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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. 6 hours ago, bosawks said:

    I just got back from vacation so I'm a little late to the party but that won't stop me from chiming in :-)

    I think Peter is completely capable of being manipulative (I don't trust anyone on reality tv not to be) but I just don't think he has the grey matter to pull any sort of long con, I think he suffers more from "I'm pretty and things should go the way I want them" syndrome.  It's not that he doesn't value other  people or their emotions, he just doesn't value them as much as his own.

    Maybe it's just that I'm predisposed to cut the lead a little slack at the end since they usually seem a little shell shocked....

    Yeah, me too just getting back and watching the finale and ATFR. I think Bryan was in love with her from the beginning and Peter not so much. I could see Peter taking himself out of the show a few episodes earlier as he did not seem that into her in a forever sense, but being talked out of it by the producers. Rachel otoh seemed like she was crazy about Peter from the get-go, and anyone who STILL gets that upset during the ATFR and demands answers--omg, she obviously is still a little crazy about him. Because she "won", she got a nice guy who is going to be there for her forever if she lets him, no need to break down her F2, but she still needed to do it, for some reason. IMO it was borderline disrespectful to Bryan.

    I hope Peter isn't the next Bachelor partly because of the blowback from this show, but I wouldn't mind Dean on my screen for a couple of months. 

    But mostly, unless I nodded off during it, I was soooo happy to not see previous Bachelorettes or Bachelors during the ATFR giving advice or flaunting their happiness. Thank you, Show.

    • Love 3
  2. I think this show would be a lot more interesting and entertaining if it just recorded what was actually going on instead of creating a dramatic story and misleading the audience for a big reveal  (Wait, whose shoes are those getting out of the limo at the end? Omg the suspense is killing me? Nah, by then I'm sick of editing monkey hijinks). They should run an online-only series of minimally edited-for-time-and-continuity episodes showing interactions as they really happened imo. The element of surprise is highly overrated. And if the lead wants to get rid of someone (e.g., a Whaboom and his antagonist Blake R., or a Lee, any Lee-like person), let her.

    • Love 7
  3. Ian would be appalled that we forget he went to Princeton, not Harvard. He was obviously too "good" for someone like Kaitlyn in many ways and like many if the men in that show (remember that was the Kaitlyn vs Britt stupid idea, so some of them were probably cast for Britt) seemed to want out early. Even Ian thought he spoke out poorly, which is not something Josiah or Bryan did.

    • Love 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Chas411 said:

    .,.,Edited to add that she's removed Chicago PD from her Instagram handle so maybe a statement will be made soon.

    Now that is weird as it was there this morning--I wonder if she reads these boards (waves to Sophia)!

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  5. Right now I'm not sure she's leaving--just putting that out there. She still includes PD in her Instagram description of what she is active it, for example. I'm not seeing anything else she is working on instead of PD. Perhaps she is renegotiating her contract so the cliffhanger is a "just in cases" (why yes Love Actually is one of my favorite movies) cover-her-leaving-if-the-numbers-don't-work move or a way to cool down the whole Halsted relationship once and for all.

  6. 1 hour ago, catrice2 said:

    ....I would actually rather see her decide to date Dean or Eric and not marry Peter or Bryan....

    ...Do you still have the ski house?  I'll go, ha, ha!!...

    A. yes

    B. I could learn to ski, right? :)  or at least drink soothing warm alcoholic apres ski beverages around a fireplace 

  7. So glad Antonio is back. I hope they retool the show to make his part as big as it was in season 1. I love the show and Jason Beghe as Voight but would like to see Seda back as the counterweight to him. 

    • Love 2
  8. 9 hours ago, catrice2 said:

    My friend said that Asian Blake was on something and confirmed that she really did let him go . He did not find out about his grandfather until after he had already been eliminated.

