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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. Krystal is totally a producer plant. Baby Bekah can go home any time.

    i have to say Arie earned lots of props in the MML house for the John Turturro move. Even though he is more like Steve Buscemi’s Donny—out of his element.

    • Love 7
  2. 7 hours ago, nicgwatchingtv said:

    Things that I forgot to mention:

    ....I think it’s sucks that they filmed and aired Maquel’s phone call about her grandpa. That’s very personal and it really didn’t add to the story.  I think a quiet comment about why she left and offering her support  would have been fine. I didn’t need to see the poor girl going through that.

    So much yes to this. Filming someone’s raw reaction to the unexpected news of a death in her family is wrong on so many levels. Poor Maquel.

    7 hours ago, nicgwatchingtv said:

    Arie is not in shape at all. He’s definitely fat skinny. ....

    I can’t remember the last time a gunless guy was on a reality show. It actually is refreshing to not have a preening self-adoring lead admiring his own body in half-naked mirror shots, like Nick and almost every guy before him. 

    • Love 1
  3. I actually think Bekah looks 15 and is just pretending to be all growed up. Not impressed with her giddy up scissors legs greeting for the one on one date. He’d be bored by her and vice versa if she’s F1.

    Arie really got some good looking b’ettes imo, even the ones I don’t like. Seinne is Miss America beautiful and smart—I hope we see her in the future if she’s not F1. 

    • Love 1
  4. Possum in that picture could be wearing the epitome of grandpa attire, the totally buttoned-up cardigan! He is hurrying to babysit little Bekah.

    I hope the editing monkeys see your photo and are inspired to create a reenactment about grandpas wearing cardigans! 

    • Love 3
  5. 12 hours ago, dleighg said:

    I took it completely differently (not that I claim to be very good at this game :) ). I thought she was saying "you like me ('cause I'm independent). You also like moms ('cause they already have a love/responsibility/other life outside of the partner)"

    Ah, and I took it at as a genius way of subtly needling him about his attraction to Emily and Chelsea, making him think perhaps he has a mommy complex, and a little critical dig at Chelsea. Bekah could also have been pointing out that she herself, the fun-loving independent young single woman, is the polar opposite of the mom stereotype.

    • Love 5
  6. Mr MML seriously turned to me after the reenactment of Annalise's story about her dog PTSD and said, "I can't believe her grandmother caught that on a home movie." Kudos to the editing monkeys this season!

    Lauren S (?) seemed very aware that she came across as one of those people who never shut up, and reason enough to send her home, imho. In fact all three of the women who left gave Arie a reason to send them home: Annalise is terminally traumatized, Lauren S is a blatherer, and Bibiana is a tattletale. 

    Interesting to me that the contestants all seem to be able to hold their liquor but I think it's pretty obvious that Arie is either buzzed or hung over for a lot of this. Run, girls, run!

  7. I just saw this episode last night. Sorry in advance but I hated this episode so much that I wanted to apologize to the people I’ve been urging to watch this show in case this was the first episode they saw. Besides the fact that to me the acting was terrible for everyone but Freddie Highmore, the storylines drove me crazy. Conjoined twins accepted to the top two universities in the world! Of course. Mom letting them decide re surgery! Of course (I guess then she won’t feel bad if one or both die because it wasn’t her decision? Gah. And was there another parent who might need to weigh in?). I don’t get any feel at all for this hospital being a world class teaching institution so it was also hard for me to imagine the same old surgeons we see do every other surgery could do this so rare once in a blue moon delicate procedure with some random expert who looks and acts just like the lawyer who doesn’t want to have kids. And the doctor who wants to have kids discussing his romantic dilemma with Claire while surrounded by visual aids of conjoined heads, as you of course would. And I fully expected Claire to get her hair tousled, they were so patronizing to her about talking to the twins when one got cold feet (and so much for letting them make their own decision). 

