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Everything posted by CountryGirl

  1. ITA agree Caroline needs to get off her high horse - she has no leg to stand on in this regard - and if I hear about her affair with Ridge being "just a few kisses" one more time, I'm going to tear my hair out. She didn't just kiss Ridge once, she kissed him multiple times, knows the taste of his mouth, the feel of his arms wrapped around her, the feel of his hair beneath her fingertips, knows his scent (which, probably ew). Not to mention all of the sexually laced scenes of him "coaching" her with drawing. Add in all the weeks of the shared intimacy of their little "secret" and it was a full-blown emotional and physical affair. The fact that they didn't immediately jump in the sack doesn't earn them any prize; rather, it shows how deeply connected they were on an emotional level. I don't agree with Rick's actions of sleeping with Maya/the loveshack etc while Caroline was still under the assumption that he wanted to work on the marriage as two wrongs certainly don't make a right, but I'm also tired of hearing about how Rick is being a "baby" about all of this. Was Caroline acting like a mature grown-up with her actions with Ridge or even her actions now of stalking Rick to the point of harassment? Hardly. Not to mention, claiming that she wants to "save" her marriage and two seconds later, running to Ridge to boo-hoo and get her wounded little ego stroked once again. How did Miss Thang expect to save her marriage when she is still clearly wrapped up in Ridge? I think she wanted to have her time with Ridge and get her fix working with him and fantasizing about him and having sexy drawing times and then go home to Rick and play house and make a baby (and note how she commented that Ridge didn't want kids at this stage - very telling but I'm sure he'll be happy to share his seed with you, darling). I guess she thought she could have her cake and eat it, too. Too bad Rick decided the bakery was closed and he wasn't going to be the back-up choice. But back to Rick's actions - as I said, I think he has taken this way too far but then again, he has tried numerous times to tell Caroline it's over and in his mind, it was over the day he found out exactly what his wife had been up to, which was his right. However, to say he's acting like a spoiled brat or a baby...how exactly should Rick have responded to learning that his beloved wife, whom he trusted completely, and adored and was faithful to in EVERY sense of the word had an affair with his mortal enemy? Apparently, he should have taken the high road and taken her back because it was just a "few kisses." Because I'm sure that we would respond calmly and rationally and nobly if our spouse or significant other did what Caroline did and be able to do so within a couple of weeks of being blindsided and suckerpunched. All Carowhine seems to care about is Carowhine and conveniently forgets that SHE is the one who started this shitstorm. Her whining about "I made a mistake" and that Rick should just immediately say, "There, there, you just couldn't help yourself, I mean, it is RIDGE after all and of course I'll take you back is ridiculous" and again, she's claiming to want a life with Rick while all the while still slinking around and eye-fucking Ridge. Who is, of course, with nary a consequence. As usual. If Caroline truly wanted Rick back, she should have stopped calling it a mistake, kept up with the apologies without any "buts", given Rick the space he needed to process this, let alone even begin to accept it and start to heal, and made it clear that she would do everything in her power to prove to him that she could be loyal and trustworthy again, even if he ultimately decided it was a deal-breaker for him. But all I saw was her saying she made a mistake and that she was really, really sorry and could they just kiss and make up? With Ridge's kiss barely cooled on her lips? But now, apparently, she finally gets it and can do what she's been wanting to do for months. Make the most out of these next few days or weeks because honey, it ain't gonna last. A word to slayer2 - I'd like to marry your posts. ;-)
  2. Carter may be hot, especially his physique that TPTB continuously and shamelessly show off (not that I'm complaining) but a cigar-store Indian has more personality.
  3. So Caroline finally gets that it's over and now, she can get it on with Ridge. Enjoy him while you can, sweetheart, because as soon as the shiny newness of you wears off, Ridge will be moving on to the next new thing or, as is his perennial habit, sniffing around Brooke when she returns. Just because he can. Why Caroline thinks she is going to snag Ridge once and for all is beyond me. Brooke, supposedly the love of his life for nearly three decades, got tossed whenever it suited him, so what makes her think she's some special snowflake, capable of keeping him loyal and faithful and "in love" with her where Brooke, Taylor, Katie, et al, couldn't?
