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Miss Scarlet

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Posts posted by Miss Scarlet


    So, what "collar" is Jeff?  He is a producer, so that makes him white collar.  However, the host job could be considered blue collar - it didn't require a collage degree and someone else even tells him where to stand (plus, aren't his collars literally blue most of the time?).  But spending so much time on islands is definitely a no collar thing.


    I think overall Jeff would qualify as a white collar, but for some reason he is incredibly embarrassed and ashamed of this, so I think I read interviews where he said he'd be a no collar. He really hates white collars, as the artist formerly known as Miss Alli said on twitter, because there is no one more resentful of people he thinks are intellectuals or intelligent than Jeff Probst. That is some inferiority complex he has. Almost at a Dan level.


    If the assholes do win this season I wonder if he'll be totally shocked when the audience is horrified and disgusted.


    Even if you take out the incredible unpleasant-ness of the last 2 episodes, post-merge has been boring. There hasn't been any interesting strategy so far.

    • Love 4

    5. Word to all the commenters who pointed out that the NoCols are supposed to be superfans but seem to have no idea how to play this game.  Huddling in your insular little clique just waiting to be picked off isn't great gameplay, folks.


    Exactly and wasn't this what they criticized Max and Shirin for? Their own "huddle puddle" as Hali called it? Yet the NC have been so tone-deaf to the social dynamics of the game that they haven't realized that a) it's not good to let everyone think your 3 is unbreakable and everyone else in the alliances comes after and b) that Will has flipped on them twice. In Hali's ponderosa video she thinks that Will voted with them for the last 2 votes and Shirin is the one that flipped on them.


    I really liked how Shirin deconstructed Dan's "flippers never win" as a fear tactic to prevent his alliance-mates from turning on him. She explained it to everyone else really well and was totally right about it. It's unfortunate no one has listened thus far.


    In one of the interviewers posted upthread, Jeff talks about how he loves this season's twist because the results are "Shakespearean". I'm thinking that means Rodney and Dan are heading for a fall. I cannot believe they would be edited so badly if they were end-game material. Unless Dan's storyline this season is "how Dan lost and how to make Russell Hantz look socially adept".

  3. I don't know why I like Jenn. She's sour and immature. I really hope that Joe is not dating her and that they are just fucking with us.

    I find her bragging or trolling or whatever it is on twitter about dating Joe weird. If she's bragging it seems immature and if it's trolling then it just seems kind of mean, like she's making fun of fans for wondering if they're dating. It also doesn't seem like a very "No Collar" thing to do. 

  4. Yeah I really liked Jenn's tweet to Dan. And she was kind of mean about Shirin, but when she said she didn't even know her name I think it had more to do with the fact that the shuffle had just happened and Jenn was referencing the fact that Shirin hadn't been in their camp very long. It's very different from Dan's disgusting, patronizing disrespect and not knowing the name of someone who he's been on a tribe with for 6 days. And where it seems like he can't be bothered to learn it because it's not a common white person name. Although it is only 2 syllables and not that hard to pronounce. But I'm thinking that even 2 syllables is too many for Dan.

    • Love 2
  5. I'm starting to think that Jeff's hype about this season doesn't just mean a guy wins, but that it's an all-male final 3. I would say it's Joe, Mike and Rodney, but I don't think all 3 can work together for that long. So maybe 2 out of the 3. I'm shuddering at the thought.


    Also, when Dan was giving that disgusting lecture in the water to Shirin about how she, Jenn and Hali are just viewed as Joe's minions, did anyone else think "ummmm and you don't think you're viewed as one of Mike's minions, if even that?!?!?!?!?" Of course this point is lost on someone like Dan who has zero self-awareness, but I thought it was horrifying/amusing. (And I will say once again, that Joe isn't even running that alliance. But Dan and Rondey could never admit that it's a giiiiiiiirl pulling the strings. It's too threatening for them, even though they aren't even in that alliance. Just the idea that women could be leaders in anything is horrible and ruining the world, obvs).

