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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. 22 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I always get a kick out of the realtors explaining the 'Pittsburgh Toilet' in the basements.     

    That's one reason I watch this show--I like finding out how "other places" do things.  Every once in a while you get a nugget like the Pittsburgh Toilet.

    2 hours ago, Notabug said:

    Nurse anesthetists (CRNA) can make a couple hundred thousand a year working full time,

    I've always known of them as nurse anesthetists, but noticed that she called herself a nurse anesthesiologist--maybe because it would be easier for the viewers to understand?

    I can't remember their budget, but it seemed low for someone with that kind of pay.  But they were also choosing not to have the husband work, so maybe they were fine with not having the "most" house they could possibly afford.

    On 3/9/2023 at 10:16 AM, letusprocrastinate said:

    It's all freight rail.

    Not quite all, but certainly the vast majority.  And on those freight rails, for 50 years the law has said rail operators must give priority to passenger trains, but they don't do it and (or probably because) the law has no enforcement mechanism.  So Amtrak's famously miserable on-time schedule isn't entirely their fault.  I file this under the category of "who knew?"  (Kind of like the Pittsburgh Toilet.  😀 )


    My interest was piqued when I was on an Amtrak train creeping along at a walking pace with my destination's skyline sooooo close, and the conductor moaned about freight trains.  And it's not just Amtrak--I was on a commuter train in Chicago  stuck sitting still, and the announcement said it was waiting on freight traffic. 

    On 3/8/2023 at 10:33 PM, Grizzly said:

    Seeing as how they didn't get any footage of a train going by, I wouldn't worry about the railroad tracks.

    Where I'm currently staying in my RV, there's a train track about 50 yards away (not at all uncommon in the RV park world).  I have a big window that has a great view of a portion of the track, and I like watching the trains go by.  I see a lot of CSX trains.

    So the other day I hear the train coming and I glance up and there's a CSX locomotive but it doesn't look like the ones I usually see--this one was beautiful blue and gray, really sharp looking.  And the cars behind it, about 6 or 8 of them, were similarly painted and each car had a person's name on it, in yellow. 

    Turns out it was the CSX Office Car Special, which CSX executives use when they go looking at facilities and recruiting clients.  I'm guessing the names on the cars were the executives'.  And it turns out it's a big deal to see it, or a big deal among train enthusiasts, anyway. 


    Makes me think having a track visible from your house might not be the worst thing in the world.  At least the kids might look up from the screen every once in a while, although these days they'd probably be recording it with their phone to get viral footage of the latest derailment.

    On 3/9/2023 at 1:50 PM, BAForever said:

    One thing I didn't get was why her son really wanted a basement as opposed to the green house with the lovely upstairs all for him.

    If I were the mother of said boy, I'd be worried that he's grooming me to let him live in my basement well past any presumed expiration date.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Guy Who Watches said:

    IMO Clint showed more interest in the blond with the cap on in GIna's parlor than he's shown to GIna.  Look for a hook-up there.

    They were flirting with each other to the point I was kind of uncomfortable.  Gina didn't seem to notice.

    3 hours ago, KateHearts said:

    And I get the body dysmorphia issue

    I always thought dysmorphia was evidenced by focusing on flaws that aren't actually there, which in the case of Nicole being "thick," is not the case.

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  3. On 3/6/2023 at 10:06 AM, letusprocrastinate said:

    In segment showing them in the new construction house [in Fargo], I liked the olive green cabinets in the kitchen. 

    I did, too.

    Although maybe it's just the avocado green cabinets in the house I grew up in talking.

    I'm on the fence about the trend of white cabinets on top and a color below, usually blue or gray.  When I first saw a kitchen like that I really liked it and thought, Why didn't anybody think of that before?  But I wonder if it's going to age well.  When I like something at first glance, I always try to remember that I loved the PT Cruiser when it came out, and just maybe a year later was wondering what the hell I was thinking every time I saw one.


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  4. 2 hours ago, dleighg said:

    Where do people learn that somehow "I" is the polite form of "my"???????

    From hearing it constantly, everywhere.  I'm the biggest grammar pedant around, and even I sometimes have a tiny moment of doubt when I use "me" correctly.

    Anyone else notice that in the letter Kaity typed, she spelled her name "Katy"? 

