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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. One thing that's always kind of bugged me about the show is what they show when a guest is promoting a movie.  On most shows, they show an actual scene from the movie, for which they might give some context.  But I noticed that Graham often just shows the trailer, with all the quick cutting and whatnot, and which I've usually already seen.  No value added.

    But then for Call Jane, they did show an actual scene instead of the trailer, and they chose this one?  I understand that many people are ignorant about body parts and god knows NOBODY knows the difference between vulva and vagina, but that's not the point of this movie.  Plus, no context:  I couldn't tell if this was a real person they were talking to, or if they were doing a role-playing exercise. 

    The only good thing that came of it, for me, was being reminded of one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen in a movie:


  2. On 10/22/2022 at 1:44 PM, hottesthw said:

    And why would you have plastic surgery to make you look fatter? Don’t women usually do the opposite? I say this as a fat woman. She has such a strange shape now. Maybe it’s “in” now, what do I know. 

    Have you forgotten that Jade also got the big-butt surgery?  Needless to say, all fingers point to the Kardashians for its popularity.

    But how could you forget?  Jade's doctor kicking her out of the recovery area shortly after the surgery, all wrapped up in compression bandages, including for some reason bandages around her head, which made her look like Mr. Weatherbee with a toothache, waddling to the car in extreme pain.  She couldn't sit down on her new ass so they had to load her into the back of the SUV to lie down for the drive to the rent house, and then she sent her drug addict mother to pick up the Percocet. 

    Aah, fun times.  I miss them.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

    Some viewers noticed a continuity error in the Ed and Liz argument.

    Seriously?  There are continuity errors all the time.  Just watch the liquid level in glasses go up and down during a conversation, or people sitting at a table in the background disappearing and reappearing.  Or notice the time on a clock or some guy's gigantic wristwatch. 

    Apparently people think these shows just play the conversations as they occur, start to finish?  Yikes.

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  4. 3 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

    No, I think she was like 29 or 30 on her season and Jamie was a few years older - but I do remember her and Jamie saying they didn’t want kids on their season. I guess they changed their minds.

    I guess it was on Couples Cam, but we have seen them discussing their desire to have kids and plans to start working on it.  IIRC, she was particularly interested when Jess (of Austin and Jess) got pregnant.

    I thought that during the application process, they both said wanted kids even though they didn't, because they knew they wouldn't be selected if they said they didn't want kids.  They did this individually, and then later, during the season, found out neither one wanted to have kids, and it was sheer luck these two who'd lied about wanting kids were matched.

    But then they changed their minds and both of them do want kids?  My head is spinning.

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  5. 48 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

    This section was what I was referring to when you said that you guessed that she is using 150 gallons per week.  What am I missing/

    I was responding (in another thread) to when you said this: 


    If I am reading this rcorrectly  you think that Janelle is having her 100 gallon fresh water tank filled at least once a week maybe more often.

    clarifying that Janelle doesn't have a 100-gallon fresh water tank.  But I do.

  6. Is there an Apology Hall of Fame anywhere?  If so, I nominate Rinna's "I am sorry that I took it out on you.  I'm sorry I took my pain...anger...sadness...and fear out on you."  A true masterpiece.

    7 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    Tik Tok is full of people calling Andy out for his favoritism.

    I want to call him out for not knowing what a rotary phone is.  He's not that young.

    4 hours ago, ivygirl said:

    An interesting bit:

    ”According to Rinna, Hilton also called Crystal Kung Minkoff and Stracke, 51, “pieces of s–t” who should be “f–king fired” from the Bravo reality show.

    To which I say, "So?" 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

    If I am reading this rcorrectly  you think that Janelle is having her 100 gallon fresh water tank filled at least once a week maybe more often.

    I'm the one who fills her 100-gallon fresh water tank once a week, not Janelle.

    I never mentioned this, but she actually has a 50-gallon fresh water tank on her trailer, which seems small on a trailer that has a 120-gallon gray tank and an 80-gallon black tank.  But lots of campgrounds have sites that have water hookups but no sewer hookups, and maybe it's designed for those.

