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Posts posted by lamujerdecente

  1. Lisa needs to ask forgiveness for introducing my poor hubs to milking the prostate. After he googled that he's not seen me the same because of my television choices. I told him life can't only be true crime and frontline for me dammit. 

    And for that Hair. Seek redemption for that hair lady.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    I’ve been stockpiling bacon so that I wont have suffer from a shortage in the smoked meats aisle.

    Because you have sense. I don't eat pork anymore and my ass ain't throwing away any kind of smoked meats. Its like wasting good wine Ray! 

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  3. I have my wine and vape in honor of cosplay Indian and Kristie. I fast forwarded the Chane and Lacey Tacky ass black thigh high boots and ripped jean combo fake ass storyline. 

    Brit in a robe and Snoozy Ray- I can't be bothered but did that trifling man throw out Bacon? That dude is trash. TRASH. 

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  4. On 10/12/2021 at 9:40 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I believe people like the IDEA of a baby/toddler/child or a dog but are ill equipped to deal with the day to day or hour by hour reality of the situation.  Trust me, at one point I had two kids in diapers, a dog and three cats, and worked 6 to 10 M-F.  

    I am a SAHM because of Covid (my previous employer shut down for fraud right before covid) I have a dog, the Coco, A cat, the Elektra Abundance, a husband, a teen living in NYC finishing school, a teen step daughter and a son, 9 in school. I am writing a book and working on a degree. CHILE. I be tired. But I am grateful and happy because the world is not a fair place. And that means folks that deserve kids don't always get to have them and terrible parenting choices of humans  sometimes get to have them. It is one of the most unfair things imo.

    • Love 11
  5. 19 minutes ago, Mojitogirl said:

    I think Sutton’s earrings were the best true Beverly Hills glam that anyone has ever worn on a reunion show.  They were exquisite. 

    I think Sutton has great pieces similar to Dorinda - I wouldn't wear them the way she does but she has great clothes. Sutton to me is the most truly stylish than the rest of these twats  besides Crystal and Garcelle gets a pass. Sutton's biggest issue is she wears things that accentuate her flaws sometimes. BH is very trendy like Atlanta and OC- they remind me of the younger shows like love and hip hop and VR- The clothes wear them. Versus the NYC girls and at times some of the Potamac Lasses - They are more stylish, wear clothes for their body types, etc. Kyle is the worst. She is a pretty lady, she has a good body but she ALMOST ALWAYS looks stumpy and in sausage tight clothes. Erica has always been a tacky drag queen impersonator and now she is doing Dolly Parton, the early years, when Dolly did her own glam. 

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  6. I wish PK was in that dress in that updo, whispering in Erica's ears to not flash the puss. Dorito really did herself no favors in her behavior to Garcelle. It was def racially suspect behavior and her excuses for Erica's isolated instances is bullshite. That Bitch is A BULLY. ERICA IS A BULLY. SO is THAT Prune in the purple body stocking with lips. I didn't care for Crystal's comment either but she did look beautiful. Garcelle from the neck up was flawless- that women is PERFECTION. ANd no Dorito she doesn't need your broke, grifter ass to be relevant. Dorito did look pretty tho- She is a pretty girl if she just STFU and let PK do the snipping. 

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  7. On 10/11/2021 at 5:12 PM, drivethroo said:

    You actually prove my point that it doesn't matter what Candiace does or says, it doesn't matter if she's quiet or walks away, she's going to get her ass beat anyway so she might as well run her mouth.


    Every time last season up to the barn fight, when Monique tried to start a fight, Candiace walked away.  How is that not disengaging?  If the real sentiment is "Candiace needs her ass beat until she disappears and goes away," just say that instead of saying she needs to disengage because as you say, she got dragged anyway.


    You're not understanding because you want Candiace's ass beat because you don't like her.  That's all.

    And 99% of the people puffing and huffing about beating a bitch's ass will do *nothing* except cry about it on Facebook when it actually happens.  Ya'll ain't out here "beating bitches' asses" because they talked to you sideways; it's simply not happening.  It's just puffery from middle aged women who haven't been in a fight since 8th grade.

    And all the middle aged women foaming that Candiace's ass needs to be beat for her mouth are one 911 call away from

    • Getting arrested
    • Losing jobs
    • Having to pay court costs, fees and fines
    • Catching a record
    • Possibly losing housing
    • Having a judgment on their record after losing the civil case
    • Getting their wages garnished because they lost the last job and the new job doesn't pay enough to pay the judgment

    for "beating a bitch's ass."

    Which is why they aren't doing it.  It's all e-thuggery.  Nobody is out here "beating bitches' asses" for talking sideways except hoodboogers with nothing to lose.  Everyone else?  Has something to lose. That's why so many love and cherish Monique and were cheering her on because she could do what they know they cannot in real life.



