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Miss Scarlet

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Posts posted by Miss Scarlet

  1. Those comments were also fairly misogynistic, IMO. The "girls" are tough to manage? What the hell about Geraldo? He's been hell to handle in every single task, and has been a big part of why they fail - because he steamrolls, and the PMs don't reign him in. Then they lose the creative and he skates the fuck off.


    Ugh, gross isn't it?  Trump doesn't even try to hide his sexist crap OR his love for Geraldo; even when they were focusing on Geraldo's 'polarizing' political BS, Trump laughs it off 'nah...not Geraldo!'  then later 'Geraldo's terrific, so ambitious...blah blah slobbercakes'.  The worst part of it is, each week, it's so easy to determine who will leave at the top of the hour - non-buddies, least famous, and least clownish people are his low-hanging fruit.  Damon is damn lucky his team won.

    Yes to all of this!! I think it's also disgusting the way he makes the women comment on each other's looks. Last night he asked Vivica if Kenya was attractive or beautiful. He would never ask Ian if Geraldo is attractive or handsome.


    Kenya said that she should have been in charge of the design for the second task because she "builds sets all the time". For what?!?!?! Her production company doesn't seem to be real. So these sets are really just for plays she performs for herself and possibly members in her living room, right? Oh and the horrid Gone with The Wind Fabulous music video that I just watched. I'm proud of my bravery on that one.

    • Love 3
  2. The results of the hotel suite were this season's version of the All-Stars task where the celebrities had to create travel experiences for that South African travel company. Penn had a totally authentic South African experience and Brande's team had someone in a shark costume and a zip-lining experience where guests were rolled across the floor in office chairs.

    • Love 8
  3. I'm trying to figure out how I ever thought Ian was a sane and normal person? I guess because for the first few tasks he was on a team with Geraldo, so he looked better by comparison, and most of his confessionals were commenting on Geraldo's lunacy? It's hilarious though because it turns out that he and Geraldo are more similar than they are different. 


    Oh and can someone please tell Kenya that adding the word fabulous to the phrase "gone with the wind" does not mean that she came up with a new catchphrase and that twirl can't be a catchphrase invented by her because a) it's not a phrase and b) that word existed before she was even born.

    • Love 14
  4. Oh my god. I'm having trouble writing this post because I'm pretty much speechless at the self-aggrandizing in this episode. From Geraldo to Ian to Kenya.


    I honestly feel like I have PTSD from hearing Kenya's song and watching her dance. I'm using the words "song" and "dance" loosely.


    Kate told Vivica that they would have to get push Geraldo to drop his horrible ideas for the boat tour. I said "well, pushing should be something she's good at, considering she had 8 kids!"


    Ian is a scary kind of crazy because he can actually masquerade as a normal person for a while and then when it comes out that he's totally insane you're just like whaaa? Between that and the fact that I've accepted that we're not going to get a Brenda, Dylan or Brando cameo, it's fine with me if Ian goes soon.


    Also, when he was talking about how if there were classes on imagination and creativity he would get straight As and then in another separate confessional he mentioned that he had a lot of friends to help him out I thought "well, those friends are probably a product of your amazing, A-level imagination". To quote Michael Scott - Boom. Roasted. 

    • Love 7
  5. I love how all these "bad asses" think jumping up and leaving the room while ranting in a loud voice & stomping around means they are "keepin' it real" and the winner of the argument. No, you are just proving how unintelligent you are. You can't debate, or keep a dialogue going in a sensical order that most 2nd graders are capable of doing. You lack the brain cells and vocabulary to state your opinion and defend your position. You are so deficient mentally that you don't understand the difference between disagreement and disrespect.

    Speaking of brain dead "celebrities"...Spencer's poetry and artwork are solid confirmation that he is missing a significant part of his cerebral cortex. Was he dropped on his head too many times as a baby? Did he play sports and suffer multiple concussions? Heidi is no Mensa member but she should run before she reproduces with that guy. I hope these 2 understand that a dad with an IQ of 32 and a mom with an IQ of 78 will not produce a child with a 110 IQ.

    Word to all of this! These people who are "keeping it real" don't have the intellectual or linguistic capacity to have a real conversation, so they resort calling everyone bitches and then complaining that the people they are bullying are the "mean" ones. No, YOU are the mean ones. 


