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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. On 1/19/2023 at 8:16 PM, Snarky McSnarky said:

    The source added she isn't sure of her exact next move yet, but is considering venturing into real estate and flipping houses.

    What happened to college?  Or did somebody finally tell her the school she was enrolled in wasn't actually Purdue University?

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  2. 2 hours ago, Abmis said:

    Speaking from experience, the handicapped spots at gyms are often used by people who are recovering from knee replacement or other surgery and can't walk long distances yet but are there to use the bikes or pool. 

    And those people should use the handicapped spots.  These people are not those people.

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  3. 19 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    I can see where it would lose some people, it moves a little slow for my taste. 

    I'm not a deep person, and the subtleties of filmmaking choices almost always fly right over my head.  I also don't mind slow pacing at all.  But it occurs to me that the slow pacing in this one actually serves it well, because it mirrors the slow pacing of life in that village.  And it's an interesting counterpoint to the violence.

    Also, I noticed that I singled out the music in my original post, and saw that it got nominated for an Academy Award.  Cool.

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  4. 50 minutes ago, Melonie77 said:

    Those brows are awful - they look like cheap peel-and-stick elements for a Mr. Potato Head toy.

    And she's a makeup artist (when she's not being a social media star).

    On 1/25/2023 at 12:47 PM, phlebas said:

    And of course Kaity is in Austin.  

    From what I gather she's a travel nurse who's just on assignment there, but nothing says she can't just stay there.  Hmm...what's the timing on all this?  Could she have accepted the assignment to make herself a hometown girl for Zach?

    • Like 3
  5. On 1/25/2023 at 12:08 PM, stewedsquash said:

    Last night’s episode of a young lady working in Manhattan as a therapist(?) while living in Brooklyn(?) looking for a home across the line in NJ was really nice.


    Seriously those were some nice fun ladies.

    I agree, but I was a little afraid for them because one of them could lose an eye if the button gave way on the realtor's dress/tunic/top-with-no-pants in the first house they looked at. 

    • LOL 3
  6. On 1/24/2023 at 11:30 PM, WhitneyWhit said:

    The best part of the episode was Amanda and Misty’s adventures at the gym. I cracked up when they stumbled up on that work out class and Amanda asked if they were supposed to be naked and Misty wondering where all the big people were

    Uh, how about looking at the front row?  There was a very big person right in front of the instructor.

    Anybody else notice they parked in a handicapped spot at the Y?  Sure, not all handicaps are visible, etc., and handicapped people do work out at a gym, but seems to me if you go into a building to walk on the treadmill, you don't need to have the parking space closest to the door.

    17 hours ago, Meowwww said:

    My mom smoked while pregnant with my brother, my sister, and me. Also drank. 

    Mine, too.  And I have a friend, also born in the 1950s, whose mother smoked during pregnancy specifically to keep her weight down. 

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  7. On 1/25/2023 at 11:18 AM, phlebas said:

    I'm a sucker for strong eyebrows. 

    I'm curious about what someone who likes strong eyebrows thinks about these (sorry the picture is so big):


    All I see when I look at her is the eyebrows, which I would think isn't the goal but maybe it is.

    Eyebrows aside, I'm pretty confident she's there for the right reasons and that she applied to the show despite her TikTok with almost a million followers pre-Bachelor, and her podcast called TikTalk Radio, about strategy for content creators.  Good for her for taking such a risk.



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  8. 2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

     Quit their jobs? 

    Probably, but only in anticipation of starting a career as a social media influencer, so I'm not sure that counts as a sacrifice.

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  9. On 1/26/2023 at 8:44 AM, nexxie said:

    After last night’s episode, I’m not sure if Shreyas and Gabby already knew each other - but he is a whole different person with her!

    I wonder, though, how things would have been if Gabby had had to move in with Shreyas and his parents, like Gurleen did.  Would the parents have also been running around during the Annie Hall lobster chase?

    • Like 2
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  10. 21 hours ago, Cramps said:

    Was Shaq in Mississippi defending his dissertation, or was it just a conference? The first I’d absolutely give him a pass for, the second does not tell one’s new bride that she’s your priority. 

    But what does this reveal about her priorities?  If it was defending his dissertation (which hasn't been confirmed, as far as I know), she chose to sit in a hotel room rather than attend?  I went to a friend's dissertation defense for his PhD in physics, and understood exactly zero words.  And I wasn't there to "support" him, which apparently is the number one priority in any friendship these days.  I just thought it would be something interesting to do, and he said it was fine with him.  I'm glad I went, even though did I mention I understood exactly zero words?

    If I were trying to learn about this stranger I had just married, I would definitely go to his dissertation defense, especially if it's in a field that is not physics.

    So was it a conference?  Even then, I'd go to the presentation.  Seems to me it would be a great way to get a jump-start on getting to know this person, because it's not something he's filtering for my use.  The "experts" go dig around in people's houses to see them in their natural habitat.

