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Everything posted by Pingaponga

  1. Uh, are we supposed to be in Sweeps week? Because omg NOTHING is of interest is happening. And how much time passed between Lenny dying and the Tan-O burned down? Phyllis made it sound like it was months, and I was under the impression the fire was a day or two after the funeral. And to repeat - nothing of interest is happening to anyone. And that most definitely includes the Joss/Cam are-they-going-to-have-sex storyline. Because I just don't care about their relationship.
  2. Didn't he drive Esme to Shadybrook (or whatever it's called)? How is he paying for the car, insurance, gas, etc.?
  3. Yes, right after they deal with that pesky double murder/car explosion at the Jarly wedding. And that will be after they figure out who shot Jason as he and Britt were escaping from GH.
  4. She can also add that she knows Nik tried to have her killed, and they sorted it out. If she isn't worried about it, no one else should be.
  5. Good point. Hayden was alive when she was last onscreen, and no one was trying to kill her then.
  6. I've been watching this stupid show for well over half my life, so I know who everyone is talking about. But I have to say, every time someone brings up Who-Shot-Hayden-Barnes I'm imagining new viewers yelling "Who the heck is Hayden Barnes and why do I care who shot her? Is she even dead?" Sigh...
  7. Uh, why doesn't Alexis go along with Nicholas's plan, and, once she is pardoned, go after him for shooting Hayden. Once she is pardoned, she's out of jail, she's free, and she can do whatever the heck she wants.
  8. I'm starting to think Nina's problem is that she is honestly acknowledging what she did and not making excuses for her actions, other than telling Carly once that she reacted because of Carly's phone call. And the Corinthos crew (and Joss) just don't know how to handle that.
  9. I'm confused. By the different bathing suits the girls were wearing while jumping into the lake(?) - Lydia was shorts/t-shirt style, one of the little girls was in a one-piece, another was in a two-piece with a bit of belly showing, and one was in a proper two-piece. I was under the impression this family was super modest, but I guess not when it comes to girls' bathing suits. Which is fine. But confusing. I do not understand the whole thing with Lydia's "special friend". She is 17, not 7. We know she won't be heading off to university next year as Kim doesn't see the point, so isn't her goal - and her parents' goal for her - marriage? If they object to Lydia and the boy texting because they can't really get to know each other via text, then why haven't they invited him to visit before now? She likes him, he likes her, and if they believe Lydia's entire purpose is to get married and have babies, then why not see where this relationship could go? Don't they want her to get married and settled before she breaks away as her siblings have done? (Note, this is not what I would want for her. I'd want her to go off to school for 4 years, have some fun, meet all sorts of people, and figure out who she is.)
  10. Michael is insufferable, no matter what he's involved in. Everyone once in a while I can see Carly's perspective on something. But Michael? Nope, never.
  11. Drew was shirtless when he attacked Peter, but apparently then paused and put on a shirt before fleeing. Okay then. Anyone else see the guy watching Curtis and Portia and assume he was Curtis supposedly-dead father?
  12. Someone needs to point out to Spencer that, in addition to the Phantom of the Opera mask he wore when he himself was burned, if Ava had indeed testified against Valentin, then Valentin would have been imprisoned FOR A CRIME (it turns out) HE DIDN'T COMMIT. Valentin didn't kill his father. His father is alive and got the Cassadine fortune back, and Spencer needs to get over it. He's holding a grudge against someone who made a deal with Valentin that ended up with Valentin not being imprisoned for a murder that was never committed. Britt to Carly was awesome. I'm still wondering if I'm supposed to actually like Joss.
  13. Uh, if Nina gave Josslyn the journal for her graduation, there is no way Joss would have written about Sonny's funeral in it as he "died" back in December and she graduated just a couple of months ago. Am I supposed to like Josslyn? Because I really don't.
  14. To clarify the Cassadine family tree - Victor and Mikos were brothers. Helena was married to Mikos. Alexis is M's daughter, Nick is his grandson, and Valentin is (possibly) Victor's son. So why did the entire Cassadine fortune belong to Mikos?
  15. This is how we know she isn't going anywhere. When anyone actually leaves, it's within two days of the announcement that they are going.
