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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. Late Sunday night (early Monday morning), TCM is showing a couple of Wong Kar-wai movies.  One thing that Wong is known for is the soundtracks.  Happy Together is set in Argentina, with some tango figured in.  The music is dreamy, and combined with Christopher Doyle's cinematography, it makes me swoon.

    At the end is a cover of The Turtles' "Happy Together" that is positively cathartic.

    In fact, I just saw a current Australian movie, Of An Age, that has the music from Happy Together as part of the plot.

    Also of note is that the two leads in Happy Together, Tony Leung Chiu-Wai (there are two Tony Leung Hong Kong actors; this one's cuter) and Leslie Cheung, were huge Hong Kong movie stars at the time, and Leslie had previously been a massive Cantopop star.  They both worked with Wong in his early films.

    Tony went on to get notice in the U.S. for his role in Shang-Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings.  Leslie ended up killing himself by jumping out of a high-rise hotel window.

    (WTH?? According to IMDb, Leslie's father was William Holden's tailor.  I'm assuming back when Hong Kong was famous for tailors.  Of course it's just a statement made on the internet, so who knows if it's true, but I didn't see that coming.)

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  2. 17 hours ago, LakeGal said:

    I wish they had to sign a contract that said they would move into the apartment. 

    I think if Cal had his way they'd have to sign a contract that said they would have sex. 

    1 hour ago, Mr. Miner said:

    You know Mac's mom is sitting up in MI with a big smile on her bitch face.

    All I'm hoping is that any possible play for stardom Mack has goes down in flames, and he really regrets turning down the $50,000.

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  3. On 2/22/2023 at 5:43 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I wonder how parking is near the row houses?  

    I'm always thinking about parking, and I've noticed that sometimes they have parking behind them, off an alley.

    They had one shot looking down the long row of little porches and I find that very appealing, but then realize all it will take is one person who smokes on his porch instead of inside to ruin my porch idyll. 

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  4. 9 hours ago, mojito said:

    I didn't really buy that roommate tale anyway.

    The trampoline in the back yard of a single adult woman who spends most of her time at work and lives alone except for roommates made me wonder.

    8 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    My husband and I called BS on that. As far as we know, Australia only lets people in who have job skills they need. I doubt that includes eco-scientists.

    At the end, didn't they show her working at the cafe? 

  5. On 2/22/2023 at 12:18 PM, lookeyloo said:

    Then got married and had children and young body bounced back.

    I wonder if that's also part of my reaction to a layer of fat first acquired in my 60s.  I never had kids, so I'd never had to deal with the effects on the body.  I'm thinking that if you've had kids, you've experienced the expansion of the torso but it was joyful.  And if someone's weight gain comes/stays after pregnancy, they haven't had to make that first uncomfortable leap into having a fat layer and/or folds literally weighing you down for no purpose.

    I thought menopause was the reason for mine, and I'm glad I didn't just accept it.  And I'm hopeful that I won't let it happen again because it was miserable.  Sitting around with that belly was bad enough, but when I'd ride my bike it would be lapping over--that's the thanks I get for being on my bike??

    I appreciate your helpful responses.  "So how did it feel when you first got fat?" isn't a question that you can just sling around anywhere, even if you mean absolutely no offense.  😀


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  6. 8 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    He normally says it to couples that say they wanted that like Chris of Paige and Chris.

    And we saw how that turned out.  And then Stacia and Nate.  MAFS doesn't appear to be a hot breeding ground for power couples.


    2 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    I wonder about those so-called "beauty contests" she was in, but I'm not interested enough to look them up.

    I looked them up.  She was National Elite Ms 2019 and United States of America’s Ms 2021. 

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  7. 26 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    Did they ever show Clint's living situation? I was fast forwarding a lot so maybe I missed it. I'm dying to see his idea of comfortable living. 

    I can't remember if they showed his apartment, but he lives in the same downtown high-rise Gina does.  Seems to be kind of fancy--Gina said she saw a camera crew there one day and later went to "the valet" and asked what they were doing. 

    On the aftershow Clint said he's lived there six years, and keeps his boats at a yacht club.  When he lived in Florida, before Nashville, he lived on the water.

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  8. 12 hours ago, Dakisela said:

    None of these people belong together.  Never seen anything like it.  I'd feel feel totally misled with the whole process if I were ANY of them.  

    And how many of them have said God led them to it.  If my God told me my best chance at getting married was going on this show, I'd be seriously re-evaluating both my faith and my desire to be married.