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  5. 1 hour ago, letusprocrastinate said:

    In that area of town the north-south border between Fargo and West Fargo runs along a street which is 22nd on the Fargo side and 47 1/2 on the West Fargo side, so it's easy to tell you've gone from one to the other.

    I was like, whaaat?  A street has one name if you're on the east side of it and one name if you're on the west side of it?  How does that even work?

    And why is there a north-south border between towns that, given their names, are presumably east and west of each other?  But I looked at a map and realized I misinterpreted what you said, and noticed there's a little jutting out square where all hell breaks loose.  Looking at this intersection makes my head hurt:


    7th Avenue runs east-west, and if you're driving east on it it turns from 7th Avenue East to 7th Avenue South where it intersects 17th Street East from the north and 52nd Street South from the south.

    4th Avenue runs east-west just north of 7th Avenue, which makes sense, but it's 4th Avenue East on both sides of north-south 17th Street East, while 7th Avenue changes from 7th Avenue East to 7th Avenue South where it intersects that street. 

    And just south of 7th Avenue you have 10th Avenue, which makes sense, but it's 10th Avenue East on the west side of 52nd Street South and 10th Avenue Southwest on the east side of 52nd Street South.

    One of the things I like to do when I'm in a town I haven't been to before is ride around slowly on my bike, looking at downtown and neighborhoods and houses.  And here I thought Salt Lake City was tough to figure out the street naming, but I obviously have never been to Fargo. 

    Kudos to Denver, where streets running north-south as you head west from downtown are in alphabetical order!  Acoma, Bannock, Cherokee, through Wyandot, Yuma, Zuni, then starting again with Alcott, Bryan, Clay, through Xavier, Yates, and Zenobia, then major road Sheridan, but then starting again with Ames, Benton, Chase, through Wadsworth, Yarrow, Zephyr (and Wadsworth is a huge street and still fits into the scheme, unlike Sheridan), and then for the next batch they started having two streets with each first letter, but still alphabetical even between the two: Allison, Ammons, Balsam, Brentwood, Carr, Cody, major street Kipling which fits in the scheme, and by the time it gets to Z it gets tricky because the streets aren't as grid-like this far west, and streets start and stop a lot, but you still have Ward, Wright, Xenon, Youngfield, Zang, Zinnia.  And a final valiant effort in a very non-grid area, with Alkire, Beech, Braun, through Ulysses and Utah, and then the Rocky Mountains intercede, which is good for the street namers because I think they shot their X wad with Xenophon for a couple of little stubs in the penultimate batch.

    This alphabetical scheme is no Manhattan above 14th Street, which is the gold standard, but at least they tried, and it's immediately understandable to a non-local (assuming they notice, of course). 

    Then again, Denver can bite me with its downtown grid being 45 degrees off of north-south-east-west, like the rest of the city, because streets downtown orient with the river that inconsiderately runs at an angle right there, resulting in a dreaded intersection of 20th Avenue and 20th Street, and not even at a 90-degree angle.


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  6. 54 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

    I still believe that Jace should’ve been put up for adoption. 

    I put this 100% on Barb.  The foster system is deeply flawed and I'm sad that anyone has to go through it, and there are some terrible outcomes, but at least there's the possibility of a happy ending.  There was never any possibility of that when Barb did an Al Haig and declared, "I'm in control here." 

    Nature, nurture, who cares.  Jenelle is an awful human being.  If it's her DNA, then Jace has it.  If it's her upbringing, Barb did that.  So in what universe would anyone think Barb was the right person to raise a child of Jenelle's?

    And she proved she was the wrong person over and over and over, by not cutting Jenelle out of Jace's life from the get-go, and then continuing to dangle him before Jenelle to try mend Jenelle's and her relationship.  Never mind the toxic atmosphere she had Jace in during all of their fighting right in front of him, and legal wrangling.

    The only halfway good thing about this whole mess is that Jace is a boy, so when he knocks a girl up in the next couple of years, he can just take a powder and that child won't be in danger of being "rescued" by Barb. 

    She had a duty to do extra right by Jace because she made it so nobody else got a chance, and not only did she fail at that, she failed at even the minimum of care for him, i.e., not turning him over to Jenelle when he's a problem teenager.  Jesus.

