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Posts posted by lamujerdecente

  1. Chance, Harry, and Martell are three degrees of gaslighting asshole. Martel is the least offensive (And Kayla is a tough cookie. Cheered for her when she checked that fool. THE NERVE) Harry is in the middle- i think he will snap and end up back in prison but I still am unsure if he will get violent with Indy and Coco. Now Chance? It's only a matter of time before that fool hurts someone in that house. 

    Now Jagged Edge Teeth Raylen is really going to take that fool Ray to the river of denial and drown his ass. Wake up Big "Daddy" , that girl is into GIRLS. Not you. Your roommate seems nice and into you. Do better. 

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  2. I am still salty and bitter at Harry's tacky dismissal at the mofongo. Zip it Harry. And Harry's fam- Heres a Boricua in Miami who needs that type of dinner just four times a year! I am kitchen challenged dammit. I am not as pretty as Harry but I am MUCH more Grateful and I don't come with Indy. Now I can come with Indy's bro if that sweetens the deal...

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Hola, peeps! I have my minidress on, with no panties (!), and I'm looking forward to conversating with you all!

    Aaaaaand, today I had the pleasure of having brunch with our very own @Auntie Anxiety and @Angry Moldovan! There was much raucous laughter and a splendid time was had by all!

    Let's do this! I've got the Snarkmobile idling in the driveway!

    I love this. I hope y'all hid from Big Ed tho. I feel he would be all about this- photo bombng.  In a corner. 

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  4. Scamenia is not even a STEALTH spambot. She is all in the face. But my pity has left Mike. He should go join Lulu Roe- at least he will be scammed with some terrible leggings. 
    I seen his beliefs online. I always have a hearty chuckle at the racists who don’t want any folks of color around EXCEPT when they a man who needs a chick to f5ck their incel tushes. This has been a theme with many of these clowns. 

    I am over this franchise. TLC doesn’t vet these twats and I don’t have the empathy bandwidth to be wasting. 

    I will keep my love after lock up addiction tho. They never disappoint my subpar expectations. 

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  5. On 1/10/2022 at 5:26 PM, JeanJean said:

    Hope you feel better soon!

    Jasmine has issues (possibly from abuse) and needs anger management. I hope she gets it. I also hope that guy banned her from the salon but he seems too charmed to have done that. I'm sorry about any abuse but you're not a puppy, Jasmine.

    I'm one of those who has empathy for Ximina. (Not sure of spelling.) She's a young woman with young children in what seems to be a desperate situation, but it's also wrong to use Mike. I hope they can work it out so they are all safe AND happy.

    Off topic but my test was negative, one of Baby Daddy's was positive but then a day later he went to the ER and was negative. 

    Stay safe and Vaxed My loves. His daughter has cystic fibrosis and did test positive but she has been FINE. Vaccines work folks. 

    Off my rant. I have empathy for Ximina as well. I grew up poor in NYC and if not for an education that my mother fought my father for, who knows where my sister and I would be. A friend of mine is Dominicana and she really put in perspective a Privilege I never realized I had. Both my parents spoke, read and wrote English. None of my Grandparents but my Maternal Granddad could read or write in any language. My mother, like my Amiga was her parent's translator. 

    My Father felt more comfortable in Spanish than English, but my mother was fluent in both. That meant she understood a lot of things about education and such that helps lift folks out of poverty. Ximena, Hazmat, even Usman - have limited opportunities that were literally just Geographical destiny. Being born in the poor caste in The Usa and hovered there my entire life here but the last few years of my marriage to my lovely husband, it puts things in perspective about how life isn't always rose-colored choices for many. 

    Thats why Kim felt so gross to me this episode. Imagine if that was a DUDE doing that to a girl. Memphis too with her bullying that slow man child, I also wonder if he will face repercussions for all these things, he is doing on camera that is not allowed culturally or religious. 

    • Love 6
  6. On 1/21/2022 at 9:44 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

    I love that she was so offended that she "might have been called a "hooker" girl you are selling your body for money that is a hooker I mean come on now ...but had no problem throwing single mothers under the bus like how Nasty it was to not be married to your child's father but selling pictures of yourself to strangers to beat off to was some great thing...

