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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. kassa, I too loved Daisy's eyeing Andrew's guns (and more , looking up from the ground at him on a ladder) while he was repairing the roof for Mr. Mason. She was always the silly little nincompoop, so of course she has grown up into a silly adult nincompoop.

    Denker and Stratt are like the cartoonish and buffoonish throw-me-right-out-of-the-story Thenardiers in Les Mis.

    I watched every minute of the series and the finale but am sort of sorry everyone had to be paired up at the end to be happy. I would have been so happy for Thomas (or better, bring back O'Brien to do this) to have yelled out "she's Marigold's mother" during the speak now section of Edith's wedding.

    Maybe baby Bates will grow up to accompany Master George into WWII like Bates and Robert.

    No whispers/harbingers about the Great Depression?

    Overall, five stars for acting, setting, costumes, art direction. Three stars for character development and dialog. Two for plotlines. Tonight I am watching Gosford Park on Amazon Prime.

    ETA Mr MML was bawling like a baby for the whole show so perhaps I am a little more cynical just to balance him out.

  2. Something is wrong with either my tv or my ears, because I haven't noticed any fried voices this season. Maybe my eardrums were dulled by Chris Soules' Whitney, who could shatter glass with her voice.

    I'm hoping to stay unaware. There is enough to irritate me on this show without having to add voices to the mix. Still fun to read about though!

    It sounded pretty bad to me, Lauren's out-of-nowhere dip into the vocal frying pan on the last episode. Maybe she had a cold or is allergic to baby turtles, but to my ears she sounded really different.

    • Love 2
  3. Choi, Halstead, and Mouse at the bar at the end--be still my heart. I would totally watch those guys in a new series, Chicago Veterans. Put Olinsky in with them once in a while too and I will be in heaven.


    I too hope Roman and Burgess stay partners and do not go down the romance road. Be bffs or brother-sisterly (but okay if he has a little crush on her like some guys have on their brothers' wives) or something like that. Ruzek was a lot cuter on the first season btw--his haircuts this season are doing him no favors.

    • Love 1
  4. Last weekend I had to correct my well-educated and well-employed son, who is a few years older than Ben and who never once heard bad grammar from me (another editor) or Mr MML, when he said "Him and me are meeting...." I don't know if anyone in the real world even notices this anymore. And I am sure he wouldn't write this expression.


    My unpopular opinion from this episode is that I thought the baby turtles were creepy when they were writhing and crawling all over each other in the nest just after birth--and I love turtles, really I do. I wonder if Show made the rescue guy rinse them off so they would be cuter. 

    • Love 2
  5. In this episode, Ben saw Lauren's odd ungainly awkward walk in those shorts that probably fit her nicely when this season started, and heard her newly scratchy no-tenor, no-inflection voice, and little cute Jojo started looking better and better to him.... abracabradabra, he loves Jojo too! In real life Lauren would be his steady girlfriend and Jojo his secret side for a few years until Jojo wised up.

    • Love 2
  6. Lauren and Jojo graduated from high school in 2008 I believe. Probably will be 26 this year? Bachelorette ages apparently get etched in stone at some point and are never updated.

    • Love 1
  7. I don't feel one bit sorry for these nitwits--these are college-educated young women and a college-educated young man who knew exactly what they were getting into and what happens every single time on this show--odds are very high that you will not receive the final rose, and also high that you will not move farther in the relationship if you do. It's not a news story, it's not a documentary, and in the scope of the world what happens on this show matter not the slightest. Is Ben a dog in real life? Who knows, but probably not. Are these women the dumbest college graduates to not have read The Rules? Who knows, but again, probably not. Is the Fantasy Suite one of the ickiest concepts on TV? Probably.

    Last night's episode Made Me Laugh.

    • Love 3
  8. Best episode ever! I still love Ben but I really love that the editors seemed to have said "f*** this s***, we're showing everything." I might be wrong but I swear he was mildly drunk during the fake dinner part of all the dates, glassy eyed and just staring at the women as they ran on and on about how wonderful he is and their lives will be and they never thought they could find someone like him, blah blah blah. Priceless. And of course his "I love yous" could have been edited out (ten bucks says he had told that to Lauren about four weeks earlier anyway but we didn't get to see it). Chris H.'s subtle eyerolling as both Jojo and Lauren confided that Ben had told them those three little words--oh no he didn't!

    The pointless final rose ceremony was hilarious, the subtext ricocheting around the champagne toasting. More glassy eyes for Ben after he said he let go the one girl he didn't have feelings for! Lauren's face as it dawned on her that maybe she wasn't the only special snowflake left standing, and that little narrowing of Jojo's eyes before she toasted the fantasy suite. Fabulous. And speaking of fabulous, Jojo's rose ceremony dress--awesome. Mr MML was a little more taken by her copperish bikini.

    And seriously, these three women especially, as Jojo said on an earlier episode, are never competing for a guy in real life, they are fighting guys off. Plenty of fish in their seas no matter what, and Ben, you might have a twelve step program in your future. Caila, remember this special moment when you are inviting guys into your fantasy suite and then sending one home when you are the Bachelorette....

    • Love 16
  9. I don't mind that the kids in DA can't act because I'm a little uncomfortable with the whole business of children acting....

    I love that they are mostly props or just part of the scenery when they are in front of the cameras. I think that keeps to the accuracy of the period, when children were to be seen (rarely) but not heard (even more rarely!).

    And Elizabeth McGovern was also nominated for an Oscar for Ragtime where she was even gasp! nekkid. I think she, like the rest of the cast, is very good.

