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  1. This was always one of my all time favorite shows. For some reason I recently got an urge to rewatch so started a week or so ago binge watching my dvd set. I just finished season 2. Damn, what a great show this was!
  2. It’s harder in the US too. There are far more medical schools than vet schools
  3. That’s probably the most spot on description of Kate I’ve seen!
  4. Thank you for the recommendation. It sounds fascinating so I just ordered it.
  5. Except he really did. I’m a long time tennis fan and remember when Venus burst onto the scene. I can recall a match when commentators were pouring well deserved accolades on her, one remarked, quite incredulously, that Richard was telling the press that Venus’ younger sister was going to be even better.
  6. Plus there are strict limitations on the number of hours small children can be on set
  7. Years ago my mother put together scrapbooks filled with copies of handwritten family recipes and gave them to us kids at Christmas. I treasure mine and still pull it out and refer to it.
  8. I would describe it as Calvinball (fans of Calvin and Hobbs may remember)
  9. As I watched the awards this year, I remember thinking: one of these years they need to award Joni Mitchell. I am thrilled she is among the next set of honorees. Well deserved.
  10. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one having a problem with the video description. I tried watching last night and could not figure out how to get rid of it so I gave up. Tried tonight and it was fine
  11. Hudson0325

    Tennis Thread

    A compelling piece from The Guardian on the Osaka story https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwij-oOsifjwAhWM754KHWIOALIQFjAAegQIBBAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fsport%2Fblog%2F2021%2Fmay%2F31%2Fwere-not-the-good-guys-osaka-shows-up-problems-of-press-conferences&usg=AOvVaw3EbVrT9Z0IQUN9VtFpGl0Q
  12. The thing that stunned me the most was Sharon ( who by the way, I’ve never disliked before) was yelling at Sheryl to not cry, saying, “ If anyone has the right to cry, it’s me”. I thought, My God, here you have people discussing racism with two black women on the panel and the white woman has suddenly made herself the victim. When white folks ask BLM activists, how can we be allies? We are told by POC, “listen to us”. Sharon refused to do that.
  13. Saw an interview with Leo and Alana (it’s on the TAR Facebook page). Yes they are now married and not only that, they are very good friends with Will and James. According to Alana, Leo and James text daily.
  14. Hudson0325

    Tennis Thread

    I’m sure the network wanted a more competitive match. There wasn't a large crowd but the Novak crowd was very vocal. During the 3rd set when I was in another room I could tell when Novak won a point by the crowd.
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