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Posts posted by lamujerdecente

  1. 1 hour ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    I love reading everyone's insights about the scene with the Mean Girls ganging up on Garcelle until she was reduced to tears and then applauding her for her vulnerability.  These horrible people have no understanding about friendship and love to tear people down because of their jealousy and their own insecurities.  Anyone who is popular with the audience is a target of their schemes.  I would love to see them on the receiving end.

    Garcalle is a gem, she really highlights what trash the rest of them are. Sutton annoyed me with her fraigility in the beginning but she is giving the real rich lady shade that Erika clearly needs to deal with for the rest of her existence. 
    I am over these shows after this reunion- unless next year all are gone but PK, Garcele, kathy as a housewife- Kyle demoted to friend and Sutton. Maybe crystal. 

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  2. 30 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    If you come for me I will send Jesus after you. Can we just talk about how ridiculous that tag line is? Lol she’ll sick Jesus on you? lol 

    I want to hate Mary, she’s terrible. But then she talks to herself and is herself strangely that I think she is such a superb con woman because she BELIEVES she is Right there with Jesus. Right there boo. Next to him chilling- it’s not the holy trinity it’s the holy square. She’s entertaining to me. Shameful but true. Now Jen Shah can go kick rocks with that Twit Brooks. 

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  3. Just now, lamujerdecente said:

    Kyle is half blind, that's why she dresses the way she does and lets Faye infict Bordello Pink Home Decor  on her poor houses. She can see only from far away which is why she chooses great houses. That's my story and I am sticking to it. 

    I love G, she is a stealth take down never a sweat Ho-wife. Her outfit was terrible tho, get glasses love. Her Christmas food looked amazing. 

    Rinna. Who? Turn your back on the monster and it loses it's power. IGNORE. 

    Dorit and her hubs are FRAUDS, that house is coming down next. Teddy was there?


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  4. 1 minute ago, stacyasp said:

    Kyle didn’t read it because it was too long lol!


    Kyle is half blind, that's why she dresses the way she does and lets that Bordello Pink Home Decor Faye inflicts on her poor houses. She can see only from far away which is why she chooses great houses. That's my story and I sticking to it. 

    I love G, she is a stealth take down never a sweat Ho-wife. Her outfit was terrible tho, get glasses love. Her Christmas food looked amazing. 

    Rinna. Who? Turn your back on the monster and it loses it's power. IGNORE. 

    Dorit and her hubs are FRAUDS, that house is coming down next. Teddy was there?

    • LOL 7
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  5. 25 minutes ago, Door County Cherry said:

    I'm not arguing whether or not Erika is decent but I absolutely disagree that most people, even people who are considered decent, would voluntarily bankrupt themselves or significantly downgrade their lifestyle without going through a process where they're told they have to.  

    Because most people absolutely would not, especially if they also felt they earned money and some of their possessions are thanks to what they made and not what their spouse stole. 

    Would they show more empathy than Erika has?  Probably.  But hand over their possessions to another lawyer?  Nah.  They'd wait until the court went through and decided what could be recovered for the victims and what couldn't be recovered. 

    The difference Erica didn’t earn those possessions. Even with her check through this show couldn’t cover the lifestyle she was living so how did she earn those gifts? Ask the children of the drug dealers of the 1980’s how much property they were able to keep.  If your money and assets were obtained by illegal means u are not entitled to them unless u can prove you had the means to own them without the stolen funds. 

    • Love 16
  6. On 8/14/2021 at 8:12 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

    I mean she kinda shot herself in the foot admitting that without Tom she could no longer afford her Erika Jayne apt. If her LLC was paying for all things Eryka Jayne why would she need to suddenly “downsize” because she left him and need to sell things… the girl is admitting to things she really shouldn’t be on camera. Toms firm was paying her glam squads and pretty much all her bills through his company not her LLC she’s fucked if that is true… 

    Here in Miami some of the girls in my circle were defending her. Not surprising as this city worships money. And many are new money immigrants or first generation folks, for my always been on the poor side of the system POS tush with despite having a cold black heart, I can't EVER take from children and the marginalized LET ALONE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS, BURN VICTIMS. For all the critique we do of the Kardashian culture and how they started this trend of being selfish twats, frankly i feel we have always been this way. Its just on steroids now. The culture is worship the Rich and Wealthy because we are sold this American Dream that we can one day be wealthy and why make them pay their fair share when that could one day be me?

    • Love 12
  7. On 8/11/2021 at 5:19 PM, kristen111 said:

    Ramona is very colorful, quirky and friendly.  She will do well as a realtor.  People like that, like Fredrick.  Fredrick is also funny and friendly.

    True story now.  My Cousin hardly called me as her husband retired and was home all the time.  I understood that.  She was busy with him.  He died suddenly of a stroke seven months ago.  I listened to her everyday even tho I have a husband and adult Son at home.  After awhile of hearing her whine about him everyday, my blood pressure rose.  I told her to please stop as I couldn’t listen anymore as I was busy with my family and to cut it down.  She still called everyday.  I was pulling my hair out from hearing the same story day after day.  It got on my nerves.  Some people don’t know when to stop.  Ramona has been listening to Ebony for weeks now about the same thing and has had it.   No one can take sides until it happens to them.  Ebony became a broken record.  If it was reverse, Ebony would get annoyed too.  No one can judge until they walk in others shoes.