  4. I don't think Rick thinks a mother shouldn't support her son, but not carte blanche the way Stephanie did Ridge all those years, where she never reined him in. Not as an adult and it's pretty clear she let him have his way in all things as a child - thus, the entitled, self-centered man-child we've been treated to all these years. I have to disagree that Brooke enabled and mollycoddled Rick his entire life. Just the fact of her putting Ridge above herself and her own children and taking him back numerous times and having her children, Rick included, in the constant cycle of rejection and hurt, isn't my definition of enabling and mollycoddling. I don't blame Rick for being angry at how Stephanie's "raising" of Ridge is a huge factor in his being an ass today. Talk about enabling his every move almost before he made it. And finally, when Brooke confides to Rick that she "loves him more than any man," listens outside his door while he has sex with a big grin on her face, and orchestrates someone's rape, then we can compare the two women in the same sentence.
  5. It is a shame that their relationship is tainted now because this is the first pairing where TK has really clicked with someone. I could have overlooked a lot - the age difference, Smidge being, well, Smidge - I can't get on board with them now. But let them get together, to give their fans something, I suppose, and let Caroline's eyes be opened to who Ridge really is - a selfish, self-absorbed man-child who, once the shiny newness of his partner wears off, is trolling for something new. If that's what she wanted, she could go back to Rick and he was completely devoted to her before she betrayed him. And, FWIW, I will walk on hot coals before I'd support Rick with Maya.
  6. Since I hated Stephanie with the fire of a thousand suns and that bitch was totally dead to me when she orchestrated Brooke's rape, I am gleeful over the portrait. Serves the dead hag, right, and hope she is spinning in hell right now. A word about Maya turning a hug into a full blown affair. Um, no, Ridge and Caroline did that all on their own and sex or no sex, it was an affair and still is an affair because she is still hung up on Ridge. Just because Maya didn't know the full truth when she outed them doesn't negate what really happened. I agree with kia that she picked up on things because they gave off enough smoke to signal a forest fire. Caroline does need to move on and if Rick does come to his senses, well, too little, too late, for him, because I agree that he is taking this too far. But at least he has told her, once and for all, that their marriage is over. A thing she should have done with Rick before she acted on her feelings for Ridge or at least share the direction her thoughts were heading. Listening to her today with Liam and the other day with Ridge, I don't see this as some big love. The way she gushes about him, all starry-eyed and breathless, isn't love. At its worst, a teenage crush, at best, it's limerance. What she had with Rick was real love, a mature love, where, when they got engaged, she became less scatter-brained and more focused, more caring of others, while still retaining some of her silly, self-absorbed nature. I grew to like that Caroline, but now, watching her weep over Rick and Maya in the same breath that she is singing Ridge's praises, ugh, I can't stand her.
  7. I agree that Rick is using Maya to prove that he is "over" Caroline when nothing could be further from the truth. All of his over-flaunting of their relationship, especially the moving her into the mansion and the ugly-ass portrait, is a smokescreen for what's really going on with him. And I think he does realize what he's doing and part of him is thinking, you can put the brakes on here and end this farce fiasco, but the other part that is just hell-bent on getting his own back is determined to see this through and the consequences be damned. He is self-sabotage at its ugliest. And Maya is dumb as dirt if she thinks Rick is in love with her, but then again, I never gave Bambi Doe Eyes much credit in the intelligence department.
