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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. Loved that Mateo was mad at Jeff because of Sandra's one-sided imaginary relationship with Jeff. Also love that Mateo sort of flipped it back at Garrett, who had been subtly needling him about Sandra and Jeff, in the last scene. Yes, so much funny stuff all over the place. As mentioned, Glenn believing that Jonah was someone who looks just like Jonah.... priceless.

    • Love 2
  2. I knew Trudy was going to do that for poor Sam. I heart her so much.

    Stupid of social worker telling Trudy how to not let things affect her--Trudy's been a cop for only a few decades. I believe that was Gabby's social worker who non-facilitated Louie's non-adoption, so sure, why not.

    How could there be even an iota of suspicion among the detectives that Halsted had it on with the girl, when everyone is at HQ being all quiet about it and putting Halsted on the defensive? Seriously, Show, c'mon. 

    I noticed the group scene at the beginning over Sam's dead body that everyone got to contribute at least one line except Atwater. Again, and louder this time--C'MON SHOW!!!! Not good, not good at all.

  3. I am Makemelaugh and I have two Stylish Moms in my family. There, I said it. They would absolutely have put those mats on their baby registeries at that price because they wouldn't be paying for them--someone else would be giving them to them (not me!). That was very calculating of that pitcher to zero in on this market. I hate stuff like that and I especially hate people like that. Not thrilled with my two SMs either that they fall for stuff like this.

    • Love 2
  4. Sesquipedalia, last week Spicer sent a couple of tweets with gibberish words that could easily have been passwords: http://www.gq.com/story/sean-spicer-password-tweet

    (Perhaps he meant to text those to himself, or save them in a note, but pasted them into the twitter box instead)

    Really, this is the easiest season the SNL writers have ever had--the stuff just writes itself or it's already been "written" by these chuckleheads!

    • Love 3
  5. There were several "reporters" heads turned away from the camera during the Spicer skit, especially when the podium came bumping into them, so I suspect there was some smiling if not outright laughing being hidden. McCarthy must have some pretty serious thoughts going on in her head to stay on top of her character, especially when other people are losing it about her.

    • Love 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

    I thought the writing in the Spicer sketch was great but it wasn't my favorite because Melissa McCarthy grates on my nerves.  Not a fan.  The sketch reminded me of when she was in the sketch in the bar on how to approach guys and she was sticking her hands in the guys' mouths.  I just think she's massively overrated.  If anyone else would have done the Spicer sketch, I would have probably loved it.

    Watch her in Saint Vincent--she brought a different persona to that movie. (I do get why certain stars don't appeal to everyone, though.)

    ETA and yes to all the above that WU sucks--there was brilliant opportunity this week, all wasted. 

    • Love 4
  7. 4 minutes ago, Poohbear617 said:

    What happened with the poor man who had the sinus infection that turned deadly? I was so moved by his story. His gratefulness to Dr Halstead when he believed him after dr. Price tried to discharge him basically throwing him out of the er. Then when he said he worked right across the street for 20 years without notice and he had no family there with him for support him.and agreeing to possibly die in the OR with a camera crew to show any record of his life.  I guess I wanted to see Halstead holding his hand thru surgery or at least show he survived.

    Yes! Thanks for mentioning this--his being okay that Halstead never even noticed him at the parking lot was for me the most poignant scene on this entire series. 

    • Love 7
  8. 16 minutes ago, thehepburn said:



    I agree that JJ dont need to televise but what makes Jojo so "very popular"? If you compare Jojo's and Kaitlyn's ratings, they were the same with Jojo's lower at times.

    Did I say she was more popular than Kaitlyn?

  9. Yeah, and was the gun guy saying to Reese go away, I like having a gun in my bum? Because then he wouldn't need therapy, I guess....

    I can't stand new doctor know-it-all. How about giving the characters we already know have a couple of storylines instead, Show? I especially hate the awkward videotaping plot device--it's like a shark-jumping moment for me. And sure, no HIPAA issues with patients or stuff in the background. 

    Weird characters like Latham used to be allowed to be just weird--he doesn't necessarily have an autism spectrum disorder, but bandwagon, so he does. 

