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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. Dare I say it?  Over the episodes of Jenny and Sumit on their honeymoon, Jenny and Sumit have kind of grown on me.  They've always been portrayed as so dour, and what do they possibly see in each other, etc., but they seem to genuinely enjoy each other's company.  They even look kind of cute together.  ::shudder::

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  2. Also some chef named Big Zuu wearing an anorak, who was charming, and the musical guest was England's submission(?) to Eurovision. 

    I'm surprised Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris is just now getting released there. 

    As is almost always the case, and I don't know how Graham does it, but a jovial couch of people actually listening to each other.  Although I'm glad I wasn't on it, because I don't know what kind of accent Big Zuu has (did you see that photo of his mother??  Yowza!), but I wouldn't have gotten a single syllable without captions.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ailianna said:


    Thank you.  There are people I know of only because they're on this show, and he's one of them.  I guess he looks like a Michael to me, and enough like a Michael that I didn't even look at the dang thread title, right there, to confirm the name of someone I know only because I see him on Graham Norton. 

    That said, I found a book by David Walliams in a Little Free Library today and thought, "Oh, I know him...he's on Graham Norton."  (And I even know his last name is Walliams and not Williams.)  I'm not thrilled with the book cover that describes a "textbook" granny as having false teeth and used tissues tucked up her sleeve, I'll give it a shot because I like him on the show.  (But apparently not enough to actually buy his book. 😀)

  4. I'm glad you posted this version of the trailer.  I've seen it in theaters probably a dozen times, and loved it every time.  There's a version on TV that has something with a male flight attendant that hits other notes, and I don't like it anywhere near as much.

    The part at 2:00 where Clooney says "I knew it" and nods his head is something nobody else can do quite like him. 

    The movie isn't getting great reviews (47 on Metacritic right now), and it's entirely possible the best parts of the movie are all in the trailer and the other hour and 40 minutes will be unendurable and I would be better off watching the trailer a dozen more times, but I'm willing to give it a shot based on Clooney alone; I'm neutral on Julia Roberts but sometimes she can bring it.

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  5. I saw it again, and liked it even more the second time.

    There's a scene where they're shooting Jay and Silent Bob dancing in front of the store, and it's such a joyful dance.  Damn, I love that guy.

    I'd forgotten that Randal goes to Jay and Silent Bob to ask them for a favor and mentions Dante and Jay says, "Who's Dante?"  LOL.  And Randal says, "The guy who works at Quick Stop who isn't me."  Jay: "I thought his name was Sergio."  The movie isn't a comedy, as @dwmarch noted, but it has some hilarious moments.

    The voiceover by Smith is played near the end of the credits, but the "making of" featurette that was after the credits when it was a Fathom event was not.

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  6. 12 hours ago, buttersister said:

    Excellent London episode with Richard truly hoping to help an American married couple find the right place--and he did.

    Was this a repeat?  What time was it on?  I get new episodes of HH and HHI at 10:00 and 10:30 eastern, and last night the HHI was a couple moving from Austin to somewhere near Frankfurt, with Kevin as the realtor.  Maybe they're adding new episodes after that and I didn't know it?

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  7. 40 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

    This is my read on Nate. 

    He portrays himself as a "day trader."  Not sure the recessionary market is generating a lot of $$$ in a steady, reliable and continuing manner to him.  I don't see him as having a lot of savings or other sources of income. 

    I think it's the show that portrays him as a day trader; I don't remember hearing him talking about how he makes a living, except that he works from home.  But somebody here found his Linked In profile, and he has a regular job (in addition to any day trading he might or might not do)

    43 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

    I know Stacia is 37; however, there are many women conceiving in their 40's with few complications. 

    I have a friend who unexpectedly got knocked up by her boyfriend when she was 49 with her first (and last 😀) child.  She's obviously an outlier, but...damn!

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  8. 13 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    If Justin feels like he’s been played, why did he give the dog away so soon?  Why not wait until decision day, or a few weeks after?

    He didn't come to the conclusion that he'd been played until after he'd given the dog away.  He expected doing so would prove to Alexis that he was 100% committed to the marriage, and he assumed she would respond by being 100% committed, too.  But turns out it didn't make her 100% committed, and he said looking at those facts, and keeping emotions out of it, he believed he'd been played.

    Something I found funny was when Alexis said, "You said Chris is the only person that Mya loves more than you."  Huh?? 

    2 hours ago, Spectator said:

    It would be so fun to be a kid in Stacie’s house. Rules: Don’t go in the living room. Don’t go in the dining room. Take your shoes off. Put your socks on (god forbid foot oils get on the carpet. Oh the horror!). Don’t leave anything in the sink….the list goes on and on…

    The look on Nate's face when Stacia said she was going to teach her kids not to touch anything was priceless.  But she did say she grew up with her mom telling her don't go in that formal living room, don't go into that formal dining room, don't touch nothing, nuh-thing.  And I'm sure she thinks she complied, so her kids can comply, too. 

    2 hours ago, Spectator said:

    (but not the precious black tile in the bathroom!)