    Janelle had some big standalone water tanks placed on the property, and she draws (heh--drew) water from them.  I don't know if it goes into her onboard fresh water tank or just gets piped into the trailer directly, although it won't get an assist from the onboard water pump unless it's coming from her onboard water tank.  When you hook a hose up from a water spigot to the "city water" connection on a trailer, the water pressure from the spigot pushes the water into all the faucets, and a separate water tank could do that, but it would have to be up high (like the water tanks you see on top of buildings in New York City).

    So I'm not sure what arrangement she had, but I'm positive it was well thought out.

    There's a picture of the water containers here, in the spoilers thread.


    And I have to say that if just switching over the water tanks involved that much drama, I don't hold much hope for her being able to set up and take down the trailer herself.  Let alone park it.

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  8. On 10/19/2022 at 11:08 PM, edie3 said:

    The couple from Appleton, WI ( my home state!) were so hard to watch.  Did they agree on anything?

    And they all were so loud!

    I always watch TV with the sound on, with captions.  But for this episode, Mr. Outlier was trying to concentrate on something so I turned the sound off and just used captions.  And I was surprised to read so many negative comments about the couple, because they didn't seem to be more conflicty than most couples on the show.

    It makes me think/realize/acknowledge that tone (and volume) are such an important part of communication.  Because really, they seemed pretty typical to me.

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  9. 13 hours ago, BAForever said:

    Baby in Krabi, Thailand. Turned it off. I refuse to watch anyone who claims influencer as their job. Nope. 

    I had the same reaction, but stuck with it because I giggled and thought of the krabby patties on Spongebob every time they mentioned the town.  It also helped to concentrate on the fact that they could afford only something like $500/month for rent.  So much for raking it in as social media influencers.

    I'm just glad "baby" wasn't my drinking game word.

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  10. 18 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    How large would a tank for clean water need to be and how often would it need to be filled up? I'm thinking of two people showering daily, cooking  washing dishes, brushing teeth and flushing toilets exactly long would a tank of water last?  I did not get the idea that the water in the large tank was suitable for consumption.

    They make tanks for potable water.  And you can go here for my magnum opus on water usage in an RV.  😵


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  11. 2 hours ago, Thistle Howl said:

    If she's going through hundreds of gallons of water weekly, between cooking, cleaning, drinking and showering, does she have another standalone tank for grey water as well, or is she just dumping that on Coyote Pass? Two showers alone could fill a typical RV grey water tank.

    Her trailer has built-in fresh water, gray water (showers, sinks), and black water (toilet) holding tanks.  Her gray water tank is 120 gallons, which is quite large.  (More typical in big RVs is something around 75 gallons.)

    When they come to dump the black tank, they do the gray tank as well.  However, she has a huge black tank--80 gallons--and the gray tank will fill much much much faster than that black tank, and will be the limiting factor on how long she can go without dumping the tanks.

    (Having the gray tank be the limiting factor is the case in 99.99999% of RVs.  However, I don't know anything about this Plexus stuff she sells and fear that its effects on black tank usage might put her in the .00001%.)

    Sometimes dumping gray water on the ground is legal, and sometimes (I'd say more typically) it's not.  But in Janelle's case, I linked to a video in an episode thread by a guy who has the same trailer she has, and he pointed out (with outrage) that the plumbing on that trailer is such that you can't dump gray water without it being combined with black water, and it's not going to be legal to dump any black water on any ground anywhere.

    I'm with him--that's a super bad idea and would be a dealbreaker for me if I realized it before I put down my money, which probably wouldn't be the case.  If Janelle hadn't gotten this stupid trailer and if I hadn't found this guy's video about, it never in a million years would have occurred to me to ask about that if I were buying a new RV, and I consider myself an educated consumer.