  10. 29 minutes ago, thehepburn said:

    I dont think Jojo's wedding will be televised bc wouldnt ABC announce it first if they were televising it? Also, as much as I cant stand Kaitlyn, ABC seems to like her fine and they wont televise HER wedding which makes her salty. So, I dont see how ABC would televise Jojo's over Kaitlyn's.

    Because Jo was a very popular B'ette and Jordan is a celebrity with an ESPN announcing gig and a very famous estranged brother? Some people would watch just to see if famous brother shows up or if Mrs Fletcher drinks out of her champagne bottle (oh wait that's what I'd hope to see--love you Mrs F!). I don't think Kaitlyn and Shawn would draw the ratings compared to J&J.

    But hoping J&J don't televise it--they don't need a subsidized wedding.

    • Love 2
  11. Even couples in commercials for household products are more diverse than this show, never mind the real world (my two white bread kids have "diverse" spouses). What if they had a  diverse Bachelorette and no one even noticed? That's what I want to see, not this clunky dated aren't-we-brave mentality Show would make of it.  

    • Love 5
  12. I  liked her. Tina Fabulous had lots of brothers and she could thread the needle and go deep for a pass with a football while wearing stilettos. The other b'ettes gave her that nickname. She was also a little cool to the Bachelor, letting him chase her, it seemed to me. Here is an interview with her from back in the day (she was 22! Ridiculous): http://www.tvguide.com/news/tina-fabulous-jeers-40983/

    • Love 2
  13. I think this show has stopped being funny--the interviews are okay but the shtick outside the studio is just stupid. Last night: Older married couples saying how many times a month they have sex (and agreeing to do the bit before they know the question)--c'mon, just stupid and embarrassing for them. The head shot booth so the giant sidewalk head can be superimposed on Kimmel or a celebrity guest has never made me laugh, as the talking head is rarely quick with words. Still my late night choice but hoping for better.

  14. Gabby should have asked a nurse or other hospital person to step in if the father yelling at the daughter bothered her that much. It wasn't her place to speak up and the confrontational aspect of it was pretty bad.

    I liked the actress who played the teenaged mom--Show does a good job of finding talent for the one-episode characters, although I cannot find the name of the actress online.

    • Love 1
  15. St Gabby to the rescue! Geez, go away, Gabby. Way to make the father's shock and heartbreak all about you. I was thinking how incredibly hard it would be to have raised your teenager alone, and then to realize you have another couple of decades to do the same with the grandchild, but thanks to Gabby who had a foster child for about two months who went to live with the family he belongs to, so she knows all, now it's peachy keen. And yeah a little diss to Sylvie, the invisible emt. 

    Nice ending with Anna leaving her photo for Kelly.  Smart girl. 

    • Love 4
  16. 21 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    I don't know if Nick's explanation about Corinne is actually the truth.  If the producers force him to keep Corinne, I don't think his contract would allow him to disclose that.

    Not watching Nick, but that never stopped him before (as in oops, did I just reveal that Josh was F1 after noting someone was recording me?). 

  17. 18 hours ago, scribe95 said:

    I didn't understand Reese's epic meltdown. She has been around the ER when people died etc. Not sure why pronouncing was so difficult. Or why she had to be there for that one patient. I felt like her persona completely fell apart in one episode. 

    As starri says above, the patient that put Reese over was her own patient--the only reason Reese volunteered for night shift that night after working all day was to make sure that particular patient would be okay. I felt she was experiencing shock that the patient then died, guilt that she hadn't done enough, sorrow because she liked that patient, massive sleep deprivation etc., etc. (plus she had just called TOD on two other patients); really I found her scene very moving. She continues to be my favorite.

    I'm thinking the nurses who purposely decided not to notify Latham of his patient's death might need a talking to. Maybe the patient's family wanted to hear it from him. I was a little disappointed in him being so quick to decide to pursue the electrotreatment--a little discussion on how he might be a better surgeon as he is (not thinking about people's feelings when slicing into a sick heart is probably a good thing most of the time, for example--he could stay absolutely focused on the task), but maybe that will arise later. 

    Mr MML had a heart valve repaired with open heart surgery, heart stopped, etc., just like Panda! He turned a little white while they were waiting for the heart to restart. 

    I think April's Tate used to be more likeable--now he's just this whiny father to be. We get it, Show, he's worried about April and the baby, no need to rinse and repeat every single episode. 

    I feel like Dr Charles is back. 

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