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Everything posted by ariel

  1. Tonight and tomorrow night will be easy. TJ's Tempura Shrimp and Scallion Pancakes. Ruth's brownies for dessert. There are only two of us & we will have leftovers for tomorrow.
  2. Can you share your recipe for the Chinese 5 spice cookies?
  3. I hope Derick keeps his guns locked up & away from the children. What we have seen of the Duggars, they are not good at child proofing things.
  4. The meaning of meek: submissive, yielding, obedient, compliant, tame, biddable, tractable, acquiescent, humble, deferential, timid, unprotesting, unresisting, like a lamb to the slaughter; quiet, mild, gentle, docile, lamblike, shy, diffident, unassuming, self-effacing I wouldn't consider being referred to as meek a complement
  5. Hopefully the lad won't get plenty of acne with all that junk food & the Duggars poor hygiene.
  6. I don't think it's a stretch at all when Babe himself said he was attracted to Jinger because she is meek. How is that a stretch?
  7. That's so scary. A unhinged guy like Derick can get a gun very easy in his state. I may have missed the memo, but when did God proclaim that the USA is the greatest nation on earth?
  8. When they were courting Babe did say what he liked about Jinger was that she is "meek". Meek is often a code word for submissive. To many people that's a red flag. In Duggar world it is not.
  9. I wonder if Derick or the Duggar/adjacents own guns. They all live in gun friendly states.
  10. Sadly neither couple probably appreciated it . They would have been happier if TLC paid for a Motel 6 on the interstate & provided them with all the Chick-fil-a they can eat.
  11. No, she's their "right to life" poster fetus.
  12. I wish Derick would get a snip, snip.
  13. From what I read, Sarah Palin liked it. She did appear on SNL. Ree is just as kooky & narcissistic as SP, so who knows?
  14. I think that's why he chose her. I don't think a worldly educated woman would be interested in him.
  15. Sadly I think Ree would take that as a compliment & think she has "arrived". They did one years ago (Dan Arkroyd) on Julia Child. With Ree's big ego, she would then compare herself to Julia.
  16. They probably think they can use those dirty diapers that they "store" as fertilizer for their garden.
  17. Are Spurge & Henry old enough to comprehend that & not bang on the door?
  18. I thought mistletoe has pagan origins as does the Xmas tree.
  19. He also cherry picks the bible to use verses out of content to justify his agenda and to back up his hateful comments.
  20. We had meatloaf last night, so tonight will be leftover meatloaf sandwiches.
  21. Historically it is when you present yourself with a holier than thou attitude as Derick & Jill do.
  22. I think Jill & Derick look like slobs most of the time. With their money & lots of free time they could make an effort. When you constantly post photos on social media, people are going to comment.
  23. She claims it takes too much time to drive her kids to school & back, but she will use the fundy card when needed for $$$$ I don't understand with all Ladd's money she couldn't hire someone to drive the kids to school & drive them back home.
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