    Fitness trainer Blake Elarbee (the other Blake) was on Ex Isle or whatever that show was with the Whaboom Lucas idiot. Former Marine and gainfully employed Blake Killpack (the "Asian Blake") had a grandfather who was ill (who apparently is okay now) and may or may not have left because of that. And thanks Show for having Blake E. and Lucas stay way past their expiration dates for no reason whatsoever as far as entertainment value is concerned.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

    ...As an African-American, I selfishly wish that Rachel was going on a home visit with a nice upper-class black guy so that everybody would just see the way a lot of people of black people live in nice houses with good grammar and wide world experience and great jobs.  Instead we're going to see poverty-stricken Baltimore and crazy guru daddy from Dean's house. Probably highly entertaining.  Some of the black guys that she was attracted to that show with her no heat at all, apparently from some of those great background that we won't get to see.  The Martha's Vineyard/Sag Harbour set of old money.  Visit them at their summer home.  ...

    I am not African-American, but I live in the Chicago area and the news this year is so sadly full of poverty-stricken areas and the family members of victims of violence and gangs. I too was looking forward to seeing real middle- and upper-class accomplished black men (like Rachel, but guys :)), like my kids' college and work friends (yeah, I'm old) to introduce a little normalcy and understanding. Some of the guys she sent home were those guys; I can't believe we saw them all leave before hometowns. I like Eric and hope we see his digs and work and friends.

    Re Peter--I was on Team Peter from Day One, but I think he is a Luke--looks great on paper, recruited to be the next Bachelor, so maybe not overextending himself for this "prize," and imo his personality is fading fast for me, hence my cardboard cutout comment :). We all know how that turned out for Luke--pray Nick stays engaged until the next Bachelor is announced!

    • Love 5
  10. 14 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

    I actually don't think Rachel or her family are that stuffy after following Rachel on social media. She parties with athletes and rappers. She can handle their grammar.


    And it's funny that lawyers are all perceived as stuffy. I'm a lawyer at a big firm. I can assure you we are all not the same and do not all have sticks up our butt. It's just so funny to me that people think that. And we do not all marry professionals. Most of the male lawyers in my circle have wives who don't work and have never worked, not educated, and plenty of the women have spouses making significantly less in blue collar professions.  We don't actually like to marry each other. Lol

    You know you are absolutely ruining my imaginary world :). 

    • Love 5
  11. One of the greatest gifts we could have would be growing up with parents who always always used "proper" grammar. This was not Eric. His speech does not bother me at all and if his career is being a motivational speaker to people from similar backgrounds it is probably a benefit. Maybe he can turn it on and off, but I'm imagining Rachel's stuffy law firm or family dinner parties (yes I have an active imagination) and him sticking out like a sore thumb. Because in spite of Peter's godawful rap, she is not a girl from the 'hood. I would love Eric as the next Bachrlir.

    • Love 4
  12. I bet Dean's dad isn't as over the top as Show is portraying him on the preview--an aging hippie and bad father, apparently, but those togs and the room's decor looked brand new to me. I don't know why he or that house (assuming that was his house) even has to be on the show--other home town dates haven't always involved biological families. Personally I'd rather have hometowns be more about the friends, which we choose, than families, which for good or bad aren't chosen--all these guys' friends and how the guys interact with them would tell me more about what kind of persons they are than the family they describe would. These guys left home--show us where they are now, not where they grew up. If I'd been judged by my dysfunctional family, I would not have ever had a date let alone been married. 

    • Love 8
  13. 9 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

    The best part of the episode was the CH magnet on the back of the car when it was driving off with Matt. Even though the show didn't spring for Harrison to make the trip to France or he took a personal day to go skiing in the Alps or something, it was a little way for CH to pop in and remind us that Rachel, gentlemen, this is the final rose. Or, um, maybe CH was the initials of the town they were in, but I'm going with it for being Chris Harrison.


    CH = abbreviation for Switzerland. 

    Those eyelashes and rings. 

    Peter broke someone's heart and we are supposed to feel bad for him because he carries that guilt. Go away.

    Please do not pick Dean, Rachel. He needs to let young women everywhere get to enjoy his Dean-ness. So beautiful, so sweet. 

    I cannot see her with Eric. So Bryan's cheekbones and gnawing kisses for the win!

