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Posts posted by lamujerdecente

  1. Sarah is a shitty mom for allowing that kind of mess around her girls. This is a man that can't be bothered to wake up to an alarm for rights to the kids. Girl, your life choices are going to ruin your pretty girls. They will follow in your tacky ass blacent footsteps, chasing the hood life adjacent. 

    Mumbles is a garbage can and he is no boss. He is a parasite that will be back in prison soon enough. Thats his career. Malcom has to be an actor- no normal, cute dude wants that mess that is Sarah and Mumbles. 


    I called it EARLY that Flappy pays for sex. How broke is he that he can't afford to buy a house in Mississippi? The rent on that place is so cheap!!!


    Why does Andrea have such great kids? Seriously I am jealous. Lol. She's insane - maybe thats how u get great kids, be insane, they will rebel and be good, calm folks. 

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  2. God I am so tired of Sarah and Michael. I did enjoy the cute girl that was obviously not the usual type of barnacle that Michael ends up with. Her outfit was pretty Mandee's couture but she was selling it. And Devil Penis has never been so upbeat not even around those beauties he donated DNA to. Get your life together and be a dad, maybe u can score better booty, u deadbeat. 

    God Lindsay is a bomb of tacky and entitlement. Flappy can sit down on that lawnmower and get to work because when u pick up the jailhouse broad, you pay all the bail. Ask Shawn. 


    Shovel's cousin needs to start a youtube channel for serial jailbird daters. Maybe he could offer discounts to Heather and Sarah. 

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    No she said the Morman faith tells her everything she loves like gay men and being with black men drinking having a good time her church told her she should have hated/disliked/shunned/stayed away from and she doesn’t. She never said she disliked ANYONE.  I watch love after lock up and they kinda touched on being black and morman for a hot second because there is an African American woman and her children from Utah that are on there... then glossed over it completely 

    Yes. She pointed out the racist Morman beliefs that they have claimed to have since abandoned. There is an actual push for Morman folks of color, its a an agenda. I met a few newly converted morman folks of color in new york city. 

    I am in for this train wreck. Boricuas have a history with pentecostal church, so as soon as Mary said she was pentecostal, i was in. I can't hate Mary as she is clearly Mentally ill. She was dressed as A my Little Pony Doll that fell in the shredder at Jen's party. Homegirl is not well. Her husband and her sizzled up my screen tho, i felt the oil of their greasy scammy ways. 

    Jen and Lisa, Ugh. Real Housewife school graduates indeed. 






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  4. 1 hour ago, Maybeitsme said:

    Well I  am early too and chomping at the bit. This show and you guys have really brought me thru some difficult times. Just got my 12 week out PET scan report and I am cancer free baby! Breast cancer 2017/18 and Lymphoma 2019/20 thankful for trash tv and the folks who can appreciate it with me. Snark on my people 


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  5. 4 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

    So now Emily and Shane's kids have a dog AND a kitten to torture?

    Please tell me I misunderstood.


    I swear when I saw that - I wanted to believe that it was a stuff animal. You need to be a certain kind of parent to parent both pets and small children. From the beginning I taught my kids, animals are like humans, YOU NEED CONSENT to touch them. If the animal doesn't want you around it, its for reason , KID. That irritated me to no end. And I am a fairly new cat mommie, I am allergic to cats and we found our Electra, or rather she found us, who is hairless. She is very picky about how she is around anyone. I noticed that she lets us carry around for five seconds, including the kids, because I taught them early, CONSENT. 

    • Love 13
  6. 5 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    To be fair when you had no real parenting as a child you sometimes don't know the proper way to parent yourself ... not making excuses for it cause yes she seems to be doing the bare minimum in that department and its annoying ... when you have shit parents as a child you come out either super hyper over protective of your own children or you become their "friend" and don't really parent at all but treat them like friends .... Knowing B's history with her mother I see a lot of things she is doing that are direct results of growing up in protection and taking care of yourself mode ....I think that's why she is hyper sexual with her husband she takes that has a form of validation and love ... you see it a lot in people who were molested... this is kinda heavy stuff and issues to deal with on its own and i can see how uncomfortable it would be to deal with on a reality show 

    I agree with both of your perspectives. I don’t know if I believe this a 100% but Brawny’s mom is a trash basket. Being raised by two not so functioning parents my damn self, I can see this. 