    As for water usage, which @Dustbunny asked about, it varies all over the map.  If you're hooked directly up to a water spigot (city water, well water) and have a septic system you can dump your gray tank into any time, there are no restrictions on how much water you can use; there's nothing inherent in an RV that results in lower water usage than the indoor uses in a regular abode.

    But that's not what Janelle's doing, so I assume she's trying to conserve.  (However, with a teenage girl good luck with that.)

    I  never hook up to a city water tap and instead fill my 100-gallon onboard tank and live on that, so I'm super in tune with how much water we use.  (One time I was in a site that is usually for mobile homes and it had a water meter on it, and I went bananas, measuring how much water I use for a "regular" shower, how much I use for a "conservation mode" shower, and how much I use for an "extreme conservation mode" shower, how much my washing machine uses.  I was in hog heaven.)

    Mr. Outlier and I typically go about a week on 100 gallons, and that includes a load of laundry or two.   When we're boondocking and being conscious about water use, we can go two weeks.  We can go even longer when we're in extreme conservation mode.  But no matter what, it's a daily shower for each of us--non-negotiable.

    But my non-conservation numbers are affected by the fact that I wouldn't leave the water running while I'm brushing my teeth even if my RV were hooked up to Niagara Falls.  If I turn the shower on full blast, it feels like I'm being beat to death.  And we don't cook all that much, so we don't do a ton of dishes, which is a big water user.

    In a screen-shotted post of hers upthread, she mentioned having the tanks emptied once a week, and if that's the case, and she's not dumping any on the ground, I'd wild-ass guess she's using about 150 or so gallons a week, at which point her 120-gallon gray tank would be full and needing to be emptied.

    (ETA: Which actually isn't bad for a newbie.  I will (grudgingly) give credit where credit is due.)

    (ETA2:  But I still think her choice of which trailer to buy was very wrong for her intended use, whether it's for sitting still or for traveling.)

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  12. From seeing the preview last week, I was mainly interested in seeing them in their GoCars, but they showed very little of it.  Mr. Outlier and I rented one in San Francisco, and it's right up there with the most fun I've ever had, no exaggeration.  Of course San Francisco has those hills, and there's something quite, uh, interesting about forcing one of those pitiful little engines up a very steep hill and actually wondering if you're going to just stall and roll backwards back down.  And coming over the top of a hill and heading down is like a thrill ride.

    I'm not usually one to embrace looking like a tourist, but this was the one time to do it, and I can't recommend it enough.  We did it on a Sunday so we weren't mixing it up in rush hour traffic, but it was surprising how the people who were driving regular cars were chill with us being among them.  We were stopped at a light by the Embarcadero and a kid in the car next to us looked over and goes, "AWESOME!"

    I'm pretty familiar with the city so we just drove around, but you can also use one of their maps if you're sightseeing.  It's a hell of a lot faster than walking, MUCH easier than riding a bike (yeah, I've done that, and actually rode serpentine up a hill to keep from tipping over because I was going so slow), and it makes the journey just as much fun as the destination.  You can't take it everywhere--like you can't go over the Golden Gate Bridge, and we went up to one place that appeared in retrospect to be off limits.  But you can go down Lombard Street, and whether you're just playing around in it or seeing the sights, I can't recommend it enough. 

    And now for the show...

    35 minutes ago, cinsays said:

    I didn't like Jamie and wife during their season and didn't expect them to last but they both seem really happy and she looks pretty.  So they are moving back east to be near family or a job situation?

    I'm with you 100%.  I didn't like either of them when they were on they show, and still don't really like them, but I'm always taken aback at how much prettier Elizabeth is these days.  As for them moving, I think it's been more than 20 minutes since they last moved, so it's time.  Maybe they're running out of places on the west coast.

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  13. 11 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    I just want to say I love being part of this forum. 

    My favorite example of this is when I found out the Sewing With Nancy lady had died...from reading the Battlebots discussion.

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  14. 3 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

    The one thing that seems to persist with her, is that each time she gets a new man in her life, she is totally smitten and elated and life is great and so private and it's just totally different and better than any previous guy she's known. 

