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Everything posted by Lucelu

  1. I have to rewatch but I felt like when Celeste was at the therapist's office and saying "I am not afraid" -- she repeated it and it seemed like she was remembering who she was (before becoming the woman manipulated by beatings and "passion") which was reinforced by her putting her lawyer suit back on. She was kind of ... convincing herself I think. I actually enjoyed Jane's performance this episode. Her ideations of killing her rapist, I feel like she runs that entire night over and over in her head imagining different scenarios. I wonder if running off a cliff is a metaphor for her... going off the deep end. You know that saying that neurotics build castles in the air... and psychotics live in them-- that is what it made me think of. Out of all the damaged people in this show, I feel like she needs intervention the most. That first grade teacher needs to be fired. I loved that the child psychologist affirmed what we all felt about Ziggy. I bet he is getting teased/bullied about who his father is or not having one. I was pretty surprised by Madeline's interaction / kiss with her boss (he is her boss right?). I wonder if her dalliance with him occurred when Ed was unavailable a lot due to work because Madeline seems to me to need a lot of attention and validation which is why she is always stirring up the shit. I thought Ed's Elvis serenade was very sweet and romantic. I too wish Nathan would move. No Renata this week.
  2. Yes, she is better than pretty, she is extremely talented.
  3. Thanks regarding the Bonnie's studio question! I have only watched the episodes once and I binged. There is always something I miss the first time around.
  4. For those that don't see Laura Dern as pretty or sexy, please watch David Lynch's Wild at Heart starring her and Nick Cage from back in her younger years (one of my favorite movies also starring her mother Diane Ladd)--yeah, it's over the top but it's David Lynch. I find her a compelling actress particularly now that she is 50 and able to really inhabit the anger, competitiveness and self delusion that women at our age can exhibit and I really enjoyed Enlightened and was kind of pissed that they cancelled it but continued Girls. I am really enjoying the strong characters in this - Madeline, Renata seem the most developed. That they are natural enemies leading the different so called teams of mothers (the careers vs the homes) in the world of Uber-Momming -- I kind of find this an interesting commentary on how you can take the girl out of the high school but she never outgrows it, particularly in upper class California, where the ante seems to have no limit. That there were parents discussing keeping their children away from one little new boy because he was accused of choking a little girl - something no one witnessed and who had not exhibited any kind of aggressive behavior otherwise, I was kind of floored. I remember being in first grade and was a little afraid of one older boy that lived down the street. I imagined him stealing my lunch money, so much that by the end of the school day, I believed he had done so, told my mother and she called his mother.... it was hours until I remembered it didn't really happen and I think my mother just about lost it when I told her-- it had to be incredibly awkward for her (I want to apologize to Kevin Walker, I'm sorry, you were older, bigger and intimidating and I was shy and afraid of you.) Celeste I have less of an understanding of as a character, she seems less substantial and does not jibe with the other things we know about her -- being a super high powered attorney in her previous life but now walking around like this fragile hyper-sexualized baby mama girl-woman who is literally alternatively punched and poked. I half expect there to be staff employed at their manse to manage the daily monotonous running of the home --doing the laundry, preparing meals, cleaning the bathrooms, getting the children up and dressed so she can spend her time taking perfect pictures and staring into the ocean. Where are those twin boys when she is getting beat up or having sex in the public rooms of her house with her husband? Who has that much private time with young twin boys? She just seems to have less energy and less to do than her peers (like Madeline). However, quixotic her behavior, the complexity of her relationship with Perry could warrant its own show. We are not shown a similar level of intimate dynamics in the other womens marriages. However, it is as if Celeste's personality is entirely dominated by her husband and her being a mother. We don't really know her voice. I have to agree that Nicole Kidman does appear ethereal -- she literally glowed at the Oscars. One of my FB friends had a picture (her daughter was working as a production assistant and was in a shot on TV) and she said it was d/t the picture being taken of the TV screen but still, no one else showed up like that and it was HD. I was a little confused, does Bonnie really own her own yoga studio or does she just teach at the same yoga place she attended with Nathan at Madeline's yoga class? I can see her having free classes where she teaches and getting Nathan to go with her. I totally cannot see Madeline buying a yoga class package at her exes' wife's business. I did not pick up any attraction between Abigal and Ed. I think that Ed is annoyed at the teen. It seems Abigal takes delight in pushing her buttons irt her Nathan and his wife. I wonder what story Nathan told Bonnie about her, probably is reinforced whenever Maddy has a rude interaction with her. I like that Madeline tries to be honest about why she has the feelings she has, particularly with her kids and her husband. Jane seems like she would have a more natural friendship with Bonnie and I would not have been surprised if Renata had mistakened Bonnie for a nanny too. It is such a chance meeting that she ends up being in this friendship with Celeste and Madeline. It could have easily been so different. Jane and Ziggys story is so tragic. Her home is most familiar to me. Her life is more tangible and relatable to me. However, I am not a person who uses, holds or sleeps with a gun-- don't have her level of fear. She does not trust her judgment anymore and I think that is part of what makes her so afraid.
