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  1. Post-ep 12X17, In the Dark https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12417812/1/What-If
  2. I didn't think there was anything suspicious about it. I just call her fast-talking because she is. I'm from NY, and even I think she speaks too fast!
  3. It's hard to get to know the new characters when you are not watching them. Tara has grown on me, but I'm still not crazy about her. I actually do like Luke and Stephen. But there are just too many of them, and it is diluting the interactions on screen.
  4. That's the stuff that is most annoying. They played down the JJ/Reid friendship for years, resurrected it in little bits over the past couple of seasons, and then highlighted it in the last few episodes. It certainly seemed like they were using it as an emotional anchor for the arc. And then, last night, poof!, it was gone. So now, i don't want to invest emotionally in pretty much anything to do with the rest of the arc, because I don't trust that whatever I latch on to won't disappear just as suddenly, and mysteriously, as this, and all of the rest of the friendships have. It's not like the case was so compelling that they didn't have time.
  5. They can't very well change things as the arc is airing, because the rest of the episodes have already been filmed. What they could have used was a focus group, as they were putting the idea together. Right now, it seems to be playing out as an exercise where they all got excited about whatever the payoff will be at the end (and I am sincerely hoping there is a payoff), and that caused them to forget about what fans' perceptions would be of this long, drawn-out road that gets us there. Even if they think they've got a 'gotcha!' in the bag, where we'll find out that the team has been at work all along, or they have some other surprise up their sleeves (like Morgan), I don't think it will be enough to undo the damage being done with these interim episodes. HG, I'm with Unkempt. There's no hatred involved (coming from the show, at least). Just the usual tone-deafness, in an environment thrust upon them by circumstance. There is always opportunity in crisis, and sometimes greatness ensues. And sometimes it doesn't. And, no, TG is the only Hotch I want to see on my screen. I don't think the role should have been recast. But they could have easily milked his having to go into witness protection for a few episodes, with a bookend and some lines here and there. They're just not good at integrating storylines. Never have been.
  6. I actually think that one of the things MGG is doing really well in this arc is keeping the 'old Reid' present in the character. It would have been easy to fall into a different persona, given the environment and the change in the character's appearance. But, especially when he's talking to someone non-threatening like Luis, he sounds to me like the same Reid I know and love. He's being traumatized, but he's seen much of it before, including having seen someone killed right in front of him (Third Life and, obviously, Zugzwang), or take their own life despite his attempts to save them. He's up to a beating, or so he thinks, because he's had them before, too. He's seen all of this before, and survived it. Especially because his beating took place because he chose to sacrifice himself, I think he can come out of this as intact as he's come out of anything else---which is to say, that he may be emotionally battered, but not irrevocably so. What will hurt him a lot more is to find out that his friends aren't trying to save him.
  7. I'll give it two more letters than Daniel did---NRF. No redeeming features. I didn't even like the soundtrack tonight---it's always a bad sign when I notice the music. For me, the Luke/Shaw thing was just more bizarre in a long string of bizarre things about the whole Reid arc. I couldn't get a handle on why either of them were acting as they were. Reid's 'bruised' make-up wasn't very good. And I thought for sure he'd have some sore ribs. The Reid scenes lost their edge for me this week. It felt as though the last few weeks were of a piece, as though the same person had maybe written all of them. This week, it felt different and, for me, some of the momentum was lost. And they did that thing with the 'promo' being the last scene again. JJ was crying over a physically healthy Reid last week, then no apparent reaction or concern at all this week, after he's been beaten. Did no one tell her? Or is there a 'cry' column on Garcia's chart? I hope Reid is going to find a way to save himself, because his friends sure aren't proving to be of much help. It didn't occur to Emily to call his lawyer about getting him into protective custody until he got beat up? Good thing Fast-Talking Fiona has already submitted that request, because, according to her, 'the wheels of justice turn slowly'. But she's also trying to get the trial moved up. Not sure that's good news, since no one is looking for any evidence to exonerate Reid. Instead, according to Stephen, they should just 'let the system work'. And Emily thought that was cute. I wouldn't mind the Garcia/Alvez stuff as much if it wasn't being played out in the face of Reid suffering in prison. But it is, and I do. I know this is an experiment on the part of the show. But the poor technique in trying to stretch out the Reid story is just evidence to me that they didn't have it planned out all that well. Or maybe they just don't have all that much story to tell.
  8. Hoping we're not blowing things up in the dark again. Maybe another night wedding at Rossi's? I saw the picture of Harry with the harp and fanwanked that we might be getting a scene of Diana and the pearly gates. If so, I would hope to see Maeve waiting there for her. But I think it's just a boring old wedding.