    I feel so badly for Rachel because she's not like a typical reality TV contestant at all. I don't think she was prepared for this level of insanity and horrid-ness. I saw her on Survivor and she was such a normal person. It seemed like the only reason she went on that show was because Tyson really wanted her to. I feel like she either went on Marriage Boot Camp because, like Survivor, Tyson really wanted her to or maybe because she was totally at the end of her rope with him and was hoping this would help. I think she's one of the few people who didn't go on this solely for the money and was really hoping to work out some issues.


    The recap mentions that maybe Spencer is mentally delayed and I wonder about that too. There is something really off with his voice. He always talks sooooo slowly. It takes him forever to get the words out, even though his brain is probably working as fast it can to put them together. I feel like maybe he didn't get enough oxygen when he was born.


    During the ball exercise Spencer mentioned to Heidi that a kid wouldn't care how old his/her mother was, just that she was a good mother. Heidi probably talks a lot about wanting to have kids before she's 30. I feel like she's probably obsessed with being a young mother so she can be a cool mom. I could totally picture her as the mom from Mean Girls being all "Do you want snacks? A condom? Let me know!"

    • Love 1
  6. Natalie and Heidi made me so livid. I don't even know if I can continue watching this show. Everyone is right in saying that, to Natalie, being "fake" is just disagreeing with her. She and Heidi are spoiled, entitled, immature women who will call you a bitch either for disagreeing with them or for standing up for yourself and not allowing them to walk all over you and torment you. Like if they do something horrible to someone and then the person says "You know, that really upset me" their response is to say "You called me mean and that's name-calling, so really you're the mean one! You're a bitch! You're fake", completely disregarding that they created the whole situation by doing something awful. They play the victim when really they are the perpetrators. I think it makes my blood boil because (unfortunately) I have known many people like this!


    The way they wore Rachel's wedding dresses and made her listen to them lecture her about how they were better than her because they're actually wives was disgusting. While I understand Rachel's comment that not every couple is Spencer/Heidi, I could also see why Heidi would get upset about that if what she said is true and off-camera Rachel is condescending about Heidi's relationship with Spencer. I could see how it would be frustrating because it would feel like Rachel thinks she's above Heidi/Spencer and that they're trashy (and even though they are trashy, I'm sure they don't like it when other people point it out to them). The problem is that a) that's not how Rachel's comments came across on camera and they didn't show the other ones that Heidi referred to as condescending and b) even if Rachel was extremely condescending, bullying her is not the right way for Natalie and Heidi to handle it!!


    These two women don't seem to understand that the purpose of the show is to improve their relationships with their partners. It's not about making alliances and people having each others' backs, etc. Just because you become friends with someone and think they're in the right when it comes to their problems in their relationship with their partner, doesn't mean they have to support you unconditionally. Especially in Natalie's case when she is abusive to her husband. Jacob is way too good for her. It frightened me that I actually agreed with something Jim said tonight, when he was telling Natalie that a real friend tells the truth.


    I was happy that Rachel stood up to both of them in the beginning. I worried that she was going to fold right away and not even try to express herself or counter what they were saying. She sort of folded at the end of it, but I think she just wanted them out of her room at that point. I don't think her opinion about all of it had really changed and that she still knew how insane they were being.


    I thought it was interesting the way Tyson totally manipulated Rachel/everyone else there when he flipped the narrative on her and made the issue about her staying out late. It's not that I don't think that isn't a real problem in their relationship, I'm sure it is, but the way he framed it was "everyone's mad at me, so this is the only issue I can bring up that will get them to turn on Rachel". He didn't even say anything like "this is why we have trust issues" or "this is why I'm hesitant to get married". In this episode he really exemplified what their main issue is, which is that he manipulates her. 

    • Love 3
  7. And as I showed in that same thread, this is not so.  Or at least the source you said made that claim did not in fact say that.



    I doubt CBS sees Parv as integral to the Survivor brand.  The show was a runaway hit for a dozen seasons, before she ever appeared.  It has brought on women of all sorts ever since, including winners like Kim, Sandra, Denise, Sophie, Natalie -- not like Parv in personality, demeanor or appearance.  It has cast women like Cirie, Kass, Tina, Lisa, NaOnka, Shambo, Taj, Nadiya. 


