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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. 20 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    Shallow - Sarah looked great in green.

    Agree, but what was that outfit on Wednesday night?  Aside from looking like a babydoll dress, it was too busy for the camera.  But I've noticed in the past that she's worn things that I don't like, or that just seem odd.  I think jumpers (American jumpers, not sweaters) are adorable, but I'll just go there and say at a certain age they lose their appeal.

    And the bridal hair on two of the episodes.  Weird, and distracting.

    (I'm an equal-opportunity hair wonderer abouter--I followed Trevor's hair as closely as anything else during the pandemic.)

    And what's the deal with the sudden extreme close-ups?  I think I remember one for Chelsea Handler, and I've noticed two for Sarah, and I even don't watch the complete episodes.  It looks like they're refilming something and inserting it, but why does it have to be so close, especially all of a sudden?

    Finally, I never thought Trevor was a particularly skilled interviewer and went to a default of not watching the interviews.  Actually, I didn't think Jon Stewart was all that great, either.  Maybe it's because they have such a short time and it seemed like the host (whether Jon or Trevor) did too much of the talking. When they started having the "see the full interview online," it was like they didn't even try to make the ones on the air excellent, and then interviews by Zoom with all the interrupting were the nail in the coffin.

    Anyway, how many words did Kareem, her if-you-could-have-anybody-on guest, actually utter?  And of those, how many were about himself and not LeBron James?

    Finally (man, this episode got me wound up), I don't really care for Silverman's habit of, during interviews, leaning forward on the desk and tilting her head.  I know that's kind of her schtick, and it's a schtick that I actually don't mind, usually, but in this context it grates.

    All of these guest hosts have made me realize how badly I want Trevor back, stuck in the corner of his apartment.

    • Like 1
  2. On 2/13/2023 at 10:22 PM, DrewPaul2010 said:

    Shaquille - Unlike Clint he didn't lose his confidence because she threw some shade about him being bald.

    I think I detected some hair, making me think he's lost a lot of hair and just shaves the rest.  That means he's doubly bald.  He's bald because he has no hair in certain areas, and he chooses to be bald by shaving his whole head.  So is she criticizing his genes or his style choices?  Dude can't win on that one.

  3. 12 hours ago, JenE4 said:

    I feel like they’re trolling us—or maybe even Zach—by filming him showering every day.

    If I were sweating as much as he was during the various conversations, I'd be taking a shower every 15 minutes.

    • Like 3
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  4. On 2/9/2023 at 12:48 PM, KittyMom4 said:

    Where I used to live was near a college campus and more frequently than not I'd be behind someone with their head bowed looking at their phone when the left turn arrow turned green. 

    And that's the beauty of it.  If their head is bowed looking at their phone, they can't see the light, so it's no problem to honk as soon as it turns green because for all they know, you patiently waited for them to pay attention and see the light and eventually gave up and felt forced to honk.

    I don't have a smart phone so I'm never fiddling with one while waiting at a light, but I've been known to kind of zone out and suddenly realize the cars in front of me have started moving, and nobody has honked at me.  And it's not like they can't see the traffic moving in front of me--I drive a really low car and god knows EVERYBODY is way above me and can see what's going on.  Hell, I've been known to be the 3rd or 4th car in line and I'M the only one who honks.  I'm like "Honk...pass it on."

    Which reminds me--who thought it was a good idea to put blinkers way low, in the rear bumper?  Kias have it, and a couple of other manufacturers.  Pickups and SUVs (including cop cars) now have the high brake light that FLASHES when they first step on the brake, right in your eyes, and it is MISERY being behind one of them in stop-and-go traffic.  But then they let cars bury blinkers way down close to the ground, where you can't see them, especially if there's a car between you and the car with the blinker on, and guess what--there are SOME people who actually watch what cars other than the one directly in front of them are doing.

    And while I'm at it--why do tow trucks get to drive with their flashing lights on?  Obviously they should use them when they're hooking up the car, but once they're towing it while in traffic, the tow truck is no different from the rest of us.  We need to be alerted that fire trucks and ambulances are in the mix because we need to react, like moving over to let them by.  But there's zero reason for anyone to know that a tow truck towing a vehicle happens to be among the other vehicles driving around. 

    • Mind Blown 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

    I've been thinking a lot about the "gingery" comment and I think Clint's issue is that gingery maybe implies more than having red hair. It can also describe someone also has pale skin and maybe even freckles

    He actually said that--red hair, pale skin, and freckles.

