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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. 53 minutes ago, sidekickgirl said:


    I do have to giggle at the responses from people saying that they'll be sitting this one out, due to Nick hate.  Sure you will, like I sat out during Juan-uary?  This show owns us, and that proof is in the fact that we not only watch it, but discuss/dissect it online. 

    Um, yes I will most definitely sit this out. But good for you.

    • Love 1
  2. There needs to be a new term for when a show features a repetitive and tiring person and people stop caring about her and start disliking the show, and I think "jumping the Ashley" is it. Come on, enough already, Show. She has become totally unlikeable and beyond redemption. Go away, Ashley.

    My Wells love is taking a dive too.

    But good move sending Caila and Jared off into the ocean mists.

    • Love 14
  3. I think we know now why Ashley is still a virgin-what guy could put up with her delusional version of love long enough to sleep with her? Caila's as passive aggressive as Jared--they belong together. And yes she would have been a horrible Bachelorette.

    Sarah is going to be so pissed that there was one rose for four women--okay, three women since the twins equal one woman--okay, only two women have to go home--okay, only one woman actually has to go home and it's you, Sarah. It's BIP math!

    Those three new guys seem like the most normal in a real-world kind of way guys on this season, and cute, too. Andi sure had a great bunch of bachelors.

    The twins and Daniel--once again, I lve them and seethem as  a reality sitcom waiting to happen. Come on, Show!

    • Love 5
  4. I cannot scrub from my mind the episode of Nick groping Kaitlyn and practically licking her to seduce her horny ass on that awful softcore porn episode of her season. Ditto with Andi and the "fiancee" stuff he felt compelled to hint at to America on her ATFR. Now ditto Jen on BIP. I prefer not to see him rinse and repeat as the Bachelor with two dozen women all there for him, but maybe I'm the weird one. But yeah, ick, for me. I wouldn't watch it.

    • Love 3
  5. With HD screens some people without flawless skin (in their own opinion) aren't comfortable being filmed without full battle makeup all the time. And possibly Caila is wearing as much foundation as anyone else but uses it differently, but I've noticed when the women very infrequently are caught barefaced and without the eye stuff, they all really are natural beauties for the most part. Except for Carly's eyebrows and Amanda's inflexible forehead.

    • Love 1
  6. I cannot get over Daniel. We left him in the Bachelorette as Chad's dumb second banana who was just weird, and holy moly guacamole (bow toward Mexico), he comes on this episode tonight and builds on the massive charm and hilarity he's shown on BIP. Flashes of completely original and crazy smart comic brilliance. Hell yes I want a series featuring him (and the twins). Get on it, Show!!!

    • Love 4
  7. Dear Jared, grow a pair and dump Ashley for real, irrevocably, once and for all. Quit keeping her as your spare, in-case-of-emergency future girfriend.

    Dear Ashley, grow a pair and dump Jared etc.  He is just not into you and never will be. Plus you are so far above him in every way--you would be bored senseless if you really caught him. 

    • Love 6
  8. 3 hours ago, reggiejax said:

    Well then I guess I'm delusional as well, because I find Emily, and naturally Haley as well, to be far prettier than the bland, dull as dishwater, Caila.

    I am so glad Caila did not become the Bachelorette because she would have put Bachelor Nation in a coma. I find her only value to be that they use her to treat insomniacs who haven't responded to heavy drugs. (thank you, Robin Williams).

    And I say that knowing full well that neither twin is exactly a bundle of dynamite, personality wise. But purely on looks, I'll take Emily and/or Haley every time. They've got kind of a young Faith Ford thing going. And lord knows I loves me some Corky Sherwood Forrest.

    Yes, the MML household considers the twins to be leggy gorgeous young women--alone each would draw attention and together they probably could stop traffic. Caila is sort of cute. The twins at least are funny, too, while we see no real personality on Caila's part (of course the editing monkeys have a hand in this, but she just is smiling and tossing her hair all the time). Jared, who is sort of passive aggressive, and she will have the most boring relationship ever. According to the MML viewers, anyway. 

    • Love 2
  9. 10 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

    I think you either like sarcasm and snark as humor, or you don't. Personally I think Michelle is funny.  The after show was way more entertaining than usual.

    Yes. She is also very polished in a live situation and moved a ton of people through the hour without ever losing control of the show, allowing overtalking, etc. Snarky or sweet, that is an amazing talent and I was impressed by her. She was pretty much an equal-opportunity snark, too.

