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Everything posted by JMO

  1. So, it might be an opportunity to point out a discrepancy. But, depending on whether or not open discussion is encouraged, people may or may not feel comfortable speaking out at that time, I suppose.
  2. Begging the question---does anyone know the actual purpose of the table read, if not to make sure there's some cohesion to the story? I read somewhere that it only lasts about an hour, and is fit in between other activities on the same day. Do they use it for timing? Expression? Consistency? Does anyone actually know, or are we all just guessing?
  3. Because there wasn't enough Reid: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12179713/1/Partial-Thickness Spoilers for 12X02, 'Sick Day'.
  4. Had a chance to watch this evening. Random thoughts; I liked the concept. An episode that does more than just touch on, but really explores, how a case affects a team member at home, has been long overdue. Since we know the most about JJ’s home life, it made sense that the episode should focus on her character. I’ve liked JJ right along, although I’ve always appreciated her softer side. I like to think that she was always in there, she just lost herself for a while, after she became a profiler. And now she’s finding that happy medium. Very glad for that. I thought AJ turned in a very good performance, and appreciated her use of restraint when showing JJ’s emotional side. I understood the dramatic impact of JJ’s choices in the ‘rescue scene’, but I agreed with her judgment that it was foolish not to prioritize rescuing the kids over catching the unsub, and, like everyone else, I couldn’t imagine why she didn’t save the kid nearest the fire first. If she really did release the wrong kid first because he reminded her of Henry, she needs more than a week off. She needs to go back to therapy, because she shouldn’t be on the job if she can’t handle an emergency in a professional way. Apart from his debut in the ‘Jones’ episode, I’ve never been able to enjoy the character of Will LaMontagne. The lack of facial expression, my inability to understand most things he says, and a generally unhygienic look to his scruffiness all contribute to that. Like the actor a lot, the character can take a hike, permanently. That said, I thought the relationship between Will and JJ was realistically portrayed. I just can’t figure out why they are in it, or what either of them see in the other. They got croup right! Ironically enough, after their resident MD writer left the fold. But Michael is going to take a dive right out of that crib. Please lower the mattress. “Garcia, find me a list of men in fire-related industries.” “Yes sir, here we go.” No discussion of what ‘fire-related industries might include, not even a few seconds of hesitation for her to think about it. So I Googled it. 86,200,000 results. Garcia must be more of a speed reader than Reid. Hotch. What a terrible exit. Nearly all of his lines were delivered with an angry tone and facial expression, and not his usual stern brow look. And, to my eye, his face looked a little bloated. Those lines to JJ at the end were just awkward, in and out of context. Sad. I truly do hope they honor the character with a good story line, no matter how the higher ups feel about the actor. Failed the Reid-meter, but that was expected. It was JJ’s turn to shine. He did look very nice standing around, though. I find it hard to get excited about the ratings. The whole night was down, there were hurricane-related preemptions, and there was a one-and-done playoff between the San Francisco Giants and New York Mets, significantly impacting those two markets. Can’t see it as either a cause for alarm or for celebration (for those wishing for the show’s demise). I think we’ll have to wait on future episodes to tell us if there is a trend. On balance, a good episode and one that was better than I expected it to be.
  5. Maybe the Prentiss scenes are part of the story JJ's telling Will? The biggest challenge with 'newly-created flashbacks' is Reid's hair.
  6. Or D) they do it because it amuses them to watch the fans react.
  7. I completely agree, Droogie. And I don't give the actors a pass, either, as 'just doing a job'. A guest star has the privilege of simply acting, and portraying whatever he is given to portray in the given episode. But someone starring in a series has the additional responsibility of inhabiting the same character, show after show, in the most excellent way possible. That includes knowing, and protecting, backstory. It is the responsibility that goes with the privilege of continuous employment. I know there are people in all walks of life who just show up, put in their hours, and then go home. I know there are those who don't think it is important to strive for excellence in whatever occupies them from day to day. I don't admire or respect their attitudes any more than I admire or respect a writer, or an actor, who doesn't bring his best to every performance.
  8. The most amazing thing is that you come home, and it smells like someone made dinner for you. And then you think, 'oh, yeah---it was me!' Love my slow cooker.
  9. Thanks, Senin! I probably should have warned you that I use a lot of idiom, which might be annoying to the non-native English reader. But, maybe it's a good way to learn more, as you point out. I've heard of people who learned the language through watching situation comedies, and thought it helped them learn both the text and the sub-text.
