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Posts posted by lamujerdecente

  1. I am Team No one. Bethany has longed been a nasty wench. But she was popular early. A fan favorite. When I say ratings draw thats it. She has fans that tune in for her. 

    I think her man was a predator of the poor prior to his sudden death. But his death made me feel some kind of way. My dad was an opiate user due to a fall at work and he became addicted. He nearly killed himself  few years ago. He died of a massive heart attack Dec. 30, 2017. Following my mother's death, six months before. That is triggering AF. 

    I feel for her. I feel for his kids. His wife. Regardless of what their relationship was. Especially the way he died. People are brutal about addiction. Brutal with their denials and judgements. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. 

    And while I think Bethany is a nasty bitch a lot of the time, Carole's  behavior on twitter recently, showed why I never liked her. She has always been a sneaky nasty mean girl. For some she gets a pass because of how nasty Bethany is but I don't excuse her, especially since loss has been her defining narrative. 

    Carole has no self aware. And I think Bethany and her bonded over being mean girls.  She has aged shamed. She has been tone death.  She has dated a user. 

    On a shallow note, she has gotten so unattractive over the years. And it seems to be self induced with bad plastic surgery. 

    • Love 20
  2. 20 hours ago, ryebread said:

    There is a picture I saw a long time ago of Anthony and Carole on the boat the day they did the memorial at sea for John and Carolyn that feels like it jibes with what you read.

    Carole and Anthony are sitting far apart and just looking beaten. I'm not saying they didn't lean on each other through this time, but they looked worlds apart in that picture and it just struck me as terribly, terribly sad. Anthony died two weeks later. Such a tragic time for all concerned.

    Tell me when you're ready to read it, and I'll read it, too. Let's start a book club thread this fall. ?

    I write memoir (writing one now) I want in on this! i just brought WR.

    • Love 3
  3. 7 hours ago, Mozelle said:

    My point wasn't about who was a ratings draw. Andy has let people go who were supposed ratings draw (Phaedra) or kept people who weren't (Wig aka Kim Zolciak) for one reason or another. I still don't think that Carole was fired for telling Andy he was full of shit, when this was a person on the receiving end of a shove from another employee.

    I also think we can dispense with the fiction that Bethenny is either a ratings draw or someone who has story lines outside of feuding with someone. This season was very long (nearly five months, not including the reunion episodes currently airing). Her episodes (exactly two) about disaster relief were within the second month of airing. Since then, her story line was this fight with Carole.

    This, this, this. Bethenny thought she had shaken off the cloak of Real Housewives only to be reminded that outside of its bubble, no one cares to see her on their TV for any extended period of time. She needs this show to shill the product ideas that she keeps throwing at walls to see what sticks. RHONY for Bethenny is like HSN for the other HWs who hawk their wares. 

    Also, I think that Bethenny understands how writing works (she knows it all, remember?), but because it's Carole she has to be dismissive. Just as she was dismissive about Ramona's businesses. Just as she was dismissive about Heather's business, and to be honest, that one never made any sense to me. Heather had a proper business that was independent of any housewife affiliation, and she had been successful at it for years before joining the show, only for Bethenny to act as though she needed to give Heather business advice. 

    Teresa like Nene and miss Bethany love or hate them are ratings draw. Or at least they used the be. Carole isn’t. Period. 

    I don’t understand Vicky G. Because she seems to be universally hated and she’s not fired so there is that 

    • Love 7
  4. 9 hours ago, Mozelle said:

    I don't think that it has to be all or nothing. I think Carole could have seen all of that and did what a lot of people in friendships and relationships do: rationalize and wave away the things about a person that's giving them pause because they still like being around them over all.

    It starts to become a problem when (little by little) the things you thought you could overlook get larger and the things you thought you liked become smaller.

    This is why I don't think Carole got fired over telling Andy he was full of shit. Teresa nearly flung his ass like a rag doll and she's still drawing a check.

    Teresa (like it or not) was a ratings draw. Carole isn’t without help hence her storyline of fighting with Bethany.

    • Love 5
  5. 51 minutes ago, mon berg said:


    Weight loss is not hard at all people make it out to be harder then it really is.


    She acknowledges that she has no discipline and is basically lazy .


    You can see why the marriage fell apart she is a mess if you are a bloke going out to work everyday working your ass of to come home to some one who has done nothing they do not even prepare evening meal so you end up resorting to eating snacks yet the partner keeps moaning about weight issues so on come on.


    The thing is Vicki did not setup Kelly ex they both attended her party and met then because both are friends with Vicki/ forgot her new partners name they went out for some meals there is no issue here not sure why it has been blown out plus Kelly keeps leaving out the full story (Whenever I saw Kelly and her ex on he always appeared to get on with every one she was the awful one)


    The Eddie stuff is real it should be kept this is how these shows should be us seeing true life not this fake stuff they like to show us you cant just select the happy stuff we all have to deal with some awful things in life.