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  7. An AMC theater that is "only" an hour away is showing RRR, and I jumped at the chance to see it.  Unfortunately, I didn't love it. 

    The reaction people are having makes me think of the reaction to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.  I saw it when it came out, and again a couple of weeks ago when it played in theaters for a week, and both times I thought it was just okay.  However, I'd already seen a lot of wuxia movies, so the whole concept was nothing new--to me.  But I think it was very new to lots of people, and that's what they were reacting to.

    I wonder if it's somewhat the same thing with RRR, and whether this is people's first brush with Indian movies.  It's not mine, and I have to admit that I don't generally like them and don't go even though there are usually two or three playing locally at any given time.  But the rhapsodic reactions to RRR made me want to see it.

    I didn't hate it, but it just didn't seem like anything new--to me.  I already know about the gigantic song and dance numbers, and generally don't really enjoy them.  And I've seen I don't know how many Hong Kong action films, so the action wasn't anything new.  However, the blood was; I prefer violence to be more mayhem than gore, and I detest torture and cruelty. 

    And I'm not a huge fan of CGI.  So there was a lot of smashing faces in with logs and fake animals, on top of a format that wasn't revelatory to me.  And I don't know enough about Indian movies to be excited that these two actors were working together. 

    But I was in my favorite seat, with only two other people in the theater who I couldn't even tell were there, and I generally like action movies, so I don't want my three hours back.  However, if I'd known before going the particulars on the gore and torture, I probably wouldn't have gone.

    Regardless, I'm really happy people are enjoying it. 

    • Like 2
  8. I've spent some time catting around Rockford in the last year or so, and I was shocked at the prices these HH's were seeing.  I had no idea housing was that cheap.

    The neighborhood right near downtown, where the Victorians are, is kind of variable.  As you go farther out, it gets more consistent.

    I couldn't figure out where the 1958 house that is 7 miles from downtown would be.  Usually that era of houses would be closer in than that in a city that size (I've found that house styles are often like tree rings as a city gets developed).  I wonder if it was in one of the towns that used to be its own little town but has gotten kind of folded in to Rockford, although there aren't really that many of them in that area.  Unlike, say, Chicago, where you go through original downtown after original downtown in the suburbs, and the tree rings of house styles reset with every downtown.

    • Useful 4
  9. 4 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

    So Dom asked for a divorce on day 12!? Girl! You couldn't even make it two weeks?? I don't care how she tried to justify it to herself on After Party--- she gave up way, way too easily. ... She wrote him off and didn't give him a chance.

    As for justifying it on the after-party, are you referring to how Mack was no happier with what he got than she was with what she got, and hadn't hesitated to tell her?  And in fact had reiterated it before Cal showed up for the meeting, and was saying how he was going to tell Cal this and that, but then when Cal showed up, he didn't? 

    I see that as explaining her decision rather than justifying it.  It sure looks like neither one was happy and both were fine with splitting up but only one made the actual call. 

    7 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    Dom wanted to “do things” like every minute of the day.  Just sitting on the beach with a drink and enjoying the sun and beach wasn’t enough for her.  She wanted action, like a kid.  She better stay single. 

    Or she could find a partner who also likes to "do things" every minute of the day.  A lot of guys would kill to have a partner like that.  Well, until they have kids, when somebody needs to be with them during the adventures.

    19 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

    And, that is one strange relationship (Airris and his nasty cousin). 

    I think it was on the aftershow where Jasmine said she's his only family member in the area, and her opinion matters because of it.  I've said it before and I'll say it again:  cousins are trouble.  There's just something about being related but not sharing that much DNA that can lead to trouble.

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  10. 12 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    It's been around for many years in the context of new hires,

    How many years?  The last new job I took was in the late 1990s, and I wasn't "on-boarded" for that one, or for any other job I've had.  I would just show up for work on the appointed day and probably fill out some paperwork for withholding that day at some point.

  11. On 7/3/2020 at 7:48 PM, Deskisamess said:

    Brian Keith was hunky.

    Yes he was!

    I just found this show on the Decades channel and I've been watching it for the past week and loving every second of it.  It's the early episodes, because it includes the episodes where Mr. French's brother substituted for him for a while.  I kind of remember not liking the brother, but I really did this time around.  But then rotund Mr. French came back from his tour of duty with the queen, and I adore him.   