    I was so hoping Dr. Shaun Murphy would just run special snowflake Lea over right away. Missed opportunity, Show.

    Please just give me more Glassman and Shaun.

    Yes I’m cranky. 

  8. I love it. It’s a stupid reality show and at this point every single person is in it to promote a so-called “brand.” None of these pretty people has any trouble attracting better mate-worthy partners in the real world. Players played each other—Peter was just better at it. 

    • Love 6
  9. Lesser actors would likely make me turn this off but Lavin and Gould especially are priceless. And I noticed again that if she’s drinking something—coffee in this episode—there’s a quiet little lipstick stain on the rim of the cup. Genius. 

  10. Gina’s character is the only one that doesn’t ring true to me, plus her physical comedy falls flat. Even Scully and Hitchcock are old style city cops that you really might run into. 

    Mr MML loved Rosa’s storyline but frankly and obviously alone in this, I miss the old Rosa from the first season who would have deadpanned a f*ckoff to anyone who questioned her lifestyle. She’s sort of morphed into Amy. I want my hardass Rosa back! Now her parents—100 percent perfect.

  11. One of the docs late in the episode I think said to Dr Glassman something like he couldn’t believe that the gamer hadn’t had follow up check-ups after his first surgery and Dr G said something like he could believe it, who wants to be reminded every three months that you could be dying. It was sort of a throwaway scene but I wonder If Dr G has a condition that he’s trying to wait on as long as possible but that makes him want to get Shaun some resources in place other than just himself.

    And do we know if Shaun’s mother is still in the picture or alive? Perhaps abusive father is gone and he could go back to see her?

  12. On 12/4/2017 at 10:21 PM, chocolatine said:

    As soon as Jared touched Eric Winter, I knew he was done for. Guys like Eric Winter know how to play the system to their advantage.

    I could so relate to Claire. I was in a similar situation once and did report the harassment/discrimination. I was treated like shit by HR until I got a senior executive (who happened to be male) to speak up on my behalf. Even though the situation was resolved in my favor eventually, I wasn't able to shake the reputation of being "difficult" after that; I ended up leaving less than a year later. Harassment is insidious that way.

    I also felt terrible for Shaun. My brother is autistic, and I've learned a long time ago that when he says no to something, insisting only makes things worse. Glassman should have shelved the idea of a therapist after the first time Shaun spent the night in the broom closet.

    Anything to do with Jessica and Melendez as a couple leaves me completely cold. They're the kind of couple that looks good on paper, but I'm not seeing a great love or commitment between them. And shouldn't the conversation about children have come up long before the engagement?

    So much good in your post--re my bolding (and so sorry you had to go through that): Show could have taken Claire's harassment storyline in two ways--she could interact with the offender on her own as women often did and do to avoid the "difficult" reputation (too late for that option, I think) or she could report it and we can follow what happens to her and to the offender after that. I will be so pissed if the storyline was used simply to create a plausible reason for Jared to get fired. Which actually is sort of sexist, making it all about him and the offender and not about Claire. 

    I agree with others that Claire has had everything dumped on her. The harassment plot might have been more interesting if a different woman had been involved. But then it wouldn't have been the excuse for Jared leaving the show.

  13. When we first met April on Chicago Fire as Severide's longtime family friend, she actually was in medical school. The totally unbelievable explanation for why she is a nurse now is that she switched to nursing school so her brother could go to medical school (because ??? Only one family member at a time is allowed to be a doctor? Because they couldn't borrow money for school like almost every other med school student does? Because Noah is smarter than she--as if!? Such a weak back story). I know nurses and they do feel ownership over "their" patients, but I can't imagine any doctor that I've met ever deferring to the nurse in terms of of who gets to call the shots for treatment; and as a patient, I certainly wouldn't want that. Choi is just mesmerized by those centipedes that are waving their legs over April's eyes, I guess.