  5. Just wish to interject-- I find the name "White Rose" to be symbolically interesting. The White Rose (German: die Weiße Rose) was a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany led by a group of students and a professor at the University of Munich. The group conducted an anonymous leaflet and graffiti campaign which called for active opposition against the Nazi regime.
  6. Brianna has Lupus... maybe she will be too stressed out to do this show then. Or maybe she will quit her ER job to do the show instead? Her husband is "stuck" in OK? I think he is "stationed" in OK.
  7. I don't know, she had the ugliest hair ever at that party. I think the high horses were legit tho. Kelly will often go low with some kind of physical insult. The chin hair wasn't the first time. She just does it to be nasty and play on their insecurities. Imagine her reaction if they did that to her?
  8. She can leave the show and improve it by a gazillion percent. I think she crossed the line into grifterdom, now when she is on it is like some horrible late night investment scam informercial.
  9. so, this was painful. And somehow I was on Tamra's side. HTF did that happen? I only want to see Kelly with a ball gag fastened. I know these women on these shows are vulgar but she just takes it to a new level.
  10. Kelly is a bunny burner; that chick has no clear sense of boundaries. The girls were bugged because she kept getting in their space physically acting like a child and acting like it is "funny." Then she was inappropriately mean to Tamra which instigated Tamra giving it back to her (basically telling her to back off and dfwm). Kelly then proceeds to talk shit about Tamra to one of good friends on the show (a person that is not particularly sympathetic to her) and brings her kid into it which is kind of a taboo on these shows. I feel sorry for Meghan staying with her but then.. .Megs has stirred and escalated enough on her own so maybe it's some therapeutic karma to be stuck in a suite with crazy Kelly. Kelly has no concept of proportionate response.
  11. Well, that is an interesting point. It makes me think about the events of 2008 when the economy crashed and it wasn't hackers who visited that on society. It was the banks, the corporate reinsurance company, the financiers. The government ie. the people had to bail them out and what did they get for their troubles visited by this great self indulgence of the 1%? Loss of employment, foreclosures, homelessness, loss of retirement savings and loss of investments. No bailout for them. So basically our society had a choice on who to bail out, how to fix things because there are other societies (like Iceland) who chose different. In Mr. Robot world, if ECorp is to big to fail, shouldn't they be under pressure to break up into smaller companies? In our reality, the debt was there, in the system. The banks rapaciously foreclosed and the government did worse than nothing and people lost everything-- some people were foreclosed on by mistake and still locked out and all their belongings destroyed. In Mr. Robot's world, if there is no record of debt, can it stand up in court?