    • Love 4
  10. Not to mention the camera loves some people and not others. Some of these women are surely more photogenic than others, and Ben is not looking at them on camera. Amanda may be the most beautiful woman up close in real life by anyone's standards but may not photograph as well as someone else. Personally I think they were all adorable and Ben got some of the best looking women this show ever had, so I don't think he's bestowing roses based on cuteness.

    • Love 3
  11. Unpopular opinion: the small children are AWFUL actors. Even little george so clearly had zero emotion behind his lines...

    He is a supercute little boy but I totally agree. Not looking at the camera is the kids's main jobs, and often their roles involve sleeping, or pretending to, while the grownups look at them and talk about them. I like that--the shows aren't about the kids.

  12. In the real world a lot of people fall in love and commit to each other without meeting the parents first. I think Ben can be happy with his choice no matter what the mom or dad in law looks like.

    I do think this season has been refreshing and devoid of floozieness on either side. At this week's rose ceremony all the b'ettes looked really happy to see each other--they are really nice girls. No one has snuck into Ben's room late at night or taken a two hour "nap" with him, and there haven't been any foreplay at the restaurant scenes like the icky ickiness that was Nick with Kaitlyn (both of their photos are in the dictionary next to the definition of floozy).

    And mom of Jojo casually chugging from the champagne bottle is reality show gold, hands down the best ever. Now I do want Joelle (such a pretty name) just for the family scenes we might see.

    • Love 7
  13. I totally called this last week to Mr MML: Halsted will be a hero for violating a DNR. And another doctor will be a hero for assisting suicide. The hero highway runs in both directions at Chicago Med!

  14. I read these comments and I wonder why most of you bother to watch the show anymore.

    And yes the show is not as good as it was in the beginning but it's still watchable at least to me. Even with all it's flaws I'll still miss it on Sunday nights.

    Most of the actors are pretty good despite some of their lines and some of them are really really good and get some good lines besides, and some of the actors play interesting unusual characters that tickle us no end. The sets and atmosphere are realistic and the wardrobe is believable and beyond (looking right at Baranski and Jumbo). It is still our Sunday night show but frankly I won't miss it when it's over as the plots are so thin anymore, which seems to be the major quibble point here and elsewhere.

    • Love 1
  15. I don't think of floozies as just female (although I intellectually know that the term is for women, when I hear it I don't think exclusively of women), but I am surprised that it is being used for these four women. 


    Caila's father is perfect as the CEO of a toy company as imo he could be an elf or a pixie or a leprechaun. Tangerine pants! Yay!

    • Love 6
  16. .... I was expecting Edith to say something like "I tried to tell you a dozen times" or "Didn't you notice my reluctance? That was why, and I never did directly say yes". But she didn't. At first that annoyed me, but then I realized no, she's taking full blame for the fact that she didn't tell him, no matter how much she thought about it or tried to dodge the marriage question. I really liked that.


    YES! This is part of the reason I am so in love with Edith right now (not that way :)). So so sad, but not defensive, not pleading with him to stay, just quite agreeing that she was wrong and he should go. That scene outside while the taxi was waiting was amazing. And then taking her sad but stiff upper lip off to the magazine and "Bananas"! What a nice job the show's writers did with her this episode

    • Love 11
  17. I so want a whole TV show about the exes and their reactions to being contacted by the producers. The more bitter the break-up, the better. Hijinks ensue.

    I am not watching Amanda as the Bachelorette. Wish she had been sent home way earlier.

    • Love 12
  18. My posts on this season's threads should show that I was on Team Richard from the getgo. I just thought his comment was interesting in that he said he was getting the mental health help once he left as it wasn't a component of the show, so I took that to mean help to lose weight in general, not just for contestants on the show. And I had to laugh thinking of the producers hearing that and thinking how to have the finale not be live in the future. I definitely look forward to any tell-all Hatch might air.

  19. Story about the twins in their hometown paper this morning: http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/tv/ct-biggest-loser-finale-recap-roberto-luis-hernandez-20160222-story.html

    Not everyone with mental health issues gains weight, and not everyone who is heavy needs counseling. Richard Hatch probably needs some help, since he brought it up, but perhaps that was to distract attention from or rationalize his second to worst finish for the season (he lost 14 percent of his weight, and only one person lost less than that).

    Does Colby's wife have a thyroid problem?

  20. I really hate the hometown dates that revolve around the parents' home. I would so much rather see them take place where the contestants themselves live, so the star can meet their friends, see where they work, where they hang out, what they like to do. I think that would give the star a much better appreciation of what the contestants are like when they're not on a reality TV show. Except for the twins, most of this season's contestants don't live at home (the twins probably don't either, their mom just kept their rooms), and many don't live anywhere near their families. And it's not like the families signed on for the show and then pushed their kid into the spotlight--there might be a lot more applicants if the families were taken out of the equation. 

    • Love 10
  21. Luis and 'Berto, as Jen called him, really need to start lifting some weights and get their upper body muscles back.


    Colby did the smart thing taking the money.


    I hope somebody puts on Wikipedia the contestants' weights when they went home vs what they weighed in tonight. I don't think anyone did that well at home except for Erin, Sarah, and whichever twin that was, and wonder if some gained. But good job, everyone, even the lowest loss was still in the 13 percent range.


    Finally, I won't be a bit surprised if this isn't the show's grand finale. Such a meh season, and if I never see Bob Harper and his "prison tats" (yeah, Bob, you are thug personified) on my screen again it will be too soon.

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