I was wondering what all the fuss was about Flo but, wow, did that change! However, when she was in the cab thinking that they were 2nd and Ken and Gerard had won, I saw that there was a kind person in there. She was ok with losing because they were good guys. I was ok with the brother alliance as they were both being outcasts at that time. As the season progressed, it was fascinated how the alliances changed from leg to leg. On to season 4!
I don’t believe he was playing to the cameras either. The one exception was after he finished mending the fishing net but I believe that was because he knew he looked really nerdy in those glasses. I think if you are always playing to the cameras, it will effect your racing as you are more concerned with the cameras than the race. The Gen X Anthem just popped up in my timeline. I love that one too! I am also Gen X so I relate.
Watching this season for the first time. My initial impression of Oswald and Danny was that they were going to be high maintenance that whines about everything, but I was wrong and like them very much (I’m up to episode 6). Funny that Gary and Dave considered Blake to be a child when he had already founded a company and sold his interest in it by that point.
I liked the 5 stages of Costco one mainly because it’s very true. I consider it a victory if I get out of there under $200. The snack aisle is my danger zone!
So much focus on painting a door knob that did not change anything in the outcome of the race. To expand on what ProfCrash has stated here, the only thing that not painting the doorknob would have done is maybe, doubtful but maybe moved them up to 2nd. In that case they would still leave at the EXACT SAME TIME on the final leg! If painting the doorknob have led to Arun and Natalia passing them I could understand the angst. It did nothing to change the final standings. Why are people so fixated on this?
I don’t understand the hang up about this. We saw a couple minutes of footage at the mat that had to of been from 30 minutes of time. You have no idea if she ever thanked Penn on the mat but she has consistently said throughout the race and in the interviews since the finale that he was the best partner. Penn knows how she feels and that’s more important than her thanking him publicly to make the viewers happy. I hope no one you know suffers from anxiety. Someone in my family does and those kind of comments would make her feel like a lesser person because she didn’t conform to your expectations. I’ve seen how those type of comments effect her. You don’t recover from a panic attack quickly. Even if you can recover enough to take steps forward it can effect you for days. People with anxiety do a lot of pretending during those days. So while thanking him wouldn’t have made her collapse, the panic attack meant that she was less concerned about thanking the one person she knows has her back and more concerned with holding it together in front of everyone else.
Kim just had a major panic attack that almost caused her to quit the race. In all of the podcasts/interviews that they have done the past couple of days she has been very complimentary of Penn. In the extra clips throughout the race she has often said she has the best partner and she was extremely supportive of Penn when he screwed up in London. I don’t know why some are so hung up on her not acting how they think she should act in a few minutes of edited footage. My nephew’s wife suffers from anxiety and I’ve seen first hand how it effects her and how the judgmental bull she hears from others makes her feel like less of a person.
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They only finished about 20 minutes behind second place and they had to have spent more than 20 minutes at the elevators. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think that they could win.
Dusty said on one podcast that he wants to run the race again just to prove to himself he could win. He even said if he win, he would donate his winnings. He also feels that if the same 3 final 3 ran 9 times, each team would win 3 times. He felt they were very evenly matched.
I heard that as well. I rewatched it this morning and she does seem subdued. Maybe that’s why the TAR gods gave her luck with her boat choice.
From different podcasts, Kim had a panic attack the morning of the Portugal leg and almost quit. Penn actually called the producers to let them know and somehow she decided to go ahead and take it one step at a time. Penn said the producers handled it well although I’m sure they were initially panicking. They don’t plan to change their lifestyle. For example, Penn damaged Kim’s car and rather than buying a new car, they are just going to fix the dent. Ryan and Dusty were only 22 minutes behind Rachelle and Cayla at the finish. I haven’t heard how far behind they were from Kim and Penn but Dusty did mention that they (the FAs) had a 15 minute head start on the final challenge. I’m guessing that was a traffic quirk. Cayla said when Penn and Kim showed up, she knew they (her and Rachel) would lose. Kim said the best training she had for this was her years as a reporter when she would use a map to tell a coworker how to get to whatever story they were covering. She worked in Orlando at one point which is not exactly the easiest place to navigate quickly. I haven’t see Ryan on any of these podcasts and no reason has been given. Dusty was on Lala/Lulu’s earlier this week and said Ryan was busy.
I think his glasses are for reading and other close work. His distance is probably fine for driving, it’s just fine detail that is difficult. It’s just a part of getting old. My eyes are the same. I can see road signs just fine but trying to see those columns would be very difficult. My glasses are the cheaters I buy from Walmart as I only need them to read.
Kim took notes and I bet she and Penn went over them on the plane ride back. You could tell at the end she was spent. I really enjoyed this season. I hadn’t watched in a while and recall that when I did there was usually at least one team I couldn’t stand. That didn’t happen this season, even though I could sometimes find some racers annoying. Even though my favorite team won, I would have been fine with any of the last 3, even Dusty and Ryan. Dusty may annoy me at times but he seems like a decent guy. eta - it’s Ryan that doesn’t need the money. He’s rightfully being compensated for spending 10 years in prison for something he didn’t do. I watched the documentary they did and his attorney who helped him clear his name said that usually when she shows prosecutors evidence that someone has been wrongfully convicted, they do the right thing and help get the person released. That didn’t happen in Ryan’s case.