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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Hayleigh has rebounded nicely. Good to see.
  2. It's gotta be pissing Grodner off that there are currently no showmances in the house.
  3. Kaitlyn: "Truthfully, I was gonna keep Swaggy if it was a tie. I asked my guides." Faysal: "That is the stupidest thing..."
  4. I don't think Kaitlyn has gone 30 seconds without talking since the feeds came back.
  5. We're in week 3. Things can change quickly in this game.
  6. Every time Angela is on the feeds she's pretending not to be checking herself out in a mirror. I mean, she's gorgeous but c'mon.
  7. Level 6 is just painfully boring. And outside of Tyler none of them are playing much of a social game. They act like this is high school. Rachel saying "Level Six for Life" made me cringe. I'm so tired of Kaitlyn's voice.
  8. Haleigh kinda did it to herself. She's been acting shady all week.
  9. I can't with Kaitlyn and Faysal.
  10. Faysal is really bad at the game. Has terrible reads on everything.
  11. I don't understand why they are obsessing about it. It's irrelevant at this point.
  12. That was a pretty good meltdown on live TV. Her final answer (in seconds) was just shy of 4 hours.
  13. Kaitlyn: I'm in a very committed relationship. Oh kitten.
  14. Tyler's created a monster. He needs to detach from Kaitlyn asap.
  15. yeah, Tyler is starting to remind me of Paul from last season. You have a hard time finding people he isn't cool with. Could be bad for him the same way it was for Paul in the endgame. But I agree. There's no chance Tyler goes to F6 with the Roidmance. Still think we're a ways off from things splintering though.
  16. Angela has done a good job flying under the radar. It's smart on her part because she was a big target week one, and she's faded in the background. My issue with her is she hasn't made any relationships with anyone outside her group, like Tyler has.
  17. If someone from the big alliance (I refuse to call them by their name) wins HOH tonight it's going to be another boring week. Tyler going to get them to target Rockstar and/or Scottie. I just don't want one of the Six to win. Anyone else, even the group of floaters, would be interesting.
  18. Pretty obvious Kaitlyn is ridiculously jealous of Haleigh. Anytime Tyler (or Fes) gets within 25 feet of her Kaitlyn has a meltdown.
  19. Tyler talking about Rockstar: "She's one of the worst players ... in all one and a half seasons I've seen."
  20. Kaitlyn gets more loathsome with each episode. Not sure how much more I can take.
  21. Seeing Angela on the feeds is kind of jarring. For a minute you forget who she is and think a production assistant accidentally stumbled onto the set.
  22. Swaggy would've been better on Survivor. Also, if you know the game so well maybe don't come into with the name Swaggy and expect not to be targeted off the bat. I'm hoping for a reset of alliances because I can't really stand either side right now.
  23. I don’t think the "Instagram fitness model"(Angela?) has had a DR in 3 episodes. She's got the next least trending HG locked up. Tyler seems like the only HG who is both sane and understands how to play the game. Although players who come out hot rarely run the table to the end. I'm probably in the minority but Kaitlyn's act is wearing thin on me.
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