  12. This finale was visually stunning. Even if it were just for the screen shots and music, I would keep watching it. I never felt that Tyrell was an alter or a hallucination. He is a character with his own history, dreams and motivations. At one point I considered that there was a third alter and we just did not know who it was-- that was in control with Mr. Robot and Elliott was not. The murder of Sharon Knowles: I believe the only innocent that was killed there was her unborn child. She deliberately climbed those stairs to the roof to meet Tyrell and to cheat on her husband. She was a mercenary person who enjoyed using power/position to control other people--perhaps getting off on that kind of sadism vs. the masochisma control that Joanna demands (this show is one of contrasts-yin/yang). My opinion is that perhaps the baby was not her husbands, maybe that is why she did not seem very happy about finding out she was pregnant and it is interesting that when the couples meet for dinner with Joanna nearing the end of her pregnancy and Susan at the beginning, there is no mention of it. Despite the depiction of these archetypes-- Elliott, the paranoid schizophrenic, Mr. Robot, the anarchist and righter of wrongs, Tyrell the frustrated ambitious corporate striver-- none of them are wrong in a realistic or moral sense in that Evilcorp is truly evil and the drive that motivates those characters is based on truth. "There's a powerful group of people out there that are secretly running the world. I'm talking about the guys no one knows about, the ones that are invisible. The top 1% of the top 1%, the guys that play God without permission." as Elliott says, Tyrell, a previous true believer--he was treated unfairly, the disgruntled screwed over executive and Mr. Robot--he truly is justified in enacting his revenge for what amounts to the deaths caused by Evilcorp's wanton disregard for human life for and their subsequent escape from justice--even the most insignificant financial justice. The show asks which is truly the greater evil? The evil we sedate ourselves against of E-corp or the f-society version where everyone's lives are inconvenienced? F-society is the bomb thrown but has no new system to build to put in its place. Their end game is basically Dark Army's entry point as they do, in fact have a new system, as does E-corp. It reminds me of the Naomi Wolfe's book about Crisis Politics. For example, the crisis of Katrina allowed land to be redistributed; the crisis of 9/11 allowed the Patriot Act and energy companies to get a free pass to destroy our environment. I guess my view of this is colored by the fact I've been binge watching Person of Interest on Netflix. I'm also a big fan of Fight Club, Fringe and Continuum etc.
  13. ha ha ha Meghan shut Heather up by giving that apology. Ultimately, Vicky and Kelly's behavior will repel Heather back into the Meghan/Shannon camp. They are too raunchy and ratchet for her. Meghan knows the proper responses.. ie. how to behave in socially acceptable manner.. ie.: she does not behave like she has had a traumatic brain injury. Actually I think the impetus behind Heather's outrage is her guilt for not going herself. She was the one saying "I have no injury! I'm ok!" Vicky was delivered to a Trauma center where they determined she had no injury and sent her home. I highly doubt they gave her anything stronger than some ibuprofen and a muscle relaxer. She has chronic conditions that were likely exacerbated by the roll. Brianna was not impressed as she is a nurse and knows what actual sick and injured people look and sound like. Maybe Heather did not receive any calls from Meghan because she keeps trying to act like she's her mother. Tamra had no idea what she was doing driving that buggy-- so yeah, she was reckless. But I think it was somewhat planned because why else would Kelly unfasten her helmet? They all had helmets. I love how Tamra's mother asked her why she took it off. It's kind of like Kelly and Vicky are the ultimate slip and fall/car accident victims.. Vicky is just better at the drama. No one uses that kind of collar/brace anymore in hospitals/trauma rooms. We use a Miami collar that actually provides support and keeps the neck immobile. That one Vicky is wearing is for minimal support/injury and to be honest, not really considered to be effective--maybe it came out of the prop closet. Maybe when texting, they could have asked her if she needed anything and either dropped it off themselves or arranged for it to be delivered-- these people not only have more money than God--they all have personal assistants for crying out loud. Someone could have called a personal services agency and done this.