    And again, you have not supplied any evidence that CBS did (or does) what you say. 



    Interestingly, Corinne, the source you wrongly quote about CBS pushing Parv on the female contestants, did say that Parvati is much more multi-dimensional than simply flirting.  I agree, and think that any characterization of her simply as a flirt or sexpot misses the boat by light years. 


    In HvV, Parvati was at the bottom of the villains tribe, from day one.  She survived to the end by excelling in every aspect of the game: social, physical, strategic, personal.  She pulled off one of the coolest blindsides ever, when she booted JT.  She won challenges at key times (something Cirie was never able to do, and likely cost her two wins), and correctly saw that Sandra would get the Heroes' votes.  She reads the tea leaves as well as anyone and then uses that to go further in the game.  


    I also note that great as Cirie is -- and I think she is one of the top few strategists/manipulators ever -- she got booted early in HvV because of her own mistaken judgement. 


    I view Parv as the best player ever, because like Corinne says, she IS so multi-dimensional.  The most complete package ever, who has dominated many of the best to play Survivor, and who is a threat to go deep and win every time she steps onto the beach.  Boston Rob, btw, is the male Parvati, and 2nd best in my book. 

    I already replied to the part about casting in the media thread, but will reiterate in this thread that even if the casting people did not directly say that, the handler said that's what the casting people want and what female players need to say to get on the show. The fact that this came from a handler instead of Lynne Spillman doesn't matter. The fact is people who work at CBS in the casting process are saying it.


    I think Parvati is a good player and I agree that she has the potential to go pretty far in any season. However, she is extremely overrated.


    She's okay, sometimes good, strategically, but not great. All of the great moves in Micronesia were Cirie's. Again, I will point out that these moves were shown to be initiated and carried out by Cirie, despite the fact that Parvati was getting a winner's edit and the show was trying to make her look as good as possible. I think that says a lot. If she hadn't won it probably would have been made very explicit that she had little to do with most of these moves. The only big move she made in H vs. V was the double idol play. I thought this was exciting and courageous of her, but it wasn't as smart as it seemed initially. If Sandra had successfully turned on the Villains then Parvati would have been out two idols, had no way to protect herself and would have been picked off soon after. If that had happened, her move would have been thought of along the lines of JT's idol move and called one of the dumbest moves of all time. She's very lucky the idol play worked out for her as it did. She gets a lot of credit from people for reading that situation well and knowing to play the idols for other people because she could read Amanda. Again, this was very exciting and courageous, but I don't think being able to tell when your friend is lying makes you a great Survivor player. If Amanda had been a stranger that Parvati had not known outside of the game then it would have been much more impressive.


    Socially, she can endear herself to people and charm them, but she also has a tendency to alienate people. She made fun of Eliza and Jason a lot and not just in confessionals, but around camp, where they could see her doing it. There's that scene after the merge in Micronesia where she's making fun of Eliza with Amanada when Eliza was within earshot of them. How is that having a good social game? Several of the jury members in Micronesia thought she was mean and were going to vote for Amanda before Amanda totally bombed at final tribal. Parvati actually acknowledged this as weakness because in interviews before H vs. V she said that one thing she wanted to do differently was have a relationship with each of the players on the jury, since that had almost cost her the win before. So she was even admitting that her social game needed improvement. 


    She likes to blame her loss in H vs. V for external reasons out of her control, like Sandra having kids, or the female jurors being jealous of her and her guilt by association with Russell. If she was such a great social player she would have noticed the jealousy and guilt by association before final tribal council and tried to address them. Either she wasn't perceptive enough to notice these things or she noticed them and did nothing about them. She read JT's letter with Russell and laughed about it over and over again in front of the Heroes. That is not good gameplay. She doesn't like to admit, but that had a lot to do with how she lost and why her social game is especially overrated. That isn't even the only example of her social game being poor in H vs. V. At the merge feast she got annoyed that everyone was talking and having fun with each other instead of paying attention to her. Instead of trying to work her way into the group and use her "charm" on people, she went off into a corner, sulked and cried. That is not good gameplay. Then there's also the fact that she couldn't get along with Jerri in the beginning and alienated her, despite that fact that she needed Jerri's vote and allegiance. 