    11 hours ago, endure said:

    WTF is wrong with Airris, he talks often about how sexual he is and Jasmine is gorgeous and a lovely woman, I seriously do not get him.

    He said she's pretty (noting that she's a [3rd rate] pageant queen), but that her ass is too small for his liking.  I can see that being more important than a pretty face when it comes to sexual attraction.

    Which, speaking of, Cal was grinding my last nerve.  First of all, I wish they'd stop concentrating on the use of the word "ginger," because the excuse for that is "I didn't know it was offensive," and that ends the inquiry without getting to the actual insult.  Gina said she wasn't attracted to people "with ginger features."  Substitute "red-headed" for "ginger" and there's no excusing the rudeness. 

    Second, Cal said to Clint something like you can't tell me she's not an attractive woman, and I thought, "I don't know about Clint but I can tell you that."  One standard of beauty is symmetry in the face and Gina definitely doesn't have it.  I also find her gaping maw with flapping lips and blinding teeth to be exceedingly unattractive. 

    Cal seems to think there's no difference between these two scenarios when it comes to being attracted to someone:  (1) You marry someone you know nothing about, have never communicated with, or seen a photo of, and (2) you've been with someone for 10 years and he's in an accident and gets his face burned up.  He thinks attraction can just as easily grow as it can survive, and I think he's just flat wrong.

    10 hours ago, endure said:

    I guess my thought is [power couple is] like The Clintons, or Beyonce and JZ, the Obama's etc - a couple who has more worldly influence, but he has used it before on this show, and I've found it off putting and confusing.  I guess good looks doesn't represent power to me and he applies it to 'barely even there' couples.

    I'm trying to remember who all he's said it about.  I have the impression that he's cited only Black couples.  These two, plus Stacia and Nate in San Diego.  Who else?

    10 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    Kirsten's apartment is just like her personality - bland. It doesn't look like the apartment Dr. Pepper visited to do the pre-marriage interview.  

    I don't remember her apartment from then, but on the aftershow Kirsten said she moved into that apartment during Covid and ordered furniture but it was delayed by many many months so she just canceled the order.  Clint helpfully suggested that there's furniture available next to garbage cans all the time.

    Also on the aftershow, Dom said that before the cameras showed up on the day they talked to Cal, Mackinley had gone on a rant about all the ways she wasn't what he asked for.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was a Gina-Clint situation, where they were both airing their opinions, but Dom did say that the things Mack said before and after the cameras were rolling were quite different, calling it a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing.

    And back to Cal, Dom said one of her requirements was no dogs on the bed, and Cal exasperatedly said that that's where you can compromise.  How, exactly, does one compromise on no dogs on the bed?  [Or now that I think about it, did Mack even mention his dogs, since he left them in Michigan?]  Same with Shaq's corny jokes.  The compromise is that Kirsten has to put up with them, presumably because Cal's wife puts up with his.  This, friends, is why people DATE before getting married.

    And I have to say I'm with Dom on Mackinley's suitability for this show.  He apparently makes money from his weed business in Michigan, and has been in Nashville only a few months, living in his friend's parents' basement.  I remember at the wedding a family member of Mack's asked Dom how she'd feel about moving to Michigan, as if it was pretty much a certainty Mack would be moving back.  Maybe the family member was talking out her ass, but maybe not.  Regardless, I'm sure it surprised Nashville native Dom that she'd be matched with someone who has put down no roots in Nashville at all.  And the timing of his move to Nashville vis a vis the show's timeline makes me a little suspicious. 

    I think she expressed a valid concern when she pointed out that he couldn't make the commitment to sign a lease but could make a commitment to be married at first sight on the show.  I was kind of buying living in the basement as a way station until picking an apartment--until I found out that it's been five months AND his dogs will stay in Michigan until he gets his own place.  Mackinley got all butt-hurt, saying she was saying he doesn't love is dogs, but I'm on her side.  If your dogs are so important to you, sign a damn lease and get them down to the place you're setting up your life.  Otherwise, one could conclude that you're not interested in setting up a life there at all.  Or you don't love your dogs.  Or that you don't have the money you claim you do.  Whatever--there's something hinky going on.




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  9. 3 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

    I thought Nessa was as usual, terrible.

    Every time I've seen her she looks like a big lump sitting in that chair.  I can't even really tell if there's a body beneath her head.  It's tragic.

