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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. I've volunteered at a few food pantries, and they won't put "expired" food on the shelf.  In addition to (unwarranted) fear of poisoned food, it's been couched in terms of respect--like not allowing used toys for Toys for Tots, because it implies that the recipients don't deserve new toys.  So I kind of get it.

    But they won't let the volunteers take the expired food home with them.  It has to get thrown away.  If the choice is between throwing it away and letting a volunteer have it, why not let the volunteer have it?  It's not like they'll be modifying the date on it in order to get it.

    Or have a "clearance" section where the food pantry clients can get extra food, in addition to their allotment, with a clear indication that it's expired.  Let them make the choice.  Anything beats throwing it away.

    And at the risk of grossing y'all out, I've found that if I don't drink from the carton, my milk lasts longer.

    • Like 3
  2. 7 hours ago, Chalby said:

    Was that when they were walking off the stage? I saw that too and had to rewind to believe it. I think it was a vape pen because the smoke looked different, and I can't imagine the production staff being happy with smoke in the studio.

    It was when they were outside on a deck where they were all gathering.  It was definitely an actual cigarette.

    6 hours ago, Chalby said:

    Did you notice (aside from the wrinkles) that while Angela was talking, half of her mouth was pulled slightly upwards, making her look like she was sneering. I thought maybe some botox froze half her mouth?

    There are so many wrong things going on on her face, but now I realize that one of them is an unusual cant to her mouth. 

    And it does look like a sneer, which makes everything she says all the more repellent.

    • Like 5
  3. On 1/13/2023 at 12:06 AM, NowVoyager said:

    When reached for comment, Nicole told The U.S. Sun: “The debt was incurred due to a medical emergency on top of student loans. However, $95k and 50 creditors is inaccurate at best and absolutely baseless.

    Presumably whoever wrote the article looked at her bankruptcy filing; the article said she had "checked off" that she owed 50-99 creditors, and wrote in $94,656 for total liabilities.  I'm not sure how she's squaring inaccurate and baseless with what she swore to in the petition..

    And...what sort of medical emergency runs up a bill of $8,000 at Banana Republic? 

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  4. On 1/13/2023 at 1:25 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

    I think maybe Gina did see Clint around in the building and said to herself, "Nope!"

    On the after-show, she said she'd seen him in the elevator before, but didn't elaborate.

    And this is hilarious:  She said the day after her home visit, she went out to walk her dog and saw a van with a guy with a headset and wondered what was going on.  The way she talked about it sounded like she was suspicious, and when she got back she asked them, "Oh, did you forget to call? I left my phone in my apartment" and they said no, they were getting some exterior shots.

    Then after they left, she said she went all FBI (and not Nicole's FBI) and went to the valet and asked him what they were doing, and he said, "They're interviewing some old man upstairs."

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  5. I just watched a new episode, where Jack gives tips for buying eggs.  I was heartened when he was talking about shelf life, and he said the USDA says three to five weeks, but in the test kitchen they've tasted them after four months and they were fine; the only issue is the whites on oldest eggs didn't whip very well, so you couldn't make a souffle with them. 

    He didn't describe the freshness test where you put it in a glass of water, which might help people overcome their reluctance to use eggs past the "expiration" date, never mind months after the expiration date.  I think in my entire lifetime I've had only one egg float, and I keep them forever.  So glad to hear the experts at ATK agree, and that they're doing real-human stuff like tasting four-month-old eggs.  (Although I'm sure they smelled them first.)

    • Like 6
  6. 15 hours ago, mojito said:

    Arlington Heights Area

    For the entire program, I found myself being in disbelief of how much this couple had changed since their wedding picture. It was as though 25 years had passed.

    I noticed the same thing.  I could very easily be persuaded that they weren't the same people as in the picture.

    The brick house the couple in Chicago/Sauganash bought--I love that style.  It looks tidy and secure.

    But I disagree with the couple--I liked the cinderblocks around the porch.

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  7. 19 hours ago, gaPeach said:

    And I don't believe for one minute Angela is broken hearted.  Not for a second.

    Didn't you see all the tears streaming down her face?  Oh, wait.  There weren't any.

    Anybody else notice Andrrrei smoking?  Can you imagine what he's going to be like if he tries to quit?

    • Like 4
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  8. 2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Arizona does not recognize common law marriage in any form. As such, cohabitating in Arizona will not create any presumption of marriage and cohabitating couples that are ending their relationship will not be able to use the Arizona divorce/family law process to assist them with dividing property.