  8. Yesterday's show was on fire. First, Eric with Ridge, where he wasn't buying Ridge's revisionist history. I would have loved to line up Thorne, Kristen, and Felicia in that room to completely refute the he wasn't the favored, golden child BS he attempted to spin. Eric fully realizes this and I think that fact and the ridiculousness of him making Rick CEO contingent on him being a couple with Caroline (when that should not be a factor, his business acumen should be) is making him take a long look and realize how he's sold Rick short because of Ridge. I doubt it will last because no matter what Ridge does, including joining rival Spectra, it has never been enough to unseat him as number one son. Next, Ivy and Maya. Ivy could barely hold back her contempt of Maya's storming in and taking over the Forrester mansion. And really TPTB, what does Eric signing those papers have to do with this? Yes, he'll be gone but I don't see where he would be in agreement with that once he finds out. I guess to add more drama and have Stepher's portrait turning topsy-turvy? Finally, Rick and Caroline. OMG, the hurt in Rick's face. This is more than just the betrayal of Caroline with another man, but THiS man, Ridge, the man who not only hurt his mother countless times, but also hurt him as a little boy, and his younger sisters and brother with nary a backward glance. Yes, I get that Rick is a grown man and should "get over it," but how does one easily get over a lifetime of hurt, disappointment, and rejection at the hands of a man you looked to as a father? Remember, way back when, Ridge asked Eric to step aside so he could play daddy to Rick and Bridget and all was well until Thombait came along and then it was Rick and Bridget WHO? Rick had to mop up not only his mother's tears and his sister's tears but plenty of tears of his own because as much as I love Brooke, I'm sure she was too busy being a crying heap on the floor after Ridge walked out for the hundredth time to be there for him as she should have been. And I think Brooke shares in the blame for Rick's baggage as she kept.taking.the.king.of.the.assholes.back. Much like the futility in watching Titanic, she had to know how the story would end. And Rick watched Ridge repeat his abandonment and rejection tactics with Hope and RJ with nary a backward glance. But Ridge being typical entitled Ridge has never atoned, much less apologized for his actions. He does what he wants, when he wants, and the consequences be damned. This latest stunt with Caroline is no different. Do I think he has actual feelings for Caroline? Maybe, as much as someone like Ridge can care about someone other than himself. But don't tell me that it had as much to do with screwing over "Ricky boy" as it did with true wuv. It's pretty clear Caroline was clueless and I would wager to say willfully blind with regard to how Ridge has treated Rick. She may not have known their troubled past but as Rick said, "Did you see how he treats me, of course you have, you used to defend me, back me up right here in this room. But I guess his gaze, was too much and made you forget all of that." She chose to be blind and keep Ridge on the pedestal instead of standing by her husband's side. So her betrayal started long before she ever locked lips with him. Of all the men she could have chosen, he was the absolute worst possible choice and Caroline knew how Ridge treated Rick and was so swept up in Ridge and the idea of being with him and running FC that she didn't give two shits about her husband. As Rick said, he likely could have forgiven her for kissing someone else - anyone else - but not him. And this was not just a few kisses - it was the secrecy of knowing Ridge's issues - a secret that could have been catastrophic in terms of the company - and lied - yes, lied - to her husband about Ridge's inability to draw. And then the growing feelings and keeping those a secret. they had an emotional affair long before they kissed (and I think many betrayed individuals would argue the emotional affair is far more dangerous) that turned physical with kissing, an act many also consider far more intimate than sex. Contrast that with Rick's total transparency, his telling her immediately when Maya came on to him in the steam room (which he shut down immediately). Once he committed to Caroline, he never gave Maya another look or thought. So, I may be in the minority here, but I don't blame Rick. I don't like that he took up with Maya because she will never fill the void and hurt in him that too many years of rejection at Ridge's hands and how every other woman he has ever loved has wronged him. Two wrongs certainly don't make a right, but he is hurt and angry and lashing