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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. From Variety, May 10, 2017: 



    “Justice” is the most recent iteration of the shared universe of Midway procedurals. In its first season, the legal drama has averaged a 1.1 rating among adults 18-49 and 6.1 million viewers in Nielsen live-plus-same day numbers. That makes it the lowest rated of the four “Chicago” dramas produced by Dick Wolf....

    The “Chicago” series have been dependable ratings performers for NBC at the 9 and 10 p.m. hours. “Med” season two averaged a 1.2 and 6.6 million viewers. “PD” season four averaged a 1.4 and 6.6 million. “Fire” season five averaged a 1.5 and 7.1 million viewers

  2. 16 hours ago, rhys said:

    I have a (probably) dumb question. Can a fire truck ram a bldg to make an exit?

    Hmmm, maybe it can go through an old factory with wooden beams and studs that have been weakened by a raging fire for several hours. You will get full credit if this happens in the first episode next fall!

  3. Meh.

    Enable much, Gabby?

    Even though Shay will always be in our hearts, Casey and Severide carry this show. No way is Casey being killed off. Instead he can have a nice long recovery aided in part by the city bill that just got ramrodded through by alderman Holly while bad alderman says, "see, self-serving, told you so."

    Mouch will have a last minute temporary superhuman recovery and save the day and then kerplunk, dead. I love his character but he hasn't been a believable firefighter imo for a long time--he should have moved into investigations or something. Trudy will have some awesome scenes next season in PD.

    • Love 1
  4. I thought Lauren often came across as dull, too, but I think Show tried to sit on her so the viewers didn't realize she was Ben's pick from the get go. She must have something personalitywise we weren't shown (and she's a flight attendant--I think a decent personality is needed to get you into that door). I thought Nick was most unlikeable and he ended up with a whole career on the show. Just a thought--didn't watch Nick's season so maybe there are other women besides Rachel waiting in the wings.

  5. If they can't find other acting jobs at their elite level and with their contacts/network, they'll just have to do something else, I guess. Jon Seda is just finishing a movie--I imagine the others have their own irons in the fire. 

  6. 1 hour ago, starri said:

    The thing she had is incredibly rare.  There have only been about 600 documented cases of it.  There's an old, annoying saying that if you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebras.  This was a zebra.

    Also: called it.  Would that diagnosing real patients was this easy.

    We've arrived in the Bizarro World where, of the three medical shows set in emergency rooms, Night Shift is actually my favorite.  At least it doesn't pretend to be something other than what it is.

    I thought about your prediction while watching the episode and even gave you props to Mr MML (his response, "What?"), although I was still thinking parasitic.... 

    • Love 1
  7. I really don't care about this show any more so won't care if it's not renewed. Its actors can easily find other jobs. It's all murder cases all the time, gimmicky and twee with its throwbacks to L&O, and not to beat a dead horse yet again but the investigators are just in a different office than Dawson had in PD, with the same duties--PD can just slide Dawson right back in, in fact.

    Burn it down and start over if it skates through. I'll pretend Baby Stone went back to the MLB as a coach.

  8. In high school we all paired off too! Noah's party was just like Prom without the fancy promposals. I think I hate all these couples. But maybe Natalie can refer Will to her hair person.

    Oliver Platt looks unhealthy to me so he'll either come back all recovered and fifty pounds lighter or he'll be on a different show.

    South African newbie is just stupid.

    So was Robyn not screened for any type of tumor that could cause her symptoms? 

    • Love 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Tvfanatic1 said:

    That's an actor named Chris Agos the character is named Steve something , I'm gonna feel bad for Jon if Justice doesn't get picked up 

    Yes, that's him. Maybe they can restart Justice and have him be main guy and have Jon Seda's Antonio have gone to John Marshall or Kent and gotten a law degree at night to take second chair. I like Winchester okay but by now imo he's same old same old on every show so enough already (and I find the son of Stone to be distracting--why yes I do have Chicago ADD), and Valdez can't leave soon enough. 

    I wish Sophia Bush (I also adore her) would have said who the hand-in-her-face costar is that she found rude--now all the men in the cast are painted with that brush.

  10. I bet Justice will be safe, maybe as a midseason show.

    isn't there an assistant DA who pops up in PD occasionally? He is very good imo and looks a little like Stone but I don't think we've seen him on Justice. 

  11. I heart Bunny's character soooo much. "We might be leaving Chicago...." Ha!

    Plus I love we did not have Dr Charles from Med stepping in to do a psych eval on the suspect, but Nora Dunn instead. The crossovers can be very distracting imo.

  12. I don't think the drunk bar guy filed a police report, but a complaint to the CFD (no police came and questioned Cruz). I would have thought a union lawyer might have represented Cruz as a hearing and punishment were underway, not his union rep being allowed to sit in but not speak.

    I predict Mouch just needs hearing aids (he couldn't hear what Casey needed with the biker vs semi accident, right? And was there some confusion for him about Jerry the former discipline guy's voice being different?) and presto, he will be better than ever. 

    Plus one thousand on Gabby's father and who cares. Who sobered up mighty quickly once Gabby arrived at Molly's. Cause that's easy, go right from stumbling drunk to lucidly talking to her about his money problems.

    I have to agree with the other alderman about Casey's cause being self-serving. 