    • Love 2
  6. I wish I could give you 1,000,000,000 likes, saying someone does or does not look Jewish puts my teeth on edge. You never hear anyone say so & so doesn't look Baptist, or Methodist, or Hindu, so unless they happen to be wearing a Yarmlke & long curly sideburns, how can you look like a religion?


    True, one can not look like a religion. There are ethnic divisions within religions that are primarily a result of geography and how the religion spread to different regions.

    People who say such things as, "she looks Jewish" rarely know they are being offensive.

    Have pity on their ignorance and be "calm, cool, and collective" like Rodney.

    It is such a pet peeve of mine. I just find it to be a very ignorant thing to say and, as I mentioned before, it is pretty offensive because "looking Jewish" is not considered flattering and it seems like one way to put down different ethnic groups is to "subtly" tell them they're weird-looking. Like "you look like this group the doesn't fit the Western standards of attractiveness". Gross. 


    And again, I just don't get assuming Jews have this one look. I feel like most people in North America are just totally unaware that Ethiopian and Asian Jews exist. If they knew that, they would see that you can't stereotype Jews and that even if you consider Jews an ethnic groups, as well as a religious one, Jews can look like anything.


    Yes, I should just pity of their ignorance, but it's difficult! But you're right and it's hilarious that you're citing advice on ignorance from Rodney of all people.



    Re: the Jewish thing: bugs me too when people say someone "looks" Jewish.  The worst part is, in my case, it's always one specific Jewish friend I have who is berating me for not knowing somebody is Jewish based on their looks.


    Yes, I have heard this about myself countless times, always from Jewish people--both secular and Orthodox.  I don't think there's anything wrong with it, as long as it's not implied to be a negative thing (which, coming from Jewish people, seems unlikely).

    I could see how people might think it's okay if it comes from someone else who's Jewish. But I think it's still problematic because a) then non-Jews think it's okay to use it in an unflattering way and b) I think a lot of Jews say that because they've internalized a lot of negative stereotypes about themselves and pretend they're okay with them or even joke about them in order to gain acceptance. And I think that's unfortunate in the sense that a lot of time internalizing these stereotypes leads to self-hating (for all types of minorities, not just religious ones). And I don't think that's cool. 


    Anyway, on the subject of the episode:


    I like Hali, but in some ways I think it's sad that she's so commended for just acting like a normal human being. Like "Hali is amazing because she didn't bully Shirin!! Wooohooo!" I guess it speaks to how awful the cast is this season. And I know that every season people say it is the worst cast ever, but this one is really up there for me. I can't remember hating so many of the players so intensely before.


    I mentioned before that I don't think the NC tried hard enough to pull in other people. I'm starting to think that part of the problem is that Joe and Hali were likable, but aloof, and Jenn is unlikable outside that group of 3. In some of Hali's exit interviews she mentions that the BC might have targeted her instead of Jenn because Hali was more of a threat as a social player. And I think this interview from Max sums up what Jenn's social game is like:



    Some of the folks I encountered on No Collar, on the other hand, it was like trying to carry on a conversation with a Cabbage Patch doll. There was no give and take. There was no back and forth. When you see me in that shot going out of my way trying to find something to connect with Jenn on, I’m thinking she’s a No Collar, she may be interested in astrology. That’s me desperately trying to reach out and connect to someone who, from the moment I arrived on that beach, greets me with a sneer and folded arms and an us-vs.-you mentality.

    • Love 1
  7. I felt so cheated by this episode. I thought everything pointed to Dan going home (Roger from the Amazon style) and that we would be free of him at last. I'm very mad at the editors.

