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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. James too. He hides in the garbage can and has won two wall comps or some shit.
  2. Raven: To my fans out there... Oh kitten. I have some bad news.
  3. Paul's not doing himself any favors. That goodbye message was moronic.
  4. Josh said he heard the audience groan when he didn't use the veto.
  5. Alex to Paul: You're the only person I trust right now. Amazing.
  6. Paul is such a terrible liar. I don't know how these people fall for it.
  7. Sounds like Kevin agreed to throw it. My god these people.
  8. I was surprised they voted Raven out. When did that plan change?
  9. Mine too. My live stream was glitchy during the episode. Very annoying.
  10. Feeds were only back for a minute. Everyone but Kevin was in the back room. Josh seemed to have calmed down.
  11. That was the weirdest double eviction ever. Alex is officially the dumbest player in BB history.
  12. yeah, even after they both conceded that Paul is going to win the game.
  13. This is usually the episode I anticipate the most but not this season. Now that I think about it we haven't gotten a satisfying DE episode in many seasons. Herd mentality has taken over the game. I fully expect Kevin or Alex to be the second boot tonight. Alex getting blindsided out would be satisfying though, but only if it was at the hands of Paul.
  14. I don't get it either. He hasn't even gotten that much screentime on the show. People must have really liked that scene where he brushed his hair with his toothbrush.
  15. If only Josh knew how truly stupid Alex was he wouldn't be so worried about the vote. There's no chance she doesn't put up Kevin if she wins HOH, especially during a double. Paul will be in her ear and she'll go with the obvious play.
  16. Bitchmas is a complete fool and a total fucking nutjob. She has several screws loose. Her and the bearded gnome did the impossible tonight - they made Josh sympathetic. Speaking of the bearded gnome, take off the suspenders, you rancid sack of shit. Can't wait for this season to end.
  17. Kevin swore on his kids when he told Matt he didn't vote him out like five minutes earlier though.
  18. Meh. Kevin has talked as much shit as anyone and has done absolutely nothing in the game. I have no sympathy for him.
  19. I have friends and co-workers who only watch the episodes. I wanna pull my hair out when talking to them about the show. They all love Jason and think he's a great guy. I'd bet money he wins AFP.
  20. It really is the only thing separating them from trashy reality shows like MTV's The Challenge. They actively want them to drink alcohol.
  21. It says a lot that the only person truly amused by Paul's stories is Alex.
  22. Elena was too far up Paul's ass to have an alliance with anyone. That's why it's particularly hilarious she's sitting in jury bemoaning people playing Paul's game.
  23. If Paul was so great he never would've taken Nicole over James. He can blame Davonne all he wants but that decision was terrible and cost him 500k. That's a no brainer for a great BB player.
  24. I actually think Paul can convince her to put up Kevin/Raven even after she's blindsided. She's that dumb.
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