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Everything posted by readster

  1. Exactly, they didn't try to be stereo typical. It was so refreshing for a show and what I think was the big problem was that Tim didn't like to think that Heidi was deciding to bail on her marriage for Al. However, as you said, it didn't come out that way. It didn't help a year later, we found out that he cheated with a co-worker during their "time away". Which was stereo typical and while they did fix things and at the end was pregnant with kid #2 (she was pregnant in real life and found out 2 weeks before they filmed the final episode). It showed that usually people who get into those situations don't usually split up or your root for them to split up. Right and it isn't, even when Tim jumps in at the end, all Tim had to say was: "Brad, you need to let Angela she doesn't need to do it. If she wants too, that's fine, but don't have it where she thinks she has to always do that." That's all it would take and instead it comes off as just a crazy episode, where Jill is so out of character and Wilson is right with her and his advice makes NO SENSE at all. The writers of this episode really didn't know what to do and have everyone coming off like an idiot no matter what. With Wilson, I did like it when they would reverse things like Jill counter acting him after what Tim said on the video because it was hurtful. Or when Wilson got the bad review for his stage show and him thinking of moving away from Tim. It showed that Wilson doesn't always know best and needs advice himself. However, the entire "oh what a step back for feminism" made Wilson sounds like he didn't even know what he was talking about. Especially for someone who was married himself once. His wife didn't do things for him without asking?
  2. Everyone looks rested from the summer too.
  3. If they hope for this show to survive in season 2. First of all, they need to make the cliffhanger non-existant. Second, they have to have them face their REAL problems in season 2. It should be about trying to rebuild a marriage and if they can't. Then they need to make it a less "stupid way" to try and divorce. This all started because Martin felt he didn't need to try anymore in his relationship. Lena because she couldn't open her mouth.
  4. Over the past few days, since the later season episodes have been on and the boys dating. I just realized (this could have been the casting department) the boys all dated blondes. Jennifer, Angela, Lauren, Jessica, Heather, Lauren's sister, ect. Outside the girl that Brad made out with when he threw the one Halloween Party and Lauren's friend and Angela's sister who they tried setting up with. There wasn't much difference. I also noticed that they did tone down Angela's motor mouth towards her last few appearances. I wonder if it was based on the actress or the writers. Same with Lauren's love of cars, we NEVER saw her interested or wanting to do more with hot rod with Tim after her second appearance. I did like she was a car girl, but not a tom boy. Usually shows did the tomboy who is a hot girl or if they were into cars, building, ect they were the tough girl. Something I did like on Home Improvement with Lisa, Heidi, Lauren and even Jenny McCarthy's character (shutter). They loved tools and getting their hands dirty, but were still women. All the other women were either idiots or against tools and stuff. One that still stands out to me was when they pushed the feminist agenda with Jill starting with Angela is making food and doing Brad's chores because they pushed that Wilson was a feminist and he comes across like a dolt in the episode. Not only does he agree with Jill's POV, his voice gets higher and his support of the cause made me want to go: "Umm... you have no idea what the hell you are talking about do you?" I can tell the writers didn't know how to write the stories and Patricia Richardson portrayed it as super bitch and Earl Hindman I could tell was: "I'm doing this for a paycheck, just shut up and do it." It's painful.
  5. No kidding, I know it had to do with Charles Robertson was busy with other projects, but it seemed the writers had to write very idiotic characters to make a story work. Maureen, Fred, Wes, Morgan. You knew the writers didn't know how a company worked outside basic of knowing there are buy outs and people get put in places of power no reason what's so ever. However, it has to make sense. Maureen was basically daddy left her in charge and he ran away to have sex with a woman half his age, but forgot about running a very successful portion of his company. Wes was: "Cut corners and budget, budget, budget." Fred was: "Duh... me not know what to do." Morgan was; "Copy this, copy that, I'm super awesome!" Basically they were Mr. Slate and the Board of Directors from the Flintstones. You have the load boss, who finds everything wrong, because he can. However, you find out they are being pressured by the higher ups who are worst and have limited views on things. But when it comes down to it, what would be the real solution? Get rid of the people who are causing money to go down the drain and put people who know what they are doing. Now, back onto things making no sense on the show tool wise. How about the interview area? You have it magically having control problems and other times it worked no problem. Why didn't it work the first time? Plus, if you could just pop up in the back drop if you got caught behind, why was it such a horror. Also, it was fast, but even men in their 40s could escape it, it wasn't moving that fast.
