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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. 2 hours ago, slade3 said:


    I just signed in to post about this. The Huffington Post did an article, as well. He compares the NAACP to the KKK. He tells men to get a dog instead of a woman. He writes that he hates Islam. He makes a disparaging comment about the gay flag. He writes that America is becoming an "urban Vietnam" and they should practice their second amendment rights.

    The fact that this man is now a contestant on a show to date a Black woman turns me off so much. I'd like to now a bit more about their vetting process and hope this gets more attention.

    Yes, this is horrible on the show's part. I was really impressed so far that the casting and interactions were actually a lot like real-life in being color blind for the most part. For a known racist (never mind his misogynistic  etc. side) to be cast is so off-putting and makes the show's producers look stupidly manipulative or just stupid if they pull the "we didn't know" excuse. I don't want to see that and it makes me sick to think young people are going to see this crap too. 

    • Love 8
  2. 1 hour ago, Vicky8675309 said:

    I hope Bryan is NOT the next Bachelor. I can't get past him saying he is a chiropractic physician. He is NOT a physician. He is a quack.

    Worse, he shouldn't be allowed near twenty-five to thirty unsuspecting women--think of the major gross face-chewing he'd be doing to them, without warning, at the earliest opportunity, as he did to Rachel. 

    • Love 3
  3. 5 hours ago, dom16 said:

    From the sounds of things, it was a two horse race between Bryan and Peter all season. Reality Steve said as much in one of his columns. In fact I think that's one of the reasons she was allowed to say she's engaged, because for once they actually have a season where the lead is torn between two people. No amount of creative editing could hide the painfully obvious fact that Nick was going to pick Vanessa and JoJo was going to pick Jordan, so there was no way that either of them could say they were engaged because there would've been no suspense whatsoever.

    I fully expect Bryan to be the blindsided, brokenhearted F2 who becomes the Bachelor. Let's just hope he refines his kissing skills in between seasons, because yikes. 

    I'm so out if Bryan is tagged as the Bachelor. I skipped Nick and would skip his smarminess too.

    • Love 3
  4. 4 hours ago, leighdear said:

    I just hope Rachel doesn't telegraph her interest in Peter the way Kaitlyn & JoJo did with Shawn & Jordan.  It took a lot of the entertainment value away for me, seeing the constant fawning & tongue-baths from day 1.  It wasn't subtle.  

    Rachel seems to be doing fine so far, but I hope she was smart enough to stay out of that trap. 

    Yes, but also up to the editing monkeys--they don't have to include revealing clips, such as Rachel saying she is a smitten kitten over Peter. I liked the olden days when if you were unspoiled, you had no idea who was going to be F1. Best imo was Sean Lowe's season when even Catherine, his F1, seemed gobsmacked at the end (that was on Sean, though, not the editing monkeys, as he obviously played it very close to the vest and gave them no material to work with).

    Mr MML is unspoiled and has no clue--he even thought the ex-girlfriend situation in ep 2 was going to be about Peter, although I pointed out the editing monkeys had their lenses tightened on Demario and his pre-busted bragging for the whole segment.

  5. 19 minutes ago, PreviouslyTV said:

    Rachel Lindsay literally gets dunked on…but returns the favor with authority.

    View the full article

    And it's another podcast (32 minutes long), not an article. :( Maybe it would help to say "Listen to the full podcast" instead, so people like me who can't focus on a podcast won't bother to click on your link?.

    • Love 16
  6. 2 hours ago, Nowhere said:

    I think the DeMario situation was staged. Rachel's reaction seemed fake and over-the-top considering she really doesn't know these guys well enough to really FEEL the "get the fuck out" and it was obvious. And then crying like, "I'm so annoyed, I don't even want to do this anymore, I don't want to talk about it (through tears)". Does she really care that much for DeMario?? Who cares? It seemed staged for the "Rachel is a strong woman" angle. And also for the "I don't want to be played" lecture. I think she knew beforehand. 

    You now have permission to start jumping all over my ass because I didn't buy Rachel's performance. Although, if you watch it again, maybe you'll see what I mean.