    Larsa is a Tacky ass Elitist who married her money. I NEVER liked this Trick and she is the only one I will root against "The bathtub greasy monster" Adriana comes for her. That was brillant by the way as usual @Keywestclubkid. I know you know this tacky ass city well. Lol. And i say that with LOVE because Miami is very entertaining in their Tacky. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Mike is vertically challenged too, which can be a dealbreaker for some women.

    Maybe she thinks as a fellow minority it’s okay, like sometimes Latinx people think they can use the word.  But she is generally icky so probably not.

    LatinX folks - Many are Black or Mixed race. I am Afro Boricua but I present as racially ambiguous. I grew up singing and saying the n word as slang but I know better now. it doesn't matter what my ancestry is (which is not African American like my daughter via her daddy but Caribbean) It's offensive to folks - there' a history to it. And its not just the word, she used ghetto, she used "some glow in the dark" AND she wasn't raised in a black hole. I know many Russians in Miami and NYC and MANY have said some real racist shit to me and my family. Notedly when we lived in Queens in a Russian neighborhood. They called our Tio's van - the "n word mobile" so yeah. She has said other problematic trash too. Real cute for a disabled girl who was prepared to drag Caleb for any perceived slight to her disability. We would not be cutting Caleb any slack for problematic stances to disabled folks, nor was Stupid Ella cut slack for her Asian Fetish Racism. Alina ain't getting a pass. I am so tired of White Folks using and getting a pass for being RACIST. Enough already. 

    • Love 18
  8. On 1/17/2022 at 10:41 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I will say this:  after watching Sunday's episode, I am, and I am not joking, planning a trip to Turkey.  Not kidding.  Then I really got going:  Turkey!  Budapest!  I am getting a Eurorail pass!  I was going to go summer 2023, but not to get heavy, I just turned 57 and my dad died suddenly at at 53 - please no sad emojis, I worked through all of it and I am good.  The thing is, I am not promised 2023, no one is.  First I was like, one week!  Then, You ain't working ESY (well maybe I will, lol) so let's make it two weeks!  And I am going to learn a few words and phrases in different languages, more than these fools do for their "soulmate."  And I fully admit, one will be "Do you speak any English?"

    One more thing:  Going alone!  

    You go! You gorgeous SOUL!!! If you run into 90-day filming video bomb them. lol

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  9. 3 hours ago, Nicmar said:

    Was Adriana the one who ran a art gallery and has a son? 

    Yes. She was the one who gaslighted everyone including Lea about her pretending to be single but was actually married for years to her boyfriend. She was always a mean girl, as was Miss Alexia. Alexia has been humbled over the years by the stuff she has gone through, but Adriana has gotten worse over the years. Her son was normal, not a fame hoe like Brooks of Salt Lake. Adriana is actually well traveled and speaks many languages. Education can't buy class or empathy.  I never liked her, but I always found her style cute and not as Miami Bedazzled Hustler Playboy Mansion Vibe that many sport here. But now even her clothes look bad partly because of those big ass hooters she got like Ramona's- I think they ruined their figures with those cartoonish bolt ons.  Same as that baggage Larsa purchased. Another one who was pretty on the outside, there was no need to do that Ladies. 

    And if Y'all watched the original, Marisol's Mother Elsa was a cautionary tale for bad plastic surgery overall. She was pretty woman before she scalped her face. Sad AF. 

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  10. 16 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

    The only ones I can recall that reached this level were Big Ed and Mark (with the teenager Nikki)........lol

    I cheered when Rose ghosted Ed by taking off from the resort in the middle of the night....first and only time I recall anyone on this franchise saying enough is enough, I am dirt poor but have my dignity and won't tolerate this treatment. Maybe Hamza's mom and sister will chase Memphis out of town. 

    I cheered Rose too. F@ck Ed. But I wish he and Xiemena would get together. if anyone needs to tangle with a hitman its Ed. 

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  11. 18 hours ago, Xebug67 said:

    Alina is proof that people with infirmities can be as big a--holes as people who are not so challenged, and that those with infirmities should not be automatically placed on a pedestal and presumed to be great people just because of their infirmities/challenges.

    Sigh. I was rooting for Alina and I am still glad she’s on the show. We need these different perspectives and narratives despite Alina’s tackiness, Caleb is a tool and a Twat but Alina is also cringy AF. 