    LOL yeah Vicki and Micheal is just odd he is smart kid knows how to play her without having to do too much.

    It easy for you or people you know but it is not easy for everyone. I am at a decent weight now, am veganish and a mom. None of that shite is easy. Say shannon is a whiny mess yeah. But weight loss isn't easy for everyone. 

    Vicki is a foul asshole who thinks she can do whatever she wants to whomever she wants but u must treat her like jesus resurrected. The chicks on this show can't say they hate her vile, black hole of a soul but we can. Its not about Michael it is that Vicki is a scab infected that needs to be burned and taken off.

    • Love 14
  6. I am bored with the story line of ex set up because its clear these chicks hate Vicki. And who can blame them? Vicki is horrid.  But this is how they pay their bills so they have to engage with the sea hag. Nothing will ever redeem her. Nothing.

    I am a glutton for punishment so I keep watching but I am close to stopping. This isn't entertaining and it hasn't been for a while. However Andy you are wrong. Its Shannon's show not the asshole Vicki. 

    I know people think Vicki has such great kids but I think because so many especially the oc are hot messes so her kids look good by comparison. For me Avery is the most well adjusted of the howives kids. Briana, while not lazy and she is bright, has always stroke me as a codependent type of chick (with her beast of a mother who is surprised) and Michael is just lazy. Why else would you work for Vicki? He clearly hates her being around her.

    • Love 7
  7. 11 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

    and I could put up with that if he looked like Rob Lowe.. but he doesn't.  Attraction is so weird.

    Right? I thought how nice~ and she shoots him down for being too generous.

    agreed I thought it was way too boring for such a late in the season ep.

    Dorinda is a know it all.  i think those gift cards were a great idea. Those talk shows are a a mix bag in terms of all demorgraphics of nYC. He could be helping, being generous and getting new clients.

    • Love 9
  8. 9 hours ago, Lemons said:

    I got my ice cream and turned on the show as they were showing clips from last week.  Just as I put my first bite of chocolate brownie ice cream into my mouth, the screen zooms in on a shit streaked floor.  Thanks show. 

    See these bitches care about your waist size! Shallow, vapid useless bitches my butt! 

    • Love 5
  9. 2 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

    Thanks so much for the link.  I’m so happy Shannon has found someone.  Apparently new guy is from New York?  He sounds interesting. Shannon is not like the rest of them, IMO.  She seems more like the homey type with values.  Although she likes a good time also, she seems to have class .. not like the other two. Lol

    this is why i wish she wouldn't associate with that skag Icky. It cheapens her.


    41 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

    You live in a beautiful place.  We’re from Long Island and go up rt. 9 all the time to Rhinebeck.  Go to F. Roosevelt house, etc.   My granddaughter thinking of going to Marist.  Just love it up there.  Anyhoo, I’m going to try that spice.  Right up my alley.  Thanks for answering.

    She’s talking too much about losing weight.  Eat healthy, you own food on a dessert plate.  You’ll lose weight without that frozen fish in a bag.  I’m surprised the dog ate it.

    Yes. i agree. My stepchild is a picky eater. Her parents have allowed her to be a pretend vegeterian who eats ham. They have allowed that cutesy I am so special shite carry on to her now middle school years. As a result I am seeing food issues. She goes in to the bathroom when she is presented with something she doesn't want to eat, overly concerned with her weight and a closet junk food junkie. We must be very careful with how we present food to kids. 

    • Love 2
  10. That mother in law ain't as cute as she thinks she is. Their trainer tho?  Swoon. He was fionnne. 

    Kelly has never been known for her brains. Thats why she aligned herself with dark sea hag. Shows how little intellect she possess.

    Why is Shannon aligning herself with this creature is a better question. I guess for the cash.

    I await for the cancellation of this show or the firing of this sea hag. Its the only universe due for this woman. And watch everyone dump her including steve. 

    • Love 9
  11. 13 hours ago, breezy424 said:

    My point is that some think that Carole is the one starting stuff.  Maybe not.  Beth brought up Adam and Houston.  Heck, I don't like Adam either but that not the point or what this is about in the comments made.  It was about Carole instigating stuff when, in fact, Beth was.

    They were both instigating stuff. These are two sides of the same kind of mean girl. Is Carole slightly redeemable than ever present screeching ungrateful Bethany. Maybe. Depends on who you ask. I never liked Bethany. I always saw this asshole side. As I have gotten older, my empathy chip is kicking in and I am seeing why people are the way they are. That doesn't excuse them and I stay away from those toxic types. I don't slide over to them and tell them I have sex dreams with them and mock anorexic chicks clearly having a relapse with them. I mean I would expect a world traveling war journalist to have acquired a bit of common sense in her travels. She sure has horned her smug, entitled, conceited side. That might answered my question on how she was led astray. Smug. Entitled. Conceited. Thats Carole.

