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  1. Thank you. I learned a new word. Add me to the list of those not liking the violent turn this show has taken.
  2. So true! I hate them in real life too.
  3. Ohhhh!!! Thank you. (VERY old man) hmmm. So the husband at the nursing home was the villain? And his wife had no idea? So I guess I'm now confused about the geography, she said they lived in Chicago and didn't get there often to take care of the property. I guess that's why they had him in that weird mask so he could remove it for the reveal.
  4. I'm confused. Who is the old man? The retired cop who is helping Colter? Is this a guess, or was it told or suggested? Also, I did not like that cop's violent methods. Colter had been presented as an ethical and kind fellow, but, although he didn't seem to condone the methods, he didn't protest either. Wait, maybe not ethical (breaking and entering in probably every episode!) but not cruel.
  5. Ah thanks, missed that.
  6. I thought the grotesque thing in the boiling pot was the head of the man lying there without a head. They avoided saying what it was that I noticed and I don't know which would be worse. A baby would be sad and horrible and so wrong, but a disembodied head perhaps looking back at you would be entirely grotesque. There was a baby in the family, and I don't remember seeing it after, but I looked at the scene as little as possible.
  7. Of course, yes, the bride did kill the groom, but the groom gave her that dumb untested pill. I thought this episode was pretty stupid. I don't think drugs necessarily affect everyone in the same way, so that method seemed really off and dangerous to me. However I am enjoying the show, good acting maybe? I really liked the character Dana, who took care of Dr. Wolf, she seemed more competent than the rest.
  8. Oh dear, I was hoping someone could help me figure out what is going on.
  9. This is so twisted. I am beginning to suspect everyone. Even Lois. That turducken assembly was creepy and the full table was like a tableaux. The horrible 50's-hair nurse's skill with the surgical thread made me suspicious. The nun from the beginning, and the weird priest. And now the pushy smug orderly. (Travis Kelce!) I like Lois's daughter, a voice of reason, and surely not a suspect. A thank you to whoever sets this up so each episode has its own page even though they are airing two episodes back to back. I always tape and watch later, earlier in the day and one episode at a time.
  10. Phew! So I thought. Funny to me though, when asked, of course, he was an experienced jumper! I suspect the character would have claimed he was whether he had ever jumped before though. I used to want to jump, when I told that to a college advisor he laughed and laughed and asked, "Why would you ever want to do anything that you had to accomplish perfectly the first time?"
  11. I was going to write and ask if this was a joke, or did I miss something. Went back and re-watched, and yes, I certainly did miss something! Reasons? I'm stupid? I was falling asleep. I said to myself out loud, "I just want this to be over," so not watching attentively. There was a lot of going back and forth in time. Also the critical scene was brief and I thought he was having a panic attack. BTW does that comment still need to be in a spoiler? I guess I found enough about the (mercifully short) show to watch the whole thing. I liked Jack's work friend, and I liked Alice's assistant. I kind of liked Jack, but not his wimpy acceptance of Alice yanking him around. Alice? mostly not.
  12. Oh, I get it! Thanks.
  13. What was the deal with the teacup in the Katie Britt sketch? It sounded like it was empty with the spoon scraping. I didn't see the whole original Republican response, as I turned it off when she started in with the rape stuff. Did she do something with a teacup? edited for clarity.
  14. The pilot is being repeated March 14. Yay! I missed it too, but Mr. Beezella had recorded it. We both liked it a lot. I had completely forgotten about double space bar at end of a sentence. It took a minute to remember when that went away (for me) and it was when most of us began typing on a computer. I put one double space bar in to see if it auto corrects when I post.
  15. I wouldn't say Lorna murdered Aoife, perhaps involuntary manslaughter? Although I don't know the laws in England. Covering up a presumed death I suppose. Too bad Aoife didn't wear one of those medical tags (Such as "I am diabetic," or whatever her strange malady was, associated with epilepsy. "Make sure I'm not really dead," perhaps?) The ending was satisfying, I guess as happy an ending as possible considering the terrible history.
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