    I love your passion keywestclubkid and I wonder if this is a Miami thing, for Brawny. I am from New York City, Harlem not Long Island and while up north things are WAY MORE progressive than here, folks are more “buttoned up”. I went to kid parties here where butt cheek shorts were the attire. The sexuality here is open in some ways more than up north, but everyone is way more religious. 
    But yeah husbands are more friendly, everyone is dressed more revealing, Miami is a different place. 

    My Hubbie and I go to key west often. We should look u up. No threesomes I promise. Even if we have to put u in Uber. 

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  7. 15 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

    That son was pretty tasty! Why haven’t we seen more of him?

    Stanley Roper and Ralph Furley called and they  want their suits back.

    Right? I think I been cheated all these years. That kind of fineness wasn't around in my day. Lol. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, Mothra said:

    I disagree with everyone who thinks that Maurice seems genuine and wishes him well.  I think Maurice approaches true villainy more than any other person on this show.  I think his efforts to convince Jessica's father that he is a good guy who has just needed guidance are a joke, but I understand her dad's desperate desire to believe them.  Maurice is not only going to fail as a husband and father, but in the course of things is going to rob everyone blind.  Just you wait.

    Why do you think he approaches true villainy more than the others? More than Destinee? Heather? Jon? DESTINEEE? SHAWN? I am going by his politeness, how he has seemed sincere. He's on a show called love after love up, on the we channel, so i expect a train wreck but I also give someone the benefit of the doubt until they show their tush. So far Maurice, Qualude, Chandra,and Dylan are the only ones of the couples who have behaved as they were raised with basic manners. 

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  9. On 10/24/2020 at 7:58 AM, JenE4 said:


    This is breaking my heart hearing Maurice talk about how happy he is to finally have a Pops to teach him stuff and have a family. I think this is the only couple on this show that I’ve ever rooted for. A drawer full of cash along with his welding supplies?! Oh, damn, “I’ll go to the casino and turn this thousand into three-thousand real quick.” No, Maurice, noooooooo!

    I am rooting for Maurice and Jessica’s daddy. 
    jessica can take her ass to the dentist with that cash and get those teeth fixed girl. 

    And buy clothes that fit. Girl is curvy and that is an easier body to fit, explore beyond tight jeans and sausage dresses girl. 

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  10. 22 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

    If you're done with him, can I have him?

    Christmas is coming soon.  He would make a fantastic stocking stuffer  😍

    And mailed it back to them  😂

    Oy, I hope no one ever breaks in and steals his petty cash box, because Maurice will be the first one they suspect.  

    I couldn't agree more.  Yowza!

    I am married to a baldie but I love a man with long flowy, hair with the indigenous beautiful, face, Chile, Puerto Rico is a dangerous place for my married ass to go. I have a family research project I will be working on IF the plague ever goes away. I will be looking for these long hair beauties. For research purposes. 

    Dylan is a beautiful man, but in some lighting, he looks almost like an alien. A pretty one. 

    Ben Carson is a herb. He’s cute but the elevator doesn’t go all the way up. His son tho. This show has a lot of male eye candy. And sewage like Jon, flappy, mumbles, Sarah, Jon’s jacket, his ponytails, heather’s seven personalities, etc. 

    • LOL 4
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  11. 9 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    Re: Native John

    I've dated two full-blooded Native Americans and although one actually went by the name "Spirit Dancer" and did the pow wow festival circuit (pictured because he was also fine as hell and why not) outside of his dancing he just wore...clothes. Like t-shirts and jeans. LAL homeboy is...special. 



    Deliciously fine. 

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  12. Gosh leaving 20 bills around unaccounted for was a bad thing\idea? Those damn fringe ponytail selfies probably made her turn off her phone. I can’t stand John. He and Lacey need to be arrested and house arrested with Heather. Take Sarah too. Leave the girls tho. 

    • Love 1
  13. On 10/21/2020 at 4:12 PM, RealReality said:

    I still think Monique strategically chose her victim, and for all the reasons you said.  

    It just strikes me that Monique managed to "walk away" from tall, athletic Robyn, who is well liked by the cast and is generally inoffensive.  And Robyn taunted Monique far more than Candace did.  However, when it was short, petite, skinny, unlikable and despised Candace, suddenly Monique "blacked out"  and physically attacked her?  I just don't buy it.  

    I think back on how many times this season Monique has tried to get Candace to engage with her.  From the dinner after Candace's party to the lakehouse situation and it probably would have been the same had Candace gone on that podcast.  

