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Miss Scarlet

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Posts posted by Miss Scarlet

  1. Gloria is always shrill and always the same. I hated the part where she told Manny and Jay to go wipe off their mascara. Did the Modern Family writers not see the "Like a Girl" commercial during the Super Bowl? (I realize this episode was probably written before that, but still).


    Phil can be immature at times, but overall he is an awesome husband. I've always thought that he was too good for Claire.

    • Love 3
  2. So here is the actual quote from Norm Macdonald about Update from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/18/norm-macdonald-on-wtf-weekend-update_n_1018246.html


    Well I remember this one time he wanted me -- this was actually about Weekend Update -- they wanted me to do Weekend Update with a lady. Like the two of us. And I thought I don’t want to do that, that sounds like shit. I was like if there’s a lady and a dude, what are we making fun of local news or something? What the fuck is that? And he was like, no, no....he had some crazy idea. And I think he liked me because I didn’t understand what he was talking half the time. He goes “You’ll be Fred Astaire, she’ll be Ginger. You’ll give her the comedy and she’ll give you the sex.” And I was like, the dancers? And I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about. So anyway I said, I don’t want to do it with a fucking lady; let [Al] Franken do it. ... I didn’t care that much about it, because I could just do standup.


    Gross. It's also great to know that's what Lorne thinks about women on Update. Although Norm is paraphrasing Lorne, so who knows what was actually said or if Lorne has changed his mind since then. 


    Oh and Steven Martin supported Norm by explaining how a woman co-presenter ruined a bit of his or something at a show, which wtf? What is wrong with Steve?

    Norm has always been an admitted misogynist.  I remember him saying so back when he anchored Update.  That's why I never really could embrace him. He doesn't consider women funny.  I think he might have made an exception for Roseanne because he was a writer on her show, but other than that he doesn't think they should even try comedy.  I tended to tune him out after that.  I  noticed that he had to get a pointed line in "that some of the anchors were men." at the  Anniversary..    


    Sudeikis and Forte are also BFFs.

    Yeah apparently he makes an exception for Roseanne and applauds her for being a "real" feminist, which I don't even understand because he hates women, so not sure why he would care about feminism at all. 

  3. Not sure about the rest, but Lovitz/Hartman and I am pretty sure Tina and Amy were friends before they were ever on SNL. But certainly being on the show together solidified those friendships.

    Yeah, Amy and Tina met Second City years before they were on SNL together. I think Tina is pretty much the one who got Amy the audition and job at SNL (given that Amy was totally qualified for the job, of course).  


    Do Horatio and Jimmy still hang out? I wasn't sure if they were actually friends or just sketch breaking buddies.


    I just read about how Norm refused to do Update with Laura Knightlinger because he didn't want to do it with "a f****** lady". Stay classy Norm.

  4. I thought the Eddie Murphy moment was really awkward, but I also understand that he's sort of damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. If he hadn't come at all people would be criticizing him for being too arrogant and ungracious, which is what people are saying now about his appearance because he didn't do any characters. If he had done some characters or impressions people would have probably said "he's so old now, he sucks!". On the other hand, Adam Sandler hadn't been back to SNL since he was fired and did a good job in this special. So I don't know what the right balance to strike is. 


    It's also really annoying to see a lot of ageist comments on the internet in regard to the special. Thankfully no one on Previously TV is rude or insensitive about it, but I have seen the "this just shows getting old sucks" and "these people aren't funny because they're old now" comments. Yes, some of them aren't funny anymore, but that's not specifically because they're old, nor does it mean that no older people can be funny.


    I get what Conan is saying about the awkward high school reunion feel. I was thinking about how the power hierarchies/differentials must be awkward. I mean yes, they existed when these people were on SNL in the first place, but for some people like Murphy or Sandler or Myers, SNL was a launching pad into huge movie careers. For other people SNL was pretty much their only job in the entertainment industry. It has to be a little bit weird to be around all of that.


    Also, why is it that male stars from SNL go on to movie careers and late-night talk show and female stars primarily go on to sitcoms? Is the movie industry that much more misogynistic than the television industry? 

    • Love 1
  5. My people! Er, person. Either way, it's been getting positively awful reviews, and the small interview excerpts I've seen make it seem like everyone involved with the film already wants to distance themselves from it, especially the two leads. I haven't seen the movie or read the book (like I'm gonna spend my hard-earned money on literal Twilight fanfiction) but enough excerpts have been floated around to my corner of the internet where I'm just astonished that anyone could see the story as anything other than abusive trash.