  6. Believe it or not, Captain America has a villain known as Dr. Mindbubble that creates bubbles like that that actually control people or have them live out fantasies and he wears the fedora. It's a pop culture piece to the T.
  7. The Tool Expo episode was on last night. So, two things that are a problem, the first is when Tim accidentally plugs in the wrong fan and messes up the insulation booth just across from him. When Tim goes to plug in what he think is the desk light fan and its one of the hall fans behind him. First of all, the cord is to the fan in front of him, not the one behind him. Plus, really, the person at the booth would leave all those fans switched to "on" and just unplug them? The angle is also wrong when it goes back to the fan blowing everything. The fan is then shown to be farther from Tim and to the right more so it blows directly on the insulation booth. If it would have been the other fan, like it was suppose to be. It would have hit the booth next to them. Later at the Bug Bomb booth when Tim accidentally knocks over the mosquito trying to chase hissy fit Jill (since the boys all ditched her). Tim wasn't standing close enough to know over the container an the top doesn't really break and yet the mosquitos all swarm no problem. Plus, why is everyone swatting when he has repellent and spray right there at the booth? Talk about false advertising. Brad is also shown to be more of a horn dog than ever. How he not only ditches Jill, but also Tim to see the hot tub models. I get Randy was with the other kid with the computer, but really no one had interest in going anywhere in Cleveland? Not like they went on a regular basis and all Mark did was go to the arcade on the trip. Where was he getting all the quarters? And no matter how you want to spin it, Jill eating all those fridge items, their bill had to be close to $400 and even if Binford was paying for the hotel. That was a horrible thing to do to the company and for someone who loved to complain about spending money on things (Jill a few episodes later would complain about the money Tim would spend "redoing" the hotrod for another year. She must have been pretty drunk to laugh at $18 nuts. Also, the photo of Wilson and the Beatles is one of the worst photoshop I have ever seen on TV and then Hall of Fame just let Jill walk out with it?
  8. Oh it was and pretty awesome. In fact, Tim putting a little movable motor on it, that isn't impossible. The problem with the episode is Fred Applegate's character using the the port-a-potty because the problem with example ones, they aren't filled with the chemical sanitation. Since you don't want that spilling and staining things. Plus, he had to go that bad and the fact he would have to clean up his own mess and that they would have to get it outside to a wash hose. That was out there. Another thing, when Al says: "And they were going to fire me." Well, duh Al, that was why. You rather just put things together and not be interesting. That was the problem with Bud, he didn't see how Tim and Al balanced each other. Without Al, everyone would get tired of Tim screwing up all the time. If Tim was gone, everyone would just see a boring repair, building person. Now, on a big question, when Tim was being hit by the former president on their budget problems. When he said the Man's Kitchen ate up their budget for the rest of the year, yet they get two famous Indie 500 race car drivers to show up. Not to mention the various guest stars from the Manhatten Transfer to Bob Villa showing up 3 times and even Kimberly Clarice Aiken, John Elway, Eric Hipple, Evander Holyfield, Sean Jones, and Bill Pickel for H4H. So, apparently, money was only a problem when Tim one Big Thing and decides to do a location filming. However, when Bud shows up and yes pours "more money" into Binford. They have no budget problems? It's one thing or the other, can't be both. I think it was more designed for Wes to try and get back at Tim, since they both hated each other. I just don't get why John Binford's family or board made Wes president. Yes, he was the 2nd best tool salesman for the company, but really none of the 3 daughters were interested in running the company or their possible spouses? That's not how the chain of command works or how Company Boards are ran.
