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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. lol Grodner found a new muse.
  2. Seems like the pretty people alliance are on the outs. Angela and the others seem rather salty. Wonder if Tyler flipped because he appears to be showmancing Haleigh.
  3. Winston is highly annoying.
  4. There’s gonna be at least 3 showmances off the bat, right? That’s what CBS was going for with this cast.
  5. If CBS wants a season of romance between attractive young people so badly why don't they just make a fucking dating show? It's only two episodes but I kinda hate these people already. And the DRs have been so corny and scripted. Too bad we didn't get an all star season.
  6. She got one. I only remember it because her profession blurb was "EMT" and I had no idea. I feel like the editors are taking some pretty generous liberties to make these tribals more dramatic than they actually are. Making Wendall seem legitimately concerned for 8 minutes and then he doesn't play his idol? Clearly he wasn't that worried. Probst shedding a tear because...Angela was in the Army. Could you pander to middle America a little more, Jeff? Chelsea saying she went out with a bang is pretty funny. You basically did nothing the entire game but ride the big alliance until they decided it was your turn to go. Not going out with a bang. The only bit of intrigue remaining is who wins between Dom and Wendall. Pretty blah season on the whole.
  7. Really not a fan of this season thus far. The all too early tribe swap kinda ruined any kind of quality gameplay. Chelsea? Maybe the most nondescript cast member of all time. Every new episode brings a character I have never seen before. Survivor really likes casting Mormons (or ex Mormons in Steph's case). Meh.
  8. If Joe and Mike were voting for Cole why did Mike play/waste his idol? Ben voted for "Coal". Chrissy: People are starting to feel a little steamrolled by you. Ben: No they're not. LOL! Desi for player of the week.
  9. Dollar Store Tony Vlachos didn't read anyone's face. He was going to play the idol on himself no matter what. It was a stupid move by Alan and Ashley not to put their votes on Desi. This early in the game always assume the person with the idol is playing it for themselves, especially someone with an ego the size of Joe's.
  10. Josh said in his Instagram live the other night that he loves Paul and Christmas and that they talk every day. The only person he has shown even a hint of animosity towards is Maven.
  11. It's embarrassing that Elena thought she could parlay being a total nonentity on a silly reality show into a job in broadcasting in Los Angeles. Talk about delusions of grandeur. Big Brother won't make anyone famous. Even the most popular players disappear into irrelevance. Then again this is a girl who has had enough plastic surgery at age 23 to last a lifetime. She's got some serious issues. I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't such a terrible person.
  12. Some of them are rather recent. Getting up in arms about her fondness for Trump seems misguided, as much as I disagree with them. Plenty of good, honest people have terrible politics.
  13. Just saw this over on Sucks. Outside of the Trump support, just some really nasty stuff. Not a good look.
  14. Say what you will about Josh but his stunned reaction to winning is one for the books.
  15. I don't think Cody wanted to admit they had all agreed to vote against Paul beforehand.
  16. Unless I'm mistaken, Jason was the only houseguest who got a home segment. He got a very lovable edit on the show. I'm not surprised he finished top three for AFP.
  17. Jason told RHAP that if Paul had been honest in his goodbye message he would have voted for him. Good job, Paul. You are a world class dumbass.
  18. Also probably not a good idea to be in an alliance with the entire house.
  19. The guy who lied in his goodbye messages because he was too scared to own his game called someone else cowardly. Paul really is a delusional little toad. Cody saying "I'm keeping my word" when he voted. Wonder what that was in reference to. Maybe a pact he made with Mark and Elena to not vote for Paul? An excellent finale for an otherwise dreadful season. Bring on Celebrity BB.
  20. Dr Will to Paul: "You lost last year. You lost this year. And you lost Candy Crush."
  21. So, Alex wasn't bitter Paul stabbed her in the back. She was bitter because people in jury told her Paul made fun of her behind her back.
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