    You left out that when she reveals she has a new soulmate but won't give any details, she twirls her hair and puts her pinkie finger in her mouth.

    In fact, I think that may have broken this show's stranglehold on me.  I've been watching only intermittently, and with plenty of fast-forwarding, and yesterday had the two episodes on in the background thinking I could watch them when I finished what I was doing.  But I glanced up and Briana was doing the hair twirling and sing-songing "I think you know him, I met him on Family Reunion" and it just snapped. 

    It's not enough that these people are boring, but talk about scripted--her mother didn't know she's been dating this guy until right now?  As I've said with respect to other shows, I can take a lot, but I'm out when you start insulting me.

    Then I saw someone being loaded into an ambulance and realized I just don't care.  So between not caring about these people and bristling at being insulted, I think I may be free.  I'll miss watching Briana's and Leah's love lives crumble around them, but I'll survive.

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  15. On 10/16/2022 at 3:46 PM, Crashcourse said:

    I think Lindy wanted to be on MAFS so she could get health insurance, and if she liked the guy, that would be a plus. 

    There's this little secret called Obamacare that makes health insurance available to anyone, so she doesn't need to be on someone's employer-provided policy to get insurance.  Obamacare even subsidizes the premium if someone doesn't make a lot of money because, for example, they arrange their work life so they don't work 40 hours a week every week.  Hello, Lindy?

    And because she's in California, she's paying actual money out of her pocket not to have insurance because California still imposes a penalty on the uninsured.  

    Being on MAFS to get health insurance would be insane even by MAFS standards.

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  16. 1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

    I still don't get where she got her water from while living in it last summer. 

    She likely paid for bulk water delivery.  They bring it in a truck and put it in a storage container on your property.  There are "regular" houses that do this, like if their well gets fouled by fracking.  All their water has to be trucked in.

    You can also do it yourself by putting a big tank in the back of a truck and filling it in town, but it's a real hassle and water is HEAVY (a pint is a pound) and unstable. 

    But since Janelle doesn't have a sewer hookup (either city sewer or a septic tank), she's having someone come and pump out her waste tanks, so she's probably having someone deliver the water, too. 

    I'd guess they're coming out pretty often because people use an astonishing amount of water when they don't have to think about how they get it or where it goes, and the learning curve is steep when that changes.  Or maybe not--if she's willing to blow that much money on an RV that is so ill suited for her needs, she's probably willing to blow money having the trucks come out frequently.

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  17. 41 minutes ago, kassa said:

    I've also never known anybody who had one who did not have some kind of rug/carpet/groundcover at the steps even on the driest day ion the nicest pad.

    I don't.  I have a cover on the one step up to my door, and we don't wear shoes inside.  I used to have a boot scraper out there, but wore it out and didn't bother to replace it.  I don't like having loose shit outside, and the step cover works fine.

    That said, I do plan to buy a little mat for when the Browns invite me to spend the summer on their land for free, because of the red dirt you mentioned. 

    41 minutes ago, kassa said:

    (Those  outside storage cabinets can hold incredible amounts of stuff. )

    Fifth-wheels generally have more storage than travel (bumper-pull) trailers, but it's the big motorhomes that can have incredible storage, because they're built on a raised-rail chassis, and everything under that is "basement storage."  Like the underneath baggage bays on a Greyhound bus.

    What got me was that when they were looking at the outside storage, one of the wives said it could be used for pots and pans, and nobody would want to have to go outside to get a pot or pan. 

    Actually, here's a video by a guy who bought the same trailer Janelle did, last summer.  It's an hour long (!) but he covers the landscape pretty well (which you'd expect for an hour long video!).  He admits he's talking about flaws, but as a counterpoint to the rah-rah videos you usually see.

    It starts out kind of in the weeds with some technical stuff, which points to manufacturing choices and issues, but at about the 5:00 mark he gets into the livability, starting with that the outside storage is "very very limited."