  9. Yeah, even Nick at Nite made references to missing sisters even though they said there were a set amount, yet they named more. A lot of shows these days do have a set list of characters, but that doesn't mean things don't get forgotten or they choose plot over character/continuity to make a story work. That goes into Jill's father, it was an out of the blue phone call and he really thought that Jill would just cater to his usual ways, when they spent episodes telling him that they were older and that they had lives now that didn't revolve around him. Another thing was when Jill comes home before Tim tells her that he died. She talked about not only the day, but the last couple of days of having "me time". So, to show up and everyone think she was sick including: "You look like that and you are not sick, please." I wanted to go: "What does she look like? Looks like a person who just lost her father." Like I said, plot over character and just having that Tim admits he loves to go over board and doesn't get why everyone has to be "safe" just rang false. Same with everyone saying Heidi tested the hightest out of everyone. I know in the last couple of episodes where Morgan had Heidi dress in a tight outfit and have pom poms and smoke like it was the opening to a boxing HBO or Wrestlemania event (once again, Morgan sees copying as the way to get more ratings and viewers). I'm surprise Heidi didn't go: "I know I look hot, but I'm not doing this just for a paycheck, I have some self dignity. I mean Heidi even told Brad towards the end of the last season: "Brad, get over it, I'm married and have a kid." That was another thing, I know they showed that all the boys were attracted to girls, but having it to where Brad was horny towards the Tool Girl and that both Randy and Mark were like: "Yeah whatever." Yet, they were attracted to blondes or brunettes themselves. I mean Randy even portended to be a doctor to a much older woman online. You really are trying to tell us only Brad would look at Heidi or Lisa and go: "Damn!"
  10. I've noticed sometimes then panel members sometimes can't hear the questions. This time it was very obvious with the treasure hunter when he thought she asked him how long it "takes" to get certified. Not how long before it expires. My own father got his back in the late 80s, but after safety changes, he had to re certify back in 2004. He of course didn't do anymore, and my siblings weren't interested in diving, so he let it expire. However, I noticed a few times, even when we the audience hear the celebrities clearly. You can tell sometimes they don't hear them very well. Of course with the live audience laughing and so forth, it makes sense. However, I think they need to fix the sound system, because many times after the reveal. They would say: "I asked you this question." and the the panel member goes; "Oh, I didn't hear you right."
  11. No kidding, just like when we heard about Jill's other sister, Carol having a baby girl and when we see Carol the following year at the house in TEXAS, where is the kid? Oh wait, in the back stage comments. The writers said they had forgotten that was written, since it was different writers. Going back to that episode, that aired the other week, I just couldn't take that everyone really thought Jill was "still sick". Of course she looked pale, her father just died, but from the time line of Jill's dad dying, it was apparently a few days later. You don't think someone might recover from a cold by then? Or the fact that when Jill made up the lie, her dad wouldn't go: "Well, we will work some things out and come out next month or so." I got Jill's guilt, but it was so hammered in by everyone thinking that Jill was "sick", it go so old fast. I got everyone was in disarray from the death. However, it just got so old so fast. I didn't find it funny at all. Yeah, that's making the plot work for the story. It was like Heidi going into labor, they never mentioned she was that far along. I mean, her husband was out of town for the TV station. You don't think he didn't go: "Wait, my wife is due any day, I shouldn't go out of town." Of course Heidi would by one of those mothers who's first baby is right away, unlike about 89% of women who take hours to get kid #1 delivered unless a C-section is needed. While I have read stories of women who go into labor and the husband and paramedics are delivering kid #2 or #3 a half an hour later. Fastest one on any side of mine or my wife's family or with our friends was just over an hour and that was kid #4. Of course not the first time and since HI was a sitcom, some things never made sense just to make a story work. Two biggest glaring ones was when Tim bought the rental property and create a lease that was the side of a book. Even saying: "Why does everyone have to be 'simple' I just feel everything needs to go to the extreme." I get the writers were basically saying after 8 years that Tim is just obsessed with power. However, that was too much and then having Al using it against Tim was too much and vice versa. I mean really, even in the last few seasons, Tim never made up nick names when he introduced Al on Tool Time, because even Tim Allen thought it got old after a while. The second was Al having flannel withdraw, when he had been shown several times, even when Maureen Binford took over as producer. She was having Al dress in Hawaiian shirts and kakee pants. We even saw Al in western clothes, regular tuxes, ect. Then all of a sudden Bud wants Al to dress to attract more Gen X viewers (considering that who was watching the show) and he loses it? Just like how towards the end of the series, Bud suddenly didn't want to feature any Binford Tools on the show just before he introduced Morgan. Yeah, the writers were trying to say: "See, we were planning on Bud running out back then." Instead it came off as: "Why, by sabotaging his own company? Where is that a good business model?"
