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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. She is writing an investigative piece and then pitching it to publications? The CFd  probably wouldn't talk to her and Casey for sure shouldn’t be talking to her. 

    This show. I don’t know how Eamon Walker can say his lines any more without laughing. 

    • Love 3
  2. On 10/20/2018 at 7:58 PM, statsgirl said:

    This is a Dick Wolf show.  When was the last time he was subtle or even realistic?

    Treating the guy wasn't the problem. The problem is that is he is taking favors from a known criminal.  He didn't know that the cheap rate on the hall could get him in trouble legally by connecting him to the criminal organization.

    That didn't make any sense. Why not just take the blood to a lab outside the hospital? Can't you do that in the US? Or did they need to show Will going down a slippery slope of unethical behavior because of his relationship with the mob guy.

    It's probably Voight blowing smoke to intimidate Will.  The Mueller convictions were people who knew that they were engaging in illegal actions.

    I just think this plot is so weak—doing business with a criminal means you could go to jail unless you wear a wire and put your life in danger to do the police’s job for them to obtain evidence? Half of Chicago would be in jail. Not buying it. Although I wouldn’t mind if Doc Halsted went to jail if he would take Manning with him.

    • Love 2
  3. I’m sure we’ll keep watching in the MML house because Laurie and John, and plus I love Becky’s character so much, I’d watch just for her. Darlene is a but too smug to be real imo and everyone else is just sort of there.

    Before Roseanne Barr blew herself up, last season there was a big running theme about aging parents, so John Goodman’s age as Dan should continue to be featured. 

    I am tired to death of Mary Steenburgen but I disliked that plotline anyway—are we supposed to think trading prescription drugs is like a normal thing and a political statement? And MS’s character had no idea Roseanne was addicted? Why couldn't she have known that? Can’t Roseanne’s character have just been a garden variety prescription opioid addict?  I hope that subplot can be buried now with Roseanne’s character and we don’t see MS again.

    • Love 2
  4. A. Ruzek is not a bad boy in any universe. Get over that idea, Show. B. Upton exceeded my pet peeve of women wearing bras during TV sex by wearing TWO strappy undergarments—a camisole and bra?

    • Love 1
  5. Maybe Stella’s real family will show up and sue. Maybe Stella will be ticked that she can’t collect disability and/or have a different job. Maybe there will be medical research on how just one lobe of one lung suffered permanent damage from heavy smoke inhalation and the rest of her pulmonary system is clean. So many questions....

    • Love 6
  6. So early in the show someone asked Boden if they were searching the 20th floor and he said something like no, it’s engulfed (not sure why they therefore weren’t fighting the fire on that floor and looking for people, but okay), like that wasn’t physically possible (and Baby Grissom’s ears pricked up so we knew that was going to come back around). So where do we find little boy and are able to rescue him? 20th floor. Stupid.

    I agree with above posts that we really need to see more firefighting than civilian-rescuing.

    Stella should be suspended for ignoring her oxygen level and putting several others in harms way to rescue her. They could have been actually fighting a fire (and saving other people) instead of dragging her ass out.

    Would that stupid Gabby note to Brett be the last we hear about her. And what, Gabby couldn’t directly tell her but has to pass a note to Matt to carry around until he remembers to give it to Brett? Go away, Gabby.

    • Love 6
  7. I predict Baby Grissom will turn on the commish and be like a double agent for 51.

    i thought sure Cruz (eta NOT Otis—d’oh) would hook up with dog lady.

    once the mom and baby perished inthe elevator, I figured Stella would be okay.

    yes and wtf to everyone absndoning a raging fire to sit in a hospital waiting room for several more hours.

    • Love 3
  8. Finally watched this episode last night. I’m over Dr Charles—a. You already have a daughter and b. How unprofessional to be so personally invested in your subordinate. I asked Mr MML to name the chief psychiatrist character on The Good Doctor and of course he couldn’t answer because there isn’t one. And CM doesn’t really need one either, especially one whose behavior gives the profession a bad name.