  10. It would have been interesting had there been a Halloween episode, written by KV and EM, directed by MGG, and wrapping up the Mr. Scratch story line. Alas. If the KV/EM episode was supposed to deal with Hotch and Mr. Scratch, perhaps it had to be moved to accommodate for changes. All conjecture on my part. If MGG is leaving, I hope his character gets a fitting exit story. Don't need a three episode arc, just a well-written story that maybe has a few subtle scenes as a set up beforehand. I think that would have been a better idea for the Shemar/Morgan departure as well.
  11. Definitely not as many as they have. It has begun to look like a slow turnover of the entire cast.
  12. http://deadline.com/2016/09/criminal-minds-damon-gupton-new-series-regular-thomas-gibson-replacement-1201829295/
  13. Finally had a chance to watch. I have to give credit where credit is due. For all of my concerns and complaints about the writing, I thought this one was very good. I felt compelled to pay attention, which I greatly respect, and it held my interest throughout. Just wish they’d done their homework re: continuity. I guess, technically, they had continuity with the previous continuity error, where they mentioned Diana and Reid planning to fly to Paris, but…no, that doesn't count. I did like the newbie, and I even liked Tara in this episode. She’s taken a full season to grow on me. Luke is a little too jovial for a ‘first in/last out in a war situation’ kind of guy, but I think he can be a good fit for the team. Just enough ego to do the job, not so much that he’ll be difficult to work with. Very bittersweet knowing we have so little of Hotch left to us. He was as marginalized as he’s been for many episodes over the past few years, and more so than I would have expected in an episode so infused with Mr. Scratch. As I suspect will be true of many, I will forever wonder what the denouement of Mr. Scratch was supposed to be, no matter how it plays out during the season. I agree with those who think Reid’s lines were delivered too quickly. To me, it always makes sense that he should fast-talk when he’s explaining a concept that excites him, but not when he is having a normal exchange. I kind of wish Reid’s voice inflection would grow up with the rest of him. Definitely passed the Reid-meter, and I’m thrilled that they dressed him like a grown up and found a comb for him to use. I will miss Hotch terribly this season. Terribly. But I also have to admit that there just might be a chemistry here that can sustain the show past season twelve. I hope they move forward with liberal references to their absent unit chief, and do not ‘erase’ the character, as Thomas Gibson indicated they might. There is much gold to be mined in the reactions of the characters to whatever unfolds with Hotch. Please don’t blow it, CM.
  14. Thank you, Normasm. By definition, 'unsubstantiated rumor' is gossip. Not cool.
  15. It's a slow-cooker recipe. Whatever amount of boneless chicken breast you like. I cut it into smaller pieces for more consistent cooking. Covered by equal parts (however much you need) of: Catalina salad dressing (or the old 'Red Russian' dressing), Any kind of yellow fruit jam/preserve/marmalade----apricot, peach, orange (although, of course, Reid will know the difference), Half an envelope of dry onion soup mix (or just chopped onion, if that's all you have). Put it going, go to work, and come home to dinner. It's a sweet/sour thing, like the meatballs with chili sauce and grape jelly (same concept).
  16. I think the thing with fanfiction is that most of us are drawn to write because of the characters, and it's hard to write for the characters without wanting to explore more about them. So, for me at least, there's an inherent movement toward looking at what makes them tick, how they react to things, and what they do in the time not spent on cases. That pretty much always involves some type of relationship, whether friendship, family or romance. If I want cases, independent of the characters, I'll just watch another show. I've only ever written for CM, so I can't tell if it's me, or Reid. But I find him to be such an intriguing, attractive character, that it's easy for me to see someone falling for him, even a teammate. Like ReidFan, I can't see him actually in a romantic relationship with anyone on the team as they are currently portrayed, and I wouldn't want to see it on my TV screen. I think that, for each of them, it would remain a strong friendship with just that hint of flirtation or 'what might have been', and that would be plenty for me. But, for some reason, in fanfiction----or, more correctly put, in my fanfiction----it almost always seems to grow into more. Not something I ever set out to do---the characters just keep taking over, like they're in charge. Which is your warning, Senin, when you get to my stories. If Reid/JJ is not to your liking, stick with the one chapter post-eps. And I guess Before I Sleep is safe. Beware most of the others!
  17. Or things could be integrated---some recipes get a photo, some a piece of CM trivia, some a vignette. Photos would be most challenging because of copyrights. Unless someone wants to take one for the team and travel to LA to take their own? ReidFan? Glad you all enjoyed it. Just an example. Would need one for Reid's Apricot Chicken and Henry's Chocolate Chip Pancakes.