    People like to point how charming she is and how that helps her in the game. It's interesting that several players have pointed out that her charm is incredibly fake and transparent. People dismiss these opinions by saying "oh, those are female players that are jealous of her", but male players, like Yul and Jonathan saw through it too. I'm not sure how this idea of her as this incredible vixen/black widow really got built up. She promotes herself that way because it's self-serving. It makes her seem "hot" and desirable, which then acts in a cycle where talking about how appealing she is to guys makes people think "oh, there must be something really great about her", which then makes her seem even more appealing. I think she loves the image of herself as the Angelina Jolie of Survivor and will promote it whenever she can, even if it's basically a facade. So I understand why she does it, but I don't understand why other people believe it. This image of her hasn't been supported by the results on the show. Other than Russell, no guy has ever changed their vote for her or made a move in the game because of her flirting. The only two male jury members that have voted for her were Jason and Coach. Jason voted for her because Amanda was a disaster at final Tribal and Coach voted for her because of her immunity wins. So again, not sure where her man-eater reputation is coming from other than her talking about that ad nauseum because it's part of her self-promotion.


    It's also interesting that when Cook Islands aired most people online thought her flirting was laughably bad and made fun of her for it. Her strategy and gameplay changed during the next 2 season she was on, but her flirting never did. Yet now a lot of people who thought her flirting was awful think her flirting is great and effective. This probably has more to do with the fact that, even though her flirting didn't change, her reputation did. Now everything she does seems better than it did before she ever won the show and people assume that it contributed to her winning the game. I think the viewer perception of her is really interesting because it has a lot to do with manipulative, self-promotional and CBS constructed narratives and recency effects. 


    Of course we're all going to different opinions on the show, like different players, etc. It would be great if we could discuss them without getting antagonistic or abrasive. There is no need to chastise posters for interpreting information differently or even in a way that you feel is wrong (e.g. the handler/casting points), to dismiss and invalidate other people's opinions when they don't align with yours or to demand that someone provide what you feel is sufficient evidence to support what they're saying. We're not lawyers arguing our cases in court. We're just posters trying to have some fun, and sometimes analytical, discussions about a TV show.

    • Love 6
  8. Just listened to the RHAP tape.  Corinne did NOT say casting tells contestants to say they are like Parvati.  She said her handler -- not one of the main people but a very sweet girl -- urged her (Corinne) to say she's like Parvait.  Corinne did not say anything about any other people in the cast getting urged to do anything.

    The handler said "we're going to need you to say that you're like Parvati" the WE meaning casting and also said "if you want to get on the show you're going to have to say you're like Parvati". This refers to casting as well since they are the ones who determine who gets on the show. The fact that it was a handler and not the casting person that actually said this is irrelevant because a) it was someone from CBS involved in the casting process, b) they were speaking about casting's preferences and c) it does support what I'm saying about how casting tries to influence potential players to say they're like Parvati.

    • Love 1
  9. I'm not into the themes that Survivor tries to do. They're just gimmicky and dumb. Brains, Beauty and Brawn was a good season, but I rolled my eyes at the theme and the casting for it didn't make sense, which is a given, considering that they cast the contestants first and then decided the theme afterwards. The Beauty group was pointless because when does Survivor ever cast unattractive people and when has attractiveness ever allowed someone to win? Anyway, Probst, if you're reading, know that I watch the show in spite of these gimmicks, not because of them. 

    • Love 2

    I have been saying this for years that she is an overrated winner and that had there been a final three I think Cirie should have won.  Granted I have not watched the season since it aired so my memory of it might not be that great but I also thought that Amanda played pretty well and probably should have had a better shot at winning had she been able to deal with the jury better.

    It also doesn't help that she takes credit for moves that weren't hers and presents herself as a strategic mastermind. A lot of what she says is total gibberish.


    I remember some of the players' interviews from Micronesia who said they would have voted for Amanda, but she did a horrible job at final TC. They said that Parvati was not well-liked by the jury. Yet this is someone whose social game is praised all the time. I remember during H vs V, Rob C. said on his podcast that he thought Cirie should have won Micronesia and was the best player that season. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think he would say that anymore, because he knows Parvati now, but also because her reputation has gone way up since then. So again, this is another instance where her reputation might be affecting people's perceptions of her. 