  16. Ethan and Olivia need marriage counseling. And Ethan has to agree to be a full participant. No matter what, a marriage is not going to work if one person avoids difficult conversations as much as possible as refuses to discuss problems. Ethan also needs counseling on his own. He needs to learn how to communicate, and that it's okay to communicate, and that it's okay to grow and change and want other things. It's also okay not to. But Olivia did not deliberately to change who she essentially is - people don't do that. His "I've worked to give this life to you" to her...omg, it's 2021. Olivia has a career of her own. Does he really think she should just be sitting back and being grateful for the life he has given her? I mean, I know that is how he is raised - the father works, the mother stays home and is grateful for what her husband provides. But he obviously has never sat back and just looked at his life. He has clearly started to questions his parents and how he has raised, but he hasn't looked any further to see how it has shaped him and his expectations. I don't think one can entirely blame Olivia for Barry and Kim not being invited to the concert. When Olivia told Mariah that she'd perform but only if Barry and Kim weren't in the audience, Mariah could have said no. She chose to go along with Olivia's request, she wasn't forced to. Mariah is not living the sheltered life she was living a couple of years ago. She knows more people from different walks of life, I'm sure someone could have helped her find a pianist if she didn't know anyone else. I think the conversation between Max and Mariah was totally staged, as they resolved their differences awfully quickly. But honestly, she looks awfully slutty a lot of the time. Hopefully she'll grow out of it in a couple of years, and realize she can still dress attractively and not hide her body, but also not show it off. There is a happy median between hiding ones body and showing it off.
  17. Maxi knows Peter is alive and has threatened to take James. Yet for some reason she isn't locking her front door?
  18. Where the hell are Anna and Valentin? Shouldn't they have arrived in Nixon Falls by now? My other big question from today's drama is, will Sonny keep the grey in his hair or is he going to boot polish it away again?
  19. Joss did an awful job with that reading. We had that as a reading at my wedding 20 years ago (next week!), and it wasn't until the end that I recognized it. It's a blessing, not a chirpy reading about how awesome love is. Really, really odd that, for what will be a blended family, none of the younger kids were there. Not Jake and Danny, not Avery and Donna. I realize this MOC is now an epic love story, but one would think you'd attempt to have the kids there.
  20. That's exactly what I thought when it happened. Which...really? After the past 8 months, Sonny magically gets his memory back because he gets bumped on the head? We've now seen the wedding dress (not a fan, though I did like Carly's hair), so the odds of this wedding actually happening have dropped. If the audience does not see the dress, the wedding happens. If the audience does see the dress, something goes wrong. My prediction is that Sonny will remember who he is just as Anna and Valentin arrive. He'll fly back to PC and show up at the wedding just as the minister does his "does anyone here have any just cause..." thing, or at the "you may now kiss the bride". Isn't that a rather small chapel for what was going to be a big wedding? The reps for the other 4 families are going to take up most of the pews.
  21. Good Lord, I wasn't that emotional when my kid moved out for university last week. Jordan is supposed to be in Albany for a couple of weeks. New York is not a huge state, I'm pretty sure they could drive there to visit her. Which begs the question...is there going to be a recast? So, exactly who is Valentin's father? Because after the words with Nik and Spencer, I was thinking it might be cool if his father turned out to be Victor. And Esme was again very vague about her family. For a brief moment I wondered if she could be Victor's, but then realized that would make her and Spencer relatives so clearly that's not the case.
  22. How did Jordan end up inhaling more of the gas than Portia? Portia was the one yelling and screaming and pounding on the door, which would have caused her to inhale more air than Jordan who passed out pretty quickly, I assumed from the head wound. My vote is that Austin is on the spectrum, which is why he picked up Leo's apparent oddities which we have never seen or heard of before. I can understand why he didn't want to say what he thought the issue might be, though. A friend of my son was diagnosed with being on the spectrum years ago, and his father flipped.out. And a friend's son was diagnosed, and her husband flipped.out. (The mums were just happy to know what was going on and what they could do to help their kids reach their potential.) Waiting for an actual diagnosis is a very good idea if the parents have no idea there might be something different about their child.
  23. My thoughts exactly. Did Mike not notice or care that Jax basically said Nina knows who he really is?
  24. I'd bet a whole whack of cash that Ethan is suffering from depression. He needs a therapist, to help him work his way through his relationship with his parents and his relationship with Olivia. Couldn't they live on the outskirts of Tallahassee? Is that not an option?
  25. So Esme was adopted. Any guesses on her parents? Ryan as her father? Who as her mother?
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