    I'm not as in love with black tile in the bathroom as she is, but I'm with her on not having white tile in a bathroom.  So many houses have it, and every single hair on the floor shows.

    2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    Why is he even thinking about that now? No, buddy. You won't be HOMELESS!

    I'm giving Nate a bit of a pass on this because I'm pretty sure he said he's been homeless in the past, and if that's the case, I can see how it would be an issue.

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  9. 5 hours ago, magemaud said:

    I don't know anything about this, but is it absolutely necessary for the RV to be on some kind of "pad" short term? That's why I suggested a campground that was set up for RV parking

    There are lots of campgrounds and RV parks where you park on dirt (in the desert), or grass (where grass naturally grows).  One step up from that is gravel, then asphalt, and then concrete.  A concrete pad is prized because it means less dirt tracked inside, zero danger of sinking, and it will be level (always a vexation for RVs).  But sites with concrete pads are by no means the majority, and you'll pay a premium for them.

    This is the KOA in Flagstaff.  The road (on the right in the photo) is paved, but the sites aren't.


    It wouldn't be a bad idea to grade a spot for Janelle's trailer, and maybe add some gravel, but from what I've seen of the land, I don't think there would be a problem parking on it as is, if you can find a spot level enough.

    5 hours ago, kassa said:

    If it sinks 2 feet into soft soil because they DIDN'T park on a solid, dry, level surface, who's going to tow it out?

    A big tow truck can do the job.  It probably won't be covered by AAA or other roadside service because it's not on a public road (from what I can tell), but if you're willing to pay, they'll come get you unstuck.  It happens on beaches all the time, especially when people don't take into account the tide.  😲  In some areas, on busy weekends the tow trucks stage nearby, and extract a hefty fee along with the RV.  At least it cuts down on the wait time.

    2 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

    Maybe the restriction is 120 days in a one-year period? If so, she'd need to move it 3x per year.

    I looked at the Coconino County zoning ordinance (I love that name--Coconino County), and if there's not a dwelling unit on the parcel, it allows temporary occupancy of an RV "for a period not to exceed 120 consecutive days per calendar year."  


    The lawyer in me wants to fiddle around with "120 consecutive days."  What about a total of 180 non-consecutive days, made up of six batches of 30 days there followed by 4 days gone, repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat?  Although you have to get a permit to do it at all, so I'm thinking the clerk will just tell you to take the 120 days or leave it, and buzz off with your legal gymnastics.

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  10. On 10/7/2022 at 11:42 PM, dwmarch said:

    and if you are not a Kevin Smith fan there would be so much of the movie that will just be weird nonsense.

    All in all, I think my favorite bit was when Randall was explaining the plot of The Mandalorian to the doctor, who is played by Amy Sedaris... who has appeared in The Mandalorian several times.

    I'm a big Kevin Smith fan and know approximately zero about Star Wars, which I think is an unusual combination.  So I didn't understand this Mandalorian thing at all, but still loved it. 

    But I like the people Smith has in his movies and on his shows.  I have a soft spot for Jason Mewes.  And Comic Book Men was appointment TV for me, even though I know even less about superheroes and comic books than I do about Star Wars.  So I like his movies even when a lot of it goes flying over my head.

    For those who still want to see it, it appears to be coming to theaters this Friday in a more typical release pattern, which is annoying because I drove a long way to see it a couple of weeks ago. 

    This website usually does a decent job of listing showings, although it's only Tuesday and I assume more theaters will be added tomorrow and the next day, as they publish their schedules.


    I might go see it again, because then I can watch the credits; there's a voiceover by Smith and I was listening to that instead of reading the credits, and they looked interesting.  Plus I can concentrate better on some of the cameos, like Jason Mewes's girlfriend and daughter, and Smith's mother.


    I wonder if they'll show the "making of" featurette after the credits, since these showings won't be a Fathom event.  Stay until the lights in the theater come up, just in case.

  11. 17 hours ago, Kellyee said:

    Janelle is dragging Savannah out to the prairie to live in an RV that doesn't have any indoor plumbing hooked up. Janelle can do what she wants, but Savannah shouldn't suffer for the sake of her mother's dream.

    The trailer has a fresh water tank from which it draws water, so the faucets and toilets run like normal; it's not like they have to bathe by using a cup in a bucket.  But no more 20-minute-long hot showers, that's for sure, especially if you're having to truck fresh water in and gray water (sinks, showers) out.

    And, oh my, I just looked at the specs and that gigantic trailer has only a 6-gallon water heater.  The manufacturers put in either a 6-gallon one or a 10-gallon one, and putting the smaller one in such a big trailer seems a little odd.  Although it's probably just the sort of thing a buyer, especially an inexperienced buyer, might overlook, and the manufacturer couldn't squeeze in the 10-gallon tank.

    18 hours ago, KateHearts said:

    RVs are costly but they do resell and I think hers was used (they said that, although the pictures looked like it was pretty new).

    I thought it was new.  It's generally wiser, financially, to buy them used because like cars, they depreciate significantly the second you drive them off the lot.  Plus, with RVs, buying used means somebody else dealt with all the manufacturing defects (which is how RVs differ dramatically from cars, which are manufactured competently, by robots, and have meaningful quality control processes). 