  18. This is just a 'quick and dirty', but a few of the recipes could be accompanied by something like this: “Henry!” The little blonde looked up at his godfather. “What?” From the tone of his voice, and the twinkle in his eye, Reid could tell that Henry knew, very well, ‘what’. “You can’t lick your finger and stick in in the sugar! We’re rolling the sugar mint cookies in that. You’ll get germs all over it.” JJ laughed as she deposited another spoonful of squash into Michael’s mouth. “Spence, I hate to break it to you, but this place is pretty much germ central.” “Ugh! Please don’t tell me that!” He’d been fastidious in making Henry wash his hands before they’d started the baking project, and washed his own equally well. She shrugged an apology at him. “Sorry. Goes with the territory. Kids, germs. Two kids….” “Exponentially more germs. Well, we’re going to bake them anyway. I guess that will pretty much kill most of the germs.” Doing his best to rationalize, mostly for his own benefit. JJ spooned another helping into Michael as she watched her son and his godfather rolling dough balls through the less-than-pristine sugar. “You know, I’m surprised you like to bake,” she said. “Especially cookies.” Reid squinted his lack of understanding at her. “Why ‘especially cookies’?” “Because of the every-ten-minute thing. You like to bury yourself in a project. I can’t imagine you enjoy interrupting it every ten minutes.” “Ah,” he said, as he rolled another cookie between his palms, “there, you would be wrong. Didn’t I ever tell you that my mom used to bake?” “She did?” “When I was little. Maybe three or four. She wasn’t that sick yet, and she used to cook. And…well, I didn’t have that many friends who liked the things I liked, so I used to help her. It was all chemistry, after all.” JJ chuckled. “Were you going for a PhD in cooking?” “Ha. No. But…remember, I’d learned to read before I was three, and I couldn’t get enough of it. But, as you pointed out, baking cookies was a little disruptive…” “So you gave up on the cookies?” “Uh-uh. I learned to read faster. Pretty soon, I could get through a whole child’s book between batches, and then a whole chapter of a chapter book, and then several, and then….” Her eyes widened. “Are you saying that baking cookies taught you to read at 20,000 words per minute?” He shrugged. “Maybe.” JJ looked from Reid, to Henry, to Michael, and back to Henry again. “Hey, Buddy. After you put those cookies in the oven, why don’t you read your brother a story?”
  19. Here you go, Senin. https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2085174/TheKnittingLady
  20. Thanks, Ladies. Sorry about that malfunction, ReidFan. Maybe I can try to remember to send you a PM, or to put up something here. As it is, I only remember about once a year. Want to point out that we also have TKL, whose stories about Spencer Reid are among the most imaginative on the site.
  21. In the brief snippets I've seen, Luke comes across as a tough guy who might not know what to make of Spencer Reid. I can see him keeping his own distance while he tries to size up the reputed genius who is, apparently, known as 'the guy who doesn't shake hands.' (Except by all the people whose hands we've seen him shake.) I think it would be interesting to watch Luke come around on Reid, rather than the converse, and I think it would be interesting to see some conflict in the process. But I really don't want them to intimate that the two could ever have anything like the Morgan/Reid relationship. I don't even think Morgan and Reid could have it again, if they were just meeting now. I think it was a thing of its time, based on the relative ages and experiences of the two characters. So, who in the FBI is spreading the word about "the guy who doesn't shake hands"?
  22. Yep, that's how it starts. Are you writing yet?
  23. Potential story idea, need some input. Hypothetical situation, and some questions: If you were tasked with fostering a social media campaign aimed at damage control, how would you go about it? Would you use Twitter? Facebook? Snapchat? Forums like this one? Online newspapers/journals? Blogs? Other means? Would you control the information by limiting responses, or would you allow free exchange? Would you try to influence that exchange? If so, how would you accomplish it? Would you reach out to individuals sympathetic to your cause? Would you seek out individuals who seem easy to influence? If so, how would you identify them? Would it be standard practice to have a cadre of individuals already poised, for whatever cause needs to be promoted? Once recruited, how would you reward/retain them? With money? Goods? Privileges? Would you do it directly, or use a middleman? A PR firm, or an individual? Not that I have any business thinking about a new story!
  24. Congrats, ReidFan! I tend to be too wordy, so for the story I've got going now, I decided to give myself a personal challenge to get my point across in fewer words. Lasted a whole two chapters. Turns out that, for me, it's less work to write more. But I'm determined to get back to the challenge.....when I have more time!
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