    I'm sure last night in the live thread it seemed like I had some kind of personal issue with Dakota, which I don't, really, besides the fact that she knowingly decided to be a part of this shit. But I, too, am tired of this movie being promoted as some sort of love story when, from everything I've seen, it's a textbook case of domestic violence.

    Yeah, I feel the same way. I have no idea who Dakota Johnson is, but anyone who decided to be part of this movie and cannot see it for what it truly is concerns me. People use the excuse "well, if it wasn't her it would still get made, just with a different actress", but that's not the point. The point is why is she endorsing this misogynist piece of crap?

    Anyone see either one of the Elliot's last night?

    I was wondering about them too and thinking about how Abby was really underused on the show. I actually liked her and thought she had a lot of potential. I don't know why she or the writers weren't able to come up with a few characters for her. I was thought it was so there was no Cheri Oteri, other than the Spartans clip.


    By the way, is anyone living a cooler life than Fallon right now....maybe Timerlake, but at least Justin has talent.

    A lot of what he gets to do seems like fun, but honestly, I think interviewing celebrities would be a really awful job. Maybe it's just because I don't follow any celebrities and don't care about any of them, but I think it would boring and, at times, like teeth-pulling. So is Jimmy the cast member that Lorne is personally closest to? I know Lorne loves Kristen Wiig and has worked with Tina a lot in the past, but he seems to talk very glowingly about Jimmy as well.


    Even though they couldn't fit everyone in, I really liked that the airtime was distributed as evenly as possible. No one person overwhelmed the show. I haven't seen the 25th anniversary show, so when they announced this one I really thought it would be like a regular SNL episode where a couple favorites basically take over the whole show. I was glad that didn't happen.

    • Love 1
  6. She said it herself. During the celebration at the end, she hugged Kevin Jonas and said, "You were my secret weapon!"

    I thought it was very sweet the way she said that and pointed him to the camera when she was hugging him after her win was announced. That's one of those small things that just shows why Leeza is such a great and effective leader. She gives credit where credit is due and in an environment where people don't do that and want to take credit for everything themselves, it's really nice. 

    • Love 23
  7. I feel like maybe Lorne didn't put Cecily in the Update montage because it would remind people that (in his mind) he made a mistake and tried something that didn't work out. 


    During the "in memoriam" montage it really sounded like Molly Shannon kept going "awww" after every name.


    Also, word to anyone who does not want Dakota Johnson hosting. 50 Shades of Grey should not be promoted anywhere, ever. It is anti-feminist and anti-women. 

    • Love 4
  8. Starting with #$#%ing Fallon is an insult to the show's long history.


    ....add Timberlake, and it's even worse.

    Oh my god, yes. I used to really like Fallon and loved Fallon's musical parodies at the Update desk before he became co-anchor and he is a great impressionist, I liked him less and less with every sketch he was in. I get that his breaking has become a joke within the show, but honestly, he was horrible. It never even seemed like he laughed because he genuinely found the material funny, other than in the Cowbell sketch. It seemed more like an attention-seeking thing or a way to make the audience laugh when the sketch was bombing. I've never understood Lorne's soft spot for him. Is it just because people think Jimmy's cute? Is it because they're close on a personal level? ...I don't get it. I don't watch late-night TV, but I've seen clips from the Tonight Show online and he's still very juvenile and a horrible interviewer. Also, I'm not so enamored with celebrities that I need a whole show where they play games so that they can feel down to earth and relatable to me.


    Timberlake is awful. He is so horribly juvenile. There was an AMA on reddit with someone who interned in the photography department. They said that Timberlake was really juvenile and it was awkward because he tried so hard to be funny, but most of the backstage people just thought he was gross. I can totally picture that. I also find that when he and Jimmy get together it's very in-groupish. Like it's more about their inside jokes and them trying to make each other laugh than entertaining the audience. But I guess Lorne was thinking about what big hits the History of Rap numbers have been when he decided to make that the opening. Because otherwise I have zero explanation for why these two would be the ones starting the show.


    Overall, I thought the show was somewhere between okay and good. It's hard though because I can't even think of a way to honour 40 years of SNL and get everything that needs to be in a show like this without it being somewhat of a clustereff. I give them credit for even trying.


    Jane and Tina were great at the desk. They had the personality and timing down pat. I don't really like Amy's timing with Update jokes. I find she rushes the punchlines. But yes, all 3 of them show how much Update is lacking right now with Jost and Che and frankly, was with Seth too. Seth was bland as hell and also tended to rush punchlines. I really didn't get the clips they picked to showcase the former Update anchors. Amy's joke about the hip-hop cat was especially bad. I did love Stefon's line of "you have to form a teepee with your hands to keep your secrets under". Hehehe.