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  11. On the aftershow, they discussed Mackinley's "reaction" to having a middle seat on the airplane.  It caused a lot of drama because he was trying to change the seat assignment and apparently somehow cancelled their reservation instead.  And it ended up with Mackinley sitting with one of the other couples for the flight from Atlanta to Jamaica, instead of with Domynique.

    What I don't understand is why Dom didn't offer to take the middle seat, if it meant that much to Mackinley.  First of all, it was just luck that he was the one who got the middle seat and she wasn't.   

    But there was also a snippet of him saying that's why he flies first class--no middle seats.  If I were Dom, I'd be thinking, "Hey, this guy's got enough coin to fly first class.  I'll graciously offer to take the middle seat now in exchange for flying first class for the rest of my life."

    Apparently neither of them has ever flown alone, and been in the middle seat between two strangers?  It's a million times better to have someone you know on one side, because it turns the middle seat into a seat next to a stranger, which happens all the time.

    Or now that I think about it, maybe the "middle seat" was in a row of five, so neither of them was going to be on the aisle or next to the window?  In that case, it wouldn't matter if Dom switched seats.  But it would be back to having a seat next to a stranger, which happens all the time. 

    As usual, so many unanswered questions.

    • Like 4
  12. I used to buy organic milk just because of the longer shelf life, because that meant I could buy it before I actually needed it, and it wouldn't go bad sitting in the refrigerator waiting to be deployed.  (But now I keep a quart of the shelf-stable milk from Dollar Tree around for milk emergencies.  It doesn't have to be refrigerated but if it's an emergency, I need it NOW and it needs to be cold.)

    Several years ago I spent some time in the Pacific Northwest and it was the first place I noticed that a lot of their "regular" milk was ultra-pasteurized, and had a long shelf life.  I never did figure out why that would be--I've been traveling fulltime for 20 years and that's the only place I've encountered that.

    There are a lot of people who say they can taste it when milk is ultra-pasteurized.  I can't tell the difference.

    Did anybody catch the mustard tasting on the Cuban sandwich episode?  I had no idea there were that many varieties, and that one would send Julia into paroxysms of joy; she likened it to caviar.

  13. On 1/24/2023 at 3:49 PM, Retired at last said:

    Thanks - interesting. Which bride was the one they had to wait for?

    On the aftershow, Nicole said that before the ceremony, one of her bridesmaids opened some champagne and it spewed all over Nicole, and she had to redo her hair and makeup.  So maybe it was Nicole.

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  14. 15 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Maybe I need to watch s- -t shows like this, in order to feel better about myself and my bad decisions.

    Well sure.  Everybody needs that, and that's what these shows are best at.  But there are shit shows like Real Housewives or 90-Day Fiance that make you feel better about yourself and your comparatively not-so-bad decisions, and then there is this

    For me, when they revealed that the twist was their sons being who they're going to partner with, I actually said, out loud, "Oh, I'm in."  But then I found myself unable to stomach actually watching it.  That made me feel better about myself.  I do have standards after all.

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  15. 22 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

    Surprise, surprise, Symphony (WTF names a kid that? is that her stripper name?)

    Actually, it's Cymphony.  I'm pretty sure nobody named their kid that.

    32 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    If Angela's surgeon, Dr. Obeng performed Yara's "breast aug" (probably comped for a mention on the show)

    Thank you for the bolded.  I was having trouble wrapping my head around Yara wanting anything in common with Angela's waist-level bags. 

    I loved it when Mrs. Gwen was telling Jovi he shouldn't have another baby.  When Grandma is telling you not to give her any more grandbabies, there's an issue.

    Which...that whole situation is weird.  Gwen said she was trying to be there as much as she was needed, but didn't seem to know how much that was.  Seems to me someone could have told her.  And then when she told Jovi she was buying property to be closer to him, why didn't he immediately say, "Don't.  We're probably moving"?

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  16. 4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Second house Golf community in Parkland,

    Grok!  I thought Parkland sounded familiar but not until I read this did I realize it's the Parkland of the Parkland school shooting.  I never really thought about where exactly that happened.  Inland from Boca Raton.

    4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Windows are inpact resistant.  

    I always pick up those free magazines that have real estate listings in them.  I'm in Florida right now, and impact windows appear to be a selling point.  I finally noodled out that CBS means concrete block stucco, and it too appears to be a selling point.

    2 hours ago, WI GIRL56 said:

    Both shows yesterday Oklahoma and Boca.  I get so sick of hearing people say they want an impressive/grand house.  Honestly, I don't care what anyone thinks of my house.  I like it and it fits our lifestyle.

    In all honesty I did not care for any of the houses either couple were looking at.  

    I always FF through the second and third houses on episodes like this, maybe glancing at the pool.  I know big houses like this aren't all the same because the kitchens can be significantly different, but somehow they're all indistinguishable to me and I can't remember actively liking any of them, ever.