    I don't think it was fake but I do think Rachel knew about DeMario's girlfriend and was in on the decision about when to bring her on. I was thinking about the contract she and her lawyer and her family's lawyers negotiated before she agreed to do this show, and I bet she has much more control of events and how she will be portrayed. I'm loving her so much, and she has the greatest group of guys.

    What I'm not loving? The missing rose ceremony.

    • Love 12
  7. 6 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

    If Seda was telling the truth, then I expect to see Dawson back and he'll take Erin's desk.  He can be Voight's new favorite.

    I would love this, but rather for Dawson to become Voight's nemesis--I would love Dawson's role to expand so he is the main counterfoil to the old-style cops of Voight and Olinsky's way of handling suspects. The unit's loyalties could be divided. Dawson could also go after Bunny against Voight's unspoken wishes, because Markie Post, in a spectacular goodbye Bunny storyline complete with Erin returning to testify against her. And Voight could have Gabby in Fire knocked off in return but I guess that is too much for me to hope for.

    Mr MML is not at all happy about Sophia leaving.

    • Love 1
  8. 18 hours ago, Tetraneutron said:

    I thought it was clearly trying to be original "Law & Order". The main character was the son of the main character on the original series, for one, and the first three episodes had recurring characters from the original show pop up as guest stars even though it made no sense. Like what, a Legal Aid lawyer, a defense lawyer (apparently turned judge) and a prosecutor turned defender just decided to move states and start their careers over in late middle age? And almost every episode mentioned Peter Stone's dad. When has any show ever paid so much attention to an unseen relative of a main character?

    The reason the original "Law & Order" worked (at least for the first half of its run) and this one didn't, was two reasons.

    1) Better acting in the original. I mean, most of the actors here were fine, but they weren't as good as the original cast. But far more importantly . .


    I heart your post so much! Re my bolded parts: I wonder if Show was trying to woo Michael Moriarty into a guest appearance or recurring role. Ratings would have gone through the roof although there surely is no chance in hell he would do it.

  9. I always liked Britt. Good for her. Nice comments from her in the article:


    “I think the show taught me that love is complex, and has more to do with really becoming someone’s best friend than it has to do with fancy dates and helicopters! I made some great friends on the show, but the realist truest love of my life was in the real world, and I’d rather be grocery shopping with the love of my life than in a private jet without him! He’s my one! And the rest all pales in comparison,” she said.

    Nilsson added: “It also taught me that everything works out! I just talked to Kaitlyn this morning and we laughed about the fact that It all ended up perfectly for both of us! So, you just have to have faith that it’ll all end up all right, even if it’s painful getting there. It’s worth it! And I could not be happier or more thankful!”

  10. Original L&O worked imo because there was plenty of plot and settings--not a lot of dead time or filler as it was a two-part show, and NYC was a character unto itself (and I don't even like NYC but so perfectly a part of the show). Hardly any weak characters until Adam Schiff left imo, either--just phenomenal acting, from the extras to the guest stars to the regulars. Justice had none of that feel to me and all the cases were homicides but the "investigators" weren't supposed to be homicide detectives. I think Med has problems too with its limited settings and storylines and I won't be surprised or too sad if it follows Justice next year into the ether. 

  11. So funny how important the mirror ball trophy is to some people. Really hilarious. Don't make me smack you upside the head with it.

    Normani and her group are immensely more well known than they were prior to this show starting

    (a couple of months ago:

    Show: And Normani from Fifth Whatever!

    Me: Who?)

    and they can take that to the bank. 

    I can't imagine Rashad and David's fans reacting like they were robbed, the deck was stacked, etc., etc., and I'm sure Normani herself is as gracious as David is and Rashad would have been with the final results. 

    • Love 3
  12. 1 hour ago, wonald said:

    I listen to a lot of podcasts so I am looking forward to this one.

    Hope you will take notes and report back on it.

    The episode itself isn't that much longer than the podcast after taking out the commercials and the repetitive content.

    • Love 1
  13. 1 minute ago, tessaforever said:

    I really want to like Normani - but wasn't it odd how she just interrupted Julianne right in the middle of a sentence to thank everyone for "bringing back her light"? That seemed really strange. I thought Julianne handled it well because it could throw someone off and make them forget what they were going to say. 