    • Love 5
  10. Yeah, I'm going to bet Amanda's toddlers were staying with their daddy and his parents while she went on these shows to find her true love (pretty sure that's where they were for The Bachelor filming, at least). But never mind, mommy found them a rich stepdaddy!

  11. I think this whole summer show is just a fun interlude for the participants, the producers, and us--the "find true love" aspect really isn't in play like we try to believe with the regular series, and it's also fun that no one is expected to be part of the regular series. So if Josh plays Nick against Amanda or Nick plays Amanda against Leah, I'm laughing just like the producers hoped I would. 

    I admit I'm 100 percent #teamjorge

    • Love 8
  12. 2 hours ago, PTVjones said:

    Does anyone else think if Nick did to Amanda what Amanda is doing to Nick, Nick would be seen as a total a**hole and whatever new girl he'd be making out with would be seen as some kind of slut?

    From the way the whole Nick-Amandaa-Josh thing is edited, it complete looks like Amanda went on the date with Josh and began to make out with him ever since with no conversation with Nick that she's no longer into him. If the situation was reversed and Nick did that to Amanda (who was so dreadfully boring on Ben's season and is no different on BIP) then Nick would be vilified for doing that to beautiful mother Amanda who's looking for a father for her children. I think it's just really hypocritical on the show's part to give Amanda a pass on that. Say what you will about Carly but at least she told Evan to his face and didn't just blatantly make out with someone in front of his face. 

    See, I think the karma of Nick having done to Leah what Josh did to him is being lost here. Leah got pretty unsympathetic treatment, but she invites Nick on a date, they make out, she feels he's her guy, but then boom, Nick gets a date card and invites Amanda out on a date--no advance notice to Leah that he's not into her. So Nick and Amanda were all lovey dovey making out in front of Leah but no one feels bad for Leah. Now that Nick is getting a taste of that medicine, I'm not feeling bad for him.

    Geez, it's just like high school back in the day.

    • Love 10
  13. I think they put Sean on as cohost to be a physical presence in case Chad started acting up, which he probably did during the breaks as they tried to escort him off late in the show. I don't understand the Diablo Cody presence, but the main host actually did a pretty good job of moving things along. 

    • Love 1
  14. I call 100 percent producer shenanigans on Evan deciding to hit on Amanda. Oh look, two plates with grilled lobsters magically appear on this table! 

    How did Daniel steal my heart!!! More please. Sarah, be kind to him. 

    Josh and Amanda must have the deadliest, most boring talking heads if we are being shown only the liplocks. Too pathetic. Get a room, you two.

    Carly Eyebrows continues to be so full of herself--and she reminded us when she had to tell Brandon that her brother was on the Bachelorette with him that she rode into her spot in this franchise on her brother's coattails. Yet she can make fun of Evan. Yeah you're cool, keep thinking that.

    • Love 10
  15. 4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:


    I sort of like Daniel and the twins together.  I don't think they're quite as dumb as they act but they're at least a little bit funny.  Last night I remembered the visit to their mother's  house and the pack of little dachshunds -- lets go there again, show! 

    I have to say I was just thinking that I would pay to see a reality show based on the adventures of these three, much more so than Ben and Lauren. They are really funny together. The one twin's (let's just call her Hamily) lesson in how to get a guy to pay attention to you in bed was comedy gold on so many levels. They can set the show in Vegas where the twins live--Daniel in Vegas would be hysterical.

    • Love 8
  16. 16 hours ago, Flybutter said:

    .....My guess is that all of the Chad scenes in last night's episode - Chad drinking too much, Chad getting too handsy with Lace, Chad being a dick in insulting the others, Chad becoming belligerent, Chad getting crabs, Chad passing out in his own excrement - comprise an intentional effort by the TPTB to take him down and humiliate him as publicly as possible. All in retaliation for his behavior on TB (and probably because they know we viewers would enjoy the schadenfreude too)....

    I thought this exact same thing. I also thought his behavior toward the other guys and treatment of the production staff on The Bachelorette must have been so much worse than what we were shown. He could not have been portrayed less attractively than passed out and snoring like a buzzsaw, and apparently soiling/peeing on himself. Show couldn't make up his actions--he really did those hurtful things we saw and what Chris Harrison confronted him with.  

    I could be wrong and often am, for some reason I think he called Lace the C word (a very short interchange in a doorway where she was offended and he said he meant it in the good way).

    I agree with above posters that Lace should have been sent home too. She was physically pushing him and smacking him--a guy doing what she was doing would be considered abusive. But the next morning she's an angel. Please.

    i forgot how annoying I find know-it-all opinionated Carly Eyebrows. She can go home anytime.

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