    I've also noticed that people tend to misremember why everyone wanted to vote her out during H vs. V. She kept saying it was because she was such a threat and used this as an example of what an amazing player she was and people will still cite that as a reason that she's the best player ever, but I remember reading all the pre-game interviews for that season and the other players said they wanted her out because she was the Villain who had played with the most people on the Heroes side. It was strictly a numbers thing. If anyone else on the Villains tribe like Sandra, Tyson, etc had played with that many Heroes then they probably would have been talked about for the first boot too. It actually amazes me how she was able to twist this and claim that it was because she was such an amazing player.

  11. I definitely agree that Cirie should get most of the credit for F vs F. It seemed like all the blindsides were her ideas and she's the one that really set most of them into motion. That was pretty clear to me as a viewer, which was amazing given that the edit was protecting and hyping up Parvati as the eventual winner. If Cirie had won I think we would have seen Parvati as having little involvement in a lot of those important moves. One of her biggest moves was getting Alexis and Natalie into the girls alliance when they were at Airai and, unless the edit was misleading, she got that idea from James. Yes, James. He said "we have to get Alexis and Natalie because otherwise Eliza is going to scoop them up".


    This is kind of what I mean about Parvati's status in the Survivor community preceding her. Some people have forgotten about her actual gameplay, especially in Micronesia, but get told over and over again how much of a great player/strategist she was. Even for some people who re-watch seasons her status will affect the way they interpret her gameplay and it definitely affects new fans/players, who watch these seasons for the first time (or who are told by casting to only watch H vs V and the most recent season before they go out to play and then told to say they're most like Parvati).

    • Love 2
  12. I commented in the media thread about how the female contestants are told to say the past contestant they're most like is Parvati.


    I find it interesting that CBS sees Parvati as so integral to their brand and it doesn't surprise me that the female winner they must approve of/think will attract the most viewers is the one whose strategy they advertised as "the flirt" and "using her sexuality to get her way".


    It also makes a lot of fans lionize Parvati. I'm not saying that she's not a good player, but I think that sometimes this "legendary" status makes people think that she's a better player than she was and makes her moves seem smarter, more strategic, etc. Some fans seem to forget what her gameplay was even like, all they remember is that she keeps being touted as one of the best of allll time. This is part of why I tend to think of her as overrated.

  13. I see that most of the younger girls are comparing themselves to Parvati in the "contestant you're most like" section. I remember Corinne saying on Rob Has a Podcast that casting tells these contestants to say Parvati. Corinne wrote down Candice and the CBS people were like "no, say that you're like Parvati". 

    • Love 2
  14. Did anyone see the Netflix ad with Gary Busey that ran during the commercial break last night? It was almost mechanical dog level ridiculous. Almost, but not quite. I have no idea why Netflix would thought Gary Busey would be an appealing spokesperson. Maybe to show that if he can learn to use Netflix, anyone can?

    • Love 2
  15. I hope they never do another task for an Ivanka Trump product. The ass-kissing was insufferable. Oh and the shoes were hideous. The ones they said were 9-5 shoes? All I thought was "how are those 9-5 shoes???"


    Kenya's remark was horrible, but I also laughed a bit at it, just because she said Brandi's husband left her for a "younger and prettier woman" when LeAnn Rhimes is only one of those two things (yes, I am a horrible person). 


    I think Lorenzo's commercial would have been better if they had gone with the rapping they talked about. The singing at the end, in the "modern" world, was not rapping. What happened to that idea? I thought Leeza's team's viral video was horrible. It was just one big cliche of everything people think will work in advertising and on the internet. It was horribly shot and the dialogue at the beginning was awful. Trump kept insisting that the executives really liked that video better, but I wonder if he really decided that team won because he knows he wants Leeza in the final 2 and letting her win as PM sets her up better for that than if they lost and he didn't really care about firing Lorenzo (who was going to be fired even if he didn't quit). Also, I keep forgetting that Lorenzo was in Grease! He looks completely unrecognizable.