    YES! I did not want to mention this because interruptions are a pet peeve of mine and I can be pretty petty in my peeves, but YES! She didn't even let Julianne finish. And I was waiting for Normani to mention her partner (like Rashad and David always do) but no, just all about her.... 

    • Love 2
  14. So long farewell auf wiedersehen goodbye. I like the Chicago franchise a lot but the writing for this show was not up to par with the rest of them imo, especially compared to the first seasons of the other shows. As I said before, these are elite actors with plenty of connections--if they cannot get other parts, I guess they will have to find other work to do, like people in the real world do. My favorite actor, Joelle Carter, can certainly do better than this Nagel character imo. I am pretty sure Jon Seda can return to PD. 

    I found this original cast for the pilot (https://tvline.com/2016/01/20/pilot-season-abc-cbs-cw-fox-nbc-2016-2017/6/):  


    Philip Winchester (The Player), Joelle Carter (Justified), Nazneen Contractor (Heroes Reborn), Carl Weathers (Rocky), guest star Lorraine Toussaint (Rosewood, Orange Is the New Black), Ryan-James Hatanaka.

    Jon Seda was a replacement for Ryan-James Hatanaka, and whoever played Valdez took Nazneen Contractor's part. 

  15. I loved this episode. I'm impressed that the show is treating her so well, and I think the guys are hilarious. Obviously Whaboom is promoting his character and the Nashville guy got to sing his own song (snore) and Adam with AJ will get old fast, but that's okay, we are laughing with them, I think. 

    Rachel is right up there with Emily and JoJo and probably Trista (whose show I did not watch for no particular reason) as Bachelorettes who are poised and confident and not overcome with pathetically hoping the guys will like her. 

    Also loved that we aren't being hit over the head by the show with her being the first Bachelorette of color. She is awesome. 

    Bryan made me want to throw up with his kissing. Rachel's face must have hurt at the end of the episode, he was chewing her up so much.

    • Love 4
  16. On 5/18/2017 at 9:26 PM, Waterston Fan said:

    I have one big question... What did Casey mean by telling Dawson she is his miracle? 

    I felt like Show is trying to make a thing out of it, like Grey's Anatomy did with "my person." FYI, Show, Gabby ain't nobody's miracle.

    • Love 3
  17. 16 hours ago, Runningwild said:

    I don't know why but I've just never cared for Normani. She does nothing for me. I hope Rashad wins but If he doesn't I hope it's David. 

    Ditto re not caring for Normani, and I'll take either David or Rashad; both of those guys immediately always turn all judges' compliments and their hope for continuing in the competition to their pros, without even having to think about it. Normani just takes the compliments with a  simpering "little me" bashful smile. I don't vote so don't blame me.

    ETA: David and Rashad have athletic physiques--David especially has a nice round booty that is essential to getting a home run (like he did in Game 7 of the World Series but I digress :)). He probably physically can't tuck it in like a non-athlete could. I commented to Mr MML last night that the pros must love having guys like David and Rashad as partners, who are quite strong and can easily and confidently toss them around.

    • Love 4
  18. Personally I'd keep Bunny and let Erin go to NY (and IMDB shows Sophia Bush in two 2017 movies--girl needs to get it while she can). Then Bunny can bring back the bad old days with Hank and Alvin and Trudy. Because I love Markie Post. They can pair off and double date (because things don't look good for Mr Trudy on Fire).

    I was so hoping Erin would throw Jay's dead mother's engagement ring in his face. Way to chicken out from a proposal that makes noooo sense whatsoever, Jay.

  19. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    I didn't. What was so dang special about this boy that Herrmann felt the need to go out of his way with him? Doesn't he have like a zillion kids of his own? He pulled the boy out of a car, it's not like he was dying of cancer. I thought the setup and situation didn't merit the overblown reaction. It felt very much like a setup for a Cubs cameo but it didn't feel organic because if the kid was dying or something it would have been a more fitting storyline for Chicago Med.

    I said the same thing to Mr MML--boo hoo hoo, the kid broke his arm. Meh.

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