    I agree with everyone's disdain re: Kanye, Miley, etc. I get that SNL's trying to appeal to mainstream, young audience, but I think for this show they really should have gone ahead without caring about ratings. Kanye got more screentime than so many wonderful cast members. He got more screentime than Bobby Moynihan! Ugh. I did laugh when Christopher Walken called him Can-yay. Oh Christopher. Don't ever change.


    Apparently Leonardo DiCaprio was there? Why? He's never hosted the show or been involved with it, other than the cameo in the Jonah Hill episode.


    Kinda sad that Sasheer was in the What Up With That, but didn't get mentioned in the opening credits for the special. I get that she didn't get to say anything, but still. I feel like it's because they wanted Kristen Wiig to be the last person mentioned in the credits instead of Sasheer Zamata, which a lot of people would be saying "who??" about.


    Loved the Culps.


    Garth and Kat WTF? When will we ever be rid of them??? I'm already dreading when they inevitably show up at the 50th reunion show.


    We didn't see much of it, but Andy Samberg's jogger from 80's during his audition sounded awful. Yeesh. He's very lucky those digital shorts worked out for him in the end.


    Absolutely loved Dana Carvey. I think he's my pick for most underrated cast member at this point. He's so talented. It's a shame he didn't have a better career.

    • Love 3
  9. Very telling who Kenya and Kate picked to win. Surprise surprise. 

    Yep, especially with Kenya, who picks fights with every woman she ever meets, but would never do that to any men.


    Trump "Leeza, I'm surprised you're in the finals. I didn't think you were tough enough". Translation: "I'm surprised you're here and that you were tough enough to make the finals because you're a woman and I hate women.

    Can't believe they got renewed, but it was interesting how Trump said he's going to take his time with it...

    I think he's mad at NBC for delaying the season for so long and then burning it off in 6 weeks. Maybe he'll try and take the show to another network.

    • Love 5
  10. I don't like the emphasis the article places on the "looks the most comfortable" line in particular, but I do think there are more examples of problems with the editing of MasterChef Junior and some truth to what the author was saying. I try to tell myself that it's not about gender or race and instead is about personality, how quieter kids will probably get less screentime, etc. but I do think there is bias. It doesn't help that Gordon makes comments like these about female chefs:


    From the article http://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/1999/jun/11/features11.g24


    Though he has employed some women, you won't find many slaving over a hot Earl Grey with foie gras consommé in the macho, U-boat-like ambience of Ramsay's kitchen. Periods mean "they only work three weeks a month", you see. "PMT is a well known problem. Four days of the month they tend to have a long weekend." And "you can't get into the staff loo" if you hire them. And they have a tiresome habit of breeding ("how can you shout at someone who's four months pregnant?"). New Man job, Old Man attitudes.



    And using the popup restaurant challenge in S2 as an example?  Samuel did a great job at team leader but Sean was zoned out and Oona was massacring squash blossoms.  The other team outperformed them and the judges saved one person.

    Samuel was actually not a good leader during the challenge. His team had communication problems and he didn't do much to bring them together (which I think the judges pointed out), or to help Oona with her blossom problems. I remember a lot of posters being shocked that he was kept after the challenge, specifically because he was not a good leader. Sean cooked the steak for that challenge, which was excellently done and the highlight for their team. This is an instance where I think a kid did get sent home they were too quiet and not TV friendly.

  11. I don't see how Leeza loses. She got a huge spotlight for her charity. She's had by far the best edit over the course of the show. The show gave Geraldo Ian, for crying out loud. There hasn't been a woman as the Celebrity Apprentice since Joan Rivers in season 2. It's a classic "good" vs. "evil" story.


    Geraldo is terrible at creative. You could have the Universal execs spoonfeed him the whole commercial and he's such a control freak, he'd still change it.


    ("A mechanical dog." Good times. Geraldo parlayed the Busey persona into a finalist spot, but there's never been a winner Busey. It's not a winning persona.)


    Go, Leeza!

    I thought the same thing about Leeza and the lack of female winners, but on this show it really doesn't matter. Trump doesn't care about appearing to be unbiased or fair and since this show is a joke and not a real competition, the network probably doesn't care either.


    It really is amazing how Geraldo manages to screw up everything. He ruins great ideas and creates problems where there shouldn't be any. He's a control-freak, but he's probably also bored without all the drama that he knows he creates.