out in the wrong way but it's so clear how much he still loves Caroline. It's eating him up inside. I do believe Caroline still loves him but I think if Ridge crooked his little finger, she'd go running and again, probably in the minority here, but asshole, entitled Ridge cavorting with a woman young enough to be his daughter because he can does nothing for me - I don't care how growl-y voiced he is or how much he smells her hair. And the fact that their relationship on this level started as an affair (and one targeted to screw with Rick) will forever taint them for me. And a word about Caroline feeling Rick is puppy love and Ridge is mature love and how she's a grown up now? Infidelity is nothing but selfish and immature. If anything she's regressed back into the same spoiled girl she was when she arrived. And yes, Rick is being immature as well. I have to wonder if Rick didn't immediately express that he wanted her back but chose to keep to himself to work through is pain (i.e. not have hooked up with Maya again), would she be this adamant about saving their marriage? Rick doesn't want to be the consolation prize, the "winner" by default. He wants FC on his own merits and a wife who loves him simply for no other reason than he exists on the earth. As he stated, no woman ever gets over Ridge...and he deserves more than that. I must say that I was somewhat moved by Caroline's speech at the end, about her taking the knocks, being humiliated, Rick's unfaithfulness, being angry and finally understanding that she trespassed on something deep inside of Rick. I even agree that no other woman would stand for the crap he's pulling on her EXCEPT for the fact that she has been, since this entire situation started, making hero-worship or fuck-me eyes at Ridge and feeling entitled to do so. So for me, she's still in the fog of the affair and as such, she doesn't have much leg to stand on where Maya is concerned. She is in love with Ridge for crying out loud and still in the thick of things in that regard. No matter how much she fights or the pretty speeches she makes, I still believe that she would dump Rick in a heartbeat for Ridge and Rick knows it and that's why he's in such pain.
  9. So the vapor that is Dope disappeared into thin air? Sounds perfect for her. Can't say I'm surprised that Badley is recasting but let's not make that recast too soon, mmkay? As much as it pains me to admit it, Bill and Katie (when she's not playing the part of the harpy shrew) have something special, but I still want Brill. Not simply because I don't want Ridge to go sniffing around Brooke again (even RM returning couldn't make me get back on the wobbly-about-to-fall-in Bridge again), but because I think it's the best pairing Brooke has ever had. Not to mention a Kill reunion would put Katie on a bigger high horse than she already is, having "won" the booby prize of all time, Ridge, from Brooke. The smuggery would be obscene if she managed to hook Bill again. And I don't even think she wants either man all that much - she just wants to be wanted and if she steals a man from Brooke, so much the better. I think she just wants to spend her days leading them around with rings - or maybe ribbons - through their noses.
  10. I could not believe the audacity of that bitch blaming Wyatt for what happened, but then again, this is Princess Hope. She Who Shall Do No Wrong. She is a grown-ass woman who could have and should have filed a restraining order against Quinn a long time ago, but did she? Nope. Because she's Dope. She has yet to take responsibility for the decisions she's made in life, including marrying Wyatt because like the spoiled child she is, she simply couldn't wait when Liam was late. And the cold, calculating demeanor about her - she had absolutely zero thought for Wyatt and his pain as it was his baby, too. When he said that, it was like there was nothing behind those cold, flinty eyes. I'm sure all she was thinking about is well, that baby was the only thing keeping me tied to you and now I'm free to be with Liam. Which is not surprising because she didn't waste a minute racing to Liam after his baby with Steffy died to gush over how now they could be together. I am so glad she's gone.
  11. Although I'm sorry to see Brooke not have any daughters on canvas, I can't say I'm sorry to see Dope go. Of course, they'll probably recast to keep the dreaded triangle with ChickenHead and Waffles chugging away for another 10-20 years. Or will CH go after Ivy now, giving Quinnsane a new gal to target. RuntheTable...please tell me that was a Halloween costume for Ronn because I know his style choices have been, ahem, questionable (especially his scarf obsession), but this is really bad.