    And her little man child is the model boy for Smug and entitled. 

    • Love 7
  12. On 8/2/2018 at 1:17 PM, Normades said:

    Definitely.  The only reason I can come up with for Adam to try this stunt is to get out of paying for his (or whoever's) pet to travel with him.  Plenty of people pay to have their pet travel along and they don't pull this crap about comfort animal when it is clearly their pet.  Adam has plenty of money to pay the fee and if he doesn't then he needs to rethink his travel plans.  There are so many people who really need their service animals and because of idiots like Adam they get the side eye for it.  It really stinks!!  Operator indeed.

    He’s a POS for this. And Carole is defending him as she always does. 

    Like her former BFF a phony, smug hypocrite. Her bad plastic surgery and skeleton body with skin isn’t why he wants u, it’s what u can do for him. 

    • Love 3
  13. On 7/17/2018 at 6:18 PM, Apprentice79 said:

    To be fair, Black culture is not just Black American culture. There many different Black cultures around the world.   Evelyne is Puerto Rican, she has African blood, in her veins, like most Latinos.   You can look at her and see it.   I am not saying that she does not use her attractiveness, to get Black men, with money, who can give her, a comfortable lifestyle. However,  I do think that she is very comfortable with Black women because she feels a kinship to them. I do think that it has to do with their common African ancestry.  I don't get the vibe that she feels she is superior to Black women.  

    Evelyn like me, is boricua from New York City. It is one of the few places that Latinos and African American folks have unity and kinship in a lot of  ways And spaces. I myself feel more comfy with AA women that my own Latinas never more evident than now that I am in Miami. 


    That said I wouldn’t feel comfy with any of these broads because they are crazy,. 

    • Love 8
  14. 21 hours ago, esco1822 said:

    Or it was a joke. 

    Carole has shown that smugness before that comes across as elitist poseur. See her little man child that showed his ass using baby to get on a plane with  her as a service dog. Let Luann do that or one of her kids, or men. The same with her going to occupy Wall Street. “ are we the 1%”

    Humble bragging. She does this a lot. So does Bethany.  That doesn’t excuse Carole. She isn’t funny imo. She’s corny AF like her former BFF. 

    I am over her and can’t wait until she’s gone.

    • Love 10
  15. Carole defenders are just going to ignore her humble bragging.

    ”I been in Middle East war zones and this was far worst.”

    your emaciated Skelton body and face in that dress is one of the worst things my eyes have seen but I am quiet positive it isn’t as I grew up in  my own war zone. 

    Bye bitch. Take Bethany and Ramona with u for any kind of redemption.  

    9 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

    TMI -- I was so sick once that I shit the bed twice -- but luckily I was bundled up both times so it didn't get through my clothes to the bed.  And then after that I gave up being in bed and just slept on the bathroom floor.  One of the times I was trying to shower the shit off I almost shit in the shower.  It was bad.  I wanted to die.  I was so sick that letting the dogs out was enough work to require a nap.  I had to have Prime Now bring me immodium because I was afraid of shitting in the car or the store (also, I was dying of ebola and too sick to leave the house) and the immodium just kind of slowed the flow because the shitting was too strong for it and there wasn't even anything left in me to shit out and it still wouldn't stop.  I could barely move, but the shit clothes made it into the wash ASAP.  As soon as I could get around a little I washed the bedding even though it wasn't shitty, I'm sure it was full of ebola germs.

    Your poor thing. Hope you ok now. 

    • Love 6
  16. 15 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

    It's called "having a conflict!" I understand both people's POV, but the same thing happens in families with little wars going on! You can't always "choose a side!" I totally understand Kelly feeling betrayed, but she's just being irrational; esp. since she divorced the guy and was hoping to move on! Getting hysterical is counter productive for all concerned! Vicki just couldn't go by that so called "girl code" because she likes Michael and he happens to be dating someone she knows! Is she supposed to cut herself off from all those people so Kelly can have peace of mind that Michael should live in misery? Would she feel better if he became a recluse? ;-)


    No. Vicki is an asshole. Michael is a coworker's husband. He isn't a long lost family friend and if Steve and him are BFF then they can do guy shite together. Like Tam/Eddie with David and Shannon. Eddie and David were friends that continued their friendship. You don't see Tam all buddy with the new boo. If nothing else her former soul remembers that it might not sit well with Shannon.

    Vicki is morally corrupt so she gets nor shouldn't a single pass for her always deplorable behavior. And she can stick her fake apologies over her ever widening and getting flatter arse. When you are really sorry for something you have to be ok with the person may never forgiving you or ever having anything to do with you. After all her fake bible for dummies apologies, she gets hostile and aggressive trying to bully the person into forgiving her. And then goes on to metorphorically shit on something else that most sane moral humans know not to do. 

