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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. I really hated the whole alcoholic storyline, starting with the sleazy surreptitious little half-pint bottle April was procuring from what, her pusher? Wouldn't the hospital pharmacy have medical grade stuff if say, a doctor prescribed it? Did Goodwin (not a doctor, right?, not apparently a nurse-practitioner or other pro who would be able to prescribe) note the dose of alcohol in the chart? No potential contraindications with other meds being administered pre- and during surgery to set that badly broken leg that would have put her hospital and her job in jeopardy? And hello, this detox situation would seem to actually fall within Dr Charles' area--wouldn't he be the go-to doc?

    • Love 2
  2. SLAP! My reactions not necessarily in this order:

    • That's going to leave a mark. And the media is going to think Peter smacked her up after the plea announcement.
    • Catfight in the corridor over whose man is more important! (This episode totally fails the Bechdel test--all about the men, about the men, about the men. How's that all-woman law firm working out for you now, Diane? That's what you wanted?)
    • Alicia is going to own you, Diane, after she calls the police on your for assault with intent to cause bodily harm.

    I teared up for Grace, and only Grace. I want her and Marissa now to have their own show with some innocence and sweetness, and nobody else from this stupid show, not even Eli.

    I don't really like Will. I always saw Cary, from the very beginning, as not a megafirm corporate lawyer--a less dynamic state's attorney, law professor, etc., profession imo was a better fit for the way his character was written. I can't see the exwife of a disgraced former politician getting big donors to go into a major election given her own history of running for SA.

    I love Gary Cole but when did Kurt have this affair with his student? He hasn't been married that long to Diane, and for the student now to be an equivalent ballistics expert, she has be be pretty well established in her career. Maybe it wasn't extramarital.

    I bet there was a story line, later abandoned, that Ring Tone Visitor was the person who actually shot Locke's gun, not Locke.

    Only a trained PI could recognize a ring tone as being a ring tone? Please.

    I wanted one of the kitchen door scenes to open up to a giant dancing glass of red wine. Perhaps animated. Like the Koolaid Pitcher character. Maybe the Koolaid Pitcher full of red wine.

    I must confess I think Juliana Margolies is an amazing actress. She engaged me one way or another to the very end. I would absolutely watch her in another show but not with this one's show runners. 

    I knew Peter would take the deal for a wrist-slap and we wouldn't hear the jury verdict. I wouldn't think Chris Noth would want to go out on a low note on this particular show, but there would have been no drama if he had been found not guilty. 

    Cush was soooo good as Bethany in Vera. Not so much in the role she ended up with in TGW.

    This show should have ended two seasons or so ago. It turned into a book that the authors had already finished writing and then just kept getting extended and extended after the fact, and they couldn't get back into it to change history (for example, Kalinda and Lemond took up soooo much time, for nothing, by the end of the show. Bet the writers would have given anything to have rewritten them).

    • Love 5
  3. Those kids were way too young. Where's mom or dad? Someone had to drive the tots to the studio. Minors can't enter into contracts, can they? Is that why they can't get anyone at Disney etc to answer their calls? Having unaccompanied minors on the show imo puts the Sharks in a no-win position. Why would the Sharks want to babysit a 10- and a 15-year-old's business? If it's not successful the Shark wil get blamed for that, if it's successful the Shark will get accused of exploiting child labor. Smart of the Sharks to back off. They were jst toooo young. (I really liked the entrepreneur girl, nothing against her--she is going to go far. And she should just blow off the old school business model and do things her own way. And crying randomly was my main hobby sophomore year in high school--solidarity!.) Really, no more kids without a visible adult at their side.

    Those surfetting boards are in a toy store near me. With a sign, "please don't play with the Spooner." M'kay. Fad.

    I confess I thought the self-haircut and bang trim looked really really terrible on the presenter. But Lori could not keep her hands off those products, so I knew she would take it.   

    $7 frosting in a can. Sure, why not. It can be on the store shelf for a year before it spoils and gets tossed bynthe store.

    • Love 1
  4. I just didn't want to be first.

    The story line was way too similar to an early Law and Order (I think Angie Harmon's first show? Famous quote from Abby Carmichael on that show: "No deals for anyone. Let's hang them all." And one of the few where she actually had a courtroom part before the Order part of the show became mostly Sam Waterston), where the parents of an adopted ill Russian baby thought their emotionally disturbed older child had killed her and there was lots of cover ups all up and down the line. I was really put off by the poor "baby"'s appearance--it was a little gruesome and sort of trainwrecky to make her appearance so graphic. 

    I don't know why Show teased up about Voight's son making an appearance, as he didn't. I also thought the scene where Voight tells Lindsay about Justin's stillborn twin was really really good as that sadly is how most were treated thirty years ago--let the nurses do their thing with the remains. Poor nurses, poor parents.

    But Burgess and Ruzek--NO!!!! Trudy is going to kill them. Can't these people find other romantic partners?

    • Love 2
  5. I must say yet again, Go away, Gabby. This time I'm serious. Mr MML actually loves the character so things are a little frosty here on Tuesday nights. I sort of hope she gets approved to be a foster parent in the next six months and gets a kid she can't stand (not really--but in six months she'll be wanting to be a social worker and then in six more months a lawyer so she can be a children's advocate down at Casey's swell youth center).

    I don't think high-end bars charge extra for an "artisanal" ice cube, I think their drinks just come with them? But yes, ridiculous that Stella is repairing the place all by herself (surely a commercial establishment needs a permit for repairs by a licensed tradesman following a fire handled by the CFD, and inspections of same--astop-work order will be slapped on Molly's so fast), and Severide has zero chemistry with her so please get her mitts off him and vice versa.