  6. On the episode where Ashley made chocolate fudge, Ashley said they went through 177 pound of fudge when developing the recipe.  Yikes.

    The editing process was on full display because there was a microwave clock behind Ashley.  Here's what she was saying:

    I'm going to continue to cook this for 3 to 5 minutes.  And if you have an electric stove it could take about 5 minutes longer. (Clock: 11:36)

    Let's check for the temperature.  We want it between 234 and 238 degrees.  (Clock 11:34)

    Next she adds the chocolate, at 11:39, and is shown adding marshmallows on top of the chocolate and starting to stir at 11:40, while explaining what the marshmallows do, and then she says she's going to start whisking it until it resembles frosting, but the clock is back to 11:39.

    I really wish they wouldn't show clocks in the background.  And I wish Ashley wouldn't say, "I went ahead and..."  Bridget was the queen of that, and Ashley's right on her heels.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    My tiny, tiny two granddaughters wanted to try on my wedding dress.  They are both double 00 in size.  Neither tiny girl could button it up!

    There's a guy who collects Marilyn Monroe items, including her clothes.  A section of his website is about Monroe's actual size, based on her clothes and other documentation, to refute the common belief that she was "plus sized."


    Her first modeling contract listed her dimensions as 5'6" and 120 pounds, 36-24-34, size 12.  There's a chart showing today's sizing vs. the sizing back in Monroe's day.

    Even when she gained weight, it looks like she weighed about 140 pounds at her heaviest.

    As for Jean Harlow, there's a site that quotes from a fan magazine:

    Q. How much do you weigh, and what are your exact measurements?

    A. According to the studio wardrobe department's chart, I am five feet, one and one-half inches tall and weigh one hundred and eight pounds. My other measurements are: bust, thirty-five inches; waist, twenty-three and a half inches; hips, thirty-five and a half inches. I wear size twelve dresses, size six-and-a-quarter gloves and size three-and-one-half-B shoes.


    In contrast, most of the women this season appear to have much bigger hip measurements than bust measurements, and all that meat in that area, especially when exposed by a bathing suit or encased in lycra, makes them look very non-Monroe/Mansfield/Harlow like.

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  8. When the Chicago HH said her budget was $150,000, I became really intrigued.  I'm shocked that she could find a decent, livable studio for that in Streeterville.  I thought Chicago prices were a lot higher than that.

    I noticed the mom said something about how the view of the brick wall in one of them would hurt resale value.  You hear that a lot, but they almost never say, "Of course you're paying less for it now because of that, too."

    • Like 7
  9. On 1/16/2023 at 7:36 PM, dubbel zout said:

    I don't think there's been a couch where people have worked together (without promoting the same project) like those four had. I loved their interaction.

    They really were good together.  Very very pleasant show.  Jamie, on the hat photo:  "I have something to say about that."  Graham:  "So do I."  God, that guy's fast.

    The editing on this one was really jarring.  I'm jealous of whoever it is who posts here and watches the original versions. 

    • Like 2
  10. At least we now know why there were no sparks when Gina and Clint rode the elevator together in the past.

    3 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

    for some reason there are people who feel that having fair skin, red hair and freckles is "ugly" and they categorize redheads as such.

    On the after-show, Keisha was asking Clint if "ginger" was a derogatory term, and his explanation was exactly what you said:  "ginger" connotes pale skin, red hair, and freckles, and that's not typically thought of as attractive. 

    She was also harshing on Clint, but as noted by others, Gina did the same thing (and it was this hypocrisy Clint was citing on the aftershow).  But Kirsten did it, too, with respect to Shaq's bald head. 

    And how's this for irony--Airris says Jasmine is beautiful, but he's not attracted to her because her ass isn't big enough. 

    4 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I don't think she is particularly athletic

    But she said she's athletic, and huffed that Clint doesn't know how much she works out.  Then again, she also said she has a 26" waist. 

    • Wink 1
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    • LOL 7
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  11. 3 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

    I really liked Chelsea's segment on how deciding not to have children doesn't mean she hates children.

    I didn't.  It shouldn't matter at all whether a woman who decides not to have kids loves children or hates children.  Defending your choice acknowledges that you have something to be defensive about.

    3 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    Fewer crying babies on planes and in restaurants! 

    More importantly, fewer Elon Musks.

