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  1. Definitely a sign that the youngers were more on the ball.
  2. I'm shocked that nobody mentioned the potential eye-arrhea from the "sewage leak". For me, it's now legendary. Edit: Decided to say more. I am not as enamored with the writing this season, or maybe it's the directing. Some things are a mystery and I'm not sure if they're intentionally so or just poorly done. Regarding the initial crash scene, I'm thinking, huh, what happened, as they're flashing around. Later we do get some blanks filled in, but they should have helped us understand initially that all of the information wasn't there.
  3. Your town is now on my must-visit list. I live a bit south of there in the US. Are any of the mountains real and/or do you recognize where they may have been shot? One scene had a glorious glaciated peak, but it looked CGI. I hope it was based on something real. I appreciate any new show that avoids the horrors of our real-life daily news and focuses on made-up horrors instead. I'll try and hold on to this show, albeit reluctantly. They nearly lost me with the killing of the original doctor...why couldn't the two have mind-melded for the purpose of science or something. And the terror that little boy must feel. It's hard to laugh about that. So hopefully, the little boy and Mr. Alien will come to some sort of uneasy friendship. And I hope the original doc will simply be frozen in snow and can be revived through alien magic. And of course I hope the alien doesn't fulfill his mission, although maybe it would be for the best (I kid, I kid!) I also appreciated some of the comedy. The beat-boxing cops were amusing and Tudyk is excellent at subtle comedy. He truly is a superior, versatile talent. A few times I felt the show delved into what I call Ellen-cringe comedy (from the Ellen comedy show of the 90's) where the viewer laughs while peeking through the hands they're using to cover their eyes because the scene is so uncomfortable. And I had to fast forward through the brain-smashing. Was that supposed to be funny? But I'll give this first episode a 3/5. Not terrible, but wish it was better. I'll hang on for another two episodes and see where we are. I AM disappointed, but not as disappointed as I could be. Hey, maybe they'll bring in Fillion to be Tudyk's captain. Too obvious?
  4. I'm pretty sure the audience for cop shows is going to be at least a little bit pro-cop and isn't going to enjoy the anti-cop stories that Hawley appears to be planning. They won't stay for more than an episode. Maybe the story lines will bring in viewers who don't normally watch cop shows? But why would they watch either if this isn't their genre. Maybe I'm naïve and really don't understand the market for cop-hating cop shows. Maybe it's huge? It seems a little too ironic by half. Realistically, I think The Rookie is gone after this season. I always thought Fillion was stupid to take a cop show because it might remind people of the Castle angst. Now I KNOW he was, but because the writers completely don't understand their audience. But that's normal for Hawley, given that he used to call Castle viewers names if they complained about the story lines.
  5. I only hope that the rest of Hollywood learn from The Connors that rehashing the pandemic as a form of "entertainment" is going to leave their ratings in tatters. The pandemic is horrible in so many ways. If we want to see those ways and we aren't daily experiencing them ourselves, we can watch the news. The whole idea of television fictional shows is escape from reality, not to have it thrown in our face yet again. I could not get past 5 minutes, even though last year I found the show somewhat tolerable. If the producers happen to read this, I'm not coming back, and please let this be a lesson to the rest of your shows, LOL. It's really okay on fictional television to pretend one of the especially bad horrors of life doesn't exist. It really is.
  6. For me, Abigail's early lack of empathy was reminiscent of Castle in the first episode or two of Castle (the TV show). Abigail was quickly set straight, as was Castle.
  7. Whatever we know about Nolan's son's mysterious girlfriend/fiance,
  8. I loved how the morgue has easily accessible tools available, like a dark "This Old House" episode. And how the little circular saw had a mind all it's own and "Espo" (don't know his name on this show) couldn't edge away. It's just one example of the silly, silly and more silly that permeates this show. I found it all very amusing. The Rookie is a keeper, as far as I'm concerned. Don't cancel it, PTB.
  9. Many rarely used nicknames. Rose City is more common. I've lived 3 hours away and had an uncle who lived there for 85 years and friends down there and have never heard of Stumptown as a nickname. I've a feeling that whoever named the original story used Google, not locals, to come up with the name.
  10. No. But people mythically survive long water drownings on TV too. And in case you didn't know, the idea of CPR survival is very much a TV myth itself. In real life, yes, paramedics can make the patient breathe again, but typically, they remain in a coma while their brain swells from the anoxic brain damage incurred from the cardiac arrest and they die. And the few people who do survive CPR rarely live normal lives, but often instead have severe neurological impairment. Yes, some people do make it fine, but it's rare, and frequently the survivors are children who for some reason can go longer without oxygen than adults can..... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-cpr-expectations/cpr-survival-rates-are-lower-than-most-people-think-idUSKCN1G72SW. Thus, everything surrounding CPR, drowning, etc. is all mythical. Why not extend the myth to concrete? ::checking reality at the door ::
  11. I thought the season opener was great, but the silliness of last season is back this week unfortunately. I rolled my eyes frequently, for starters at the rookie working freely with a detective? -- Wouldn't SARGE have an issue with that? -- but so many other times. Still, it was an entertaining hour if I check reality at the door. Nathan Fillion is never better than when he plays a character in love. His charisma sucks you in, which is much of why he was so good as Castle. But please don't turn him into the guy who falls in love with a different woman every other week. I'm still in because I need pure escapism in my life.
  12. It's a silly premise. Also, I think if he wasn't being treated equally, given that he passed the test, the police union would get involved. But I am no cop nor do I play one on TV!
  13. Every time people guess an identity I say, "who?" and have to Google it. None of these people ring any bells with me. Last year was great because of Gladys Knight. She is so exceptional to listen to, even if she wasn't really masking anything. I'm hoping someone in the mix is a really incredible singer because I'm already not watching anymore for the reveals. A few of the performances have been good so I'll watch for performances. Leopard has a much huskier voice than RuPaul. But it's another one where the reveal will probably leave me Googling to find out if I should care.
  14. The Reddit person deleted his post so I don't think he would want me to share it here ;-). But he's a verified TR extra, verified by an anonymous source on the internet, namely me ;-). FWIW
  15. I don't know if it's kosher to post them here, but one is a confirmed background actor who posted on Reddit. He was not anonymous in his posting.
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