    I still like Elijah. I love a shady jerk- it’s the New Yorker in me. 

    Memphis is really CRINGE. Sheesh Chile, who does the shite she does? And as usual on this show, double standards abound. Imagine a dude acting like Memphis or Alina? 


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  12. 3 hours ago, spunky said:

    His delivery may have been off but Todd was 100% correct about Peter's behavior.  Alexia is an enabler, who think that she can change her grown son's disturbing behavior by coddling him. No Alexia you're rewarding his bad behavior.  His younger brother has a TBI, he should not be encouraging him to get high. 

    Adriana is just plain rude, nasty and disrespectful. Her treatment of Guerdy (sp) was deplorable. You don't get to violate someone's personal space and then yell at them to shut up. Guerdy saw where it was going hence her telling her "you're aggressive, you're scaring me." Had Guerdy acted like that Adriana might have been the first person to label her as the "angry Black woman".  If Adriana tried that on any other franchise she would have been verbally destroyed. And if she tried that in the real world with no cameras around with someone who has nothing to lose, the situation could have ended a lot differently. 

    I'm team Guerdy and Martina. It was disrespectful of Julia to give another woman a foot massage while you're married,  at the house you and your spouse share. Martina had every right to question both her and Julia. 

    P.S. Adriana, Guerdy and Julia were bonding over the shared experience of losing a child. Guerdy was not trying to make it about her. 


    Especially since if u watched the last seasons, she got physical with Joanna for getting in her space.  Miami is not the best place for non-anti blackness. Many here think they are White folks when north of west palm beach they are Black. I been told I am white here. I am not but all they see is skin color. 
    I despise Adriana and Larsa from before. Larsa hasn’t been too annoying but Adriana is her usual self just obviously older and more insecure. Aging gracefully is not the business for her. 

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  13. 4 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

    Okay, so I'm glad Alina finally got some but the media is acting like it was "too much." I just read an article talking about how the lights needed to go off sooner. Why? Because she's little? WTF? My only complaint is in the preview for next week. "I rode his disco stick?" Alina, come on. If you're adult enough to have the sex, you're adult enough to talk about it like one.

    Oh, Mike. Mike, Mike, Mike.  RUN. Those waterfalls sure were pretty, though. And Ximena's kids are adorbs. But no. No Bueno. No Mas. Vamos.

    Gino, same. Jasmine is unbalanced. Although she was right about the Christmas gift. Of course, hers to him weren't really much better. Those t shirts were the equivalent of a shock dog collar. The pillow was basically her pissing on his bed to mark her territory.  Also, while I've never had a stylist burn my hair, and I don't know how I would react, I'm 100% sure it wouldn't be physical assault. Vamos, Gino, vamos.

    Memphis is a mess. Why does she talk to Hamza like she's the horny Cookie Monster? "Why you come fast? Me no like. Coooooookie?" At least Mike had the presence of mind to use a translation app. Memphis is just using her boobs & hoo-ha. And that don't translate into much.

    Ella sweetie, losing 10 lbs is a spit in the ocean. I know because when I was super heavy, I dropped 20lbs and it was barely noticeable. And Johnny, your adorable lil herbs are no match for our mighty American trans fats. Y'all doomed. Even yo mama knows it.

    Next week, a bonus embedded episode of Catfish, sans Nev! 



    In bed with the dreaded Plague- baby daddy came from NYC to deliver the child took his trifling ass to the beach for some party times then came back to say goodbye and now has tested positive. I am fully Vaxed and boosted but I have been lethargic and night sweats. 

    I think he deserves a little jasmine. Speaking of that crazy heifer, I had my hair burned when I used to straighten the curls. I never beat the hair dryer, the blower or my stylists. Then again I got ny hair done at the Dominican Salons of NYC everyone including the hair dryer would fight back. 

    sigh Xiemina. I still pity her because her life was never going to be easy but at the same time Mike doesn’t deserve her scams. Her kids are so cute. Run mike. If Xiemina wants a short desperate dude there is always Ed. 
    I am annoyed that Alina and her friend made me feel slightly bad for Caleb. But then I caught sight of his shirt. Shudders. 

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