  9. The only reason Casey married Gabby was to improve her chances of adopting Little Louie. She was always an obligation to him and apparently he felt he owed her something, God knows why. I imagine the actress was popular with the cast and the staff so she rated a sweet swan song, unlike Sophia Bush on PD. Please please please let it be her real swan song so I can say this for the last time: “Go away, Gabby.”

    Okay by me if Casey and off-screen Gabby stay married, but let’s get more Casey and Severide screen time together—love their scenes together.

    The house’s new archnemesis is played by the funniest dumbest person ever on the summer comedy Trial and Error—interesting casting there. Just such a stupid lazy bunch of writing. I’m ready to kick Boden out myself.

    • Love 2
  10. Damn the MML house is going to miss her! I wish Reese and Splendorkable would star in a new series where he uncovers criminal etc secrets in the pathology lab from surreptitious samples she obtains from suspicious situations. They solve the issues, save the world, and have fun sex on every single episode. It could run right after the Alan Cumming show Instinct instead of being part of the boring Chicagos.

    • Love 4
  11. 15 hours ago, adhoc said:

    I was kind of thinking, what with all the Colton/Jason/Blake campaigning, that they'd pull a last-minute switcharoo and announce Peter as TB. But if Reality Steve is right, they're going with Colton, someone who won't theoretically bring any hint of scandal.

    The problem with that for me, though, is that Colton is a boy-man. Most 26-year-old guys are still working on shaping their careers, not planning for a wife and kids. (Notice I said "most.") The male brain itself, according to the latest science, does not fully mature until about age 25.

    So for me, the problem with Colton is that he is totally not what the show is supposed to be about: giving an eligible, unmarried man, who seems ready to find love and settle down, the chance to find that person from a selection of attractive women. Sure, it's a laughable set up, but when the guy is older, you like to hope that just maybe he'll surprise us all and really click with someone. When the guy is 26, and as immature as Colton appears to be (though now I'm starting to think he's just been acting his BIP story line, per Production directions), it's like the show has completely given up trying to pretend it's about finding love.  

    Hard pass from me.

    But as I said on the BIP thread, I'll still read RS's recaps and watch the final ep, like I did with Ben's season.

    PS - What would make the season stupendous for me, I think, would be if viewers in droves besieged TB, and Mike Fleiss specifically, with tons of snarky commentary each week. Now that would be awesome, assuming that Colton turns out to be the lemon I think he'll be. (JMO, of course.)

    So much this re Colton. I want a hot bachelor, someone with a ton of animal magnetism and chemistry with lots of the b'ettes, and who's ready for happily ever after. This might be a different bachelor for some of us (I would take Peter, for instance), but it surely isn't Colton. A jock at 26 who says he has never done the deed is by definition not hot, not interested, not invested. His mother knowing this is just so icky I can't even. 

    • Love 15
  12. On 7/12/2018 at 12:55 PM, proserpina65 said:

    I didn't get far enough to see any gaslighting.  I just saw her treating patients unprofessionally, stalking people and being an all-around stupid bitch.

    Yes. I watched this because if Scott & Bailey and Mr MML fell in live with Suranne. The premise was too stupid that a smart professional woman’s life would revolve around a man. For two seasons!!!  He cheats and lies, blah blah blah. Who cares. Ugh. Major fail on the Bechdel test. But Mr MML still has the hots for her ?

  13. I watched this season’s MTA after skipping all the previous episodes. Knowing nothing about these nitwits beyond what my meager memory retains from these boards, I am not impressed with the model and the virgin. I hope Chicago Joe will meet a nice Chicago girl and get off the future Bach radar. Maybe Jason would work. Definitely Wills, with a better haircut. Ben Higgins? Seriously, show?

    Mostly the takeaway in the MML house is that these guys are zero fun. Watching their combative interactions over such a dull prize was torture, and I thank you all for sitting through the Boring Becca and her Nattering Ninnies show so you could entertain me with your posts. Even the bloopers were boring.

    • Love 5
  14. You know who had the best bachelors to watch, who always seemed to be having fun? Emily. Men in kilts lifting poles. Fanning myself. The bachelorettes have always turned into cliquey drama-driven groups in general but the men used to just be fun.

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