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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. Maybe we can start a Gofundme for these poor Bachelorettes who need a wedding. Rachel and JoJo—come on, we saw where your families live; they no doubt have always planned to pop for any wedding their daughters want. Not to mention does Rachel’s father the federal judge want to even be part of a televised wedding, since he stayed away from her season? But I do want to see JoJo’s mom enjoying her own bottle of champagne during the toast, no glass necessary!

    • Love 11
  2. 3 hours ago, Arkay said:

    I agree about helmet hair, because it's that packed down hair you'd get after removing a helmet. 

    That’s called hat hair in MMLland.

    “My comment was more of an implication that her hairstyle looked like she still had a helmet on....a huge encompassing thing stuck all around her head.”

    MMLizens call that helmet hair too. Or “why is this small scruffy creature sleeping on my head” hair.


    Not watching this season but enjoying the commentary and glad to see the extended fams are still putting themselves out there so their sons can be embarrassed by them once the show is over!

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  3. 10 hours ago, Ailianna said:

    And if Antonio's son hadn't been found alive?  What do you think he would have done then?  Because that's the difference in these scenarios of fathers using force against those who hurt their children.  One child lived, and one child died.  Do you think Antonio would have quietly submitted to putting him in jail if he killed his son?  I don't know and neither do you, since Antonio was never in that situation.  Not saying either ws right--just that the two situations aren't the same.

    And this is why I detest all the “this time it’s personal” storylines. Voight is the same beat-the-crap out of them/ends justify the means person all the time; the other characters all have to have a relative-in-jeopardy (or lazy writer, as I call it) storyline about their sister (both Ruzek and Burgess), their daughter (Olinsky), their son (Antonio), their mentee and their mom (Lindsay), their little siblings (Atwater), their father (Platt) and boom their dark side comes out, but at least it’s understandable vs Voight’s behavior. This many personal vendettas are laughable, but the other characters and how they behave in these plot lines cannot be seen as Voight’s equal in despicability imo. 

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  4. 16 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    RS likes to oversell his scoops. If this information was truly jaw-dropping, I doubt he'd wait until next week to post it and risk another gossip site beating him to the punch.

    I wish someone would “reality Steve” (why yes I am using this as a verb) Reality Steve.... 

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  5. 10 hours ago, nutty1 said:

    I wonder who he interviewed and what they said??

    RealitySteve  @RealitySteve 8h8 hours ago

    Just recorded NEXT week's podcast. My jaw is on the floor. Speechless. I honestly don't know what to say or how to respond. You will hear some major truth bombs next week. I will let you know who it is as we get closer bc I have a feeling this is going to be news.

    Did he say if this bombshell concerns Ari, the last Bachelor?

  6. “Let’s do the damn thing” So fakety fake sounding—an impulsive comment on her part,  probably, and now we are all assaulted by the very self-conscious repetition of it in every single marketing possibility. It’s also the kind of phrase one might say when faced with an unpleasant thing, like a root canal, or retaking the SATs.

    Whatever—Mr MML has come to dislike her so much just based on the commercials that we will skip this season anyway, as we did with Nick.

    • Love 3
  7. Mr MML and I were screaming laughing when Dr Charles went to Reese’s sociopath dad’s apartment and tried to get in by telling the super/landlord/whoever that sociopath dad was going into cardiac rehab and needed Dr Charles to get his.... toothbrush and toothpaste??? Because you can’t just  buy those items at Walgreens or CVS or a gas station or grocery store or have them provided by the rehab place?

    I am loving Reese’s dad, though—serial killer or not, his scenes are the most fun and he is sooo good at playing this.

    I also think this finale was soooo much better than April’s brother’s graduation party on a boat (I think it was him) that was just so prommish with coupling that I thought I had the Disney channel on and was watching High School Hospital. 

    • Love 2
  8. 38 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

    I don't think anyone has an issue with Monica - it's purely Gabby and the writing. 

    Best name ever.

    Yes, and I can tell the difference between a character and an actor. I've not seen one post criticizing Monica Raymund the actor. In fact, I will happily watch her in her next venture after she crawls out of the Mary Sue suit the writers forced her to wear. 

    • Love 6
  9. 2 hours ago, NJRadioGuy said:

    They're the two most authentic ones on the show, despite how badly they're written at times.

    Come to NYC sometime...if you think the Chicago accent is laid on too thick, you should hear almost every real FDNY firefighter's Long Island accent! The first few episodes in, six years ago, I thought those two were actual CFD firefighters with SAG cards, just like Mike Stoker and Marco Lopez were on Emergency! in the 70s.

    As for Gabby's departure, YAYYYYY! I hope they actually kill Gabby off so we'll never have to worry about her coming back in a VerySpecialEpisode.

    But only Hermann (not Mouch, no one else) has the Sout-side (sic) tortured pronunciation--and as someone who was just on the Sout-side last weekend, I can tell you it's not that pronounced any more. Although I do have a house painter right now who could be Eigenberg's voice coach. I could tell a couple of the older guys roaming around the commish's office with Boden are extras/consultants on the show.

    Thanks for mentioning killing Gabby off (I would insert a screaming laughing emoji here)--I didn't want to go there myself. but maybe a damaged from the hurricane hotel could fall on her or something.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:

    I'd be ok with Hermann/DE leaving too. I was mostly ok with him before this season (though his whining always grated on my nerves) but he's become a huge irritant. I hated how he reacted to Cordova being in the house as well as his sexism about Stella driving the rig once Otis was back. 

    I don't mind the comic relief Herman provides too much but his over-the-top Southside Chicago accent really grates sometimes. It takes me right out of the show as I wonder, gee, no one else on this show talks like this, and I bet he doesn't in real life either! Not to mention the guinea pig incident that he should have put the kibosh on. He and Mouch really stretch my belief that they could be firefighters.