    Something I found interesting is that he shows the front bathroom, the one Kody complained was so small.  I'm loath to agree with him, but he's right--it's tiny and cramped, even by RV standards.  Janelle isn't a petite person, and I think she will actually be uncomfortable using it.

    I noticed the video guy said his came with a 20-watt solar panel, while the website said it has a 50-watt panel; maybe they've "upgraded" it to a 50-watt on newer trailers?  Either one is completely worthless, and you have to wonder why the manufacturer even bothered.

    This video, and the couple of other ones I watched, confirm that this trailer is for families who want a bunkhouse model so it can sleep a whole lot of people.  I have no idea why Janelle thought it would be a good one for her purposes. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

    All that to say, I am completely shocked that Kody didn't purposefully mangle the backing in of the RV just to prove again how harried he is, how these shrewish women constantly ask him to do hard things, and that he never wanted Janelle to have that RV In the first place. 

    To my trained eye, he kind of did. 

    And he committed the cardinal sin of having people behind the trailer he couldn't see.  And Gabe?  Putting your hand on the back corner of the trailer as it's moving isn't going to accomplish anything other than putting you in harm's way.

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  19. 18 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

    OMG totally my concern too ! It's one thing to have just a few houses scattered here and there, for a "rustic" look. But to have a single defenseless woman with a minor child in a non-permanent dwelling  in the middleofnowhere ? Are there animals that could cause trouble  ? Not to mention human criminals....I'd be terrified to be alone there.

    It's not like they're in a tent.  The trailer has walls, and doors with locks.  Plus they showed them going through a gated entry to the property.

    I've never heard of someone backing a truck up to an enormous fifth-wheel trailer, unleveling it and hitching it up, and driving off with people inside, which means its "non-permanent" nature isn't an issue.  It's really no different from her planned garage with an apartment above it on the property. 

    I've lived in a motohome for almost 20 years, so I'm unduly interested in Janelle and her trailer, and even more in people's reactions (including the other wives; if I'd lived in a 3-bedroom mobile home with two other wives and one husband (never mind KODY as the husband), I would have untreatable PTSD about anything with wheels on it, so I understand Meri's and Christine's reactions).

    What strikes me most is that the floor plan Janelle chose is so ill-suited for her lifestyle.  When she said it was the last one of this type available in the country, I thought she'd made a conscious choice, among all possible floor plans, that this was the one she wanted.  But I now think her choice was more a result of the extremely limited supply of all RVs at the time she bought hers due to everybody else in the country buying RVs, and this was what was available.  "I need a huge fifth-wheel."  Plus she was an ignorant shopper (no knock on her for that, although I think all the youtube videos pimping the lifestyle are making for more ignorant shoppers these days, especially when Covid hit).

    Her trailer is for a family with a lot of kids who take it to a campground and cavort outside, and not as their only home.  All the bunkbeds points to that, not to mention the loft.  And the exterior door to the bathroom adjacent to the bunkbeds--that's the kids' bathroom, which they can access it without tracking who knows what through the rest of the trailer.  The bathtub back there looks like it would be good for bathing little kids. 

    Fifth-wheel trailers are a popular choice for people who sit still for extended periods of time, like travel nurses who take 3-month assignments.  They can be surprisingly homey, with big kitchens with an island, living rooms that have a couch and two recliners, an entertainment center for the TV, and an electric fireplace.  Although the bathroom still tends to be fairly small (compared to luxury motorhomes, which sometimes have nice big bathrooms).

    Janelle was limited by needing two bathrooms and an extra sleeping area, but there are much better floor plans out there for that than what she got. 

    I had to laugh at her saying the solar hadn't charged the battery.  Kody said batteries, plural, but my impression is that it doesn't come from the manufacturer with any batteries, and dealers usually install one battery.   

    It does come from the manufacturer with a 50-watt solar panel.  Maybe they added more solar, although I couldn't see any panels on the roof from the view they showed, plus knowing them, I doubt it. 

    But I'll just say that I have more than 20X that amount of solar on my roof, and six batteries to her one, and I have to be mindful of how much electricity I'm using when we're living on solar.  And I don't have an electric residential refrigerator like Janelle does. 