    In that light, it starts to look like Monique just chose the easiest victim and then baited and waited for her opportunity.  And if thats true, that level of strategic premeditation is scary.  

    I get why folks are on Monique side because she is a pretty, black mother married to a black men of respect and wealth. The optics of that are something we, as folks of color, have been robbed of seeing on tv for a long time. But I don't let that cloud my  judgement. I grew up in the hood. I get how chicks like Candace and Gizelle, wealthier or middle class girls, who will pick at the hood girl, hoping she will snap. I snapped once, threw a chair at a bish. I never felt lower. I let that dumb chick get me so riled up, I risked all the priveleges ,I risked my kid ( I had one at the time), just so I could feel good at throwing a chair at a bish who said and did some low shit. The difference was, unlike Monique, I sobered up quick, knowing I was a single, working mother and this girl could ruin any progress I had made. That was life changing and life affirming. Now if I am drunk on tequilla and Dorinda is yelling in my face without Clip being the yelling, Karen and Eddie Judge are not sitting somewhere nearby munching the shah spread style snacks, then yeah a chair maybe be thrown. Kidding I swear!


    My point is Monique is wrong. She's too old to be this immature. And she also chose her target. Like Miss Evelyn Lozada, of BasketBall Wives. She's a stealth bully. She will only attack and be physical with chick who are smaller or who aren't fighters, but they are always the ones folks don't like. A true person who is "triggered" is "TRIGGERED", by anyone who gets their trigger going. 

    Dorinda is far worse than any of these women on almost any of the franchises with her violent, abusive yowling and hands in people's faces, the next offender is Miss Felon Teresa G Goon Gorga, so if anyone uses this franchise to judge how violent women of color are, they can take several seats. I hate that excuse for stereotyping folks. 


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  14. 1 hour ago, hookedontv said:


    If we all took a shot each time Destinee said "dude" we would all still be drunk 3 days later. Shawn is dumb as a box of rocks, and Destinee is a lunatic. If Shawn is stupid enough to give his credit cards over, go ahead Destinee, charge'em up. They kind of deserve eachother.)The delusion is exceptionally strong this season. 


    Y'all ain't getting me with that. I tried that every time Grange (90 day fiance) said she was done on one episode. I don't remember anything about that night. 

    • LOL 9
  15. 14 hours ago, coffee drinker said:

    Yep, Miley Grace lives with what would be her great-grandma, Lindsey's grandmother.  Lindsey's own mother dumped Lindsey on her mother to raise, if I remember it correctly back to the beginning episodes.  The grandmother/great-grandmother has been tasked with raising both her own daughter's (Lindsey's mom's kid aka Lindsey) and now Lindsey's own daughter, Miley Grace.  No wonder the woman is ready to be done being a parent.  I guess Miley Grace's father's family isn't involved her life at this point.  

    I feel bad for Miley and her grandmother. Addiction can be a cycle.  My aunt was a drug addict for decades. She’s clean and sober now for decades but her kids and grandkid are still in the cycle of addiction and prison. 

    And Many addicts are skilled at finding someone to enable  take care of them. My ex husband, for example that just lost his second wife, momma. 

    I wasn’t attacking the grandma. Just my observations.

    • Love 2
  16. Sigh. Sadly I think think the Flap is only like .00000888999 a better option for Miley Grace, then her asshole, entitled mother. But I also think Lins is a mess because she’s second generation mess. 
     Flap would at least keep the lights on for Miley. 
    Shawn should donate his brain to science. He’s clearly not using it. 

    Heather. Check yourself to rehab or the mental health facility. She is like a deranged toddler. 
    And she looks really old in some lights. Like Aunt Diane’s age. 

    And again sadly that shows me she was traumatized. Often people stay in that same age where they were assaulted, mentally. Without help or intervention. 

    And I am glad aunt Diane is alive. I was worried for her. Heather looked hangry too. 

    dylan has beautiful bone structure. Like damn. I am alway envious of men with those cheekbones. No fair. 

    Shovel looks like a shovel. I can’t stomach her. She’s a smug asshole too. Bish u are not doing any of those two children a favor pushing them to be daddy and daughter. They both kids. U ruined their time at the zoo too. Mean Mommie. And shovel is a child too. She is a tantrum thrower as well. I don’t get it. Her family seems like nice, stable folks. Where did she come from? 

    Thank  god jessica and her missing tooth were not shown. 

    The .00000000 Native American annoys the shit out of me. He’s another terrible parent and enabler. 






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