  12. The joke with Scrooge not willing to give any of his money and saving SHUSH money was from Casino Royal. When Felix offers to give Bond his set of money since the UK only gave Bond a set amount and he is out. It's so funny how Scrooge and Beckley made fun of FOWL's plan. If you think about it, FOWL had some really odd world conquering plans. I mean except for controlling the planet's oceans. Their other plans were a giant rubber ball, stopping the Earth's rotation so once stays frozen and the other side has constant sun (which doesn't really work in the long run). So, having Black Heron saying: "They will bounce here and there and beyond a care." I was rolling, FOWL still has very wacky ideas for world domination.
  13. The wife and I lost it when Black Heron was mocking the Gummy Bears theme song. Also, what lead to Webby now calling Scrooge, "Uncle Scrooge" was really touching. Since in the original series they bonded over getting the Map in Antarctica from the penguins. I did love seeing Van Drake again and SHUSH and being a call back to the old Avengers cartoon. Even the robot thugs from the old Mickey Mouse cartoon was a great touch. Such a wonderful call back to old Disney Cartoons.
  14. I also remember how Jill over reacted with Willow not calling them. Now, granted, she was staying with them and she went out one night and then they didn't hear her for almost 24 hours. That would have worried me, but when she told Willow she was 24 and needed to "grow up". Willow should have immediately said: "I'm sorry, you're right, that was stupid." Her reply was: "You sound like my parents." I wanted to go: "Well, duh! They are parents and their oldest is only 6 years younger than you." Plus, it seemed that Wilson's siblings didn't have that great of a relationship with him. Willow was about it and more reasons why she decided to move to Michigan, because she had a relative willing to let her be herself. OF course, after that episode that was gone and sow as Willow. Of course, the actress got a deal on another TV show, so not like she didn't have an excuse. Speaking of Jill, I was just watching her sisters visiting and trying to plan their parents 50th and them constantly arguing. I felt sorry for Jill, but things that don't make sense in the episode. I don't know about you, but the constant complaining from the boys about Tim making various meats and even Wilson complaining he got tired of the smell. This is from a guy who cooks squirrel and flank steak was bothering him? At least I got the boys not taking Tim's snoring. Then of course just the next episode with Tim getting Car Man of the Year. I get that it was Wednesday and why Jill didn't want the boys there because of school. However, Tim had 35 tickets for everyone to come see it and the only people who wanted to come were: Jill, Heidi, Al, Wilson and the boys? I mean, Lucille didn't want to see her son? Harry said no? Benny could have gotten a free meal and a ride? Everyone telling Tim they didn't want to or rather watch TV? It just rang false just like Jill not noticing that constantly driving the car her gas gauge was not getting lower and why they ran out of gas? I mean, I get it's a Nomad, but she was constantly driving the car back and forth from school and Brad was the only one driving at that time. Really, no one didn't put two and two together and go: "Wait, why do I still have a full tank of gas?"
