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Everything posted by Lucelu

  1. Well, Heather can really say whatever the fu$z she wants to say. At least she is kind. She doesn't need permission from Bethenny. . if you can't stand the heat.... get out of the kitchen. No crying in baseball.... etc etc. This is getting very boring. I hope in T/C Sonja tells Beth to just stop tending to her and stop trying to censure her! She has a team and abundance candles helping her and B. needs to work her own shit out! LOL (can we pleeze pleeze have Sonja tell her she's harshing her buzz and dragging her down and to fucking lighten up and .and... snatch shot!) Where's the tequila? We want chewy Margarita's! None of this diet crap. Bethenny might be amusing with her little zingers but just like Skinny Girl, ugh, the aftertaste.
  2. Well, maybe since Bethenny already has a job... she should have refrained from signing up for another job--Especially considering she sleeps on a bed of money. If this was really about a little girl who wants to be with her mom, Bethenny would not be on my tv. But she's a famewhore who cannot get out of her own way and life in front of the camera is her lifestyle choice. She has no problems filming for her own individual stuff-- meeting her therapist, meeting her license renters, meeting her stepfather, riding with her poor miserable assistants, viewing property with her real estate agent (while soaking him with bitter tears and oversharing).
  3. Oh Ramona, a textile jobber is afraid of angora. Puhleeze. The only sensory disorder she has is her sense of empathy, deportment and etiquette. She entered that room thirsty for blood. The conversations that Luann, Heather and Kristen had irt Bethenny expressed concern. The conversations Bethenny and Ramona had irt Heather and Kristen expressed snide disdain. If Bethenny has her kid 50% of the time, she could have easily had them schedule that trip during the 50% of the time Bryn is with Daddy. So the scheduling is really no one else's problem but hers and since I can barely stomach her for the hour of television, I can only imagine how exhausting she will be when she is supposed to "relax." I would be bringing my own bottle of hootch to ward off any neurological effects that sugar substitute in SG might contain that clearly isn't doing Bethenny any favors. Girl needs a Prozac and a Xanax. Why should Heather and Kristen even give a shit about what Bethenny is "going through" -- They are not her friends, they barely even know her. IRT Ramona, I would be toasting some marshmallows over her conflagration. All the times she was so smug telling women who were going through tough times how "I have it all" the "full package" "perfect husband, great marriage, etc. etc." I just want to play that shit in a montage with some Westeros Nun yelling Shame Shame Shame and ringing her bell next to her head. There is a reason Pride is first of the 7 Deadly Sins.
  4. There are a certain amount of agist remarks that I have noticed. The Bethenny incident with the 4 year old's tshirt on was not about "acting your age" -- to me it was more about exhibiting a eating disorder because frankly, she could pose in any size 0 tshirt but to pose in one that you say fits your four year old -- as a public figure, that is pretty irresponsible and had the potential of creating a viral meme. But yes, the fact is that some of of the behavior of the cast is troublesome and while it could be stated they are behaving in an undignified manner not congruent with their age; I think much of that is unattractive, unsafe and uncouth at any age. If they were men, we'd consider them pigs (Sonja). Wearing a tshirt that says "Trouble" is hardly reaching that caliber. I'm shocked we are not getting NYPD and ED coverage because Sonja is a tawdry drunken 911 incident waiting to happen. Ramona is a nutbag. I could see the crazy starting to roll at her manicure meeting. She's been working herself up to storm Heather, Luann, or Kristen for the past few episodes and Kristen is the one who will give her the least pushback -- where she can actually land a wound. However, I can see Heather getting in her face if she continues. Bethenny is just exhausting. I think she needs to go to a support group for women who can't ever be happy without sabotaging themselves. This chick can't seem to maintain intimate relationships without a victim list. Her problem with the TC trip is that she has another trip planned- likely with her bf. Carole doesn't bother me. I really like Dorinda. I think all Dorinda needs is to see the Ramonja Coaster in action and she will be hanging with Luann and Heather in the "we don't know those crazy bitches" corner. Bethenny might try and convince Sonja to try to get production paid rehab-- good luck. Sonja will only show up if she knows Kim Richards, Lindsey Lohan and John Hamm will be there (or are these celebs not vintage enough.. does she need Brian Wilson, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Truman Capote there instead?). (Yes... I know, Seymour Hoffman died but so did John K. Jr. and she partied with him!)