    • Love 6
  14. I don't know Jason Mendoza outside this episode but he was really good. And kudos to the writers for gracefully using a character to carry a plot line and also to act as a sounding board and mirror for Dr. Shaun Murphy to see himself in, as they've done before. 

    I love the good intentions gone awry for Dr. Glassman with Shaun. And I especially love that the autistism isn't glossed over as just another personality trait in this show--Shaun's breakdown was the most painful scene I've watched on TV in any show this year. I admit I cried for him and for Dr. Glassman.

    Jessica imo is by far the weakest character on this show (I'm not even sure what she even does at the hospital but did she get the job because of her family and/or her looks? Because that would be something to explore.) and can leave any time.

    Clare and her harassment are too movie-of-the-week to me. Geez, go straight to your boss and HR in this climate--neither is going to want to be on record as dismissing it.

  15. 2 hours ago, Zahdii said:

    Clue me in.  The people in the area are partially responsible for Soules hitting a tractor trailer and killing the driver?  Soules has 14 confirmed traffic violations to his name, starting in 1998.  The majority are for excessive speed, and reckless driving, but he has three charges resulting to having alcohol in the car or driving drunk.  He's gotten off with paying fines every time.  Seems to me that the courts in his area are the ones that dropped the ball.

    Are the citizens supposed to be on the lookout for him so they can tell all other drivers to get off the road because Chris is on the road again?  ...

    Because the above states says "it was common knowledge that Soules would drive drunk down that road at night but that people are afraid to speak out." It's a small town. If I was afraid to speak out to the police and my neighbor got killed? Yeah, I would feel that was on me too. YMMV.

    • Love 1
  16. Or it’s a “I heard that he said that his mom said that her boss told her that the police said the neighbors said....” mild gossip item. I don’t like Soules and have no opinion on how he should be tried but imo this is sort of meaningless. If the citizens all really “know” that he drives drunk down that road and let it go then the neighbor’s death is on them too.

    • Love 3
  17. 4 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

    The Deadline article states that he is accused to have used "highly aggressive and sexually suggestive language consistently as well as intimidating postures and more".

    Bush said in her Politico interview that he put a hand over his mouth when she made a suggestion he didn't like (well, she said male co-star but I guess, it was him). Depending on how that is done, that can be inappropriate touching.

    Believe me, if Sophia Bush walked past me I would jump to my feet and applaud her. So proud of her for not putting up with shit right away. Anyway, here is the article in my local paper this week that prompted my post: https://www.google.com/amp/www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/tv/ct-chicago-pd-star-investigated-for-anger-issues-20171122-story,amp.html

    Most interesting that “sexually suggestive” is not discussed in this old school media article. Show is trying to steer the story away from that and keep his behavior strictly in the “anger” column. Hence my feeling, if Show is being honest (hah!), that Beghe’s male costars and everyone else must have felt his wrath too. 

    I wonder if Amy Morton has spoken out about this.

  18. I thought I was watching General Hospital instead of Chicago Med but then thought that might be an insult to GH. 

    If only Natalie had taken acting lessons during her imaginary sabbatical. At least she and Halsted’s brother will share the same hair color soon. I already miss Nina.

    Reese used to be my favorite but the stick up her high horse is taking care of that. April and anyone is too hard to see, and for her too with those giant hairbrushes she is wearing as eyelashes. Can’t we just be done with ridiculously long eyelashes? And thanks writers for ruining my second favorite character, Dr. Choi.

    Tired of Robin’s drama, more tired of long-suffering Connor. Dr. Charles needs to go back to being season 1 Dr. Charles. If S’epatha stops being her perfect self I might really start watching General Hospital.

    • Love 1
  19. If it’s anger issues and not sexism, then not only the female actors are involved. Seda’s role as Antonio, for example, certainly was diminished long before he left for Justice’s short existence. I do think the Voight character has been the core of this show from day one; not sure that the rest of the cast is strong enough to carry it or to keep my interest in it without him. And omg the writing sucks so far this season, so there’s that too.

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