    Show, please don't rerun Gabby and Casey's romantic plot line for Stella and Severide. Stella has grown on me and I find her totally believable as a firefighter (unlike Gabby was). Keep her there and introduce her to the hot remedial EMT teacher that Gabby and Brett thought they were going to have.

    • Love 2
  13. 9 hours ago, Trooper York said:

    Seriously. That can't be Will's real hair. No way. It's impossible. 

    It is also too distracting. I can't concentrate on what he is saying.

    Ha. We call him "Dr Halstead's Wig" here in the MML house. I haven't seen this episode and probably won't but when I read all the comments about a new hairstyle on one of the characters I was sooo hoping it was for Will; Maybe Show can use Nat's clippings to fashion a new piece for him.

  14. 6 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

    I've now watched Simone/Sasha, and it was enjoyable and well choreographed. But Simone's emotion felt completely fake and there is something very gymnastic about the way she executes her movement. I can't put my finger on what exactly it is. My best guess right now is that she has a pause after her more acro-influenced elements instead of flowing between movements, but that may be a total BS projection on my part. But there's something there that past gymnasts haven't had. 

    Yes, she doesn't flow through the dance imo; I think she is sticking the landing of her individual gymnastics moves and then inadvertently pausing for a microsecond before moving on to the next move within the performance. I also find gymnasts to have quick abrupt moves in some of their gymnastics events like floor and beam, and I see some of this in her dancing. 

    • Love 5
  15. As Mr MML said, sure, Dr Rhodes, accompany Dr Halsted to the Halsted home because why not have the ER short of two doctors instead of just one. 

    Manning's face must hurt by the end of filming an episode, keeping it in that fake concerned expression the entire time she is on camera.

    Disappointed that Show didn't continue its  typical breakneck speed to resolve story lines by the end of an episode: Robyn's cuckoo-neurosis/psychosis is dangling once again instead of being tidely wrapped up, like Papa Halsted's was. Although I was sure Papa was going to die without telling Will he loved him. Mr MML got something in his eyes when that happened. 

    Reese, you break Splendorkable's heart with April's lazy doctor brother, you break my heart and all our hearts. We will be coming for you.

    Totally called what Choi's patient was going to do. That was nice what Dr Charles said to the parents, that it's more important to look forward than to look backward for causes. I guess.

    • Love 4
  16. 8 hours ago, realdancemom said:

    As I previously posted, I agree that Nick is better than David and Bonner when it comes to dancing.  But we already know how the show works.  I'm afraid that David will make the finals based on his personality and the Cubs fans.  The show wants him on because he's the first MLB player and he's coming off a World Series win to boot.  Also, you can't beat the story that the Cubs haven't won in over 100 years.  That is a combination that will most likely never happen again.


    I never vote because I don't really care who wins (and personally would rather the judges just pick the winner anyway) but I think David might gather some votes from fans of that other team he helped win a World Series for too, if sports fans really take this show seriously. Do they? At least David Ross really is a star with a bona fide talent vs a repeat reality show regular. If he makes it to the finals (I don't think he will), nothing wrong with that imo. If I voted, I'd go for Nancy Kerrigan; if I could vote against someone I might be moved to do that.

    • Love 2
  17. Not a Nick fan, right up front, so reinforcing my distaste for him was that he did not put his shirt back on after the dance (of course, why even pull it off during that sleazy dance?). Erin was sure keeping her distance from possibly touching him while waiting for the scores. Interestingly, Rashad was able to keep his unbuttoned shirt on for the evening. Poor little Nick and the heartbreak of sleeping with several women on a reality show before finding a woman who agreed to stay with him, so that's memorable, I guess; Rashad otoh blew me away with his maturity while still in college to help an ill father who needed him even though that father had not been there emotionally for him while he was growing up. 

    David Ross always makes me smile and is doing his best, but he won't care when he gets booted off. Happy happy guy. 

    • Love 4
  18. 2 hours ago, Ailianna said:

    But it should have been a more thought out plan than--we're hot--they'll pick us. At least there was a show of a plan to divert them when they went for a different target, but Jay and Ruzek could only drive them off of two targets, or they'd be recognized.  SO not the greatest plan.

    True and good point and I thought the same; otoh if the guys had been at all cool or dateworthy they wouldn't even have been taking the predator course--all that women who look like Erin and Kim (both are hot babes according to Mr MML) have to do is smile at guys like that and they would be putty in their hands. I was also thinking about how happy women first approached by the predators would be to have guys like Jay or Ruzek suddenly appear at their sides vs those two losers.  

  19. I agree with xantar about the whole murder issue being the Show's only crime. This case was actually pretty stupid imo--Stone felt guilty because he kept the juror (although the judge did that, not him) so went looking for something to try the ex-husband for, to assuage his guilt. If she hadn't been a juror, he would not have pursued this. Plus Show was hopping on the antibullying bandwagon. There are a lot more pressing crimes in Chicago that need pursuing, and some of them aren't even murder but are still interesting. 

    I don't think the exhusband's business was big enough to be affected by any bad publicity (plus he won so there's that)--it sounded like a startup that written a couple of successful apps. He was barely one-dimensional, so pretty lazy writing, Show. His lawyer was actually more believable than most we've seen here. 

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