  5. I really found the friendship between Mica and Daisy to be heartwarming. They cracked me up when Daisy is visiting and they are doing their NY Jewish Housewife accent. I really like Mica and I feel very badly for her losses- her father, sister, grandmother and now one of her best friends has a life threatening cancer. Plus the bs with her ex Terry. I hope this new guy turns out to be a good one for her. She needs a partner that grounds her a little, make it safer for her to get all Mica Crazy. Last season I felt so bad for her when she was put in that taxicab all alone at the Hamptons. I thought, man, no one will be her friend and make sure she gets home safe and make the girl some tea? Give her a shoulder to cry on? I like Daisy, even though she can be a bit much sometimes. She is an optimist who is starting to get panicked by how ill she feels. Radiation takes so much out of you. It takes literally 10 months after the last radiation treatment to get your energy back. I saw the prayer vigil as a way for Daisy to work out her fear that the treatment would not work. This crazy altercation with Geneva and Melissa. Geneva had all the talking heads after the incident so I don't know the show is trying to make her less sympathetic. I think she should have gone to the wedding. The argument really wasn't about Demetria--there is some personal shit going on between Geneva and Melissa. M. just used Demetria and Geneva mouthing off about it as an excuse. I think M. was just drunk and belligerent. I don't know why Arzo kept touching her... maybe to try to calm her down? Demetria... I'm glad she got her day. I agree with the consensus about the dress- not attractive on the bride and I am almost convinced that a strapless dress would be almost equally horrendous. I also can't think of a day more deserving of taking out the Spanx then your wedding- the pictures and video are forever. Wasn't this a Fall wedding? Well, she is a woman who (on this show) seems to take herself too seriously and so I guess her husband suits her. These are not the people you invite to your party, they are the people you invite to a lecture.
  6. I rewatched/listened yesterday when Bravo replayed the past 3 episodes. Heather was helping Dorinda with the hosting-- I saw them both working at place settings before dinner and she was greeting people at the door. I think the place where Heather really stepped out of line was when she told Bethenny: "I'll say whatever the eff I want to say" comment. Being nice and welcoming to a person is not a horrible faux pas. Bethanny drew more attention to herself with her exposition of how she didn't want attention and her deep dark despair etc. I think Heather trying to take her away was to have a private word without everyone looking at her (Bethenny). She should have just dropped it. Buddying up with Sonja to hide from attention is kind of hilarious. Speaking of Sonja, if there were a tv show with real scripts to play her I would nominate Jan Shakowsky after seeing her on Younger. She really captures the narcissistic hot mess. I can totally see her playing Lady Morgan. I think Kristen confronting Bethenny at the ASO event was stupid. And Bethenny was very rude to Luann. Other than that, what I have seen of Kristen this season is a cast member who is willing to be kind and supportive to her other coworkers/cast mates. Ramona really set her up at Dorinda's, holy crap- that was some expert shit stirring action there. Carol's comment at the dinner that she didn't have to back up that Heather is a supportive friend who offers great advice and that in the future she (Heather) won't ever make that mistake to Bethanny again. I kind of wish she had said that out loud at the table. The whole "Heather is so fake" convo between Ramona and Bethanny made me roll my eyes. Yes, she smiled and was cordial because she is polite. She had manners. Leave it to those two to scratch their heads about social appropriateness. I do feel badly for what Bethenny had to grow up with and her challenges with her personality. However, I don't really feel sorry about her divorce problems. She brought that on herself. Her concern about spending time with her kid? Well, she blew up her kid's world and she only has herself to blame for that. We see that with Avery, her relationship with her father is important to her and while she is over 18, she has to now try to negotiate the two of them. Try being 4 and doing that. When you marry someone, you take an oath and unless that person is cheating on you, abusive, or practicing addiction--drugs or alcohol, it is on the people who made those vows to figure out how to make it work. Two years is not long enough,especially with a baby in the house. She should not prolong the agreement either. At least have the class to pay for good relations if you can't bring it to preserve the marriage.
  7. I actually like Kristen. She, like Dorinda is a good foil for this group of very strong and "out there" personalities. I have no problems with her. People can go on about Bethenny "caring" so much about Sonja. I believe her caring is entirely camera related. They were so-called friends before this season and Sonja has been a hot drunken cougar mess who was literally depressing to watch spiral. She too has been going through difficult court problems, issues with her ex-husband and shared custody. She certainly is easy enough to find. Why Sonja managed to show up on time to the "brand reunion meeting" and behaved like a sober adult rather than a diva who can't manage her own feminine hygiene products independently probably has more to do with her innate sense of snobbery. Heather was just not as wealthy as Bethenny. It's all about the dollahs.
