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Posts posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. I think it’s sad that he didn’t say she was a dead cop, instead of a dead “cop’s-wife”—wasn’t she addicted after being undercover and having to use to keep her cover? And for some reason I think that was fairly recent? How quickly they forget. 


    Sarah Sashi is so gorgeous.

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  2. Nobody has to get married any more, baby or not, unless they want to. Lauren and Arie, and their families, could certainly afford a nice wedding. They won’t have any more IG followers because of it. Maybe they really do love each other that much.

    More importantly, interesting that they are back in The Bachelor’s good graces! 

    I forgot how much I liked both Arie and Sean on Emily’s season. Except Jef 😂, she really had great fun guys.

    • Love 5
  3. 14 hours ago, suebee12 said:

    Well, thank goodness for On Demand! I hit my play button for The Rookie and there was Oliver Hudson! Wrong show! They didn't pick up The Rookie here until more than half way through...so thankful for having On Demand!

    I love Oliver Hudson—maybe he can guest star, or they can do cross-over shows with Splitting Up Together!

    We figured out what was going on and recorded the news that typically follows The Rookie so did not have to resort to on demand.

  4. On 1/9/2019 at 2:39 PM, chaifan said:

    ...I guess my main problem with this show is that all these silly pseudo-dramatic plot devices just get in the way of the shows greatest asset - Nathan Fillion.  His scenes with the desk cop, having to re-do the stamp, were Fillion gold.  This show is supposed to be about Nolan as an overaged cadet, not a super shoot 'em up cop show that just happens to have an overaged cadet.

    I just said to Hubs, "remember when The Rookie was supposed to be entertaining and funny and we liked watching Nathan Fillion?" Now the fish-out-of-water is the big hero in every violent episode. And they are going to run out of bullets in LA pretty soon.

    And I'm ashamed to admit I still can't tell Lucy from West's partner/mentor/whatever, Angela I think her name is? So that really slows our watching down, as I'm always asking Hubs who that woman is, and he's always pointing out that one of them has french-braided her hair while the other has a messy bun. You can find Google images of the actors that look like they are twins. Dear Casting Directors: try to find actors who don't look like twins. I'm shallow.

    • Love 9
  5. 6 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

    I wonder how often Arie cheats on her.. is it daily? weekly? He was such a loser.

    I don't understand how Lauren still has a 6 pack when she's at least 4 months pregnant.

    Why do you think he cheats on her? Has that been reported?

    She has a waist but not a six-pack in that photo.

    • Love 5
  6. On 1/2/2019 at 10:07 AM, ApprenticeFan said:

    Episode 8: (airing Feb 25th) Hometowns (4 to 3)

    In particular order: Hannah Godwin (Birmingham, Alabama), Caelynn Miller-Keyes (Fredericksburg, Virginia), Tayshia Adams (Orange County, California) and Cassie Randolph (Huntington Beach, California), filmed between two days apart from October 27 to November 2.

    Steve has the info about on Caelynn's hometown date:

    So unless someone in her family currently lives in the Stevenson-Doggett house, yet again, they use a completely different house for a hometown date (remember Jason’s last season?). Who knows? Maybe a relative lives there, I don’t know. But that house is pretty famous and used for shoots like this, so we’ll see.

    Rose Ceremony Elimination: Caelynn Miller-Keyes.

    Episode 9: (tentative; airing March 4th) The Women Tell All

    Episode 10: (tentative; airing March 11th) Overnight Dates. Portugal

    So back on Nov. 28th, I originally reported your ending to the season. It was definitely different, something we’ve certainly never seen before (as I laid out in that column), but there were still some details I didn’t have. I was able to get a somewhat clearer picture of what went down. I gave you all that in the podcast last week, but here it is again:

    The first overnight date with Tayshia did happen on November 6th with Tayshia Adams in Sagres, Portugal. Here is a picture of them walking together near the famous lighthouse on Cabo de Sao Vicente:


    Then on Nov. 8th, he had his overnight date with Cassie. It was on this date that I heard something happened which made him make up his mind he wanted to be with her. At the time I reported it, I didn’t know what that was, but that the end result was he never went on an overnight with Hannah G. and told her he was going to pursue Cassie, then went back and told Tayshia the same thing and ended it with her. And what I had heard was the end result was that Colton and Cassie were engaged. That didn’t happen. On his overnight date with Cassie, what I was told was was that Cassie got cold feet, anxious, whatever you want to call it, and realized she wasn’t ready to be engaged yet. She told him this and essentially left the show. This supposedly is where Colton does his fence jump. He obviously wasn’t happy since the woman he wanted didn’t want what he wanted. But I guess we’ll see if it plays out as actually the time where he jumps the fence. But Cassie did leave the show at that point during overnights and went back home.