    • Like 4
  12. I liked her "'You ought to be embarrassed, son,' is Mormon for 'suck my fucking dick you pussy ass bitch.'"  Plus, because she's a woman she could make the joke about being attracted to Romney in this moment, adding that because he's a Mormon he'd be open to taking another wife and because he's a Republican he'd be open to an affair.  "Problem solved." 

    I have to add, though, that I'm child-free and no one has ever made a disparaging comment to me about it, never mind broken down weeping over it.  I guess I just put out a vibe, and I don't know much about Chelsea Handler, but I would think she, of anyone, could put off a vibe.  Maybe she was just speaking for child-free women who have had this happen, and not as one, but it brings me back to, who the hell would break down weeping upon being told a person has chosen not to have children? 

    [I should note, however, that I was once talking to a friend who is also child-free and when I said nobody has ever made a comment to me about it, she replied, "Maybe they think you shouldn't have children."  Snort.]

    • LOL 6
  13. 22 hours ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

    Just in case you needed more evidence that lawyers are scum-sucking arseholes. 

    I'm assuming you meant to add, "Present company excepted, of course."

    20 hours ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

    I'd be curious to hear how the case study is presented in classes and I'm not sure what McDonald's motivation could be for including the 5 year old who appeared in the commercial instead of simply Burger King and its ad agency. 🙄

    My understanding is that it's notable because it's the first time a company called out a competitor by name in an ad.  The lawsuit got settled and there's no written decision or law flowing from it.

    I can see why Gellar would be deposed, but I'm not sure why she would be named in the lawsuit.  I'm guessing it was a procedural matter, since it's unlikely they included her because she had deeper pockets than Burger King and the ad agency, and her culpability would seem low.

    • Useful 2
  14. On the latest episode, Jeff made some fudge brownies that were supposed to be the base for toppings.  Katie and Alex munched down on unfestooned brownies, saying they were fantastic the way they are.

    Among the toppings were various pieces of fresh fruit.  Zakarian dished up some of the fruit on his plate, to the side of the brownie.  And the two shots of him after that showed him eating only the fruit, with an untouched brownie next to it.

    Gaaah, he grates.

    • Like 3
  15. How about Sarah Michelle Gellar's story about being sued by McDonald's when she was 5 years old, and having to sit for a deposition?!

    2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I'm not really a fan of Rob Beckett. He tried too hard.

    I think that's why I didn't think much of the show when I tuned in right before his segment.  But as part of the whole, it was a lot less annoying.

    • Like 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    The unfortunate thing is, on paper I think Shaq checks all her boxes, but she’s just not feeling it.

    What about the box that said, "No bald men"?  Maybe that's why she's not feeling it, and if so, nobody should be surprised, including the "experts."

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  17. On 2/6/2023 at 2:31 PM, BetterButter said:

    AMC was doing this at a theater in Indianapolis a few years ago; it was called "zoned seating."  I was in town for only a couple of weeks, but went to the show several times and made a point not to go to that theater.  I choose to sit in "bad" seats just to keep people away from me, and the last thing I want is cheapskates filling up seats around me instead of paying to sit in better ones that might remain empty.

    Here's AMC's Investor Day document from 2019:


    If you go to page 48, you'll see that "future initiatives" are tentpole pricing and zone pricing.  I remember some blockbuster a year or so ago that had a higher ticket price for regular (not 3D or Imax or whatever) screenings, but can't remember what it was.  And I don't know if it was at AMC or all theaters.  But that's tentpole pricing, which has happened, and now we have zone pricing being rolled out in the U.S.

    When digging around, I ran across these two tidbits from 2019, both from the CEO of AMC.  This is from the Earnings Call transcript, about $5 Tuesdays:


    Actually, when we launched the program last year, we called it $5 Tuesdays. We renamed it Discount Tuesdays at the beginning of 2019, because very quietly we've been taking price increases on Tuesday, pushing Tuesday from $5 to anywhere between $5 and $7 depending upon the theater.

    This is from the Investor Day transcript:


    So, we've already quietly introduced weekend surcharges, I bet very few consumers actually realize that we've got $1 surcharges at probably two thirds of our US theatres, branded AMC, across the United States on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.

    I'm sure the only reason they're not implementing zoned pricing quietly is that they couldn't get away with it.

    • Like 3
  18. On 1/28/2023 at 4:04 PM, tres bien said:

    I thought Christian Bale had a cool young Al Pacino vibe

    Between the eye and the voice, he was all Peter Falk to me.

    • LOL 2
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