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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. Hint to Rosa:  Pull your hands out of the f*cking gauze bandages that are only in place to keep you from scratching the poison oak on your body that is already protected by your clothing as I could not see it anywhere, open the f*cking doir, and put the gauze bandages back on your hands. OMG that was stupid. And long.

    I wanted Baby Boyle to secretly show us he really is a genius at the end. Sooo good as mentioned above his interactions with the Captain, asking how Mr Kevin is. Love me some Charles.

    If I don’t get to see Chelsea Peretti’s real-life husband in a cameo, I don’t want to see her on my screen. That is all.

    • Love 12
  2. 4 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

    I loved The Grinder! That show deserved a second chance, I really wish it had been picked up by another network.

    The Grinder was soooo perfect the one year it was on that I almost didn’t mind it not being renewed as it might have gone downhill from there! That cast and writing were truly amazing.

    • Love 2
  3. 28 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

    Lol well I appreciate that! I doubt it will last though. 😕

    I really liked Natalie Morales in The Grinder—not sure imo Abby’s is the best fit for her, though. Maybe it’s the directing, but it’s hard to carry a show. If this show gets cancelled she should land on her feet and we’ll see her in something else soon.

    • Love 2
  4. 54 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

    Well, it was at least a little bit about drinking. The regulars must've put away a lot of booze since they were there all the time. Norm certainly seemed to enjoy having his face buried in a beer mug.* And Sam's alcoholism was plotline a time or two.

    A show set in a bar is going to be about drinking.

    I'm still digging it. I love Nelson Franklin and like Neil Flynn and the rest of the cast. I'm ok with the lack of the warm fuzzies right now - the characters are gruff-ish but not mean or nasty, and if the show lasts I'm sure stuff like that will come. Looking back on Cheers, I wonder how I ever tolerated Carla, who was an awful human being, certainly much worse than any of these characters. 

    *Which he did for how many hours a day, to avoid going home to his wife? And how often did he say anything nice about her, and how often did he duck her calls at the bar? (to @SnarkySheep's point about Beth complaining about and avoiding her family).

    I'm glad you're enjoying it--I hope it gets the time it needs to develop the characters for you.

    • Love 1
  5. 11 hours ago, silverspoons said:

    I just saw an interview that Ben did a few days ago and he said the final episode this season will be hardcore dark? Any ideas of what he meant? The interview is on youtube with Busy Phillips. I do not know what is considered hardcore dark, I would guess someone maybe dying? How many episodes are left?

    Oh no. That sounds like "a very special Superstore." Shark-jumping special.

  6. 19 hours ago, Trillium said:

    I actually thought Jocelyn was being a quite needy. Sorry girl, but police emergencies take priority over a date. It’s not about you. That’s just the deal when you date someone who’s in a job like that. If Jocelyn can’t handle that, that’s her deal, not coming to Rosa’s work to break up because she doesn’t feel Rosa makes her a priority, and not seeming to care that they were in the middle of an emergency. 

    Yes, and sooo much of an example of how show has made Rosa and her story lines not at all funny any more. Charles for just one example has evolved yet stayed true to his character. I miss psycho Rosa. 

    • Love 6
  7. I wonder if the writers thought they could have a lot of fun with the Quincerañera and had to pull back some of the jokes because they were too insensitive culturally (the toasts were pretty bad in that light imo). I remember The Office did a great Diwali episode where Kelly took the staff to her family’s party that was one of the funniest episodes ever and not at all insensitive—maybe Superstore was trying for that. 

    • Love 3
  8. So not funny. Did they get new writers? Jonah was unnecessarily super-annoying from the first minute to the last—and Glenn is a close second. Cheyenne has gone from dumb and funny to dumb and mean. Show needs to get back to what works.

    I do bow yet again to body-confident Lauren Ash; you got it, you flaunt it!

    • Love 16
  9. This is probably our favorite show. Great ensemble cast—great writing to keep them all unique (except the three teachers—they’re meh but at least show doesn’t put them on a sticky sweet pedestal like every other comedy with a teacher in it). That video and happy birthday 😂. Jack not stealing the joy from those who think they saved the budget cuts. Helen’s ass. Perfect.

    • Love 3
  10. I thought Jocelyn was the hacker to get back at Rosa. And way unpopular opinion here but I hate the softer vulnerable Rosa and almost more, the clunky out-of-character way she’s been developed—I so miss the unsmiling hardass that everyone was afraid of from season 1. She’s just not funny anymore imuo. I wouldn’t miss her if she left. 