    So instead of being left with two women and going through with picking one of them, he still ended things with Hannah G. without even taking her on their overnight date. Ended things with Tayshia as well, and essentially ended filming at that point. So there will be no final three rose ceremony and no final rose ceremony. I’m still really curious as to how this is going to be shown since we’ve never seen anything like this before. Whatever the case, once Cassie left and went home and Colton let Hannah G. and Tayshia go, shortly thereafter, Colton came back to the states and “chased” Cassie down, they filmed something in Southern California where he shows up and tells her they don’t need to be engaged and he wants to date her. She agrees and that’s where we are right now. They are dating but not engaged.

    One response I got a lot of after the podcast last week was “Why’d she go on the show if she didn’t want to get engaged?” Well, there’s a lot of factors in regards to that. I can’t speak for Cassie’s mindset but I don’t hold that against her. Any number of things could’ve changed. No one knows why she feels that way. Maybe she felt that way before she even went on the show, maybe she didn’t. I think people understand by now that just because a couple gets engaged at the end that it means they’re going to get married. Especially since only one of the previous 22 Bachelors married the final woman he chose. So I wouldn’t jump down Cassie’s throat for that until we see it play out. Will they eventually get engaged and get married? Not a chance in hell, but hey, I’m sure some of you out there think she might come around on it. They’ll date, they’ll carry this out for x amount of months, but I don’t see this going anywhere.

    We’ve still got 2 ½ months before this finale airs, so more information and an update on them can possibly still happen. I’m sure I’ll hear something over the next couple months. They’ve definitely had Happy Couple weekends together already, so they’re together. How serious it is and the fact that she initially got scared and left the show, is she all the sudden gonna be ready to be engaged in March at the ATFR? I’m guessing no, but weirder things have happened in this franchise.


    Doesn’t Reality Steve hold the copyright to the content on his page? Spoiler alert:he does and makes a living from it. These wholesale repostings go way beyond fair use and probably aren’t allowed here per the Previously.tv terms of service. Plus they slow my phone down and cause a lot if reloading 😂. You could just post a link to his site. Or better, summarize in your own words.

    • Love 5
  7. I think shows use far-fetched uncommon prescription painkiller addiction after an injury plots for an “honorable” “not-his-fault” addiction story so we will easily still like the characters after the miraculous insta-rehab. How much more realistic to have a character be an alcoholic, like Lindsey was for maybe an episode, not long enough to develop. 

    • Love 1
  8. 14 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    That's not what I meat at all. I meant that in a group of 25-30 gay men or lesbian women, a contestant is just as likely to be attracted to any other contestant as they are to the lead....

    Probably more attracted, considering some of the leads!

    • Love 8
  9. On 12/13/2018 at 2:42 AM, WendyCR72 said:

    It wasn't directed at you at all. It was directed at one of the tropiest tropes that ever troped.

    We were all screaming “Oh please” at the same time! Mine was more with the superglum mug shots (really? Mug shots at that point of an investigation that we all know will exonerate him since Show decided to not make us think otherwise with having the shooting off camera, etc.? Especially since duh they already have ID photos of him anyway) that actually made me laugh—plus Nolan’s skulking around the station and his house the rest of the episode like some demented melancholy Frankenstein’s monster. The only thing more entertaining would have been putting him in lockup with some gangbangers. Now that would have been some fine troping.

    • Love 2
  10. On 12/12/2018 at 6:33 PM, Kaiju Ballet said:

    .... I  have a feeling that even if Kennedy doesn't win, she's probably follow in Jennifer Hudson's footsteps as a "non-winner" and pick up All The Awards.  ....

    It’s too bad she’s on The Voice and not the show Jennifer Hudson didn’t win.

  11. I know it wasn’t the weather. I wish names would come out. If the character and the actor playing him are this bad (it seems to be JB that she is talking about, and the character is dirty), why is he still on the show? Boot him. 

    • Love 2
  12. 14 hours ago, chocolatine said:


    I might actually have to quit the franchise for real because of this. This is now the third time that someone with a history of racist social media activity has made it onto the show. A high schooler would have been able to screen this information out, so at this point it's obvious that Fleiss & co. are deliberately casting these people because, to them, any publicity is good publicity. I feel that if I keep watching the shows I'll enable TPTB to continue this pattern, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

    I agree. I do not want this type of person presented as normal for dramatic purposes. ALL the blame for this kind of manipulated plot line (to make the lead seem heroic when he turns the tables on a situation the show itself is creating) lies on the show. There are not “very fine people on both sides.” Enough.

    • Love 8
  13. If we didn’t have these cops, we probably wouldn’t need cops; and now they’re going to spend their well-paid time covering up their own crimes. Plus that bad guy going out the invisible window was like a roadrunner cartoon. Stupid show. 