  8. I'd try Krsten's polsh-- I like the green color and there are a couple of other ones I'd try. I don't think $8 is unreasonable. I have a lot of different brands in my manicure kit and it's one of those things I will pick up extra when shopping. I am kind of curious about her bottles-- wonder if they will tip and spill or if there is catch at the top like lip gloss. If there is, they would be great to toss in your purse for touch ups. I have tried Heather's products too and like them. Don't drink Ramona Pinot -- mostly because she turns into some kind of raging nutbag when she drinks it. Also have not tried Skinny Girl because... well, tbh, Beth looks like she has some kind of ED and the idea she pushes something called Skinny Girl makes me sad.
  9. When Beth said the whole spiel to Luann about Heather rocking her and breastfeeding her, Lu was like whoa whoa whoa-- and the realization truly dawned upon her that Bethenny really is an asshole.
  10. If the highest priority is having unfettered access to your child, it seems to me... that you figure out a way to stay married and happy with their father. You invest in the relationship, not the reality show. If there is a gag order on the divorce, it is probably because of her-- bad mouthing Jason in the media. If you do a google search on why Bethenny filed for divorce... all you see is links to things Bethenny said about Jason. She sent him a letter telling him she was filing for divorce, not even a face to face discussion? And then filed for sole custody. I don't understand this whining about her privacy on reality TV. She has really had the bull horn on this since day 1. Whatever her history, this lady really has become a very toxic person who has become successful in business despite her poor social skills. Just imagine having to be this person's waitress... UGH.
  11. Bethanny at the therapists.. "Boring, this conversation bores me... I'm falling asleep now. I'm sleeping now....." I really am sick of hearing about her crazy life, horrible divorce and poor child. It's like hearing Sonja's ex complaining about his insane delusional wife who thinks she's a filmmaker and he's divorcing her and she wants more money. Boofuckinghoo. Doesn't their daughter attend boarding school? Couples get divorced all the time. My parents got divorced when I was young. In the 70's, divorce was very nasty and kids were put into poverty. Bryn is a privileged little girl who just happens to live with each parent half the time, just like at least 50% of the children in her household income bracket in NYC. She's lucky both parents stay in town and actually spend time with her instead of leaving her with the nanny all the time while they jet set around making their business deals and vacationing. Bethany can end it any time by just agreeing with his demands. So she might have to sell one of her houses of which she inexplicably cannot live in. I know a gal who was building a house and she had sold her old one, was staying with her kids at her mother in laws while the house was getting finished and had to pay her husband child support because she did not have a permanent address yet. She could have rented an apartment but nope. Also, many of us had crappy sometimes violent childhoods punctuated by alcoholism and drug use yet still manage to have successful relationships, stable marriages and raise well adjusted kids. Of course, we don't attempt to sign on to every reality show we hear about either. Heather in her most obnoxious scenes does not hold a candle to Bethanny being Bethanny being a rude dickhead. For example... she doesn't put her hands to her ears and yell to the person in front of her saying "I can't hear this anymore. You are making my brain hurt, I'm out of here." Speaking of which I am so sick of Bethanny on this show. For one thing, I'd like to know Dorinda better, she seems like an intelligent, well rounded individual who has social skills. I'd like to see Jake and see how he is doing as well as his sister, and Kristen's kids too. Can't Heather and Kristin get a scene where they are on a kid/family outing like normal women with kids? Dorinda hasn't met their families either. Sonja is a train wreck and really not that interesting. I think she is mentally ill and Ramona needs to not mix her valium with her Pinot because it makes her evil. I think Kmart could have been a dig but I think that is payback for the Lady Morgan forcing her out in the freezing wet cold with the horrible construction and their luggage. That was a personal and very rude and the opposite of gracious hostess behavior. I normally don't like to remark on appearances but Bethanny's nose is really distracting.
  12. I know there are some selective editing and producer manipulations and the incident in the Hamptons seemed kind of crazy and disjointed. I was just surprised that none of these women who professed to care about Mica or be her friend, left with her and sat with her. The woman was in some obvious deep pain/grief and was just out of control with it. I would have gone home with her to make sure she was safe and had someone to talk to. She just lost her father. I thought that Brie made a lot of assumptions about the level of grief that Mica was experiencing vs. what she would experience in their follow up meeting. Brie could not even bring herself to express true empathy to her at their sit down... "I have nothing to say." Now Mica was a hot mess, no doubt. She had been drinking which is not really a big deal for a holiday weekend but she lost her basket most definitely-- however I don't think her behavior was malicious... just embarrassing perhaps-- for her if she saw her footage but like I said, there is some selective editing and I can't imagine if this person often behaves like this in public that depends on such an image dependant business. I felt very badly for her, she was in a emotionally inflamed place. I really think she took the feelings of the perceived rejection from her father and transferred it to the ladies at the party.
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