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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. This episode was sort of like Downton Abbey. It doesn't really matter what the story is. It's all about the characters and the clothes--between Dylan and Lizzie, they should open a boutique. I'd shop there! Plus the sets are pretty.

    • Love 1
  2. More convo at the MML house during this episode:

    Addict dad: My daughter is in trouble! 911 Emergency!

    Me: What could it be? First period? Pregnant? Heroin? Stalker? Wtf, makeup????

    Gabby to the rescue: Raccoon eyes are my specialty!  (Dumps Hefty bag of nasty used cosmetics on bed)

    Me: Ick. And as if teenage girls need a mom for makeup help. But who calls a random EMT for makeup help?

    Mr MML: Well you are always bitching about how much makeup Gabby wears—obviously addict dad noticed and was impressed even while he was having withdrawal seizures. 


    Me (having predicted the firetruck escort the minute pathetic teenage girl said they couldn’t afford a limo): Nah, that siren and flashing lights pulling up at the prom venue (a) won’t be at all embarrassing to a shy girl, and (b) won’t panic EVERY SINGLE PERSON at the event


    Gabby: I want to have a baby so I can put makeup on it

    Casey, meekly: okay

    Me: Way to have a thoughtful discussion about this. And again, Jeez, Casey, grow a pair!

    • Love 8
  3. Casey: I’m going to a cookout with some guys (Australian accent).

    Gabby: No you have to go with me and just sit in an apartment so I can put makeup on a pathetic teenage girl.

    Me: Jeez Casey, grow a pair!

    • Love 13
  4. Cordova, we hardly knew ya. Come back any time and take your shirt off (thinking what Herman and Mouch look like without shirts on) while you visit! 

    I think Kelly should have mentioned the Vegas wedding in passing. The bride could show up any time with a kid, might have a claim on his benefits, etc. Kidd has grown on me so much that I just want her to be happy and she and Kelly have a ton of chemistry and are a much better couple than henpecked Casey and bossy Gabby. 

    • Love 6
  5. 7 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

    I've often wondered if Chicago PD was just an accident after the Voight character generated so much buzz.  I would think if they knew it was going to be a spinoff, they would have made him less despicable in his intro.  I understand the grey area, but his intro was flat out criminal with no conscience.  A real F$%^ up if they knew the character was going to have his own show.  The explanation after the fact was weak and lame.

    I’ve always thought this too—that Beghe’s performance in Fire turned out to be so compelling that the producers didn’t want to let him go. Wish they’d kept the good (everyone but Voight) vs evil (Voight) theme going in PD beyond the first few episodes.

    • Love 4
  6. 14 hours ago, preeya said:

    Didn't Voight"s intro take place on Chicago Fire when he had a confrontation with Casey? That, I believe was pre-Chicago PD.

    You must mean the story line that ended in Voight going to jail after he tried to have Casey killed for calling out Voight’s son for negligent himicide and DUI.

    • Love 1
  7. The first season or so had a lot of tension between an old school cop  and the younger ones, who looked askance at Voight’s behavior and reputation. Erin was a huge “yes but he saved her” factor in accepting Voight’s persona. Olinsky and Platt were also counterfoils to Voight. Now? Voight hopes to get away with murder, and we are supposed to hope so too (not even bringing in the actor’s “anger management” issues, which caused Sophia Bush to leave, and which may imo result in his ouster from the show). Bleah. Too bad the character can’t be investigated by someone who doesn’t have dirty laundry, or an ax to grind, or an ongoing vendetta against him. Some fine actors on this show—it certainly would go on without him. 

    • Love 2
  8. 1 minute ago, Guildford said:

    I am finding it very hard to feel sorry for Voight, he murdered someone in a fit of rage. He's no better than the guy that killed his son....

    And even if public sentiment could excuse that as grieving father blah blah blah, I am so tired of seeing him assault suspects with no consequences (and this behavior should absolutely get a cop fired, never mind the scheming Woods and prior bad acts storylines we have to endure). Who else does that on this show? Nobody. Not believable, not acceptable. Kill him off.

    • Love 3
  9. I predict Voight will be killed in the line of duty. Please, Show?

    Woods is sooo hard for me to take seriously as a villain. Just get rid of him too and all the other internal affairs and dirty cop crap and get back to solving crimes in Chicago. 

    • Love 6
  10. I'm sure the MML house will continue to watch this show regardless.