  15. I also don't think it helped when Charles Robinson did Ink for a season on CBS and then did guest starts on a few other NBC shows during his 2nd season. Every time one of the shows failed it was: "Oh hey, remember Bud, what did he do last episode? Oh his wife was clueless and the actress is on another show. Let's have them split up, she was a ditz anyhow." Or: "Hey, the environment is a big thing, let's have it to where Bud being a modern business man ignore problems he most likely inherited from John Binford." Then let's never revisit those things again. The bowling episode with Bud was really the end of: "Bud hates everything" because I think the actors were tired of Tim bending over backwards for everyone. Even with John Binford guilting tim into things. Jill knew Tim's relationship and in the death episode, Jill had a lot of good things to say about John. That never happened with Bud. Plus, I hated Bud after he screwed up Tim and Jill's romantic weekend at the hotel. Then the business contact guy saying that all they had to do was tell him there were plans and he would of rescheduled. Bud acted like the guy was there that day and that day only and they would lose out on the network deal. I remember back then going: "What, does he live in Europe and is just passing by Chicago? I'm surprised that Jill didn't kick Bud between the legs at that point. Morgan just didn't make any sense, I'll hand it to the writers for introducing in a few episode to show how much of an ass he was. However, what did Bud hire him under? He had no understanding of the show, Binford Tools, or anything. He was: "Make money by copying others." Sure that can work in some regards, but his ideas were just plain bad. Even him saying once he got bored with the Jerry Springer staging, he said he go to back to "tool stuff", which is why Tim finally had it. I mean, Tool Time got people like Penn & Teller to 3 NASA astronaut teams who admitted watch the show. So, yeah, Jerry Springer staging in 1999 was the way to go? The hell? Yeah, I felt Wilson and Judith's relationship was just swept under the rug and forgotten. It wasn't like the actress went to another show, the writers just didn't know how to write dating Wilson. I liked how they found Mark's grove with movie making, majorly better than his goth phase. Because, while it wasn't too bad at first it kind of tapered off and even Mark got bored with it. However, when Heather drumped him, he was; "Time to shave my head and go back to full chains again." Even Noah said towards the end, he thought it was too much and wasn't a fan of "mono tone" Ronnie. Thinking it got old after the 3rd episode. As for Jill's lack of friends, yeah I just wonder it was so hard giving her friends, but writing her as being bitchy all the time in the last couple of seasons. It was just like Jill's bad cooking. They aired Lauren's first appearance last night in my area and when Jill felt so bad about her cooking being rejected and the PILES of cook books. Followed 5 episodes later that Jill got her cooking skills from her dad. I just wanted to go: "Really, why couldn't you just look over them before." She knew everyone hated her cooking, but never tried to fix it. Kind of like her piano playing. She went on and on for an entire episode about her love of this piano. Then she gets it and she can't play chop sticks. Then gets that really over the top piano teacher an episode later. Who even if you are at war, doesn't give you an excuse for not practicing your piano. Then Jill went on how busy she was and I wanted to go: "Then why do one more thing you know you won't have time for?" Plus, the boys shoved their underwear in the piano? What? Why not shirts, towels or socks. I mean, all their underwear? What did they 3 drawers of it? That be something teenage boys would miss.
  16. The only two times that Wilson's advice didn't work was: "War of the Wheels" when he brought up that Jill was trying to spend more time with Jill. Only to tell him, she wanted less time with him. Yet, she went into the garage, hated the smell and did stuff that Tim hated to drive him out, when where else was he going to work on the hot rod? Then of course when Tim and crew got called saying how boring her speech was at the library. She matches Wilson word for word and stumps him when he brings up a current philosopher who had been in the trade the last 5 years. In which, Wilson was long out of the education game.