    • Love 2
  11. Personally I would be thrilled to not have Gabby around any more. Nothing to do with the actress playing her, all to do with the writers who created the character—if they couldn’t make her storylines work better, it’s all on them, not the actress. I think all the Gabby storylines diminished the rest of the characters on Fire. Casey, so much fun to watch, especially with Severide, and so likeable, was turned into a downtrodden henpecked shadow of his former self by this season, but for what purpose? If this report is true, good luck and godspeed to Monica Raymund.

    • Love 11
  12. 2 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    But aren't there a lot of people who have access to that data? At 51 there is Connie and multiple other admin type people who have computers. If Otis has access wouldn't the rest of them? Plus Boden, and if they all do wouldn't every equivalent person at every other fire house? 

    Sure but someone above mentioned  that Otis had caught the faking with “a few google searches” to find the real data (a few google searches wouldn’t give one access). I forgot who (outgoing commish?) gave Boden hard copies of the fake reports turned in to HQ (and only to HQ?) that Otis compared the system stats to? Few people would have the fake reports, but yeah, you are of course right, someone else with access could have found the real data. Otis should probably be in IT and not on a truck. Gris will either get rid of him or maybe “Chicago IT” is in the pipeline.

    • Love 1
  13. Otis found the real data for Grissom’s house because he had access to the system while on desk duty recuperating from his injuries and was looking for them—not something most people would otherwise be able to do. But all that on-foot chasing to Boden’s home and then to the Field Museum I mean “City Hall” to what, confront the mayor? Couldn’t Otis have called Boden and Boden have called the mayor? But great, now will Boden spend the whole next season being unfairly persecuted yet again???  

    Please Show do not have Gabby already be pregnant and then need Casey to rush to Puerto Rico when she needs aneurysm surgery.  

    Brett made me cry with the woman with knife in her chest scene. I like her character as much as I hate the Gabby character. Cruz and Brett really don’t have much chemistry, however. 

    • Love 4
  14. 7 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

    Platt? Going after Voight? After she came close to killing the guy who killed her father and we've seen her to be fiercely loyal and understanding of Voight?


    I think Trudy as played by the great imo Amy Morton could be amazing as a higher up, especially dealing with colleagues she knows. Even backing out all the “this one was personal” bad cop stories (which can’t possibly be very common irl), Vought still has a long list of suspect/witnesses he’s brutally beaten the crap out of (not “justifiably” to avenge a loved one), and not to mention his double secret cash stash of mysterious origins in his basement that used to figure in every other episode, and I would love to see good writers create the good guys who could have at him vs the Woods-type of characters. I am doubtful that will ever happen. 

    • Love 2
  15. Best of luck to Elias Koteas--I will be looking for you in future roles. 

    Was Voight really going to confess if Al hadn't been killed or was the set-up with the fake/bribed witness going to happen anyway?

    Voight going all Nicholson in A Few Good Men on someone as dirty as Woods was hilarious. Sure, Hank.

    I wish just ONE TIME the higher ups who are out to get Voight, or Boden on Fire, would NOT be the evil conniving dirty characters we have to keep seeing. I know there are honorable people in real life in these positions who should be investigating people like Voight. Promote Platt and have her go after him, especially since she was close to Al too and Voight certainly at least indirectly was involved in his death. I would also like to see Antonio and Jay kept as good cops but then I don't know what the writers feel they "have to" do with them.   

    If a writer ever says "I have to....", it's bogus. They're writers. They are making it all up anyway--if they can't write around something and make it plausible to us, then they're not very good. I remember reading that some Madmen writers didn't like writing Betty, worded in such a way that the response was, "Really? Because you invented her." Same here--they did not have to kill Al, they do not "have to" keep writing the same thing over and over.

    • Love 5
  16. Maybe when Reese’s father gets his strength back he can pick one of the women at Chicago Med to fixate on as his next victim—well, hello, simpering Dr Manning! Come into my storage unit! Now that would make me happy!

    Does the hospital get to charge the patients’ insurance for both Manning and Halsted? I can’t believe they are joined at the hip now even to treat patients. 

    Reese’s character has turned so naively sad and pathetic. Get her out of psych please.

    A little tired of the dramatic create an airway like Dr Choi started the show with. And the point of his sister’s character is beyond me—so will Show let her existence now just fade away or will she get arrested for stealing drugs? I bet A. 

    • Love 5
  17. 13 hours ago, Tally316 said:

    Come on Casey,  assert yourself for once.  You can't always give into every bad idea Dawson has.  I know it's what's currently popular,  but having Dawson and Stella as main storylines had me ready to turn it off. I hate the Severide/Stella storyline. In what universe would that couple happen?! She is not in his league! Looking forward to Sarah Shahi next week,  that's more like it!

    Even Taylor Kinney (playing Severide) couldn’t keep his face from lighting up when Shahi (Rene) walked into the firehouse. I like Stella a lot (and Mayo is a lot prettier than Fire lets her show) but her character doesn’t even come close to Rene, and Rene and Severide’s chemistry is off the charts.  Plus I predict the boy really is Severide’s son—show amnesia will override any earlier evidence proving he isn’t.

    • Love 3
  18. Natalie better be firing that nanny’s ass for not calling her asap to tell her they were all right since they were running away from, I don't know, at a fricking mass shooting!!! And Will could leave to find her kid but she couldn’t??? Gah. Chicago Med damsels getting rescued by big strong men.

    I knew who shooter was as soon as he said he had lost his wife after she called him a hoarder. Yeah, lost her by shooting her.

    All the items from the shooting site should have been treated as potential evidence from a crime scene and locked up imo, not pawed through by random hospital visitors.

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