    7 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

    Ashley/Tea and Brianna/Roxanne are both trash as far as I'm concerned.

    They're all just awful.  I'll never understand this sort of thuggery, or beefs, or she started its.  Then you throw in social media on top of all of it.  Go away, all of you.

    I'm convinced 90% of Jade's medical issue was having most of her body encased so tightly in non-breathable fabric.  Apparently having her boobs exposed so her chest could move when breathing wasn't enough relief.  And I loved Roxanne jumping up after Jade was already surrounded by many many people.  What the hell was she going to contribute?

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  10. On 5/28/2014 at 2:52 AM, Lola16 said:

    One Chicagoan figured out where Bob and Emily's apartment was:


    That's the exterior, but I was watching an episode today where Bob had forgotten to do his taxes.  He asked Emily what their zip code was and she said 60611, so I ran to a map to see where the show had them living.  It's more or less Streeterville, just north of the river downtown, and that zip code includes the Magnificent Mile and the John Hancock Building.

  11. 29 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    Why didn't Nicole's man ask her outright on face time before she decided to move back if she is willing to abide by his customs and cover up because nothing has changed with his religious beliefs? That would have solved a lot of their problems, no? 

    Not on this show, because the story line would be that Nicole said she was willing to abide by them but isn't actually going to do it. 

    Actually, that IS Danielle's story line.

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  12. 23 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    Found this article questioning whether or not it was even legal how Meri was advertising the retreat: https://tvshowsace.com/2023/01/23/meri-brown-bb-retreat-a-scam-per-ftc-guidelines/

    You posted a similar article a few weeks ago.  Both articles just repeat the baseless allegations of this Without a Crystal Ball person.  I posted a refutation of what the articles claim here:



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  13. 10 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

    Tight? Lumpy?  Even in loose clothes don't like feeling a roll of fat under my boobs kind of thing.

    When I was 64, I got a layer of fat on my torso.  It started with a little crease above where my waist nips in, which I think might be kind of like back fat, which I've never had.  It's not only annoying; it caused me to miss a timely Shingles diagnosis because the Shingles was in the crease, but having seen plenty of shows about 600-pounders, I knew that fat folds can cause no end of issues so I figured it was just that.

    Then I noticed that when I would lie on my side in bed, I could feel my belly lying on the mattress, and then I noticed that when I was sitting in the recliner, I could feel my belly just kind of sitting there.  It didn't hurt or anything, but was always there and I couldn't ignore it.  Like the layer of fat under your boobs.

    I assumed it was my new meno-body and that I'd been luckier than most in that it didn't happen until so late.  But did that just make me more (and unreasonably) sensitive to it because I'd had such a long run without it?  But it was also during Covid, during which I happily lay fallow.  Whatever it was, I hated the feeling of that layer of fat bunching up or even just sitting there. 

    I was able to get rid of it, and the crease now serves as an early warning device.  But this whole experience has made me wonder about whether other people feel the same discomfort I did, and if so, do they just endure it?  You obviously feel it, but you said you used to be fat, so back then did you just tough it out?  Or were you younger and didn't notice?  (I remember sleeping on the floor of a motel room when I was in my early 20s; I clearly had different standards of comfort than I do now.)

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  14. 12 hours ago, Bastet said:

    I want that, too, but fully expect to adjust them myself.  Was he expecting the places they toured to already be that way, like that's something people should do before putting their home on the market? 

    The other day on Ask This Old House the electrician changed a dimmer switch and I noticed that when he screwed it in, he reversed the screw a little to make it be vertical.  My man!  But I do mine horizontal and now wonder if I'm doing it wrong.

    But your point made me realize that if I were looking at a house and noticed the screws on outlets were all oriented the same, it would give me the impression the seller paid attention to detail, which would give me some confidence the seller was picky about things in the house.

    I'm thinking it's the sort of thing that wouldn't leave an unfavorable impression, so why not do it.  But now that the secret is out, people will no doubt decide to just line up the screws instead of, say, fixing the furnace.

    15 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

    All the microwaves I have had above a stove are hooked up for ventilation to the outside so I don’t see their point, unless it is for looks.

    I used to rent a condo that had a microwave installed above the stove.  After living there for seven years I decided to buy it and hired an inspector.  He pointed out that the microwave didn't actually vent to the outside.  The air got sucked into the screens underneath and came out the vent things at the top, right back into the kitchen.  He didn't seem surprised but I sure was.

