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Everything posted by DrivingSideways

  1. Why does HGTV program the episodes so that the final reveal of how much money they made gets cut off? If they are trying to make me DVR the show afterwards, I refuse to!
  2. I'm talking about his first and second book, like I stated :-) I haven't read the third one but heard him promoting it.
  3. I really enjoyed the first book... tried the second one and couldn't finish it. I heard Andy on Howard Stern describing the threesome story and his smoky (in a bad way) voice just made it sound so trashy and gross.
  4. Once again, Team Vicky & Kelly! Yes, they are insane, and Kelly's comments remind me so much of Donald Trump, that I can't deal. But Heather, Shannon and Tamra are so hypocritical that I love to see them get slammed, even if it's by those crazy ladies. Kelly is right - the 'world' does hate Heather now. It was fun to see Heather react incredulously to that very true statement. Shannon, any damage to your daughters is on YOU - both from your unhealthy marriage, and then from dragging it out on this show. If I didn't think she was unbalanced from her previous outbursts ON THIS SHOW, that story about wandering around hammered and blacked out was disturbing. I don't think David beats the shit out of Shannon, but this couple has definitely gotten physical. They are deeply unhappy and it bleeds out of the screen. That's probably what connected Shannon and Vicki in the first place. From Vicki's perspective, I can see why she went nuclear. Shannon has been selling this perfect life on the show, while Vicki's fell apart. Was she complicit in Brooks' lie... in my opinion, a little, but not to the extent she's been painted. I was glad Vicki stuck to her story and didn't apologize about Kelly's gossip. Tamra lecturing anybody about gossiping is extremely hypocritical and hilarious. Tamra and Vicki may fight but will always come back together, because they are the same person, except Tamra is way more devious and hateful. I remember the Naked Wasted episode, I thought it was extremely disturbing - but Vicki did NOT actively participate. In fact, she tried to tell Tamra that Gretchen was drunk enough.
  5. My apologies if I came off as cavalier about HBCU!! When I said I understood Wendy's point to a degree... I just meant that we've all heard that line of thinking. Not that I agree. Wendy never addressed Jason's firing, and I doubt he planted that HBCU seed in her head, I think that was all Wendy. It just seemed to me that Wendy had to make amends for pissing off the wrong people, and Jason's head rolled. Maybe he had really bad attendance or something, I don't know. But man, if somebody has to be fired, why not Suzanne??
  6. I hear you. Wendy wasn't promoting policy to restructure the college system. She was merely musing, offhand, that if there were whites only universities, people would freak (and yes I know and Wendy knows that HBCU are not black-only). It was exactly the sort of random comment one might make to their friends which gets instantly politicized in the grander sphere. So what I really wanted Wendy to do was to come on her show, tell the talking heads to fuck off, and acknowledge that she was talking out of her ass but it was a harmless comment. I was shocked at her apology tour and then the firings. WEAK, WENDY. I've always thought Suzanne looked slightly terrified of being fired, constantly. And Wendy makes sure everybody knows that Suzanne's children are NOT to call her Wendy, but Mrs. Williams. That's all well and good, but don't remind us weekly that you corrected them once back in the day.
  7. Yea, Jason was the white guy that hung with Norman. He was all over her Instagram and I thought he was cute so I miss him lol. I don't remember the exact details, but Wendy said that she thought historically black colleges and university could be prejudicial to non-blacks. I don't remember how it came up but it was one of her dumb segues. Anyway, she got absolutely read for it, had to apologize, and then later blamed it on her team. A few heads rolled, including Jason. I don't think she should have gotten shit over it in the first place but firing people for her off the cuff comment was harsh. Yeah, I read that Suzanne is a producer. In small doses she never bothered me. This season I've had enough though.
  8. I thought Andy's first book was a fun and quick read. So when I picked up the second one, I was surprised I could not get through it - it was incredibly boring, despite being essentially a gossip rag about most of my favorite stars. So I don't anticipate trying to get through this one either. I die inside when I hear him chirp "GAME TIME!!" so it's been nice having a brief respite. It is funny when he introduces two very accomplished guests, then hauls his book out to talk about himself for three minutes. How embarrassing.
  9. I wonder if Vicki is eyeing Trump's election and thinking "I could do that!"
  10. I dunno. My viewing party loved Kelly and Vicki. Kelly nailed All the women at various points about their hypocrisy. Shannon knowing in her heart Vicki was right about the vow renewal.... and my favorite quote - Vickis "we all talk behind each other's back". Kelly and Vicki are crazy but made their cases against the other 3 adequately. The montage of Tamra being a toxic troll in previous seasons was great.
  11. I love Molly, but she does not deserve Jared! So he let a guy blow him - I have to agree with Molly's coworker who was all "Can't a ... get his D sucked?" I feel for Molly, feels like she's going through shit trying to figure out exactly who she is. I want Lawrence to run away with the bank teller. I just don't find Issa particularly likable. I never really liked Carrie Bradshaw either though, so sometimes disliking the main character can work.
  12. Turns out Andy's polls were the only accurate ones.
  13. Thank you. And also - who the hell knows - maybe Sophia would live to 110! It happens! Picture it, Miami, 2016....
  14. I just saw the episode where Blanche says "I took an 84 yr old woman and made her look like a 65 yr old drag queen" a line that never fails to amuse me. That episode was from 1990, so I guess Sophia was born in 1906. Although the timelines on this show are so ridiculous, who knows? Hard to believe Sophia would be 110 now.