  17. It reminded me of what happened when they put Arlene Bineford in the second season. Talk about such a horrible character, I mean they wanted to show that John Bineford was a family man, but still a business man. He was a leader, but he didn't mind running off and getting married to someone who was the same age as his youngest daughter (establishing that he had 3 daughters and why he looked at Tim as a son). John seemed to be old fashion, so when Bud came into the show I think they wanted someone who wasn't for Al for once. Even Richard Karn stated after season 2, he thought Al was "too perfect" and liked the conflict they had with him, but felt in the last 2 seasons, he became a "momma's boy" to the extreme. Plus him and Tim got to the point I'm surprise Al didn't deck Tim and vice versa. Their relationship got really bad until the last half of the final season. However, with that said, Bud was a boss. He wasn't a leader, he had money, felt he had worked himself into a position of awesomeness, but then forgot about where he came from like a lot of people do. Even his talk about how he did night classes and working full time to get where he was along with apparently raising 2 boys of his own. Yet, his wife, who had the brother stealing from the company acted like Bud was just a jealous cry baby and then they wrote him into being an idiot. Plus, when Morgan was put in charge, that doesn't work that way. They established that while Bineford had a main owner or president. The Bineford family sold the company to Bud. It wasn't like the previous president was sole owner, he was just in charge. When Bud took over he became the CEO with a board. I also saw the entire environmental problems inherited from John and Bud just kind of let it slide. Pretty much a generational thing. Things we didn't know that would cost us in the long run and then making the changes or just pretending they weren't happening and hope no one would notice until they had excuse to cut positions or sections into mergers. Morgan being put in charge, especially with his Jerry Springer idea, just rang so false. He came in as an asshole, who apparently had pictures on everyone. Then you add in so many shows were trying to copy Jerry Springer after the VHS stuff came out. People were tuning out going: "Seen it, stop trying to be a copy cat." Plus, if you look at the audience on Tool Time they were rolling their eyes on how bad it was. Plus, Morgan revealing he paid people to fight and it was all an act. Bud apparently left the previous day. So, to just walk off without anyone knowing until Morgan said the only person above him now was "God" just rang false and I know the writers themselves said they couldn't find a real excuse for Bud to leave, but the show was ending,so they just basically said: "Remember, he started an asshole, why not leave like that too?" It would have been interesting, plus you really would wondering if they would have brought Trudy in full time, because Al was always meant to get married at the end of the season, they just made it bigger because they knew it was the final episode. They might have brought in Mark and a regular girlfriend or had Kenny return transformed into less of a goth gangbanger, similar to what Boys Meets World did with the main bully. Making him a reform Zen master (that was perfectly timed). Plus, maybe having Jill have friends again, which when Amy, their neighbor left. They just had her classmate. Jill really had no friends, Tim had plenty or were referred to many times. Jill had crap.
  18. Same when both sets of my grand parents died, all of a sudden it was: "Well, we have our own family to worry about now." Now, they talk about seeing us, but never call any of us and that has pissed off my wife and now her family is starting to do it, which my mother warned her about. Sad how that happens and then everyone wants to do their "own tradition" but that means burning bridges in the process. Yeah, something that was funny too was they stopped picking on Mark as they got older. So, when it was just Brad and Mark, the relationship was majorly different and actually very refreshing. I think of the show would have gone on another season and Zach was planning on leaving the show too, would have been interesting to see how Mark dealt with the only kid at home, going to high school, not able to drive yet and how that changed things. They could have even explained that Randy finished early during the summer and then explained them gone. However, at that point, I do wonder how the show would have functioned. Al and Trudy getting married was thought up after Tim Allen said he wouldn't do another season no matter how much money was thrown his way. I know Pat Richardson wanted Jill's college days to be over as she felt she should have been done and it worked for the wrap up of the series. Would have been funny seeing Dr. Jill Taylor, bumbling shrink. On those notes, I still hate how things ended with Bineford, Morgan was a horrible character and at the end when he knew he get fired by the Board of Directors for Tim, Al and Heidi quitting, I still just went back to Bud. All that work on his character, Charles Robertson between 3 shows and Disney kept welcoming him back and he just got up and left Morgan in charge and Bineford in general. Who the hell was holding the company's stock and who was on the Board? Made no sense. Which even goes back to Bineford's Environmental problems from season 6. Interesting how that just got all swept under the rug.