    • Love 2
  8. I am so tempted to join twitter just to send tweets to Dan about how uninformed and ignorant (not to mention laughable) he is, even if he won't take them to heart at all. Oh and also to inform him that, no, chx don't dig men who are unintelligent, have horrible personalities, no social skills, grossly hideous, and are just general assholes. Misogyny always amazes me, but amazes me even more when a guy like this actually thinks that, despite the fact that he is a total wreck of a person, he is above all women just by virtue of being a "man".  But you can't blame me for saying any of this. I mean, I'm just "trying to be nice". Really I am. 

    • Love 6
  9. If this season is the best ever in Jeff's mind because it ends with the misogynistic assholes steamrolling their way over the women into a win, while spouting their bullshit and having no one check them on it then I will riot!!!!

    Shirin's not white? I think she looks Jewish. I know a few people named Shiri and they are all Jewish. Or maybe Shirin is Middle eastern? I don't see how her name is any less odd than "Hali" or "Sierra".

    I know this is a common (negative) stereotype that people say all the time, but you can't really look Jewish. People don't realize, but there are black Jews, Caucasian blonde-haired/blue-eyed Jews, Chinese Jews, etc. So there are Jews who don't look "Jewish" at all and non-Jews that look very "Jewish". And it's kind of offensive when people talk about "so and so looks Jewish" because that was a stereotype used during WWII that basically said that Jews were unattractive and evil-looking.

    • Love 10
  10. That's good to know.  I shut the podcast off when they were laughing at the beginning about how great it was that Dan stayed around because he is so bad.  I didn't want to listen to anymore of that given how furious I was at Dan at that moment.  I'll delete my reference above.  Thanks.

    But ITA with your original post. Rob has a history of doing this and I find it really gross. He did it with Vince too and was totally insensitive to how threatening and dangerous Vince could have appeared to women. I posted about this in the RHAP thread if you want to take this discussion over there.

    • Love 1
  11. I really hated that ending. But I don't think the NC have been active enough in trying to get people over to their side. They lucked into having Carolyn and Kelly on their side after the swap and it seemed like the conversation with Sierra came about almost by accident as well.


    In comparison to the BC assholes Joe seems sweet, but sweet isn't really enough for me. I don't care for players that are great at challenges and don't really bring much else to the table. This show isn't an athletic competition. He doesn't seem to be very strong strategically or socially (even though he's well-liked he's been bad at getting people to vote with him). So I don't get why he's getting an amazing edit or the comparisons to Malcolm. Yes, they both have long hair, but so what? Malcolm was super smart and game savvy. Joe isn't.


    Oh and also everyone needs to stop referring to the NC as Joe's group. Clearly Jenn has been running that alliance from the beginning, but none of the BC will see that or admit it because obviously a man is always in charge of everything. Never a woman. I don't get why all the men are still considered such big threats over the women either. The men this season, for the most part, are gross, unlikable idiots who can't win in front of a jury (Rodney, Dan). The challenges post-merge have been balance related or puzzles. I don't want the women to be threats and get voted out, but it goes back to this gross notion that no one considers the women threats because all the men think they're so clever, amazing and strong, while the women are weak and useless. F that. 


    Tyler is such a bystander. He's the type of person that would let someone get bullied in front of him and just turn a blind-eye. 


    I agree with everyone who said that there's racism/xenophobia in the inability of these players to get Shirin's name right. It's not a difficult name to pronounce, but since it's isn't a familiar (read: white) person's name to them they're just like "Meh. I don't need to learn it". F that too.

    • Love 8
  12. If one of the Blue Collars wins (other than Sierra) and there is no pay-off for this downfall for the misogynistic asshole story that I'm hoping comes through, I might just be done with Survivor forever. I really hope Shirin can pull it off, but something tells me none of the men on the jury (other than Joe) would vote for her. So I'm not sure how it could happen. 


