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Everything posted by kikismom

  1. If they were any good as a weapon, they wouldn't give them to prisoners.
  2. Yeah, weird. No walkers, but a seemingly endless supply of plant mulch, finger paints, and mohair for sweaters. Go figure.
  3. We're here to talk about TWD, not Martha Stewart.
  4. CletusMusashi: Plus it would make a good riddle: What do Lindsey Lohan, Hayley Mills, and The Governor of Woodbury have in common?
  5. At first I wanted Carol to end up with Herschel. I still think it would have been good for both of them.
  6. holy crap, I just got hit with ads for Body Armor On Sale Now lol that didn't take long!
  7. bravelittletoaster: Jeez! You wonder why you're off the Apocalypse Planning Committee? :-) I hope that wouldn't be your rally speech if we all get locked in a train car! You have to remember, it's a big world, it would be better and worse in different places, just like any other disaster. All we've seen on the show is this one relatively rinky-dink area. I don't even think they ever made it a hundred miles. Just imagine how people felt during World War II, or during the Black Death in Europe. At the time of the ZA (even if it started tomorrow) the world would start out with a good ball-park figure of 7 billion people. Even 1% survival rate would be 70 million survivors. Judith and Carl wouldn't be alone. It's better than a nuclear holocaust; even if you weren't directly hit, there would be fallout turning the world to winter, nothing would grow, and everything would be poisoned. In the ZA, you can still grow food or raise livestock, you can destroy the enemy-a zombie, not a gamma-ray, and I think most deaths came early because people weren't ready for such a thing, and then a lot of people were in shock. After a time, the reaction should change. People would go from day-to-day scrambling to making long-range proactive plans. As far as the marauders...well, doesn't that work the same way now? You only hear about the criminals, good people don't get that much attention because they're busy minding their business, keeping to themselves. It won't be a world for lazy people, or mopey types. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  8. I get people saying that Rick should have waited, and others saying he had to stop before they ate. But if it was me, I would have acted because I would worry about being separated. If I had a sanctuary, not even committing cannibalism, that would be the only sane policy: we take people in, but we separate them first just to make sure they aren't here to start a "coup" and take over. Wait till we have time to watch the individuals interact with our people, maybe assign them to a "mentor-watcher" for a week, just to make sure they aren't squirrely. But if you get separated, you can't talk and plan together, and we all know how Rick feels about the "we stay TOGETHER" vow. Every time they get split up it's disaster; so I think he had to move while he still knew Michonne and Carl would be able to join him. The line at the end, they don't know who they're messing with could have another purpose. Yes, Rick knows they're captive and unarmed and the Termites have the advantage. All the more reason, and responsibility as a leader. to keep his group from dwelling on that and get a rally spirit started right away before they sink into helplessness (and Abraham sounded defeated). When you go into a post-disaster area, like after a tornado, the first thing you do is give the victims assignments of things to do, set up schedules, use "empower" language---just create a vibe of order, that somebody is in control, getting plans made for results...it's all about will--if they have no will then no tools, supplies, or opportunities really help them. Rick had to quickly establish what happens next, and not let it seem that it's all up to whatever the Termites decide.
  9. I'll bring up Jim's name, since nobody ever mentions him. I often wonder if the characters now realize that he has to have turned, since he refused the offer of a gun, and at the time they hadn't been to the CDC so they didn't know that much about putting live people down or staying till someone's dead to stop the brain.
  10. There's a degree of creepy that's worse than being Rob Schneider's wife?
  11. But the Gov. rolled his Rs, which isn't right; at least not in my locale.
  12. I like to mull over different ideas; and this one is really different...but you could grow a rooftop garden, be protected from gunfire, bad weather, fire, and you could control who comes in, not to mention it wouldn't be as obvious to marauders that this was being used as a hide-out (like perhaps a castle or fort would be?) What do you think? Would this work? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cd/Lauttasaari_water_tower_cross-section.svg/590px-Lauttasaari_water_tower_cross-section.svg.png (BTW, it's a water tower, cross-section.)
  13. A rope ladder that you could cut off if someone (living or dead) that you didn't want started coming up Check out this: http://www.infoniac.com/uimg/treehotel-invisible-mirrorcube.jpg http://globaltreehouses.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/invisible-treehouse-hotel-4-610.jpg Google Invisible Treehouse Photos. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-twnIdyX2Irk/TZJpDDXhU-I/AAAAAAAAAFI/I1QoFp-z7H0/s1600/780-480-.jpg http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/2235368/83777581.jpg
  14. Oh, I love AL and NR, the actors...the writers keep messing with them though. Okay: Rick did have guilt, not just grief; so he gets a pass for the breakdown.(You're breakin' me Ghoulina!) Still, I'm really mad that Rick/Michonne/Carl won't encounter the Brother Eugene's Traveling Salvation Show till they get to Terminus (and by then that'll be the least of their problems). I keep running a mental-movie of what reaction Rick/Michonne/Carl would have had if it had been them instead of Glenn and Tara. Especially if Abraham yelled at Michonne Is that all you got? (snort) I can't see Rick eating that "It's classified! " happy horseshit either; (eye-fuck Eugene till he wets his pants).Carl would have probably taken their weapons. Or trotted out his line "If you believe in that, you're an idiot!" If I had a choice between being stranded with Abraham or Lil' Hat-bastard it's not even a dilemma.
  15. As a child, he was frightened by a Keanu Reeves film festival.
  16. Did you know that all parts of kudzu except the vine are edible? The leaves reportedly taste (when prepared) like snow peas, the flowers can be used to make jelly or wine and contain, as do the leaves, vitamins. Best part is that the little potato-like roots provide protein, and can be dried and ground to make a breading flour or meal. It's been used as forage for livestock also. So if you're in Georgia when the ZA hits, you should be able to eat forever; at least you couldn't consume it as fast as it regrows!