  14. Tasing someone on their pacemaker will not kill them. They have tested this on animals--pigs. Even if the pacemaker had an ICD --taser shocks don't adversely affect it. The taser in this case is like any other weapon, it temporarily knocked the woman out who then fell in the pool and drowned--she could have punched her and done the same thing. I think Darlene did go to the pool room with the intent to kill the lawyer. In this drama series however, it is a recurring situation, it seems everyone is a murderer or an accessory to murder; if they are not, they are a victim. In the last scene of Season One wasn't the CEO of EvilCorp being chummy with the White Rose? Somebody is making bank from FSociety's action. As cynical as Darlene and Elliot are, I am sure they will be profoundly upset to discover they had been manipulated to be useful idiots. I don't know if there are enough therapy hours to help them cope. Angela's response to the plumber family friend/neighbor was really assholey. She could have just walked away. She is drinking the coolaid because he is right, she did sell her soul. I guess the truth hurts. She talks about him cleaning shit for a living but that is exactly what she does every day as PR for those scumbags-- at best she is a collaborator. She knows it too: note the dead eyes and picking up the married daddy figure.
  15. I missed this episode and Fios does not have it On Demand. This is disturbing to me. I spend weeks watching the previous seasons to be all caught up on RHAtlanta history and mythology. Anyway... I find I don't care for Porsha (dumber than rocks and keeps getting stripper surgery-- she is just venal). Shocked Kandee is still married (I still have not seen NeNe & Kandee's weddings, nor Kandee's Ski Trip). I hated Phadra at first, then she grew on me. But this whole hating on Kenya because she flirted with Apollo made me scratch my head and I wanted to yell "He goes to the strip club and pays out your hard earned money for lap dances by naked women the whole day long as his biggest hobby!!!!!!" I can't stand any of the huzzbinns. Greg was creepy the last season. Todd was checked out. Apollo was a lying liar and these stupid people kept believing him so the whole Mr. Chocolate.. from Kenya's position was sweet karma on Phae but her tears about being called a whore? Pure Hollywood. I don't know why NeNe gets more offers for acting gigs when Kenya acts circles around her. I liked Claudia Jordan and thought she was gorgeous, funny and quick on her feet. She served. I thought the standup/shock comedy was a bad idea. I think she would have been a good talk show host -- better than Bethenny. I watch some clips on Bravo-- the Peter Picture Show and don't know why Cynthia still is married to him (duh, probably can't afford a lawyer and court filing fees since he has sucked her dry). The way he was refuting reality made me wonder if he was abusing/gas lighting her. That was some David Beador shit. I didn't really trust the whole Sheree chateau convo-- it seemed kind of chopped up but hell, usually the first fight makes tight friends a few episodes in after the apology lunch and bonding with hatred for someone else. Kenya certainly can't possibly be threatened by her so I think they will find a common frenemy in Porsha (who scared me with hair enough for five people last season).
  16. I think it is kind of ironic that the wife of the plastic surgeon (who just had leeches on her belly) and has had multiple procedures sitting on a stage in which no one has their own natural boobs (except maybe Shannon?) was lecturing Shannon about a monthly enema. It's not a high colonic when it is done at home. However, I do agree she is a bit bowel obsessed. I wonder if she just has chronic constipation.-- I have a friend who also had that. The Dr. Moon guy-- he just probably prescribes vitamins and the colonic/enema is part of his detox program. My friend who had breast cancer and treated it alternatively, she received a series of high colonics-- about 6 in total. They are also commonly recommended as a therapeutic alternative therapy for people who believe they have candida overgrowth (which I think Shannon believes she has this per her explanation of why she does not want vinegar on her salad). If you read The Body Ecology Diet book, they have all those recommendations along with specially fermented foods like kefir, fermented baby coconut water, and specially prepared live cultured shredded vegetables. I think the Candida Diet is now what is in vogue which is basically the same thing. Personally, having seen an actual patients systemically affected by a candida/yeast infection/overgrowth, I don't believe that these practitioners are correct in their "diagnosis." However, cleaning up a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates etc. is probably not a bad thing and won't hurt anyone. I fell asleep part way through the reunion episode.