    Its kinda the universe's revenge that her body, one of her few assets in her early years is getting as attractive as her imaginary soul.  Is also fitting that she never knew how good she had it before the Bravo sunken place food drip. She was decent looking, had a cute figure, regular nice normal kids and a husband who loved her. But she was too busy being a needy, desperate for attention and being a hater of the superficial. 

    14 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

    In Kelly’s defense, she had to be “friends” with this lying old dinosaur.

    in Vicki’s defense, she had to listen to awful jokes and worry about getting shanked.

    im starting a reality show and I need some hags.  We will call it the real hags of Broward County, so some of you hags will have to relocate. I’m 44, and have been calling myself a hag for 12 years.  Ladies are nice and establishment, but hags are punk rock.  

    i want in! for real tho. I'm in Dade! But Dade Fl. I would locate! Cali is my dream state to live. 

    • Love 10
  17. 19 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

    I adore Shannon when she shows the world what many of us struggle with. The struggle with weight as you get older, the hit to your self esteem, trying to deal with the fact you now realise you were pretty smug and enjoyed your younger slimmer body and now you struggle to let go of your desire to still have that body because at your age you know that that’s societal pressure to look a certain way and you know you shouldn’t succumb to that pressure....but damn, you do want your younger body and damn it does hit your self esteem.... and damn your younger self for being so smug!

    You don’t want to jump into the spa and show off your older body... but then you’re old enough to let go of the worry (alcohol probably reduces the care factor!) about flashing your not so perfect body (perfect in who’s world... who sets that bar?). The struggle...not just with your new body and your struggle to accept changes with age, but the struggle regarding knowing you shouldn’t be body shaming yourself. You really understand the body/health business that we live in and the media portrayal of the perfect physique and how that effects us and our behaviours ....blah blah blah. You get all that yet you still feel body shame. 

    Shannon not wanting to get ‘nekkid ‘ for the spa? Yes! Shannon letting go of the fear? Yes! Shannon showing us her gorgeous not size zero body? Yes!  I do not want her to ever feel embarrassed about showing off all her body fears, and remedies (the spanx) and then flashing her body. I think she’s a great role model for her daughters, and all of us, for letting us see and normalise the struggle.

    I like Shannon. A lot. She’s herself warts and all. And her body is lovely. Over 40 bellies can be hard and the way these broads drink don’t help the belly cause but I like how she enjoys herself regardless if she feels her body is where she wants it if that makes sense. I would like to see her in more modern looks but I appreciate that she doesn’t squeeze into sausage Casing like her amiga Vicki. 

    • Love 24
  18. Vicki is the worst of humanity. There is no redeeming this puffy papa faced hag. She is a racist. A liar. A hyporcrite. A sloth. Envious. I am surprised the bible doesn't burn when she touches it. Well she doesn't, she googles bible verses. This is my last season with the OC. If she stays. Jill Zarin  P. Parks, none of these women compare to this vile creature. And they were fired. I think less of Shannon that she chose to kiss her and pretend for cameras. Thats why everyone is drunk around her. To dull the pain of being around this thing.

    I will forgive Kelly for a lot if she punches this Vile hag into the ocean. Please?

    And I am not body shaming but she has really gotten bigger these last few seasons. As vain as she is I cackle just a bit because I know it kills her to be so big. Stop drinking. If nothing else everyone around you needs it more.

    • Love 10
  19. God Vicki is so terrible. Kelly should keep her kid off his show. It isn't doing her or her kid any favors.

    These women were so drunk. Like twenty something drunk. Both Shannon and Vicki were walking like elderly 90 year olds in their shoes. Pack some flats.

    Tams bod is my goal. Must say no to wine.

    • Love 8
  20. 9 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    To be fair, I don't think any special insight into Dorinda's drinking is needed.  Or maybe even possible, because it's all out there for even casual observers like me.


    Or, as @Mozelle opined, it could be that she wanted to avoid the reunion.

    I said a while back that I don't think she's an alcoholic and that she can probably, at some point in the future, be a social drinker.  I might be wrong, but I don't think it's even a possibility with Dorinda.  She need to never let booze pass her lips again.


    I don't know that much about Dorinda's financial situation, but surely she's above upper middle class.

    And being a white, somehwere-above-middle-class female didn't keep Luann out of the pokey. 


    In a thread a few episodes back, I think, somebody mentioned a time when some poll results were shown before the poll was opened.

    Being white has a lot to do with it. Doris lives in New York City. Upper middle class is a different beast there.  Six figure salaries don’t go that far in NYC. Sad but true.

    i really hope this Bethany and Carole feud is over soon. It’s not that interesting. Both are aholes in different ways. Bethany is just louder about it. 

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