    And why does it bother me so much that people want an impressive/"grandiose" house?  It's their money, their house, not my business.  But it bugs nevertheless.

    Then again, I'm on record as favoring the little (not tiny™) brick house in the fireman neighborhood in Chicago. 

    12 minutes ago, amarante said:

    In perspective it is most likely in lieu of having a huge upfront country club fee so the $1000 monthly fee would be less expensive than someone not in that community joining the club and then also having monthly dues.

    And unlike the HOA dues, the golf membership was optional (although apparently not as far as he was concerned). 

    I know almost nothing about golf club memberships, and I assume the $1,000 just allows you to play on the course, and you have to pay green fees.  And I'm guessing they're a lot more than the $10 we paid to play nine holes the last time we hit the links a few years ago.

    BUT!  There's an outfit these days where you can join and be allowed to stay overnight in your RV in the parking lot at various golf courses around the country.  Sounds like as close to golf course living as I'd ever get.

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  17. 6 hours ago, snarts said:

    Gabby/Shreyas seem way more compatible than Gurleen/Shreyas.

    I agree, but I'm not sure I could get over being the emergency back up match, to be deployed if (or when, with this show) the real match implodes. 

    6 hours ago, snarts said:

    Would they have sent her to Ireland had it been Danna instead? So much for matchmaking!

    Good question. 

    Other random thoughts:

    Every time Paris Aaron giggles nervously, I want to scream.  Poor Mael wanted a kiss so bad you could see it all over his face and he didn't get it, even though he puts up with the giggling.  Life's not fair.

    Chandra and Naeem:  What a mess.  In the episode last week, they showed her perched on the end of her couch with a headset on and a computer screen over on the table, and I guessed she's some sort of customer service person, and just looking at that tableau told me why customer service is the pits these days.  Then in this episode they showed her saying, "How else can I help you" or whatever, so she's definitely customer service, and I realized she's taking customer service calls in between leaving banana peels in her sink to draw flies, and fights with her boyfriend.  That also tells me why customer service is the pits these days.

    But Naeem saying he's going to stay home but instead goes on a New Year's Eve date with someone else and lying about it?  That's a new low.  Sure, Chandra's not offering him anything he wants, but dang.

    I love Ireland Brian's house.


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  18. 12 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    Mac is shady. Does he even have a job? I didn’t watch any of the pre-show stuff.

    My recollection is that he was in the cannabis business elsewhere but moved to Nashville to live with some family and they showed him wearing a hardhat and maybe looking at some building plans, along with intimations that he'd changed careers. 

    12 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    Nicole looks scary in that makeup.

    The good thing is that it made me stop looking at her gigantic hands for a minute there.  (A pox on whoever posted that Carrie & Doug photo; it's all I can see.)

    48 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

    I noticed this too. Nicole is chubby overall and the other three women are pear-shaped. I think this is the least-slim crop of brides the show has had, at least in the seasons I’ve seen. Wonder if geography is a factor - different standards of beauty in different locations.

    I don't know about the standards of beauty in Nashville, but I do know about the hot fried chicken, meat-and-three, and alcohol.  Could explain a lot.

    Again with all the religious people.  (Their) God works in mysterious ways.

    4 minutes ago, Shauna said:

    His job is to be on reality tee vee seeing as this is his second show.

    Details, please!

    • Like 7
  19. 19 hours ago, amarante said:

    Also the maintenance covered electricity which in Florida would be a huge amount just for air conditioning.

    I lived in a condo (not high-rise) where the only electricity I paid for directly was what came out of the outlets, because the whole complex was on some sort of central air conditioning system and used gas for heat.  The HOA fee was (obviously) a whole lot higher than for similar condos that had individual air conditioners, yet for-sale listings rarely indicated that the HOA included air conditioning in Texas, which to me was an important distinction.

    Also, they said the condo in Florida came with beach access.  Not long ago I drove along the beach from Miami up to Boca Raton and was looking at what someone who didn't live right along there would do for beach access, especially if they had to drive and park a car somewhere, and it was pretty slim pickings.

    So having beach access is probably pretty valuable.

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  20. On 1/16/2023 at 9:45 AM, Retired at last said:

    True, but if either one of them had been interested in the other, they could have figured out a way to meet.

    I had worked in the adjacent cubicle of a guy for two years when one day "Hmmm" suddenly overtook me.  We dated for four or five years. 

    Of course, we'll never know how it would have worked out if I'd been forced to marry him on my first day of work.

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  21. On 1/14/2023 at 12:13 PM, Pickleinthemiddle said:

    Just fixed me some fried eggs from an 18 pack that was dated 12/26/22.  I think I paid $5 for them.  They are still good. 

    America's Test Kitchen did a test of eggs on a recent episode, and they were fine even after four months.  The egg whites didn't whip up as well as they should, so they said don't use them for a souffle, but for eating, they're fine.

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