  19. That's very true. After all the money that Fox threw out to bring the show back, rebuild the sets and get some of the 1st season writers and production crew back. They have to realize that those who were still fans of the show. Don't want to see it turn into something worst and then go: "Should have left it dead."
  20. How true and also great nod to continuity of how Brad and Mark ended up in their own rooms earlier in the series. Now, here they are a senior in high school and an 8th grader thrown back together like the are 8 and 5 again. However, they understood even bringing up what Randy was going to do when he go back (which we saw in the Christmas episode). That was also nice as Randy really thought he just come back home and everything would be just how he left it. Instead he found out everyone moved on without him. Something that was true, but also basically both JTT and the TV series saying: "You left the show, we needed to move on in stories." I would have loved if they would have dealt with Nancy no longer being part of the family, because that is true. When people divorce or die, that person is no longer part of the family and it has a profound effect on people. Divorce more as you have to deal with the aftermath and you can't just pick a side, but that person is no longer around. Something my mother brought up on when you divorce, you divorce an entire family and while it didn't work out between two of you, doesn't mean it's not hard on everyone else. That was missed there. Same can be said after Jill's father died, I know we had the follow ups in both Lillian moving on by dating someone new and Jill's post hysterectomy. However, the funeral reunion with Jill's sisters, I'm sorry, I know they were suppose to live all close to Texas, but I would have enjoyed seeing their reaction to things post death of their father. Speaking of reoccurring story lines, the Christmas Lighting Contest, I would have hated to see Tim and Jill's lighting build, Tim and the retired Doctor went so far in those contests, but here is something that bothered me. How was the doctor doing so well to win almost every single year. I mean, Tim created some really impressive things with his lighting display. People these days go so over board, but really, what the hell was he doing for the town to almost award it to him every year? The only times he lost was when the boys did the display to where it was so bright it helped to land Tim and Al's plane. The other was when Wilson was the main judge and Tim was electrocuted.
  21. Jill's high school reunion has a lot of head scratchers. First you add in Tim and Jack trying to fix the speaker. Jack apparently doesn't double check to see if things are coming in clear with the mic. Next, Tim just starts plugging random pieces into the different outlets. Especially after he gets zapped the first time. Also, when the speaker starts its fire, why is the front of the plant smoking instead of the speaker? Also, when in the following Christmas Episode, the pastor won't let Tim have a candle, but sees him with his own mini blow torch and yet doesn't blink? He was that worried Tim would start a fire, but doesn't care if Tim has a device that if gone wrong could burst into flames.
  22. Exactly, nothing felt out of the blue it felt natural. Even with the parts played for laughs including the one daughter's over an hour tantrum (not losing her voice in the process), but I know people wrote letters to the show saying: "I had that happen the other day, thanks for showing I'm not alone." Same goes with Jeff, they had it where his business ideas were failing and he moves back in with his own mother. I loved that it was Lucille who finally got Jeff going on another idea, but one she could actually do. Having both Tim and Marty going: "Oh not again and with mom's money?" Even with Marty having problems, he knew Jeff and being the oldest of the brothers, that had to be hard to watch constantly. Plus, when Jill said she did it more to "get away from you" it doesn't make sense. I know they were trying to do a twist on things that Jill just wanted to get Tim away (like when she squirted oil under the old hot rod when she was working on a project). However, at that point, the basement was pretty much a void, they didn't have a lot of storage issues, they never talked about heating in the garage or basement until Randy's room was built 3 years later. It just made Jill come across as really unreasonable. I was on Tim's side all the time and WIlson comes off looking like his advice is completely backwards. I was just watching Jill's high school reunion episode. Something that just bothered me was how Bonnie getting pregnant with Jack's kid and them getting married was so secret. Now, granted they put it down that Bonnie was just 3 months pregnant when they graduated. Not like talk wouldn't have traveled, but they acted like Bonnie had no other friends and it seemed that both Jack and Bonnie had a shot gun wedding and then had their daughter Katie just 4 years later after they figured out money and parenting. So, really, Jill and Bonnie had no other friends who talked to Jill or her family to realize that Bonnie got knocked up. I got Bonnie didn't know how to tell Jill and she even said the crossing guard told her what had happened with Jack dumping Jill for Bonnie. However, it seemed more like this was a case of a boyfriend falling for his girlfriend's best friend (common to this day and vice versa). Then apparently just jumped into bed, opps got preggers and then no one knew anything until Jill wonders how the hell Bonnie's kids look to be in their late teens to early 20s? That didn't make sense. Plus, something that drives me crazy about TV shows is when they have a foreign language teacher who constantly has to get people to speak: Spanish, French or German and do it their entire appearance. Maybe after asking Jill to say things in "Espanol" the first time. But who the hell was she telling to run in Spanish and both Tim and Jack overloaded the speaker and had it caught on fire? Plus, what the hell did the two of them do to make it over load like that? We know Jack started the problem and Tim just made it worst.