  15. I've always tolerated Suzanne in the past, but this season she is just so extra, I can't handle it anymore. She's almost special needs at this point. I guess Wendy needs a clownishly over the top hype man but I can't even watch her anymore. And somebody mentioned earlier in the thread, but it bears repeating - I absolutely hate when Suzanne and Wendy have a quick convo as the phone rings. It's so corn-ty. Wendy looks great this season, by the way. I miss Jason. You suck for letting him take the fall over your unPC kerfuffle, Wendy.
  16. Like it or not, it is Vicki's show. She's not going anywhere. And Kelly was the only reason this entire season wasn't watching Shannon, Heather and Tamra clink champagne glasses and blow rainbows up each other's asses. Kelly has mental issues and Vicki is insane, but the other three are so delusional and pompous, I can't help but root for Kelly/Vicki. And somehow Meghan became the voice of reason this season. Shannon's multiple declarations about how she and David are in love forever and their love will never die will probably be embarrassing in 18 months when they are in the middle of a rancorous divorce - and you know the Beador divorce will be a shit show that will make Tamra's divorce from Simon look like a cakewalk. I wish Vicki had pushed back harder on these women, but she had the perfect shade for Shannon - "I worry for Shannon". What's worse, lying about cancer, or beating your wife? Brooks is a scumbag but none of these women believed him in the first place. Based on social media, I have a feeling Vicki will be back next season, with Gretchen and Lizzie joining Kelly to give her backup. I hate Gretchen but she's way more stable and calculated than Kelly, and she knows where the bodies are buried with Tamra, so maybe it's time for her to return and go head to head with Shannon/Heather. Their fake fancy pants Mean Girls party needs to end.
  17. Jared is so cute and chill, and he's got a job... I understand Molly's choice but I hope and assume she will circle back to him. They kind of remind me of Steve and Miranda on SATC. What did y'all think of Molly's new black coworker and their interaction?
  18. I never read the Housewife blogs on Bravotv.com, but between Heather's appearance on WWHL and Shannon's weak defenses in the blog, it's pretty clear they wanted to take down Kelly. Which would normally be fine, but it totally derails any upper hand they had in the situation. One particular comment of Shannon that stuck out to me: "But what is most distressing about Kelly’s blog is her statement that Tamra hit her. Tamra did no such thing. She pushed Kelly and quickly walked away. I was witness to everything, as well as the other ladies present." Isn't pushing somebody still assault? Anyway, we've all seen that crazed weasel look that Tamra gets in her eyes, and physical violence is definitely in her wheelhouse. Remember when she attacked Jeana in her driveway?
  19. Heather has always been a mean girl. I had just started to get over my anger at her when she was so mean to Shannon & David a few seasons ago... calling those multi-millionaires 'construction workers' and trash, basically. She and her scumbag husband just started to grow on me again. Tamra has made a choice. Her ex and her daughter are mortified by her behavior on this show, the nadir of which was the naked wasted episode, which was truly shocking to me. Not being a Gretchen fan, I don't think it's being over dramatic to describe what occurred as an attempt to get Gretchen so wasted that she would sleep with Tamra's son - it was verging on rape. Even Vicki, Tamra's bestie, had reservations about it at the time - she thought they were going to trick Gretchen into getting trashed to embarrass her, but Tamra morphed it into getting Gretchen to sleep with her son to prove that Gretchen didn't care about Jeff. Now Gretchen knowingly did the drinking, much like Kelly - but it didn't stop me from being truly disturbed by Tamra. Rather than quit the show, focus on her family, and repair her relationship with her daughter, Tamra continues to film, but under the guise of Christianity now. Tamra must be making $1M+ a year, so I understand it's tough to walk away from. But at the end of the day, she has made a choice, her wallet over her daughter, and that's why I can't clutch my pearls that Kelly brought up her kid. And I'm also fine with Heather bringing up Kelly's daughter. Really, all of these people should be mortified as parents.
  20. Shannon asking the waiter to make them doubles secretly it what made it seem so sinister. Heather playing her old gaslighting game - Glad the editors caught on. Not sure why Tamra gets in Vickis face next week but her true colors are on display again. Maybe THAT is why her daughter doesn't speak to her. And the odious Meghan is now the most tolerable OC housewife. What is happening. Truly disturbing season.
  21. Having to set up closed captioning to watch Insecure will probably be the whitest thing I ever do! I'm so embarrassed.
  22. It's not just me? I WANT to hear everything, but some stuff is just unclear.
  23. Thanks for the heads up... although this doesn't help me - I don't get home until after 5, and my local Fox affiliate loves to pre-empt Wendy for the most ridiculous reasons. I should probably just record the BET airing to be safe.
  24. I kind of wish Molly was the main character and Issa was her wacky friend. I did like seeing Issa all confident about her choice to leave her boyfriend, but once her job seemed to be in jeopardy, she wanted to fall back into the safety of her relationship. That seemed like a realistic scene. I'm from LA and it seems unlikely that someone who grew up here would NEVER have seen the ocean? Especially since it sounds like Molly is from the Crenshaw area and it's literally like 10 miles away. I'm guessing that's true and it fascinated me. There were a few scenes where the characters talked so fast that I had no clue what they were talking about. Maybe that was intentional but I hope I didn't miss any great dialogue. Between this, Atlanta, Better Things and High Maintenance, there are so many great 30 minute shows on my viewing calendar lately. TV is so much better than it used to be, and it's because they are telling stories about people that used to be ignored. It's telling that of that list, half of them were web series first.
  25. This show is very angry and tense, and no character is particularly likable. It's hard for me to get invested in a show when it's written and acted like a room you just want to get out of. And I thought the premise was that they decide they are better off apart so they don't end up like Molly Shannon... I guess we are building to that point. Will continue to watch but so far, this is kind of depressing.
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