    • Love 2
  11. On 4/15/2019 at 8:31 PM, SnarkySheep said:

    Hey, if we were supposed to believe Billy Gardell was able to be an active cop on Mike & Molly, then I have no problem at all believing Nathan Fillion here...

    Was Billy Gardell playing a rookie? (i love Melissa McCarthy but never saw that show). Presumably rookies would be in the best shape, having to pass a physical to get in....

  12. I am so going to miss copying Ava’s clenched jaw, downward smile, and random Britishish accent every week. She can go away.

    Rhodes started out as the Severide or Casey of Med but flatted out pretty quickly. He’ll be okay.

    Jon Seda deserves soooooo much better than being third or fourth flunkie on the Hank Voight show (and I like the Voight character, but I wanted Seda’s Dawson to be a foil to his old-school police brutality).  I’ll watch whatever he’s in next.

    • Love 3
  13. 23 hours ago, JenLily said:

    Holt: Oh, it plays a little song when you solve it as if you’ve just learned to potty. Yes, yes—play me my dunce’s tune.

    I died. Andre Braugher is an absolute treasure.

    Kill me now but I downloaded the app yesterday just so I could hear my dunce’s tune. Whoever is writing these lines for Andre Braugher’s hilarious delivery is also an absolute treasure.

    • LOL 2
    • Love 4
  14. Usually imo when a serious actor does comedy they really overplay it for laughs as a comic character in an almost patronizing in-on-the-joke way (looking at you, Robert DeNiro). Captain Holt is so NOT that character; and thus his delivery and demeanor are even funnier.

    • Love 7
  15. As I said to Mr MML, Cheers was set in a bar but it wasn’t really about the bar or drinking. This show is only about the bar and drinking, in a time when sobriety is a real thing.

    • Love 4
  16. Finally watched this episode last night. I think Bradford collapsing was a cliffhanger that will find him hauled back up on the cliff within five minutes of the first episode next fall if there is one. He’s the only character I really like so if he’s not back, Mr MML will be watching this on his own next fall.

    • Love 1
  17. 9 hours ago, femmefan1946 said:

    Maybe it's time for a cop show, where Internal Affairs are the good guys, investigating the guys who shoot children, hassle hookers but not johns, take protection money from corner stores, steal drugs from dealers, join the KKK,  leave homeless guys ten miles down the highway in winter, and all the many reported crimes.

    This describes “Line of Duty,” a British series that is so good, so serious, so thought-provoking.

  18. The two leads are charming and have star power imo but that’s it for this show—sorry but all the kids suck both as written and as cast, the extended family are cartoon characters who drift in and out, and omg the leads’ relationship is just stupid. Dumb enough that they stay together in spite of the bonus baby, now the baby and mom will move in? And Lisa Apple’s giant clown glasses are also super-annoying, btw. 

    If this mess gets back based on the leads, I hope they stand up to the writers and demand a whole new show.

    • Love 10
  19. I think Fillion is noticeably chunkier than in the first episodes—look at the promos for this show. I’d expect a rookie cop to stay in shape, but okay, guess he’s a special snowflake boot. Show should have had Bishop call him out on training harder.

    If I’m a defense lawyer I’d be salivating to think that my client was arrested by a cop who had a short-term quota of crimes to check off—entrapment. Under the influence girl with her six crimes could have those cases thrown out.

    I totally agree with the same-old trope of IA being perceived as rats. Yes to Line of Duty on Acorn I think which shows the painstaking work of investigating police. It would be amazing to have the female IA officer treated with respect.  

    • Love 1
  20. On 4/8/2019 at 11:05 PM, malaluna said:

    I love the show but dislike Amy, so this episode bummed me out a little. I wonder if her becoming manager will stop the name tag gag.

    Ditto. I was hoping for Jonah who must have a bachelors in business at least (as he dropped out of an MBA program), so has a management-attractive resumé. His booksmart management style on these clowns and the customers would have been funny. Unpopular opinion but the Amy character to me is super-boring and really frustrating to watch. 

  21. On 4/7/2019 at 10:26 AM, JudyObscure said:


    Her mouth and jaw are way too big for her upper face. I can't stop seeing that.  It's like that puzzle we had as kids where you slide different parts of different people until it finally matches.  Just hold your hand over the bottom half and then the top half.

    Omg you are right! Now I’m going to do that to everyone who is attractive enough but not.

    • LOL 3
  22. Sure, a bar operating as a business in a residence. In a city. OMG who thought this was a good idea? Plus isn’t sobriety the new black? Plus aren’t there real bars these morons could go to?

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