    Even in states that do recognize common-law marriage, cohabiting alone never creates a common-law marriage. 

    (Heh--"cohabiting alone."  I mean that just because a couple lives together, or lives together for a certain amount of time (common lore has it at seven years, for some reason), that alone will never establish a common-law marriage.  There are other requirements that must be met in order to establish a common-law marriage.)

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  9. 1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:
    9 hours ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

    Becky hot!!!!! That dress.

    I thought it made her look flat as a pancake.

    Nah--she had some underboob cleavage going on.

    Plus a couple of rolls on her torso, which should be flat as a pancake to pull off an outfit like that. 

    1 hour ago, KateHearts said:

    Well Ed- the evidence that you lied was right out there and pretty indefensible; yet you resorted to name-calling and the stupid "No speak English" retort when you were pressured.

    Exactly.  He was 100% caught lying, and his reaction was to complain about Liz's acting like a lawyer asking questions.  When someone is answering your point-blank questions with "Me no speak English," the only option is to start the cross examination and force the liar to answer "yes" or "no."  So you brought that on yourself, Ed.

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  10. 18 hours ago, kikicat said:

    (forever to be known as Dollar Store Chuck Norris thanks to Spunky)

    I think the dash of Bradley Cooper should be acknowledged.

    On 1/9/2023 at 10:09 AM, Shauna said:

    Producer shenanigans.

    On 1/9/2023 at 3:20 AM, Lurk said:

    Scripted shenanigans? You know there's always a character cast that waffles on coming or not. All to create drama.

    I'm not sure at that point Mom had been around the producers enough to be their victim.  Regardless, I would hope that no amount of producer "input" would compel my mother to be that cruel to me.

  11. On 1/6/2023 at 4:08 PM, Alexander Pope said:

    She is in a class by herself for the self-portrait of her vagina, the boob sling, and a million other ways in which she flaunted her assets and put down her spouse in the crudest way possible.

    Don't forget the plaster cast of her vulva she had sitting out in her living room. 

    4 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

    her own mom wasn't answering her phone, leaving Kirsten on eggshells.  

    What the hell was up with that?  I think she was actually IN THE HOTEL and wasn't answering her phone.  "She's always late."  Fuck "she's always late."  At least answer your damn phone--it's no doubt no more than 2 inches from your hand.  Even if you're waffling on whether to go--answer the damn phone and say you're waffling.  Don't make the poor girl wonder if you're in the emergency room somewhere. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, suzeecat said:

    And, shame on McKinley, Clint, WHATEVER, for showing up to HIS WEDDING looking like he just rolled out of bed.  Back many, many years ago there used to be a board game called something like "Dream Date" where different "boys" were waiting behind a plastic door, and when you got the chance to open the door, you never knew who you were going to get.

    Mystery Date!  I can still sing the song from the commercial:   "Open the door for your -- sigh -- mystery date."

    • Like 2
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  13. 45 minutes ago, Rinaldo said:

    For a simple practical (and in retrospect, obvious) reason: none of the sounds we hearing during a number like that are "live." We're hearing prerecorded orchestra and vocals, after all.

    Well of course.  Now that you mention it.  😀

    It does make me wonder about some of the more remarkable tap sequences, like where someone was doing one-footed wings and really nailing the taps.  But I'm just going to decide not to care.

    • Like 2
  14. 10 hours ago, Milburn Stone said:

    Here's an article that address the whole issue re TCM.

    Thanks for posting that.  From the article:



    “The Godfather” director Francis Ford Coppola, another devoted fan, said he is still discovering titles on TCM after a lifetime of movie viewing.

    “I recently saw a film I never heard of starring John Garfield — ’He Ran All the Way,’” Coppola said. “And I realized that I never appreciated what a great actor he was until I saw his work in this, his final film. It would not have come to my attention if not for TCM.”


    First, this is what I love about non-streaming TCM--the serendipity. 

    Second, I'm kind of shocked Coppola had never even heard of He Ran All the Way.  Even I've seen that one, although I'm sure I have a lot more free time than Coppola does.

    On New Year's Eve I watched some of the That's Entertainment movies and all of That's Dancing.  I came away with a greater appreciation of Donald O'Connor's dancing.

    And I'd love to see some Busby Berkeley movies on a big screen in a theater. 