    (He was real proud of revealing the lack of an outside vent, but somehow didn't notice (or didn't bother to tell me) that the wall outlets were wired so that the upper half of each outlet in the condo was on one breaker and the lower half of each outlet was on a different breaker--an unusual scheme I hadn't encountered before, evidenced by the fact that when I was switching them out, I confirmed which breaker an outlet was on by plugging something into the top half, turned off that breaker and went about my work and when I touched the bottom half--ZAP!)

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  15. 14 hours ago, Pi237 said:

    These two were like sisters from another mister. They really jelled. 

    I generally like Adrian, but where does she get off telling the HH, "Eh, it's just money" when she shows her a house that's $70,000 over a $180,000 budget? 

    Also, she said there's a housing shortage in Epernay because of the exodus from the cities, but the cities we see all have housing shortages too. 

    14 hours ago, Pi237 said:

    The bachelor pad was a hoot. Astroturf in the bathroom? That’s a first. 

    Next time a HH is horrified that there's a bathroom next to the kitchen, the realtor should reply, "At least it has a door." 

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  16. 4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Anyone, who reads, goes online or watches tv would likely have some knowledge of the religious requirements and cultures that they intend to join.

    And in the case of Nicole, she's already personally experienced it, and fled!  No reading, onlining or watching TV even required.  But she's back.

    There's something really off about that girl.

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  17. 4 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

    The lady who answered the phone during the penitential act (a confession prayer) a few months ago and had a conversation from her pew still reins supreme as the worst person at Mass ever, though. Multiple people turning around to be like “what even?” 🤣

    Did any of them say anything?  Like hey, get off the phone.  I've noticed that people on the phone in particular kind of stare into space, so no amount of looking at them will have any effect whatsoever.

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  18. 3 hours ago, katha said:

    But often those are not viewers who would have sought out those projects on their own.

    And they're liable to be watching them on their phones, or with their phones at the ready.  One reason I liked Banshees is that I was immersed in that beautiful but stifling village.

    James Cameron said something interesting:  "Going to a movie theater is less about the size of the screen and the perfection of the sound system. And it's more about a decision to not multitask." 


    When people say they didn't like a movie and it's clear they had not made a decision not to multitask (like, for example, posting their opinion while they're still watching the movie), I do wonder if they might have a different opinion if they had given it their undivided attention, which some niche movies might require, especially if the viewer is venturing into uncharted territory.

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  19. 52 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

    Whispering, depending on the setting and context. This morning I was sitting in Mass and the people behind me were whispering/talking during the offertory hymn and part of the sermon.

    You should turn around and tell them to stop talking.  If people don't get corrected, that gives them license to think rudeness like that is okay.

    When I was young, I was an usher at an event venue.  Another usher and I were sitting on the ground behind the seats talking to each other.  A man in the back row turned around and told us to shut up, and while it pissed me off at first, I realized he was 100% right, and I'm not sure without such an intervention I ever would have grokked that it's not okay to talk when other people are trying to listen to something.  I'm so embarrassed I was that clueless, and rude.

    So whenever I tell someone to stop talking, like at a lecture or a movie, I think of it as doing them a favor, as well as doing a favor for everyone around me who for some reason puts up with it.  Not all are receptive--there's the time a couple came in late to a movie and sat right behind me in an otherwise almost empty theater and were continuing their argument and weeping and I stood up and turned around and said, "Can you please stop talking?" and the guy shot back, "Can you kiss my ass?"  I stammered, "No."  That's telling him!

    They left a few minutes later--they stayed long enough to show me I can't tell them what to do, I'm sure.

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  20. On 2/13/2023 at 7:53 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

    And while I'm at it--why do tow trucks get to drive with their flashing lights on? 

    Yesterday I was driving through a parking lot and noticed some flashing yellow lights.  It was a flatbed tow truck, with nothing on the flatbed and not towing anything, in the drive-thru at McDonald's. 

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  21. 12 hours ago, Alexander Pope said:

    EXONERATE and EXUDE! Clint needs a thesaurus. 

    Actually, I think he needs a dictionary.  I was okay with the "exonerate" in his context, but am still scratching my head at "exude."

    13 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    [Nicole] seems like a nice, honest, real person, as does Chris.

    You might want to consult the spoiler thread with regard to the honesty part. 


    I still can't figure out how student debt and medical bills show up as charges at Banana Republic.


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