  17. I've thought along somewhat same lines as Bongofury, but not in concentric circles. I thought of clearing neighborhood houses in a square, connecting the homes with a panel of fencing between houses ( with some kind of visibility obstacle, and leaving one "alley" open. Use animal bait, or sound, to attract zombies into the interior of the square, then close it off. Start another square a small distance away, keep doing it like a checkerboard. That way, you keep leaving yourself and your group multi-directions for escape routes, but keep building bigger and bigger corrals. One square of houses holds about a hundred walkers; connect the squares to make giant mega-squares. You don't have to kill the zombies right away, save ammo and have a scary enough collection to discourage marauding gangs (or make them waste their ammo). Cover the fence sections with kudzu or black plastic from trash bags, when the zombies don't see prey they just shuffle around. Paint or soap the windows of houses so the walkers don't see anyone inside, and you'd have shelters and storerooms. Meanwhile you'd be clearing a lot of territory, and removing a lot of walkers from the equation; they could be put down at a later date when you have taken care of your own immediate needs: shelter, growing food and possible raising game or small livestock (chickens, rabbits), securing a water source, setting up a mini-medical-center, a workshop for weapons and tools etc. I'm a little nervous about bravelittletoaster's comment about "building good breeding stock". Heinrich, is that you?
  18. The problem with islands being "easily defensible" is that...they aren't. There are going to be lots of people with the same idea, and lots of boats. It would be 24 hour a day firefight to stop landing parties, and sooner or later you run out of ammo. If you come up with a way to close off the boundaries from invaders, please share because we have an island here where we jokingly (kindasorta) have discussed a future plan. We have wells, rainwater cisterns. plenty of gardens, lots of room to raise animals...we could even blow the bridges, and it was once used as a prisoner of war camp during the Civil War...but we can't get around the problem of boats constantly coming from all directions.
  19. In the final episode of The Walking Dead, Rick faces the sheer brutality of a One Reverse Mortgage sales pitch.
  20. I'm trying to give him a chance but he does get on my nerves a lot. Carol lost her daughter, Amy lost her sister, etc. and they had grief but they made themselves pull their shit together. Lori dies and Rick goes into the fetal position (for a considerable time). When Rick tried early on to get Herschel to let them stay, he's all "You have to let us stay, you need to think again..." That's cop talk but not how you talk when you are virtually a beggr, not in a position of strength. He's like that again with the Governor, he doesn't seem to pick up on the obvious signals that he isn't making a case; he's antagonizing someone ( and when failure to win the argument means big trouble). When he talks about being the leader, he's always "I didn't ask for this", yet when anyone else tries to lead he goes off. Merle's in, then he's out, then he's in again (despite Glenn's feelings), Michonne is in, then she's out, then she's back in, we take Randall back, then away, then back, ad infinitum. I like some things he's done, but a leader has to have some consistency and a lot of problems with the group happened because Rick is such a weathervane, whichever way the wind blows. That makes me scared with this Terminus arc;is he going to yell "RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LI---oh, now wait, let's negotiate, let's not be too hasty...no this is really bad-- LOCK AND LOAD!...although... the place does have some advantages... " I like Nebraska Rick, not Rinse and Repeat Rick.
  21. Any suggestions for body armor? Milton had the duct-tape sleeves, but it would get a tad warm in Georgia. Something flexible, breathable, but bite-proof.
  22. I agree. Wouldn't it be funny if the whole time they are suffering, it's been cleared up and under control in the rest of the country? :-) I've never seen people who can spend so much time moving around and end up 5 miles from where they were before; or spend the whole winter "going around in circles" and miss a big-ass prison that was just over the hill from the place they stopped after fleeing the farm. And the Greene family lived on that farm, according to Herschel, for 160 years...but from the time Rick said 'we need to find a place to hunker down'-- till the next spring, Herschel never mentioned the prison. The closest we've got to "rest of America" info was Dave-n-FatTony talking about Philly! Barely! People have mentioned that no one asks about Eugene's classified cure; at least they could have asked about what they've seen on their travels! ..also I do want to know about the Morales family. AMC wouldn't have to necessarily spend too much money; crap, Into The Wild had a lot of filming done at Raleigh Studios/Georgia and that story took place in Alaska.
  23. I read an interview with EK where she said (paraphrase) that it will be so interesting to see the beginning of this, and another blip from Kirkman I think where he said that it will show a time when humans outnumbered walkers...so again that's another hint that it will show the start of the ZA. But Kirkman was also adamant that none of the characters we know would be on it. Of course, he lies a lot. I was bummed about showing all newbies, because I thought it would be cool to see Dale and how he ended up with Andrea and Amy, and how everybody like Carol and Ed or Merle and Daryl started evacuating, but I guess you couldn't make a series out of that. Here's my proposal: Do you think it should be set in D,C., showing the government dealing with this? Do you think it should be from the point of view of military, say a National Guard unit being sent to do the unthinkable, go into combat on US soil against corpses? Do you think it should just be civilians, similar to our people but in a totally different locale, like Chicago ? If the virus/infection is airborne or in the water supply which people who die fastest would be most interesting to see reanimate? Old people? Hospital patients? Or-just think of all the criminals shooting each other in urban areas-reanimated gangstas? :-)
  24. You're right, I went back and they put it like "we saw Andrea go down" so it gave the impression she died (although it could have given the impression she did something else, but that's a Beavis and Butthead joke). oh, and Rick was pretty tight in Nebraska. So I gotta give him a chance...
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