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Future Cat Lady

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Posts posted by Future Cat Lady

  1. Jill and Jinger are the only one using some form of birth control because they married non-quiverfull men.

    Justin and Claire don't have any kids after two years of marriage, but we have no clue if they're preventing pregancy or have fertility issues.

    As for Jessa, I don,t believe for one minute that she uses some form of family planning besides having a headache or have one of the kid sleep in their room.

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  2. 1 hour ago, merylinkid said:

    My thoughts exactly.   

    And of course, Jilly is "healing" while having the ability to post freaking everywhere on SM.  

    Bad thought -- did Jill have a "miscarriage" because it came out that Jessa had one and was getting a ton of sympathy online?     Jilly got jealous/saw a grift opportunity and ran with it?

    Jill posted about her miscarriage before Jessa.

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  3. 33 minutes ago, FizzyPuff said:

    I’m surprised there’s a few single mothers giving birth on that show, teenagers, people dating and kissing and they’re not even married! So scandalous 🤣

    They are also a few episodes about abortion. 
    Those nuns are pretty openminded and non-judgemental. But Jill probably thinks they’re not the right kind of christians.

    • Like 15
  4. 17 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

    As soon as I saw the title I knew they wouldn’t even discuss the possibility in this video. She’s trying so hard to copy Carlin’s ridiculous click-baity style.

    To be fair, a lot of Youtube videos have click-bait titles. It might even be recommended by YT as a way to increase views.

    • Like 2
  5. The book is ghostwritten by someone who works for that church. I’m sure he’s the one who wrote all the thelogical/doctrine parts of the book. The book is a product of this church. 

    She goes on TV to promote the book that promotes that church. Even if she doesn’t say it, people interested to know will look it up. I’m sure some wanted to know what her new faith was.

    • Like 11
  6. I wished the people who interviewed Jinger had done their homework and confronted her about her new church.

    And yes I know that they probably had a predecided list of questions they were allowed to ask, but it irritates me that they promote this church on national TV.

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  7. 15 minutes ago, chediavolo said:

    Well, they didn’t really need her consent obviously or it would’ve been a big deal by now. Plenty of movies are made without peoples consent, especially when you are a public figure.. it’s not like most of the movie wasn’t realistic. She put herself out here in that revolting  world of playboy and then acting the sex goddess until her looks finally faded, even with all plastic surgery & make, up still not dressing her age in her 50s. I’m so tired of these women willingly posing nude for money, vanity, fame , whatever.  living the life and then crying about it . Once again, I guess you reap what you sow. As I said before her one, big redeeming quality to me is that she is an animal activist. 

    Pamela has every fucking right to be upset about the miniseries. It brings back into the media a very difficult time in her life, and I'm pretty sure it made a lot people search for the tape on the internet. A whole new generation has now seen it.

    That tape  was in a safe in her home and it was stolen. It doesn't matter if she's a nun or a playmate. Her privacy was violated and she never consented for it to be made public. It's a crime.

    I watch the documentary out of curiosity. I thought  it was interesting and I found her really sweet.

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  8. 8 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    Anna's last Insta post was indicative of her mindset. It said that there was "more to the story." Given that FF's defense is trying to blame Caleb Williams, I think that's where Anna was pointing. I don't believe that she's accepted his guilt. Who knows what she's told the kids? 

    That was months ago. Who knows what her mindset is now. Also, I would not be surprised that she knows he did it, but stands by him anyway. She stood by him after knowing about the molestations and the cheating.

    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    But they don't know the truth. They know Anna's spin on it. They probably think Daddy will be released soon. Is false hope worse than the truth? 

    Actually, we have no idea what Anna really thinks or what she said to the kids. Most snarkers think Anna is in complete denial, but that’s speculation not a cold hard fact.


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  10. From all the comments about her book, it seems like Jinger blames Gothard for everything and her parents were great.

    I understand that she may not want to admit to herself and/or to the public that how bad her parents are.

    But I'm also wondering what is MacArthur's views on parenting? How much authority do they have compared to the Gothard ways?

    I'm asking because Jinger's book is basically propaganda for MacArthur's church, so they might not want to make parents look bad.

    Or maybe I'm not making any sense LOL!

    • Like 10
  11. On 1/24/2023 at 3:30 PM, GaT said:

    Nobody seems to be explaining why there were live rounds on the set to begin with. What possible reason could there be for live ammunition to be brought to the set? And who brought them?

    That's exactly what I've been thinking.

    Not only should there not be any live rounds on movie/tv sets, but also they should only use guns that have never ever had any live rounds in them.

    Also, with all the technology available, can they just make good movie props guns? There should be no need for the real thing.

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  12. I think a lot of the hardcore fundies will have negative opinions about Jinger's book. Going against you parents is unacceptable for them. But the book is not aimed at them. It's for the ones wanting to leave Gothardism (or other similar cults) and the fundie lite crowd. 

    I don't know how much she will go into details in her book about her new beliefs/church or if she names it, but I think the goal is to get readers interested in MacArthur. 

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  13. If Anna has indeed moved into the main house, JB has ensure that she doesn't leave. There is no reason why she can't stay in the warehouse by herself. JB could've let her stay there for free or a low rent. The building is on his property. He can't rent it to strangers.

    I know she has no income, but JB could employ her to do chores for him.

    Anna staying at the house means JB controls who has access to her and who she talks to.

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