    • Love 2
  14. This crew spends more time rescuing each other (no matter how peripheral to the main cast) and rushing to Med and hang around than they do on the people they’ve sworn to protect. C’mon, Show.

    For plot, it would actually be awesome to have Chloe arrested for causing the accident (and have to pay the costs of the first responders haha) because she was on her phone, not in handsfree mode. I wonder if we’ll find out what her mom meant by “after all she’s been through” (and Cruz sort of pulling back at that was priceless, like he didn’t really want someone with baggage or drama in her past).

    I like Stella but don’t really give a flying F what happens to Kelly and her. They got boring.

    Trailer family was hilariously like the Ivana’s Family kids. Sure, start a fire, that’ll do it. I wonder if House 51 will rescue them and then rush to Med and hang around.

    • Love 6
  15. Mr MML on seeing Brooke Smith (every single time) “It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.” My response (every single time): “Don’t make me hurt your dog, Mister!”

    Nat and April and Maggie really need to be sponsors for Eversmooth Foreheads, “for the times when expression is just too much.”

    Mobster blood on the wedding gown bodice—nice touch, Show! But ew.

    • Love 3
  16. If Adam is lucky, Reagan will be unable, for whatever reason, to sing for the rest of the season and can win the whole ball of wax!

    But seriously, Show, you could have just played a rerun of her Monday night performance for America to consider last night. So lame, this whole incident. Adam, you suck.

  17. On 11/4/2018 at 10:34 PM, juliet73 said:


    I'm not a medical expert, but I'm pretty sure a cardiothoracic surgeon isn't hanging out in the ER working on stroke patients.  It made no sense at all for Dr. Bekker to be there, let alone tell Kelly that his dad died. ...

    Chicago Med is a magical hospital, where the pediatric ER doc sees adults all the time and the psychiatrist delivers babies. And the head of the ER schedules non-emergency gall bladder surgery in the hybrid OR in the ER. You have to believe.

    • Love 3
  18. Joe couldn’t have been this season’s bachelor—it would make Becca look like a (bigger) doofus for ditching someone on what, the first episode, if he was Bachelor-worthy at that point. His DWTS exposure and popularity imo make him much more marketable and therefore likely to be the next Bachelor now if he and Kendall don’t work out.

    Maybe Arie has sown enough wild oats and is ready to be Grampa I mean Papa to his own kid. And Lauren will be sure to visit him in the nursing home in a few years....

    • Love 4
  19. I love this show and its cast but omg was this episode awful. Having Severeid groveling with the brass for a hero's funeral was not only out of character for Severeid, it COMPLETELY dimished the effect of the last scene from his POV. Show should have had Boden alone unbeknownst to Severeid discuss it with the brass (or better, just kill that subplot) and then have the scene with Benny’s contemporaries planning something. And yes, fill that church if we are to believe Benny really was worth a hero’s send-off—why not have his colleagues make a big entrance as Kelly steps up to talk? And did I miss Mrs Boden and the other spouses at the church?

    Brett deciding to deal with the cell phone: also stupid. That’s police work. Figure out a more elegant way to get her facetime with chaplain (hello, after-funeral party). Plus I so wanted the little sister to have been watching a video on the cell and Brett end up with egg on her face. 

    Exwives as comic relief: seriously? Gah. Also not making us believe Benny was heroic enough for a big funeral.

    Stella playing find the medal? Not sure why Benny, who “pre-planned” his own funeral, didn’t have it with the paperwork if it was that big of a deal. 

    I wonder if the writers like Treat Williams....

    • Love 2
  20. 3 hours ago, MoreCoffeePlease said:

    Never getting a manicure again!!! (I do like pedicures though ... I tell the tech not to cut anything.)....


    Mr MML had acute paronychia in his index finger that a hand specialist had to treat, and has never had a manicure in his life. You can also get this condition around and under your toenails so watch out for that pedicure— even pushing back the cuticle w/o cutting can let bacteria in. I obviously am WebMD-board certified ?. 

    I don’t see anything in my extensive five minute Google research that links paronychia (Blondie’s diagnosis) to flesh-eating etc etc, but WebMD tells me that a sample of the paronychia pus shpuld be analyzed for zeroing in on bacteria vs fungal. Perhaps that lab testing could have been rushed through so violinist didn’t have to lose her whole arm.

    • Love 3
  21. Hard to believe that Shaun and Morgan were calling the shots in treating the violinist as much as they were. Morgan will be sued. 

    I thought Dr Glassman and Debbie’s scenes were icky. Real wife or not, she was so predatory to me, and awfully presumptious. 

    I hate Lea. So there. And quit overacting.

    Definitely over. Who wants post-toileting hands touching the wall to grope for under?

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