  9. I agree with everything about this post, including the treatment of Reid. We've seen 'mature Reid' from time to time, and I sincerely wish he would stay. Maybe, if MGG continues, this storyline will finally force all of the writers to write him maturely. And I do think MGG has to own some of the 'hang dog look', which I wish would also disappear. He knows how to look concerned and worried without looking like a lost little boy---he's shown us. As to the hair----I can take it, as long as it's combed.
  10. I think I'm with you, Revolver. (I just this second realized the significance of the name---yes, I can be slow on the uptake). I like each of the new team members, including Walker, whose name I have finally memorized. Tara took me a while, but I'm on board now. But there are just too many of them, coming on too quickly. If this is supposed to prepare us for a team turnover, I wish they would send all the newbies to work the case of the week, and leave the old team to deal with Reid and Scratch.
  11. Well, I don't know that Reid is quite ready yet. Maybe one day. I also don't think anyone can fill Hotch's shoes. and I don't think Emily was meant to. Every new leader puts their own imprint on the group they lead. She will do her thing, just as Hotch did his. I know you're still in school, but once you have a long term job (guessing you might have held a job or two already?), you'll see how things can change, and be different, but not better or worse. It's only human to compare, and plenty of people don't choose to adapt (so they move on), but most people focus on their own work, and keep doing what they're good at doing. I think we're seeing that with the BAU. Even if I don't recognize half of them.
  12. It might be more similar for you in those times when Reid is intense and angry (eg, Uncanny Valley). It may be harder for you to see when he is 'intent' and 'intense', such as when he makes a breakthrough or gets excited about an idea. Both men are intense, but different things bring it on, and the expressions are different, because their personalities differ so much. This entire conversation is making me miss the Hotch/Reid interaction. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I could see Hotch grooming Reid for a leadership position. I think Hotch respected Reid in a way that neither Gideon (who I think used him) nor Rossi (who is amused by him) would even consider.
  13. Actually, I love French Toast. I didn't really see the exchange between Morgan and Hotch as 'telling off'. I saw it more as Hotch pushing Morgan in a direction, and telling him what it was going to take for him to be a true leader. That's tough love mentoring.
  14. Agreed. And I think the fact that he is knowingly putting himself in danger, for a good cause, rather than becoming the hapless victim, is what will preserve him through this. When it looked like he might be traumatized just for being there, I was worried about how he would come out the other side. Now I know---he'll be battered and bruised, but still Reid.
  15. I think Hotch pointed out the difference between them in 'Mayhem', when he said that Morgan doesn't trust his colleagues as much as he would need to, to be a leader. He has more confidence in himself, and has trouble delegating, when it comes to the big things. Ironically, that kind of personality trait is as likely to be born of insecurity than anything else. Morgan had a need to prove to himself, over and over, that he was bigger and stronger than the bad guy, especially after his history with Carl Buford. I think Hotch had more than a hint of a dark side. He was definitely stoic, and most often quiet. But he could erupt, and I like to think that his eruptions bothered him. What is it called when he does that? A 'Hotchalanche'? In the early seasons, before Hotch was repeatedly traumatized, he had a sense of humor, which made only rare (and very welcome) appearances in later seasons, and he was a considerably 'lighter' character. It wasn't surprising that the loss of his family changed him, but I did miss that aspect of his personality.
  16. Intra/post-ep 12X16, Assistance is Futile https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12410319/1/Broken-Promises
  17. This is my fear, that Morgan will swoop in, with much focus, to save the day, and we'll end up in Rossi's backyard once again. I love the Morgan/Reid relationship, and I wouldn't mind seeing Derek show up soon to visit Reid and maybe run some intel from whatever position he now holds. I also wouldn't mind having him appear for just a cameo, at the end. But if the team needs Morgan to get their work done for them, they're in trouble, because Morgan isn't available next season.
  18. Ah, okay, it was Erica. I am the holder of the apparently unpopular opinion that she does not 'lie', but simply 'spins'. So I agree that she would not have described it as a Reid story, if it had not been intended as such from the very beginning.
  19. Don't think so. I don't doubt that we would have had a Hotch arc, and that his would have been the big story. But I believe it was MGG who said that this particular story line was discussed, for Reid, during the filming of last season's Derek Morgan goodbye episodes. Do I have that wrong? I just don't know that it was intended to be during this season, or maybe it was just not intended to be this long.
  20. HG--which part are you referring to? What (or who) should have been Hotch?
  21. I guess my point is that we actually knew nothing of her preferences as a sports spectator----and now we do. Maybe some day we'll find out her favorite work of art, or piece of music, and that will be news to us, too. Personally, I like learning new things about the characters. I would agree that I don't appreciate contradictions to what has come before. But, in this case, nothing has come before.
  22. To belabor the point, can you help me remember the episodes where JJ's sporting interests were mentioned? The only one I can remember is the one where she said she'd had a soccer scholarship to college---i think it was North Mammon.
  23. I don't know if she likes Mozart, either. Why can't she make a revelation about her preferences?
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