    I have a question:  Does anybody know if the sounds in the tap dancing sequences was original?  They pointed out that some of the dancing was done in one long take (and showed them moving parts of a set around while a woman was doing a big dance number--amazing), but didn't mention the sound. 

    • Like 1
  15. 19 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

    I never knew what Beaver Nuggets were either until I made the mistake of going in Buc-ee’s over the summer.

    I was at a Buc-ee's on the night before Thanksgiving, taking a break while driving the motorhome south.  Mr. Outlier likes their bbq sandwiches or something, but I think they were out, so we got some kolaches and were just wandering around in the store.

    He spotted Beaver Nuggets near the register.  I read the ingredients and saw they were made of corn meal and said, "They sound weird," and nixed the purchase.  He didn't protest.

    Then about a half hour later, a guy we know who was driving the same route was passing through, and we told him he should swing by Buc-ee's because he'd never been to one.  I stayed in the RV while Mr. Outlier went into the store with the friend, to serve as tour guide.

    Of course he came back with a bag of Beaver Nuggets.  I tried one and O.M.G.  They're not like caramel corn at all.  Much much lighter and way more delicious.  As if caramel corn were reconstituted in cloud form and kissed by an angel.

    The next day, Mr. O was gone on a bike ride for a couple of hours and I was left in the RV with the Beaver Nuggets and no chaperone.  I would eat a few and carefully close the bag tight and put it in the cabinet and then literally one minute later I'd be getting the bag out of the cabinet.  I was getting embarrassed by how fast I was motoring through them so I engaged in some deception and got a spoon and used that to mainline all the beaver dust in the bottom of the bag. 

    They're that good.  Between the Nuggets and the to-go sweet tea I'd gotten at a new Whataburger near Nashville, I was one happy sugar fiend.

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  16. 1 hour ago, cinsays said:

    So, just watched the one with the couple moving to Spain so one of them can work on her masters and the other plans to learn about herself, so they are living off their savings.


    1 hour ago, cinsays said:

    So, the one gal needs to get to the bars immediately upon waking? a 30 minute walk for her is too much? 

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but when they were talking about the student having a 30-minute walk, the learning about herself one said she would walk with the student and they could talk and whatever.  With no mention of the learning about herself one having an additional 30-minute walk to either meet the student on campus to walk back with her or to get back home after walking with the student to campus.

    • Like 2
  17. On 12/27/2022 at 10:10 PM, rhofmovalley said:

    The kid's name is Dais? The thing artist's models stand on while they're being painted? 

    Good God...

    At least they pronounced it correctly.  A dais is also where groups like city commissioners sit during public meetings, and people invariably pronounce it "die-iss," which can't even be done from how it's spelled.

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  18. 9 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    This probably could have been a bit shorter, but I still really enjoyed it. I am definitely going to look more into what parts were real and what parts were added for artistic flair, but so much was so specific, like the meeting with John Ford and kid Sam/Steve being inspired by the big train crash at the end of Worlds Greatest Show, that I bet a lot was true.

    I think this site provides a useful service:


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  19. 22 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

    Say what you will about Brianna... and there are plenty of negative things to say...she is a good mom who puts her kids first and provides for them. Her two baby daddies don't even see their kids let alone even try to co-parent with her. 

    And yet she keeps trying to force it, because she is bitter that she didn't have a dad.  I don't see that as putting her kids first.  If she would just admit to herself that she made two very very bad choices on whom to procreate with, and quit reveling in the disappointment when they don't come through, I'd have to grudgingly agree that she's a good mom. 

    Or, well, maybe I could once I managed to forget the story line about offering Stella up for adoption.  That was heinous.

    22 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

    Jade's massive boobage was vulgar. She looked so trashy and cheap. All that cosmetic surgery and all the pain she endured was a waste of money and time.

    You're discounting the entertainment value, which for me was quite high.  Seeing her waddle in her bandages and beached in the back of the SUV was a sublime experience.

    • LOL 6
  20. 15 hours ago, Grrarrggh said:

    Now, the gas thing was a bit off but everyone has their phobias. 

    Or made-up phobias.  How did she get over it, so she was able to live in a place with a gas stove that she was afraid would explode?  I was assuming they'd explain, but they didn't. 

    I can tell you for sure that if I looked at a house that had snakes all in it, I would not be able to live in it as long as the snakes were still in it. 

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