    I was rooting for Ian, thinking that he would be our sane narrator in the middle of this crazy mess, but it turns out he's nuts too. I'm wondering if people just get crazier the longer they're on CA. They're probably tired and overworked, but I wonder if there's some Trump cologne or tanning spray wafting in the air that affects their brains. Ian was getting way too self-aggrandizing with his "I've been acting for 37 years". Yes, okay buddy, but 10 of those were on 90210. So they don't count. Speaking of 90210, where are the Brenda and Dylan cameos? I'm still waiting for them! That's probably half of the reason he was put on this season, especially since Ivanka was such a big fan. 


    Geraldo should have been taken back to the boardroom on pretty every task his team has lost, since they usually lost because of his ideas. I don't understand the other celebrities line of thinking in never bringing him back. I guess they're taking a page out of the Lisa Lampanelli book and thinking that someone who comes up with ideas, even if they're losing ideas, is better than people that don't come up with any? Or they know Trump will never fire Geraldo, so they need to bring someone else back? Although it seems like bringing him back is never even considered by anyone.

    • Love 4
  16. The only couple on this show that I know of is Tyson and Rachel. Tyson can be intelligent and funny, so when I watched Survivor I wondered why he was with someone who seemed sweet, but very dull. I always got the sense that the dynamic of their relationship is that Rachel is supposed to look pretty, be passive and defer to Tyson all the time (basically being seen and not heard) and validate him by telling him how great, funny, smart, etc. he is. She gets a partner who is interesting/exciting to her and Tyson gets all the attention and makes all the decisions. This episode of Marriage Boot Camp confirmed that. I think guys like Tyson purposely choose partners like Rachel who will never overshadow them in any way and will allow them to be the dominant one in the relationship. It helps that she's not that intelligent because then she doesn't realize how manipulative he is. They actually remind me a lot of Rob and Amber from Survivor in this way.

    • Love 1
  17. Cold Open - I thought this was fine. I liked when Pete Davidson said he was an activist and showed MLK the hashtags he uses on Twitter. I was glad Kenan attempted an impression. 


    Monologue - Yes, this was definitely a step up from the musical monologues. I liked the part where Kevin Hart was talking about how his wife said a raccoon couldn't have attacked him because raccoons don't have thumbs and Kevin Hart said something like "you don't need thumbs to hate me!"


    My Calvins - Heheheheheeeeeee. Any sketch with Kate imitating Bieber as a whiny little brat is good to me! You just know that he's standing in his mansion right now, watching these parodies on a loop and yelling at the TV "How could they do this? I'm the best Calvin Klein spokesperson eva, bro! I was the best SNL host ever, man!" and asking his legal team about ways to sue NBC. I could also see him sending threatening messages to Lorne being like "Yo Lauren! You dissed me! I ain't eva coming back to host SNL again!" and Lorne being like "....Okay!" I loved when Kate as Bieber said "this tattoo made me say owwie" and when he fell off the scooter and started crying. I thought the height disparity between Bieber and the model made it extra hilarious. I wonder why there were only two of these. (Although I do have to say, I hope that Bieber really is just a brat and that this isn't an Amanda Bynes situation, where everyone makes fun of him and then it turns out that he actually has mental health issues. I do worry about that sometimes because he does seem like he's headed for some in-patient time.)


    Why'd You Post That - I feel like this subject has been covered ad nauseum. I guess SNL figured it was time for their turn to do it. There was nothing that exciting here for me. Most of the jokes I'd heard before. I did like Kyle and shirtless France post because that is what people actually do and the selfies online are just out of control. Even not taking selfies can turn people into narcissists because I'm ridiculous proud of myself for never taking them! It was interesting that this sketch really exemplified the way SNL typecasts the current female cast members. Vanessa is cutesy, sometimes boring and suburban, Aidy is weird and Cecily is hot. 


    Bushwick - I thought this was funny, but it dragged on too long.


    James Brown - I didn't really get this one at first, then I did, but like Bushwick it felt like it dragged on for too long and the ending was really abrupt. I think I would like this better on a re-watch. I think that this coming on so early in the show probably meant that they really ran out of ideas for sketches last week. I would have put this post-Update. Beck's expression was hilarious though. I noticed it in the corner of the frame before he even said his line. 