    I think Hali is totally right people's problems with Shirin (from xfinity):




    Holmes: Shirin is having a tough time out there. What is she doing that annoys people so much?
    Ford: I understand that to some extent she did talk a lot. She’s an intelligent person. She seems to lack a social mirror in certain situations. On the other hand, I had no explanation for the level of venom that she elicited from so many people on this show. It blew me away and offended me. That’s why I was so drawn to her. In my mind, it offended my sense of justice because of how people were bullying her. It wasn’t warranted. She wasn’t that bad. Shirin is an intriguing, engaging person. She’s does have a lot of feminist ideas and voices them. Maybe we just have too much chauvinism on there to handle all of that.

    And of course I loved Shirin's answer from that interview with Dalton about men criticizing the women doing the work, as the men stand there and do nothing. I wish they would let her have a confessional like that on the show, but I don't think they would include such an accurate assessment of sexism on Survivor. 

    • Love 11
  13. This episode felt like such a slap in the face. It was almost like the editors were laughing at Hali and the other women for even daring to think they could best the misogynistic assholes. I thought for sure that it was going to be an episode that showed the downfall of Dan or Rodney, without any attempt to hide who was going home. I was shocked (and so disappointed) that it was Hali. If the women don't start dominating soon or if a woman doesn't end up winning this season then the editors will have played a sick prank on all of us. Because that's the only way this edit makes sense and the season can be redeemed.


    Also, WTF is with Jeff saying this is the best season ever? I know he's a sexist asshole, but is he that out of touch with viewers that he would think the audience would like this too? Or is he going to frame it as this season was so "controversial" and "interesting", rather than endorsing the misogyny?


    Out of everyone I've ever seen on the show (including the Hantzes, Coach and Rodney), Dan gives me the creepiest chills ever. It would not surprise me to learn that he has female bodies stuffed in his closet at home.

    • Love 16
  14. This was from Max's xfinity interview a few weeks back



    The confrontation Shirin had with Joaquin over the idol search was very much motivated by a conversation that she and I had that Joaquin had done so well in the challenge that he was threatening to work his way back into the core of the tribe. Shirin and I set out to make sure he didn’t by putting him in a situation where he would be horrible and obnoxious to her. Unfortunately, what I didn’t realize that Joaquin calling Shirin a horrible woman and being obnoxious and sexist toward her, he would actually win the respect of Tyler and Carolyn. That was a head scratcher.

    Poor Shirin. She has dealt with so much crap this season. This information from Max is on point and makes me dislike Carolyn and Tyler. It also explains why Carolyn has apparently formed such a tight bond with Rodney. And I don't know why Carolyn always has to mention her dislike of Shirin. It's like, okay, we get it! You don't need to bring it up in every confessional! I thought it was especially rude when the NC went on reward (pre-merge) and Carolyn was talking about how nice the reward is and then just has to add "and we tolerated Shirin". Rude.

    • Love 6
  15. I'm pretty sure he won't blame editing because he's the kind of asshole who'll watch the episodes and be proud of the way he came across. He'll be sitting there at the reunion all smug saying, "I still think Shanini should be slapped! I stand by that! I'm just trying to help her! I truly am!"

    You nailed. I checked out his twitter and that's exactly what he's doing.


    Dan needs years of therapy and gender equality 101 lessons. Until then he should be kept apart from any and all people (especially his wife). 


    As for chxdigme, normally I'd say that maybe he chose that to be ironic, but since it's Dan and he lives in a world of delusion....uh yeah. He probably does actually believe that. I'm pretty sure that when he looks in the mirror he probably sees Brad Pitt staring back at him. And that when he speaks he imagines himself as Einstein explaining the theory of relativity to a bunch of uneducation, unintelligent students who are beneath his genius.

    • Love 4
  16. I understand letting stuff that happens out there roll off your back post-show (and give people credit for doing it), but I really don't get Sierra hanging out with these guys. She was spot on when she said they were crappy people. 


    Her edit really sucks. I think she's probably way more interesting than what they're showing us and I think it goes back to the fact that the poor edits usually fall to the attractive women on the show. Not cool.

  17. I despise him in part because of the all-American edit, but also because I cannot forget the gross misogynistic comments he made a few episodes back.