  23. Yeah, TV shows either want to have it where no one has money problems, but complains about spending money or they talk about having no money and then are buying out floor patterns and going to trips like Disney World or New York and not blinking an eye. They only ever worried about money when Tim bought something or wanted to buy something that was past the $2K mark. I also remember that when Jill first wanted to go back to school, they were going to pay for it. Even in the mid 90s, it would probably costing close to $18K a semester. There was one episode where Jill mentioned her 4.0 GPA got her a grant for a bit one semester. However, Jill didn't go to class during the summer. She was always off and when the new seasons started she was just starting classes again in passing talk (because you know, people don't go to summer school to finish up earlier in the HI Universe). Plus, the writers didn't know if Jill was wring a dissertation or a thesis depending on what writer was working on the script. I was just watching when Marty's marriage officially ends. I have to say that was extremely telling, while I wanted to go back to Marty being the one who originally wanted to leave his family. When we got to that point a few years later. I felt they nailed the scene between Tim and Marty and later Jill. They were all crushed, but also realized, it started way back then and just didn't recover. Except for the slap stick they wanted to do with Marty going between job after job the last two seasons. I felt it was very realistic how he was trying to make things work for the girls and hated he ended up just as bad as their brother Jeff did when Jeff moved back in with their mother.
  24. They were just showing the vivasectomy episode again and when Tim uses a more high powered engine to move the refridgerator. Not only does it take off and hit someone off camera, the problem is the engine to allow it to be moved through air in a hover craft like fashion. First of all, they showed just a few seconds before that the engine needs to stay on in order to move the fridge. Plus, the person who gets pinned to the wall is far enough away he could have gotten out of the way. Plus, it's a stainless steel fridge. Even with "more power" the fridge wouldn't have gotten more than a few feet before it stopped. It was on a smooth platform and not on wheels. So, no way it could have made it that far. Also later on in the "Fear of Flying" Episode. Why did Al after shifting the gear shift slam on the gas that hard? Even if Tim messed up the talk about which way to shift the truck, you don't just slam on the gas and go. Not in a gear shift car. Plus, how old was that "vintage" gear knob Tim found for Bud that didn't have any labels?
  25. Seeing that Mandy and Boyd have been recast with different actors. I really hope they don't try to force her front and center in an effort to "like her". When they were so built on giving us "new" Kristin and Ryan, the show was lucky it made it through season 2. So many critics and fans hated the recasting ever since. That is something else about Vanessa was her constant defending of Ryan because: "He's our grandson's father!" We were hit over the head that Vanessa had to defend Ryan at every turn, even to the point she hires him to be part of her new tutoring program. Which, yes Ryan had a teaching degree that the show constantly glazed over in history. However, the constant work that Ryan had to be in his "new age outlook" got so old. Ryan seriously, needs to get over himself.
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