    Say this louder. I ended a friendship with a 52 year plus woman whose response to any kind of venting was, " I am going to come see her. I don't talk." Yeah you do. All day. In the group of girls ironically, I am the one who LIVED in the HOOD the LONGEST. Well she got loud with me and threatening, I calmly told her, that was not happening, you will not speak to me like that or there will be consequences. Meaning Bitch - Bye til u learn how to act with friends. My 46 year old ass ain't 12 in the HOOD anymore getting teased for my emo pink hair in the projects. I have shit to lose now. 

    No one has the right to put their hands on you no matter what comes out your mouth. However HOOD or not, people have triggers. No one deserves a beat down for saying words but also know that not everyone is stable with their anger, just like Monique needs to keep her hands to herself, Candy needs to watch her anger with her mouth. Words can damage your career or legacy just as much as putting hands on someone. See all the dummies whose  emails or tweets with racist, misogynistic or anti lgbtq rants have gotten their trifling asses fired. Candy is too loose with that mouth. Now Ashley is very calculated with her mouth. She says foul ass shit too but is never as unhinged as Candy is.  Learn Candy. 

    • Love 11
  8. I fast forwarded from Brit and her mess. Either that shit is staged or she's running a scam and Marc u was drooling over that cheese board u barely said your lines. 

    Lisa pray to Jesus about those wigs u and your corpse got. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Angry Moldovan said:

    Yes it’s awful, but the chin thing has to go.

    Yes its just making a terrible situation worse. Cut it Victor!

    I am not snarking on the poor folks who went through this hell. I live in Miami, Hurracaines are SATAN- The wicked witch of the west of fears until the season is over. However we are lucky that we are in America, have flood insurance and have the means to evacuate. Mother Nature is not playing with us. 

    I am just snarking on Spice Lady Ellie and this dried up Dude who needs to shave she is acting a right fool over. I hope her trifling roaming the island got some help at least for the folks there- publicity, fund raising, something lady. 


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  10. 6 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    You’re comparing apples to oranges. Daonte is much more sex obsessed than SteVen. But I can see what you mean.

    That "nice guy" veneer while being creepy and sex obsessed is the same memo. Steven is more passive aggressive about it. However Daonte is missing several brain cells, i suspect due to excess dish washer fumes,  as well so there is that. 

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  11. 4 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    Victor is so skinny he looks like a Grateful Dead skeleton 

    He's not attractive at all and his eyes are hustler's eyes. Ellie is a fool. I was side eyeing her for the spice nonsense, ( Lady I been all over the Caribbean, my ancestors are of the Caribbean, LADY we are the spice land boo, We good. ) but now with this going to the destroyed island with nothing but Sharp cameras and shocked five head faces, Gurl even the vile Bethany came to hurracaine ravaged areas with gift cards and cash.  Go home. Start an amazon wish list with your restaurant proceeds of supplies for the folks of that Island. 

    • Love 17
  12. I have given up my obsession with this show but I tuned in to see the lying liar who lies terribly, sumit and his brilliant catch of a sugar mama til the bills go over six hundred bucks a month, Jenny. 

    This Steven character is not fun to watch. He's creepier than the dude on LAL that has sex with a headless torso sex toy he washes in the rinse cycle. That's a high bar to climb, people and Steven did it. 

    Ellie. That is not the vacation peen who cheats and has committed Domestic violence in the past to Just give it up for.  GURL. If you going to throw caution and common sense to the wind, eye candy that looked wasted pre storm ain't the business. 

    • Love 10
  13. 11 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Is Eric giving her a bone?

    Sometimes in their talking heads Kristi seems to genuinely be enjoying herself.

    I think Cosplay Indian is a decent dude (and yes I know the bar is low on this show)- He may be the best thing for Kris, I rather watch them than Brit and Marc. Brit and Marc have always seemed to be Hustlers and in surviving addiction that is probably a trait needed. Kris doesn't seem to have that and she def seems lost. Her familia is not helping but Cosplay Indian seems to really care for her. Sometimes that can keep someone on the straight and helping her overcome the addiction. 

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  14. I am over Brit and Marce- I fast forward them. I am glad they are normal and not having sex with plastic headless torsos that they wash in the rinse cycle or Brit hasn’t tattooed her face and while Marc was creepy in the beginning too he is no Stan or Shawn. Give them a web Series. Give their time spot to the more entertaining wrecks. 
    Shawn is just a waste of space. Period. He should just do escorts and get a vasectomy. 

    I don’t know why I root for Kris and the Cosplay Indian. I don’t know, I find them slightly endearing. Dear lord I am not well. 

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  15. On 7/24/2021 at 2:43 PM, RealHousewife said:

    Congratulations DOSODOG! 👏

    I'm familiar with Peppa actually! The cartoon is super cute. I love the whistling episode. lol


    Yeah even if they get freebies or discounts due to being on TV, they still have to be living way beyond their means. We all love beautiful things, but entitled attitudes to the point of screwing others over-so gross. 

    My son used to talk with a slight British accent too. We are Afro mixed race Boricuas who grew up in nyc. It was Peppa! I love Peppa. And after the last two episodes I may love PK a bit. 

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