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  1. It wasn't just lame, but the way he said family cook was so condescending. Hey Drew, it's blue collar people who put you in that office. So fuck you! Also you're gross. You didn't even shower after the sex. You left and came straight to the MC to meet Anna.
  2. I know it's just the first day, but nuBrennan lacks charm and charisma. It's probably going to suck for the new actor.
  3. I've said it before, I'll say it again, nothing good comes from sleeping with Sonny or Michael, or having their children. Sasha's swallowed the dumb dumb pill and that baby is eating whatever is left of her brain and common sense. This pregnancy was so unnecessary. Aren't there other things the writers can do with the wimminfolk that's not pregnancy/baby related. This is insane.
  4. I think it might be more to do with the storylines than anything. Brennan has been made to follow Carly around like a lovesick puppy. Maybe he was told he'd be given more than romancing the idiot. GH chose Brennan over Jagger then made him revolve around Carly.
  5. Sonny's hair was super distracting. Just go grey, man. MB looked like he might be part of the cast of the Adams Family instead of GH. I'm going to echo everyone's remarks about the DZ/AH scenes, NLG/MB scenes, NLG/GF scenes. This is the sort of thing that keeps me around and it also balances the nonsense of Emma and Sasha and Maxie.
  6. Oh, this show. So now that Cody is running his mouth about Sasha's pregnancy and who he thinks is the father, I'm assuming that Jason will feel like he has no choice but to claim the baby. Because the writers are dumb like that. Also, Cody is one of the most unpleasant characters there is. Dante, Anna and Mac are right to remove you from the investigation into Sam's murder. Lulu's woe is me is tiresome. I imagine she'll become worse when they find out that Cyrus killed Sam probably to free Dante up. Curtis should've stepped into the ring with Drew, just so that I can see them beat each other into a coma. I wish Sonny and Kristina would drop off the face of the fictional planet. Seriously. Also, Sonny, just die from your heart condition. Thanks for the most tedious, unpleasant characters this Friday, show. Really. If I were a new viewer, I'd think twice about tuning in on Monday.
  7. Especially since the father isn't some nobody. But honestly, the show has a hard on for wanting to be as incestuous as possible. I know this isn't B&B, but Gio is now both a Quartermaine and a Corinthos, which might give Tracy a heart attack. Sasha's baby is a Quartermaine/Spencer/Corinthos and a Scorpio.
  8. I think where Lois deserves shit is that the adoptive mother died and the kid thinks he's an orphan that he is being taken in by distant family when Lois is actually his grandmother.
  9. I imagine that Olivia will hit the roof when she finds out. I'd say a lot of shrieking is afoot.
  10. I agree, but I don't think Chase is in a rush to tell anyone that he is sterile. He might have spoken to Finn, but they got rid of him.
  11. I hope everyone was adequately shocked by the reveal that Dante is the father.
  12. I didn't even know SBu did voice acting. I find it a bit weird considering his stilted, no effort acting on GH.
  13. They were even engaged IIRC. They imploded when Jake Doe found out he was Jason.
  14. I didn't feel anything either because the couple annoys the hell out of me with them their fully clothed sex. Plus I thought they had more chemistry when they were pretending to be Bailey's parents. I also don't care about babies this and babies that.
  15. I think they're writing her like this to justify Monica not leaving her the house, even though she should get the house.
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