    I think this can be applied to racism. White folks have experienced the racism Eboni has faced but they don't mind taking a side on it. 

    Just now, lamujerdecente said:

    I think this can be applied to racism. White folks have NOT experienced the racism Eboni has faced but they don't mind taking a side on it. 


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  8. On 8/11/2021 at 2:40 PM, Cosmocrush said:

    Oh I LOVE this idea!  That would have helped.  🤣


    You might be on to something.  I thought it was rather telling when Eboni uttered the words white supremacy the camera went to Ramona, who wasn't saying anything but clearly the camera was looking for a reaction shot. 

    Eboni much Like Garcelle on Beverly Hills have had success in fields where they would MOST likely be the only Black person at many  times in the room. She would not be that "Fight the power"and get where she is. I think she is pursing a Black Excellence Brand and perhaps 2020 inspired her to be more in the face about Racial Injustices with this platform, George Floyd,in my opinion was the Emmett Til moment of our generation.  It inspired a lot of folks to think and want to talk about race. it also gave rise tor many to dismiss racism or dig down into their beliefs.

    The producers know their cast, they know their triggers and Ramona is really terrible, who knows what trifling shit they have seen her do. But in the words of Heather B, " You can't blame editing they use what you give them."

    • Love 11
  9. On 8/11/2021 at 10:15 AM, Cosmocrush said:

    Ramona's ultra rudeness started before they sat down to dinner with Leah.  Critiquing the table setting was awful - mocking the host's napkins (and yet ignoring the animal type cages and gym lockers all over the place) Then shoving food in her piehole, getting up from the table and demanding food?  What the hell Ramona?   I too have been a Ramona defender because I usually find her entertaining.  Not this episode.  Not even a little bit.  I don't know if I've changed or she has but I'm kind of over Ramona.  

    Lu's sobriety finally paid off, although she might not have been completely sober choosing that outfit. 


    Ramona was HORRIBLE at that dinner but now that I think about Ramona- she  has ALWAYS been horrible. She also showed, besides her BOORISH ways, why her "elitism" has always bugged me. She was not a Native New Yorker and she is a social climber. As a native New Yorker, the Upper East Side has Old Jewish Money as well. They would not find Ramona's antics of TRASH Behavior amusing. And she would not have assimilated in the money circles she craved. At worst they were snobs like you tried to be Ramona but I HIGHLY doubt it was because you wasn't Jewish Ramona.

    I used to find some aspects of Ramona entertaining but that ship has sailed. Erica Jayne's antics have soured me on watching horribly behaved folks on a reality show get richer by being horrible. I stayed too long at the Freak show.

    Leah is fake and a try hard but EVEN she was better behaved on the phone screen than Ramona. Sonja is just TIRED at this point but unlike Ramona she still cracks me up a bit- like when she headed to the kitchen and then proceeded to brag about the free food Eboni provided. 

    Romona in the Kitchen made me wish someone would accidently run into her with a cast iron skillet. I did enjoy the editors snarky editing of her stuffing her face in the bus then yelling she needs to eat. 

    • Love 6
  10. 12 minutes ago, Cozytea said:

    Exactly.  Ramona wasn't drunk just dosen't want to hear about race because she  feels uncomfortable.  Only Ramona can answer why the mere mention of Race triggers her.   I am sure many of us can guess. 

    I watch a British soap opera,  and one of the current storylines is about a young black man dealing with the cops pulling him over.....well sone people are up in arms why this has to be discussed on the show lol, a  soap opera that deals with every topic under the sun (suicide, drug addiction, affairs , grief over the loss of a child , homelessness,  bulling, etc.) But race should never be mentioned.  Everytime I see a comment like that  I'll think of Ramona wandering a strangers home looking for food.😆

    As bad Ramona was Leah was awful as well but yeah Ramona was already not liking the idea of Leah on zoom, before the reached the house.

    I'm a Mexican American that lives in northern Ohio and I know more about Jewish traditions and culture than these nitwits . Would it kill any of them to do a bit of research before they  go. I know reading a book is out of the question but damn, Google Shabbat . 

    Eboni's male friend had me laughing so hard.  He took a drink of his margarita and raised his and smirked all at once as you hear Eboni say something to Ramona (white exclusion?).😆

    I grew up in Harlem, went to Catholic School- at FIVE I knew about Jewish Traditions than those two. I think production is egging Eboni on BECAUSE they KNOW Ramoana has an issue with RACE. Many folks do. We wouldn't tell someone to stop talking about mental illness even if we haven't experienced it BUT ONCE again we LOVE to tell folks of color, Talking about race is alienating. 

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  11. 7 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

    What's interesting to me is that it seems like people can have compassion for the plight of Jewish people and/or other groups, but when it comes to Black people there is all of a sudden a problem.  What lecturing did Eboni do?  The host started talking about Black and Jewish relations then Ramona started going off the rails.

    THIS. I wish Leah TRASH Tush had made her conversion a thing. The hyprocrisy is REAL. Plus Religion is not a race. One can hide One's religion, you can't Hide your race. A professor I took a class with had the best response to this kind of tone deafness. "As A jewish woman, I assess my privelege in the room before I speak. "

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