    I'm really worried that he does win this season. Probst declaring it's the best season ever would make sense if it comes with a Mike win, since we know there's nothing Jeff loves more than a good ol' Texan boy. This could be the Colby win that Jeff has wanted since season 2.

    • Love 2

    If he was a genuine anti-Semite, I find it hard to believe he'd come to a working agreement under one of the most famous present-day Jewish comedians, from either of their perspectives.

    Why not? Mel Gibson is an anti-semite and worked with lots of Jewish people in Hollywood. And it's not like Trevor Noah is going to be working with Jon. He's just taking over for him. I wish this logic was true, but it's the whole "I can't be racist because I have black friends" argument. 

    • Love 3
  19. I'm sure there were thousands of Tweets in Noah's defense today and the one he chooses to retweet is by Seth MacFarlane, who has his own history of misogyny. Ugh.

    Not to mention his own history of disgusting anti-Semitism. 


    I totally get that criticizing Israel is different from anti-Semitism. But it is interesting that there's been a lot of coverage/discussion about his misogynistic tweets and less so about his anti-Semitic ones. And I know this isn't useful, but I can't help but wonder what CC's reaction would be if his tweets were derogatory towards other minority groups. Things that make you go hmmm....

    • Love 3
  20. I can't even pretend to get this.  Seeing Adolph Hitler (the original) as a total monster doesn't seem like "western bias".  I'm not aware of anywhere in the world where Genocide is accepted as the norm (excepting maybe the radical Islam countries--and even there you've got a big divide between the clergy and the normal people).


    I do understand that norms differ on a lot of things.  Sometimes horribly.  Every couple years, for example, some story sneaks onto the Internet about some entertainment piece in some country with tiny or no black population, where they've done some show with blackface.  And everyone from that country seems genuinely shocked when they read international mockery or condemnation.  


     But STILL seems different to me from having some supposed (modern) context somewhere where the name "Hitler" doesn't represent a monster.

    Totally. The Hitler part of this I can't even comprehend. And the whole "the Daily Show will expose him to different views and diversity" is nice, but the point of the Daily Show is not to educate its host/correspondents/writers/whoever. It's also weird to say that about him because one of the reasons they cited for bringing him on is that he's supposed to be so worldly and knowledgeable already.


    And I'm really sick of people using "bad jokes" as an excuse to write/say really awful, offensive things that it appears they do believe. At this point I don't give a crap that he's a comedian. His tweets are repulsive. 


    As other people have mentioned, I'm really appalled that CC didn't research Trevor Noah properly or, worse, researched him, found out about all of this and shrugged their shoulders. 

    • Love 4
  21. There's been a lot of outrage over his misogynistic tweets, but I'm also appalled by his anti-semitic ones. Why can't more comedians use their comedy to show how ridiculous stereotypes are, instead of the dumb, unfunny and unoriginal *insert stereotype here* joke?


    For anyone who followed him on twitter before yesterday and who's gone through more of his tweets, does he make idiotic tweets about other groups of people? Or just Jews and women?


    I was reading comments on Gawker about this and one of them said that Trevor Noah does a joke in his stand-up special where he talks about women with Valley Girl accents and says that he knows the accents are real because he tried to choke a girl like that once and she still had the accent. Domestic violence jokes are not okay. Ever.


    I think I'm done with the Daily Show after Jon leaves.

    • Love 3
  22. I haven't watched too much of the Daily Show and so I wanted to ask - does it seem like sometimes Jon Stewart has a bit of "mansplaining" problem? I've noticed him doing that a bit with female guests and also with female interviewers when he was promoting Rosewater. In those cases the women he was talking to didn't seem to really follow what he was saying and so it made sense he had to explain it a bit for them. But what I'm wondering is, does he do this with male guests too if he feel like they're not following what he's saying? Because in the interviews I've seen with him and these women there's been a lot of "Do you understand what I'm saying?" and "Do you see what I mean" and it's been a little uncomfortable to watch.

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