    • Love 6
  14. 39 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:


    Further, Will said to Eric the last couple of years he also been dating white women. He's been out of college for years and living in Miami.


    Right, but I was responding to a post that specifically called him out on having college dating opportunities. 

    Again, don't care who dates whom, but finding a little humor (I have to find it where I can :)) that Rachel had an equal pool of black to white men here and it's okay that she has let virtually all the black men go, but some posters (not you) seem to think Will could and should have restricted his own dating in school and beyond. He was honest with her (perhaps because he just wasn't into her), at least. Obviously neither of them were going to be happy with the other.

    • Love 3
  15. 4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Will marginalized black women.  I am sure that there were black women where Will lived and went to school.  He CHOSE not to date black women.  Rachel was right to cut that loser loose.

    Do you know where Will went to college (as a D1 basketball player) and the level of diversity there? Hint: much lower percentage of all minorities than Rachel had to choose from on this show. Yet she has whittled the percentage down to 16 percent black. Still three times higher than Will's college's percentage of black students. She CHOSE not to date black men on this show, to paraphrase. Okay that they both date who they want to, imo.

    • Love 6
  16. Ironic that the MD on the show will forever be known as Tickle Monster.

    Pretty sure the professional association for chiropractic physicians made the call several years ago to start calling them that vs. chiropractor. 

    Doctors of Osteopathy (DO) get more respect (my doctors' office has a DO on staff with its ten or so MDs, but no chiropractors), and per Mr. Google, one of their state societies (Maine) says:



    Osteopathic Physicians Vs Chiropractors – Scope of Practice:
    The primary differences between an Osteopathic physician and a chiropractor are their levels of training and the scope of their practice. A chiropractor is not a fully licensed medical physician, and is not required to have completed residency training in a hospital. The scope of chiropractic practice is defined by statute as “including the diagnosing and locating of misaligned or displaced vertebrae and, through manual manipulation and adjustment of the spine and other skeletal structures, treating disorders of the human body. The practice of chiropractic does not include the use of drugs or surgery, or the practice of osteopathy, obstetrics, or any other branch of medicine”.

    • Love 4
  17. On 7/4/2017 at 4:36 PM, Xeliou66 said:

    I think that there were issues behind the scenes, who knows if they will ever come out, but it's pretty clear Sophia had problems with one of the male actors on the show from her comments in the article a while back, and I wonder if that is playing a role in her departure. I also wonder if her political views and her Twitter rants about politics have something to do with her departure, that can cause problems with networks. I think that there are definitely issues on the set regarding Sophia and that NBC and the cast are under a gag order. 

    She mentioned someone waving his hand at her when she made a suggestion, after which she stood up for her suggestion, I think--is there more than this? I'd hope she wouldn't leave a show just because of that. If there is more to it than that, it's really wrong imo for something like this to be brought up by her and to not name names--every guy on the show, actors and writers etc., will be tarred by that brush. PS: I love Sophia Bush and her character on this show--Mr. MML more so :)

  18. 2 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:

    The show tweeted out Peter and Rachel clip today. I've never gotten the impression he wasn't interested in Rachel. He's always seemed very interested in her and only flinched when she came at him drunk/tipsy.  

    I saw the episode--she suggested the hot tub, she crawled all over him once he got in. He is letting her chase him, if he is indeed still interested, as he is not doing the chasing. Peter actually was my favorite from the get-go, but I've grown lukewarm-to-coolish on her and on this season (too much Lee and manufactured drama is boring).

    • Love 2
  19. 4 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    How is Rachel interacting with others that would make Peter fall so out love? He wouldn't see or know about (unless the guys told him) her more intimate moments with the other guys and after all he's the one she chose to have hot tub makeout action with while on a group date with others, so what would he have to be so bothered about?

    Oh, I'm sorry, I thought he might notice on group dates but I guess not. She seems a little overserved much of the time which is also a turnoff for some people. Just saying he may have observed things about her that turned off the chemistry for him and vice versa of course--love at first sight can change on the slightest thing and he does not seem as into her as he did at the beginning. IMO--yours may vary.

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