    Housewives - This was awful. From the played out fart joke to Kevin not speaking English. Blah.


    WU - Did Michael Che finally get through the segment without stumbling over the lines? I don't even remember because I hardly pay attention when he speaks. I really have no idea why everyone was so excited when he got moved over from the Daily Show. He's not bringing anything to SNL. Colin Jost's New Jersey impression was awful, but at least he tried (I guess)? He brings so little personality to WU that I've started giving him props for any little shimmers of humour that he shows. Kate's neighbour was hilarious and could be a good recurring guest. Her voice sounded a lot like the Italian woman who painted that portrait of Jesus (or whatever it was), but that's okay. The earring hole smell did make me go ewwwww. I've been there. Loved the notes to the neighbours.


    Dragons - I liked the idea of this, because it's totally true in Disney/in musicals, but the execution was boring. Taran's sustained note was funny.


    Kevin's Son - I feel like whoever wrote this sketch was just like "Yes, impressions are hilarious when the person being impersonated is right there! Plus, the height disparity between Kevin Hart and Leslie Jones will be so hilarious!" but really, those things weren't enough to carry this sketch. I don't think Jay Pharaoh's impression of Kevin Hart was good enough to warrant this sketch. 


    Rap - This was pretty funny, but they could have pushed it further. Again, Beck was hilarious in this and so was the Weekend at Bernie's situation. 


    I wasn't sure why they asked Kevin Hart back because I remember his last time hosting as being pretty bad. I wasn't crazy about this episode, but Kevin did a pretty good job. He was committed and energetic. It seemed like the cast members were barely in the sketches at all this week, with a lot of them getting basically no lines, and Kevin really got most of the airtime. I guess the writers thought it was better to put his energy front and centre, as opposed to trying to blend him in more with the rest of the cast. I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. 

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    I've heard this said about other actors as well and I don't buy it.  Most of the time by the time we see the finished product on air the actors involved have done the scenes over and over again.  IMO anyway we're rarely seeing someone break character when they laugh, we're seeing an accomplished performer who is capable of reacting naturally to what is going on on stage.

    That could be true or it could be that the directors/producers/whoever also liked the reaction and kept it in, even if it was her breaking character. It's hard to tell if she's breaking character or not because she basically only has 2 different expressions that she uses in every scene of the show, so I usually assume she's breaking.

  19. The quality of the sketches are definitely getting better this season, especially compared to last season. I think one of the main problems with the show right now is the writing, but also that the cast members lack some sort of spark or charisma. I feel like even though some of them are talented, funny, good impressionists, etc. I don't know that any of them, except for Kate McKinnon, really have that "it" factor or energy that really makes a sketch great or the show a must-see right now. I don't mean that the show doesn't have someone to be like Kristen Wiig and get the majority of the airtime or be the center of every sketch, I just mean someone or a few people who make viewers want to tune in.


    I think it's also interesting that there are so few recurring sketches/characters right now. Yes, recurring sketches can get beaten into the ground, but they can also be really fun and exciting. I wonder if the lack of recurring sketches is because SNL has purposely decided to spend the time experimenting with new material or because they feel the sketches being done are not good enough to be recurring. 

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  20. Kaley is one of the worst actresses I've ever seen on TV. I want to like her/Penny, but her horrible acting takes me out of every scene she's in. She's gotten a bit better since the series began, but she's still awful. I know some people have said that she gives good reaction shots, but to me it just looks like she's breaking characters and the cameras are catching her laughing.


    I don't even understand how she got this role in the first place. I know she started as a child actor and most child actors are pretty bad. Since the bar is set so low for them maybe it was easy for her to get parts as a kid and then by the time she was older she had enough experience and contacts in the industry that it compensated for her horrible acting?

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  21. Haven't we already covered the whole "Leonard and Sheldon fight about what a pain Sheldon is" to death?


    So Penny and Leonard are really end-game material. I've known this for the whole show, but have been in denial since they're such an awful couple. I get that TPTB are really into having a mismatched pairing of the nerd wit the hot girl, but they need to write them a hell of a lot better than they have been. I actually think they're one of the worst couples I've seen on TV.

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