    RVs do resell, but it's hard to tell if she timed it right.  Historically, RV owners took a beating when reselling (like if they buy one and decide in a year or two they want something different).  It's been typical for RV owners to be upside down on their loans.  But with Covid, the whole RV market went bananas, and several-year-old trailers can be worth as much as they were new, which is unprecedented, to say the least. 

    But at some point the massive demand is going to die off, and it will be coupled with a glut caused by people realizing that youtube video they watched about the joys of RVing might have been a little rosy.  That might get ugly.

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  12. 3 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    Auto correct.

    I think a new autocorrector is in order:  combatatible isn't even a word.  Or maybe the autocorrector watches the show and decided to introduce an apt neologism and see if it catches on.

    • LOL 3
  13. On 10/8/2022 at 7:32 AM, sugarbaker design said:

    I'll forgive her for not knowing about a song that was featured in a movie that was released in the '70s.

    I'm a year older than she is and I'm certainly familiar with The Life of Brian.  It was notorious when it was released because of protests outside theaters.  That doesn't mean she saw it then, but I assume she's seen it at some point because I assume Christopher Guest and the Monty Python people aren't strangers to each other's work. 

    I hate that we Americans get edited shows.  Michael David Tennant started his little segment referencing earlier chat about his father, which we didn't get to see.  I almost always FF through the musical segments so I'd be happy to swap those for more of the couch guests.  But I'm so happy to have Graham back I'll take what I can get.  When he intoned, solemnly, "This show is dedicated to Eric Idle," I was reminded just how brilliant he is.

    Interesting...I just looked up Jamie Lee Curtis on Wikipedia to check her age and it says she's 63 and won't turn 64 until late November.  But unless I'm mis-remembering, she referred to herself as being 64 on the show (I remember quickly calculating, "she's a year younger than I am," like I do all the time these days, often with dead people).  So...she's a woman who goes out in public with gray hair that is cut very short and she exaggerates her age up.  You don't see that often. 

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  14. 3 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

    I think she was going to a community college

    Yes, she said Pitt Community College, and was all excited about getting accepted, which struck me as strange, especially because enough of the Browns have gone to and graduated from universities that I would think they would understand admissions criteria and selectivity.  (Unlike, say, Amber from Teen Mom, who was crowing about getting accepted to an open-admission online university.)

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  15. 3 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

    She doesn’t have a truck large enough to pull it and even if she did is she qualified to drive a truck hauling a huge RV… does she have ANY experience hauling a rig that large?

    Is she qualified?  Yes.  Believe it or not, Arizona driver's license laws don't require a person to have any sort of special license to tow an enormous trailer like that for personal use.  Her regular old Arizona driver's license will suffice.  Think about that when you see a giant truck pulling a massive trailer with Arizona plates.

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  16. On 10/4/2022 at 6:51 PM, Dustbunny said:

    Why on earth did it need repairs? is that normal for a brand new RV?

    Definitely.  That's one reason people in the know usually recommend buying slightly used instead of new--let someone else spend the first year driving it back and forth to the dealership to get all the manufacturing defects corrected.  We're all spoiled by how cars are so well made these days, and RVs couldn't be more different.

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  17. 13 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

    Just had to come back and share I got a letter in the mail today from DirecTV telling me that my receiver is out of date and will soon lose a bunch more channels.   I had a feeling this would happen... 

    Examine the list of channels.  In my case, it was a bunch of music channels that I don't listen to, and the major networks (ABC, CBS, etc.), which I don't get anyway.  So the big loss they warned about hasn't changed anything for me.

    But as Sting used to say, "I want my MTV," so if that one goes, I will notice. 

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  18. THANK YOU!  Apparently "pinny" comes from "pinafore."  Makes sense.

    All I could remember is that I hated whatever the word they had for them, and can to this day conjure up my junior high PE teacher talking about pinnies (now that I know it was pinnies (and not cossacks)) and just hating it.  Or maybe I hated PE and was transferring it to the garment, because I have no problem with one-cent coins. 

    Whatever--pinnies.  What a relief.

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  19. When they were playing dodge ball, they were wearing blue or red mesh vest-type things to indicate which team they were on.  I remember from my school PE days those things had a name, and for the life of me I can't think of it.  Something like cossack?  But that's obviously not it.  Anybody???

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  20. 1 hour ago, Milburn Stone said:

    For the last 42 years, a friend and I have found occasion to say this to each other: "Funny... the wind's blowin in from the west; but the fog's comin in from the east."

    Now I'll have to watch it, and I'll have to make Mr. Outlier watch it with me, because I want to be finding occasions to say, "Funny... the wind's blowin in from the west; but the fog's comin in from the east."

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  21. 2 hours ago, cameron said:

    Anyone  have an idea what that was around the bottom of the toilet in their unit.  Almost looked like a toddler's potty helper.

    I've didn't see it, and I've never had a toddler, but I do watch Shark Tank.  Maybe a Squatty Potty?

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