  12. While I welcome a break from the Waffles and Chicken trio and love the smack-down Eric gave to Ridge, I just can't with this Ridge and Caroline are in wuv storyline. Because this isn't about love at all. Smidge is absolutely using Caroline. For a smart, savvy girl, she needs to wake up and smell the manipulation. His supposed feelings for Caroline have nothing to do with her and everything to do with yanking Rick's chain and causing trouble at FC. And this suddenly Caroline's in love with Ridge after a few grope, I mean, drawing sessions when all we've ever seen up until that point was her totally devoted to Rick. I could buy hero-worship, though why she has this thug on a pedestal, I will never know. And hero-worship or not, Caroline's first loyalty should be to her husband, not this Neanderthal posing as Ridge. I knew they were headed for trouble when the minute she learned about Smidge's inability to draw, she didn't tell Rick and kept it a secret all these weeks. As her husband, he had the right to know. As the president of FC, he had the right to know. Smidge's MO is to take down Rick at any cost and if Rick/Caroline's marriage suffers or worse, ends in divorce, well, I guess he'll just chalk it up to collateral damage and Bambi Doe Eyes Maya will just swoop in like the gold-digging vulture she is to mend Rick's broken heart. The only thing I can see out of this is Katie's eyes being opened to who exactly she's "engaged" to - the same pompous, arrogant, self-centered bastard Brooke was victimized by for far too many years. He's certainly a far cry from the poetry spouting, sensitive soul she thought she was getting. Or perhaps she'll drink the same Kool-Aid Brooke drank for years and be understanding and stand by her man while he paws over a woman young enough to be his granddaughter.
  13. I didn't mind Nicket (Nick/Bridget) because AJ and JW did have have chemistry (which spilled over, for a time, offscreen). But hands down, my favorite Nick pairing was with Felicia. Sigh for Flick and what could have been.
  14. While I loved the Brooke/Eric scenes, flashbacks included, it is truly ridiculous to see Brooke back to self-flagellating and spouting the same revisionist history her haters have crowed about for years. You need to figure out who you ARE, Brooke? Well, take a seat and let me tell you. You are a loving, giving, supporting mother, aunt, sister, and friend. You are a sexy, inventive, romantic lover. You are an intelligent, savvy business woman with the education and experience to helm any business anywhere on the planet. You are wonderfully flawed and relate-able unlike a certain Plastic quack and SourPuss sister. For her to think otherwise is just downright BS.Of course, I'm an unabashedly Brookie and my bias clearly shows. ;-P WTF was Katie thinking, letting Will play with a coin and laughing about it? I was shaking my head at that as well as Katie cozying up to Bill, telling herself that he's so much better and different AWAY from Brooke. No, you stupid, deluded little twit, he's different BECAUSE of Brooke. He can co-parent with Katie and co-exist and be comfortable not because he's still in wuv with Katie but because Brooke has allowed him to see how it's better for Will if they get along. But ego-kibble-addict Katie is just lapping up the change in him and thinking it's because of her. Guess her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard? Puh-lease. Bill is playing nice because of Will and I think we can all agree that Katie is much more pleasant in the presence of her son and when she's trolling for more attention. Plus, when she's with Bill, like this, she sees how very clearly she threw the best thing to ever happen to her away though she would never admit that. She could have a strong, confident, takes no prisoners man who is yes, brash and ballsy and sometimes an asshole. Bill vs the waffling, mama's boy who can't draw who is daily putting his hands on a girl young enough to be his daughter yet can only be bothered to put a string on it where their engagement is concerned. But in that pea-brain of hers, she is still trying to convince herself Smidge is so perfect and if she can have both men panting after her, that's fine and dandy. I'm sure if she knew Deacon were sniffing around Brooke, she'd be after him as well. Because it honestly doesn't matter who Katie is with, in her eyes, so long as Brooke is alone and miserable. Dare I say it, I kinda like Quinncon. I don't want them messing with Brooke and Bill but Bill can easily squash that noise. But they do have chemistry and it sure beats the kiddie pool, Bambi Doe Eyes, and Smidge and his sad tale of "I can't drawwww" woes.