  17. Actually, some cancer patients gain weight after treatment and it is distressing to them. Particularly with RCHOP, they tend to gain a bunch of weight in the abdomen and it is hard to return to normal, can last years. So after you are done with treatment and have gone into remission, there is a big old gut left that you don't have much energy to work off. Plus, living in Orange County, in a country that already assumes you are a sloth if you are overweight, I can understand him being pleased about it. Plus the prednisone causes a huge appetite. The drug in that cocktail that causes the weight gain can also cause heart failure which presents as fluid overload.
  18. I love Viola Davis but this character that is written for her is one nasty bit of business, all over the place, generally hostile/unbalanced and not very believable. I recently rewatched/binged Damages. The character Patty Hewes was written so much better.
  19. I am addressing Briana's as well as other's assertions that she would know what the treatment was based upon her experience as an ED nurse. The Radiology dept. along with a oncology consult is who would diagnose a pancreatic cancer. Although, for an accurate diagnosis, one needs a biopsy (which is not done in the ED). The perception of being diagnosed "in the ER" notwithstanding. The ER is a gateway and a triage station and emergency treatment for acute events.
  20. Well, this isn't The Real Housewives of Stanford. I don't have such high expectations of materialistic privileged celebrity status seekers.
  21. I'm sorry for your neighbor. I actually work in a city hospital as a floor nurse and have worked in the ER and while people come in with all kinds of different problems, the ER will sent them for testing but get them out of there for treatment. Hardly any of my patients come from the ED with having any of their meds given to them -- only the emergent ones, and maybe 1 in 10 has even been fed and if they cannot get to the toilet under their own steam, probably soiled. No one treats a patient's pancreatic cancer in the ER. They just don't. The ER nurse might give some pain medication but that is about it and they don't have time to ponder over the test results. The turf the patients out to the appropriate inpatient floor or send them home with referrals as soon as possible. One of the quality indicators/care compass goals is shortened stays in the ED. The ED nurse usually does not even have an aide to help. Sometimes they will send a student nurse aide down there to answer bells and help clean patients up but it is not anything they can count on. Typically there is one provider (Dr.) on during the night and maybe 2 during the day. They call in consult MDs if they determine it is a specific problem and the consult decides if they need to admit them. If they are not sure, the patients are sent to an observation floor which is like a 23 hr admission.
  22. There may be more to Brianna's story about the so called pancreatic cancer vs pancreatitis. For example, If it is true that Brooks has NHL, then it is entirely possible that he had a mass by his pancreas or causing some elevation of enzymes and/or inflammation of the pancreas d/t it. There are always 3 truths when it comes to these Ho's interactions... maybe 4 truths when the Bravo production monkeys are involved.
  23. Just watch Fat Actress on Showtime. Kirstie Alley is so awesome. Plus, she is a funny and happy person on the inside and you don't have to deal with the Mommy issues. It is scripted and way more entertaining.
  24. Honestly, as I was scrolling down my channel select menu, I almost watched the story about the 24 lb scrotum instead on TLC. It took everything I had to not select it. I bet it would have been way more interesting.
  25. I think chronic pancreatitis is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. I have taken care of plenty of people who have suffered with pancreatitis. It is very painful. Often people who get this have alcoholism and they generally suffer from fatty liver disease as well so are advised not to drink afterwards. Those usually are people who suffer from it more than once. Who knows what really was his problem. The entire Brooks story is so stupid. I feel like if there had not been such a war about Vicki seeing him this would not even be an issue. Brianna is guilty of adding to the drama about him thus bringing more attention to Brooks. Vicki is so immature, I bet she even would have lost interest had this not been a focus. If Brianna had not moved to OK, she probably would have. I also think the situation between Shannon and Vicki is more than meets the eye on the show. The whole Shannon thinking the blue enema tip cover was stuck in her butt was funny. But then I have nurse humor and since I have had to actually use those tap water/soap suds enema bags on people-- it made me think of the early days of nursing. Brianna speaking from her experience as an ED nurse really has no experience with cancer treatment, only the complications of treatment that would bring a cancer patient to the ED--Other than nursing school which does not really spend a long time on cancer. She can tell you a lot about drug overdoses and cardiac/pulmonary emergencies though!
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