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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Paul on a Mark rant. Repeatedly calling him a sack of shit.
  2. Paul is especially unhinged today. He's gonna cause a fight sometime soon.
  3. I thought Alex was supposed to do her punishment 100 times. There's no way that's gonna happen.
  4. Poor Elena seems like she's falling for this.
  5. "Speaking of ding dongs where is that (Josh) fucking faggot?" 11:02pm cam 1/2
  6. Alex: Cody was saying our season is gonna be a dud. Paul: Because of him! Also, Jason just casually dropped a gay slur last night about Josh. Such a lovable rodeo clown.
  7. I give Cody credit for at least trying to sway Alex/Jason. It's a lost cause but that's the game. It's crazy but there's been virtually no campaigning this season. Another reason it's the worst.
  8. Let be honest, it was a stupid ass game move but hers is already shot so she might as well take the money.
  9. Paulgonging! I think Paul ultimately wants to go the end with two pairs. Jason/Alex, Matt/Raven, Josh/Xmas. I'd put my money on the latter two.
  10. Mark is clueless, and anything he tells Matt/Raven will immediately make its way directly to Paul.
  11. Kevin really fucked himself with his sloppy gameplay the last few weeks. He was in a great position, now he's probably before Matt in the boot order.
  12. I'm probably delusional but I think there's a chance Elena talks herself right out of the door Thursday. Cody is actually playing this smart. Just kick back until Thursday. Let Elena dig her own grave. She's doing a wonderful job so far. I say this every season but from what previous houseguests have said there's really not much socializing going on at the Jury House, and you have a handler that follows you around all day. Most of the interaction is when the cameras are there a few hours a week. This whole "We gonna party it up in jury" is so fucking moronic.
  13. Alex's punishment is pretty brutal, especially if they make her do it all in the middle of the night (which they usually do with these).
  14. Elena's shirt isn't a punishment. In case anyone was wondering.
  15. I wonder if Elena and Mark realize how they got hoodwinked by Paul to turn on Dominique. They are a big part of this terrible cast.
  16. Raven gonna rat out Elena to Paul the second she talks to her. She's already done it once tonight.
  17. So he can make a power move and get Josh out. LOL.
  18. How in the world does Mark not see that Paul gives no shits about him and Elena? It's so sad.
  19. Poor Mark is utterly clueless about the house dynamics. Elena actually sees things clearly.
  20. Marlena wants to work with Maven and Paul. Oh dear.
  21. Saw this on one of the front tables while browsing at Barnes & Noble today.
  22. As someone who has terrible eyesight, $1500 for a four month supply of contact lenses seems...not possible.
  23. Matt has said all along he was going to throw it as long as Cody wasn't playing.
  24. LOL. Whistlenut thinks Christmas was into him. Give me a break.
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