  15. They can't pin this one on Quinn, not this time, IMO. Quinn could have held up the plane, set up an entire obstacle course for Liam to run through, or thrown herself into that dang river for all I care and I still don't blame Quinn for this one. The reason Liam and Hope didn't get married and that Wype DID get married is because Hope couldn't wait a few hours or even a few more minutes for Liam to get there. And really, Liam, you couldn't TEXT Hope to say, hey, I'm on my way, see you soon, etc.? But seriously, Hope waited until 3pm and then when Liam didn't show right on the dot, she took off for Wyatt like the spoiled, immature, little girl she still is. This is something you do when you're in junior high and the boy who promised to take you didn't show. So, you go dance with another boy. Not our Hope-less - you don't show up right.this.second and I'm MARRYING someone else. What a clueless little twit she is.
  16. Pretty decent opener. One Ramos down, but i agree with whoever said they would have preferred Elena (aka Skeletor) to be gone vs Drew. Although if I hear about "poor Papi" one more time, my head is going to explode. Poor Sue Ellen, thinking she's responsible for the fire and OMG with the Aqua Velvet. I am glad to see kick-ass Pamela back in action, but I hate what they've done to her relationship with John Ross, which was my main reason to watch outside of the fabulous PD and LG. I do hope they get back together but only after she rakes him over the coals and back again. Emma - please go and take your BSC family, Ann included, with you. Free Bobby! Nicoquin is hot - too hot for the likes of Skeletor. They need someone new for Christopher - Heather bores me to tears, they have zero chemistry (he had far more chemistry with Pamela), and it's pretty clear that she'll reunite her little family now that her ex (can't remember his name) is in the clear. Love me some JL, but at the rate she's going with her scenery chewing, the mansion's going to run out of furniture.
  17. Put me down as holding out for Quinn and Liam as well. They have far more chemistry than he ever had with either KM or JMW and it must be a refreshing change for SC, who I think is actually a pretty decent actor, to spar with someone away from the kiddie pool. In those scenes at his house (before ChickenHead - LOL LOVE that nickname! - showed up), I expected them to start going at it any moment. Wouldn't that just blow Princess Hope's pea brain?
  18. Lurker (and longtime watcher - 1987, baby!) signing in here. LOL at Ridge and his scribbles. Guess somebody should have spent a little time in Paris on DRAWING vs poetry reading and helicopter piloting. Of course, this is Fridge, not Ridge, so nothing he does surprises me at this point.
  19. Bill punching Ridge was awesome. I hate that pompous ass, even more so now that TK is in the role. In fact, I think Ridge getting punched in the face should be a regular part of the show. And love, love, love him giving RJ a sword necklace (no matter how ridiculous I think the necklaces are). Anything that sticks in Ridge's craw is a-ok by me. Katie truly is pathetic - having to reassure her man (and herself) that it's okay for him to be so concerned about Brooke's love life, so much so that he's stealing her ring and getting into a physical altercation with Bill. Doesn't she get that Ridge not wanting Brooke until she's with someone else is part of his playbook? Or even if he doesn't want her, he doesn't want her to be with anyone else - ever. Hope she enjoys sleeping with one eye open the rest of her life. And she gets zero sympathy from me. After all (and this is conveniently white-washed out of the show), she had no qualms about stealing Bridget's husband, Nick, and getting pregnant by him, all the while, her adoring niece is working her fingers to the bone to find a cure for her heart condition.
  20. I love the one where Mr. Bear goes missing and they realize Mr. Bear was the gift the girls' mom (Pam) got Stephanie when Michelle was born and they they watch the home movies with Pam bringing Michelle home from the hospital.
  21. GoT is an embarrassment of riches when it comes to amazing lines, but this one is probably my favorite. It's Catelyn, speaking to Renly, about his so-called army. "Because they are the knights of summer and winter is coming."
  22. "World, you are WONDERFUL!" A perfect phrase to accompany Adam's Gay Prance of Sight.
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