    But I feel like episodes three and four are very different from the first two (I could be wrong and often am, but to me it seems like the producers ran the pilot past focus groups to tweak the show). The intro now spells everything out re Dylan's CIA background, and Lizzie looks like she is dressing differently. I also noticed the credit to James Patterson for the first time--I enjoy audio books of his for car rides but (my take on him) I don't think of his work as being particularly cerebral, and Cumming's character seems to me to supposedly be genius level. The show just seems like it's trying to be more popular or commercial.

    I loved so much of Lizzie's scenes where she realized her boss/friend was excluding her from the wedding and how she reconciled that (although I find the boss to be unbelievable as a boss, and that wedding dress was not exactly flattering). And the relationship of Dylan and Andy strikes me as true and natural. 

    • Love 2
  11. Wasn't it Voight who followed the witness to his AA/NA meeting? I assumed Voight then planted the drugs (if anyone did--perhaps the witness really was using again), not Olinsky. Olinsky is just so vague anymore. He wasn't involved with the disappearance of Voight's son's killer but all of a sudden his pension is flagged? I hope he turns out to be trying to have Voight's back or something and that's why he's shadowing him. Both Olinsky and Platt are vastly underused lately, as are Dawson and Halsted.

    Personally I think "dirty cop" and internal affairs plots are the laziest pieces of writing for this kind of show--like there's not enough real crime in Chicago to write stories about.

    • Love 4
  12. The only good things about this episode were seeing Casey and Severide together in the apartment building, and of course Sylvie drooling at Cordova in a towel. 

    Every week I get my hopes up that Gabbie will be shot. Maybe next week....

    • Love 4
  13. 23 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    Can an ambulance ride really cost $1000?  When I paid for my mother's a few years ago (not in the U.S.), it cost $50  I think if the US ever went on single payer medicine, half the plots of these shows would disappear.


    DH needed an ambulance in Chicago about ten years ago to a hospital less than a mile from his office and it cost us $800.  

    • Love 4
  14. Julie White as the 55 yo mom completely stole the show. Mr MML and I were screaming laughing along with her. Please make her a doc or something, show.

    April looking over her brother’s shoulder and directing him nonstop—just stop. I’m liking Noah more and April so much less. Noah, take Reese and move to Milwaukee.

    The rest of the docs deserve each other.

    • Love 11
  15. I kept thinking how hot I would be in AC’s wardrobe of snug tweed on tweed. In one indoor scene I swear he had a jacket over a jacket over a vest—he looked so uncomfortable that I was completely distracted from noticing Lizzie’s attire. 

    Still in because AC, but this was a pretty stupid plot imo. The perp must be amazingly strong to get the first vic up high, not to mention the time it took to whack off his hair etc with no one noticing. 

    • Love 1
  16. Finished it last night. Hope the next season if there is one doesn't end with the hokey big reveal/twist scene. And I guarantee Maggie didn’t dump all $11 million into the acid—maybe a few $thousand.... Do we know where Luka got the cash in the first place?

    Yes, lots of threads that could be pursued in a third season. Still think this season was better than the first. Loved real Pete and hope he would come back; Maggie, not so much.

    • Love 2
  17. I'm in the middle of this second season and I actually think it's a lot better than the first season of who's conning who's conning who that I thought got too clever for words. At least we have well-defined bona fide bad guys this time and the Murphy family are taking the victimized not-so-bad-guys role. Imo there are more interesting plot developments this season too. Still shaky for me are Julia's ex-husband and why he is still on the show, and I admit I still don't understand who the heck Marjorie is or why she keeps getting involved. I'd rather have the one con artist and not his posse on call 24/7 to get him out of scrapes (we could all be con artists if we just had them on speed dial). But still better than the NYC high-stakes poker game theme which I never bought into, that elite players would fall for a fake game.

    • Love 3
  18. With its early 7 pm slot, I thought it had just the right level of lightness and complexity. Reinhart’s tweed jackets were fitted like those we saw in Scotland last year—perhaps a little nod to AC’s roots?

    • Love 2
  19. The MML household is soooo in. Characters we actually like! I mean, we both must have gotten a little sand in our  eyes when Reinhart carried Lizzie out of the courthouse to the ambulance, and we just met them fifty minutes ago.... Gary better hang in there.

    • Love 11
  20. 1 hour ago, PreBabylonia said:


    [Re Lauren’s parents liking the engagement]They're probably thinking, third time lucky. Maybe they just really really want her to move out and live her life. She comes across as very needy and dependent.


    Lauren lives in Dallas (far far from Virginia Beach where her parents live), has a good job, and is quite independent—not a secret, this was all presented on the show.

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