    The twins are freaking adorable, and even Cissy is a cute teenager who's kind of annoying but all in all a good kid.  She had a friend who was going to spend the night and Mr. French asked what they were going to do, and Cissy said, "We're going to call up boys!"  One of the episodes today was about where babies come from, and Cissy was big-time rolling her eyes at Bill's and French's stories about storks and cabbage patches, telling them they were doing a disservice to Buffy and Jody.  She's nicely portraying that space between child and adult.

    And then there was an episode where the twins were trying to win a houseboat but ended up winning a choice between an encyclopedia and a lamb, and they didn't know what an encyclopedia was but it didn't matter because Jody wanted the lamb regardless.  Those two impossibly cute kids with a lamb (all lambs are impossibly cute) was almost too much to bear.

    And back to Bill...I was 9 when this show came on the air and I obviously didn't appreciate what a cool bachelor he was.  He knew all kinds of famous people--an actor and a ballerina so far--and he brought a date back to the apartment and he was wearing a tuxedo!  Yet he welcomed those kids into his life, and lost some girlfriends because all he could talk about were the kids. 

    I was too young to know if this show was corny or not, but I remember liking it then, and I love it now.  Of course, things could change as the kids get older, but right now it's fantastic.


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  12. On 2/22/2023 at 10:44 PM, RealHousewife said:

    Why can't we have a happy medium between purity culture and hookup culture?

    That happy medium is how I remember my 20s and 30s, approximately the 1980s and 1990s.  Hmm...corresponding approximately with the period after the sexual revolution and before everybody was on the internet. 

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  13. I noticed that when everybody moved down the couch, Graham ran over there and moved a pillow they have for Judi Dench to her new position.  I've never noticed a pillow before. 

    I usually can't stand the music on this show, but after Christine and the Queens a couple of years ago, I fast-forward but still keep an eye on what's going by in case something interesting is going on.  It paid off on this episode.

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  14. 2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    And now that I think about this more. how is Lyft or Uber supposed to address, much less enforce gender-related concerns? Isn't that kind of employee info only documented if the employee chooses to answer the question?

    Excuse me, ma'am, but rideshare drivers are independent contractors, not employees, and anybody in the U.S. who tries to make them employees will suffer the wrath of Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, et al.

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  15. 7 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

    And nothing has been done to quell my 'Mahmoud gives off big 'mo energy' concerns. From the way he dramatically rolls his eyes at Nicole to the campy  flicks of his wrists, everything about him just screams "HOMOSEXUAL!" 

    He seems very uncomfortable around her.  Calling her "my love" all the time, and I mean all the time, doesn't seem like it's coming naturally.  It's like he read it in a book or something.

    On 2/25/2023 at 12:19 PM, magemaud said:

    Maybe he lied to her and promised that they'd get their own place if she came back. 

    She lied to him about being willing to dress differently, so...great match!

    7 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

    Reddit seems convinced that Kris is an opiate addict, but I suspect she's just a hypochondriac. Not that the two things are mutually exclusive, but I can't imagine anyone who has a serious opiate habit being able to maintain it in a country like Morocco.

    I was thinking more along the lines that an exotic place like Morocco would be full of exotic opium dens, so maybe a good fit.  But then I realized you've got your people mixed up--Kris is in Colombia.  But that might not be a bad fit, either.

    17 hours ago, Gobi said:

    The Ouigers (spelling?) are Muslim. I imagine one would be quite happy to move to Egypt to marry.

    I wondered about her being a Uyghur.  I'm not an expert, but she looks more Chinese than images of Uyghurs I've seen, who look more like Mongolians to me.

    But there are other Muslim groups in China, although I'm not sure they're picked on as much as Uighurs and therefore as desperate to flee.  But if Fatima was raised Muslim she might not see anything oppressive about life as the wife of one of Mahmoud's brothers.  Business as usual.

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  16. The budget in this episode was a lot higher than the $150,000 the recent HH in Chicago had, but I'm surprised again--$400,000 can get you 1,300 square feet in a good area.

    BTW, the $150,000 HH ended up in Streeterville, and the other day on the Bob Newhart Show, the one where he was a psychologist, Emily said their zip code and I looked it up and it's in Streeterville (although the building they showed in the intro wasn't).

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