    • Love 2
  6. 8 hours ago, izabella said:

    Ok, I have to know what happens to the parrot.  Is Choi going to take him home until hoarder guy recovers and finds a new place?

    Maybe it's a cancer-sniffing parrot and can live with Bowser. 

    I think Dr Charles sort of was attracted to the worst neurologist in the world wife of the misdiagnosed Lewy's Body Dementia patient. A big "Full House" style Woooo came into my head everytime he encountered her. 

    I think I saw Dr Rhodes in the River North Division StreetTarget this afternoon. Swoon even if not.

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Noreaster said:

    Regarding Josh Charles, he originally signed a 4-year contract with the show (instead of the typical 6-year contract that most regulars sign) because he didn't want to be tied down that long.  According to various interviews, Julianna Margulies played a big part in convincing JC to stay on for another 15 episodes.  

    A female-dominated firm is insulting?  As opposed to the heavily male-dominated environment that exists in real life?

    I misedited my post and garbled my meaning--but this show's subplot of changing an existing supposedly top general corporate law firm into an all-women enterprise is insulting to feminism in my opinion. And would be economical suicide. Again--In my opinion.  But it's just drama on a stupid show or we'd see it happening all the time in real life if it were a good idea.

  8. An all-woman firm like the NY firm mentioned above that specializes in women's health and safety issues can probably capture most of that business and do well and be highly regarded, but then it sure wouldn't be representing Peter, for instance, or most of Lockhart Whoever's other clients. It would have to be one glass-ceiling-breaking firm to be successful in the areas it currently seemingly is already with those xy chromosone partners on board. Just another dumb development for what apparently is already one of the only two or three law firms in the whole city of Chicago. But Kalinda or Robin (?) would have to be the PI, and Marissa the intern--I could do that. And Ruth could come back to be their first client. 

    I'm looking forward ro the finale for so many reasons.

  9. God I love Chris Noth. The scenes with him and JM are always the most intense. They really have more chemistry than any of the other romantic pairings on this show IMO.

    If we have to watch secondary characters why can't they be Marissa and Eli. The whole secondary plot about the wrong construction and expanding up to the 29th floor. Who cares. And recruiting another female attorney, as if most of their clients won't be fleeing from the new all-female law firm, LegalVaginas-R-Us! is just soooo insulting in this day and age. 

    • Love 14
  10. On April 29, 2016 at 0:26 PM, callmebetty said:

    It was filmed at the Bloomingdales building. They rehabbed about about 10 years ago. It is as beautiful as it looks. I worked downtown when they rehabbed it and have been inside it. It used to be like a masonic temple I want to say but I can't remember exactly.

    Yes! It looked just like the Bloomingdales (Bloomingdale's?) Home Store (a separate store from the Bloomingdale's regular department store) that used to be in a mall near me. The displays and decor were the same. It is in the lovely former Medinah Temple just off Michigan Avenue. 

  11. Go away, Gabby. 

    Loved that the focus was on the two stars. The political consultant is shady imo and the board of ethics guy was a cartoon character. 

    I predict Otis will soon join PeterMills in the Carolinas on a farm where all the Chicago Fire expendables can run and play all day long never to be heard from again. 

    • Love 1
  12. Seriously? Why put him on Chicago Med instead back on Fire? Ugh! And he's already done with medical school? I guess he's done on Code Black then.

    I wonder if Halsted's brother is leaving--he was so much more interesting dropping in on Fire before Med started imo; now he's just sort of bland with dumb story lines. Good that Jeff was able to use that GI bill to pay for medical school. Maybe he'll be bff's with Choi.

    • Love 1
  13. Go away, Gabby.

    Casey needs to send people to alk to the staff at his ward office (every alderman has one within his or her ward)--no one should be approaching him at the firehouse and he really shouldn't be making calls to the other aldermen while he's on duty at 51.

    If the blond cop who took Brett's id off the dead perp doesn't end up stalking her, that was a wasted story line. She does have a ton more chemistry with Jimmy than Chilli did.

    I could look at Severide all day long. He has a twinkly eyed smile sometimes that just makes me smile too.

  14. The scenes where Alicia jumped Peter's bones were so much sexier than the recent ones of her in bed with Jason. Mr Big indeed.

    Could we please have only Eli and Marissa testify at Peter's trial?

    Cary never worked for me as a mega-law firm partner, ever. He really got the worst part on this show, the passive reacting character (even during the prison years I mean months). Godspeed to him.

    Wind it up, Kings.

  15. In Illinois/Chicago you can refuse the breathalyzer/BAC testing--you will automatically lose your license for several months as a result and may still arrested but it is not a conviction and will be harder to prove.

  16. The best part of the episode to me was a shirtless Jay carrying Erin to the bedroom, swoon!

    Yes, that is the best looking couple in TV land--a little naked Jay will make up for a lot of stupid plot points!

    • Love 1
  17. Yeah but when you rent out a space like Chuck E Cheese (or whatever it was supposed to be) the whole point is that they provide the entertainment.

    +1. Not to mention those places probably don't even let you bring in your own food, extra entertainment, etc.--they have their own to sell you.

    • Love 1
  18. The plots were pretty obvious.

    I can't believe this show is dragging out the Halsted malpractice stuff--just settle already like the real world would have. It is like the Boden persecution that turned Chicago Fire into a snore.

    Maggie probably needed to call in a higher-up about the police demanding the blood before refusing and being arrested. I was surprised the demand didn't get escalated on both sides (I was sort of hoping she wouldn't ever be let out). I imagine the hospital would have tested for the BAC level so they could adjust medications, and the cops/prosecutors could no doubt go to court to get it.

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