    She's gonna be running that generator a lot, and I would bet it's one of those open-frame contractor generators that are heinously noisy.  I'm not surprised she lasted only three months, during really nice weather.

    That said, if they let me and wouldn't make me pay (as if!), I'd gladly park my moho out there and spend an entire summer.  It's a great location.

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  20. 8 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

    That person could also have a hidden disability. Or the disabled person could join the other person inside after taking care of car business.

    Nah, I see it mostly at places like Walgreens, and the driver goes inside, leaving an old person sitting in the passenger seat.

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  21. On 10/15/2022 at 1:57 PM, Elizabeth Anne said:

    I was motivated by the fact that while my father had a handicapped plate because of my mother when she wasn't with him he didn't use those spots.

    As it should be.

    I'm annoyed by people who use the handicapped spot when it sure looks to me like the handicapped person stays in the car while the other person goes in.  If the handicapped person isn't getting out of the car, the car doesn't need to be near the door.

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  22. On 10/11/2022 at 8:58 PM, jnymph said:

    Oh damn ! ☹️  I really wanted Debbie & Tony to be happily ever after scenario. I was pulling for them. 😢

    There's no reason they can't still make it.  It would be a dealbreaker for me, but maybe not for her, so there's still hope for them to be a happily ever after scenario. 

    Also, I recall that Colt and Debbie lived in Seattle before moving to Las Vegas, and that's just down the road from Vancouver, so she might have some ties in the American part of that vicinity. 

    On 10/12/2022 at 10:27 AM, bichonblitz said:

    Speaking of Veronica, that was the most cringeworthy scene with her in her old lady lacey undies and bra trying to be sexy. She's really coming on strong and it's not like her. What happened to her? Oh yeah. An extra TLC paycheck. 

    But how do we know what's like her?  The opening shot of her for this show, with her tits hanging way out, tipped me off immediately that there was something different about this Veronica from the one I'd seen on Pillow Talk.  And maybe what we're seeing now is the real Veronica. 

    I just can't imagine putting on an outfit like that, which I didn't even think was flattering but men don't generally care whether something is flattering, as long as there's not much of it or it's see-through, and walking into a living room with harsh overhead lighting and a camera crew, toward a guy I barely know, who has a fever blister and is sitting on an Airbnb quality couch.  And then moving to the bedroom, with camera crew in tow.  No amount of TLC paycheck could make me do that.

    And no amount of money would induce me to let someone wax my butt crack.  Or, maybe I'd do it for five million dollars, now that I think about it but I'm pretty sure having it filmed for public viewing would be a bridge too far, for any amount of money. 

    So I'm thinking what we're seeing is like her.

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  23. 23 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

    Before Alexis said that, when Chris arrived at Justin's to take Mya, Justin narrated that "Chris is the only person that Mya loves more than me".

    I thought it was just Alexis getting tongue-tied, but both of them said the same thing--that Mya loves Chris more than her own owner, Justin.  It's probably impossible to actually tell whether Mya loves Justin or Chris more, and if I were Justin, I'd give myself the benefit of the doubt--it's me she loves more.  Maybe he's more humble than I am.

    29 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

    I would bet my next paycheck that Justin & Chris worked out the Mya deal to be possibly temporary.  If the marriage works out, then Justin can visit Mya, and if it doesn't, then the deal is, Mya comes back.  Either way, Mya can stay in Justin's life.

    Good theory, except Chris lives a long way away--I can't remember how many hours Justin said the drive was, but judging from Chris's accent, he's probably in the south, where Justin is from. 

    Justin told him he'd told his wife he might be going to visit Mya once a month, and he said she reacted negatively to that prospect.  So I don't think she'll be in Justin's life very much if they stay married. 

    But I think the chances of Alexis and Justin staying married are about zero, so he can get Mya back no problem, but he should make sure he has his renter's or homeowner's insurance up to date to cover future bites of more litigious people or dogs.

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