    It was interesting to observe the differences in how Leeza and Geraldo managed their teams. Leeza was more patient and kind than humanly possible with Brandi and Johnny, who were being horrible teammates. Meanwhile, Geraldo has teammates who are doing an excellent job for him and he ruins everything, then blames it all on them. Lovely.

    • Love 5
  12. Yes, Joan and Melissa were just as awful (if not worse) than what was shown last night. Joan also didn't do very well in the final task and didn't raise as much money as Annie Duke, but Trump hired her because they're friends and also because she's old enough that he can respect her as a woman, instead of seeing her as a sexual object.


    I know that this show thinks that the more drama the better, but the Meat Loaf fight with Gary Busey was not entertaining in any way, shape or form. It was scary and violent and Meat Loaf obviously has mental health issues that need to be dealt with. The show should stop promoting it as anything other than that. Same with Lisa Lampanelli's horrible bullying of Dayana Mendoza. It was not funny or entertaining. It was abuse.

    • Love 9
  13. I don't like Michelle, but she should have stayed over Helen. She can come up with really innovative designs and she is one of the contestants that could actually design for women of all sizes. Helen isn't even a designer. Her designs are all uncreative, boring and repetitive. There is nothing that she has ever designed that hasn't already been done before by someone else and that actually impressed me. I haven't understood any of her wins in this season or in her original one.


    I've liked a lot of Sonjia's designs and think she will win the whole thing, but her dress was awful. The bow looked cheap and out of proportion with the rest of the dress. It was almost costume-like. The idea was good and it might have been better in different material or smaller, with more fabric underneath it.


    I hate fringe (a lot, when will this trend go away?), so was meh on Dmitry's. I liked the parts of it that weren't fringe though.


    I was actually really, really hoping that they would have done a segment on Update where Leslie and Kate, as themselves, addressed the rampant misogyny regarding their Ghostbusters casting. Although I wonder if the reason they haven't talked about it yet on the show is because nothing's 100% official? All the news I read said that they, Kristen, and Melissa were currently in negotiations. Perhaps they can't officially comment on anything until the ink's dried on the contracts.

    Yes! I just heard some guys talking today about how an all-female version of Ghostbusters couldn't be funny and it made me so angry!! Then there's also the "thinly veiled" misogyny with stupid "joke" comments like "women can't fight ghosts!" It is so freaking depressing.



    But like Amy Poelher  before her, she was doing both the desk and sketches.  Many skeches some weeks--to the point that there were worries she'd become overexposed.  So she was "demoted" back to sketches only, or "bumped" or "kicked off" or whatever terminology you want to use.

    I agree. I don't think it was meant as a demotion, but it came off that way. She lost a lot of name recognition after being removed from Update and the status of being THE female star of SNL (even though I think this cast is an ensemble without a singular star, other people were starting to label her that way). The other thing is that it does seem like she's actually in less sketches than when she did Update. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but last year it felt like she was in every sketch. This season she's still in a lot of them, but not quite as many. Which I think is good because otherwise I think she might have been on the Wiig-train to backlash from getting too much airtime and because I don't think she showed very much range, even with all of that airtime.

    • Love 1
  15. Cold Open - Nothing spectacular, but I liked it. It was a nice change from the political cold opens. I liked how they had Richard Sherman dropping in the fact that he went to Stanford because he/the media do that all the time.


    Monologue - Was this the Get to Know the SNL Cast Members day? We learn that Pete smokes weed, Leslie is 47 years old. I haven't seen Whiplash and didn't know what it was about until I looked it up after this episode, but I liked this monologue enough. Although Leslie Jones is always the same character and it's starting to wear out its welcome. I really loved the line that "all hair is ridiculous" and teasing Kyle about his videos, which was especially meta, considering that there hasn't been a Good Neighbour short in a while.


    Tontino's - This was funny because of how true it is. The commercials that portray women's sole purpose as being to serve their husbands are gross. The best/saddest part was Vanessa playing with the sticky hand. If only advertisers would see this and take note of what it really means. Which of course they won't.


    Miss Trash 2015 - This sketch went nowhere and there were no good one-liners that made any of it worthwhile. I know I point this out after every episode, but SNL has a range/typecasting problem. Again, Aidy was sassy (she's always sassy or sad loser), Cecily was tough-talking (her voice was the same as when she did the troll sketch with James Franco and Deirdre in the Oliver twist sketch with Andrew Garfield and she's always tough-talking or ditzy) and Vanessa was the weirded out straightwoman (she's always this or sad/repressed suburban wife/mom). 


    Alternate Ending to Casablanca - Kate was hilarious in this. Loved her "byeeeee" at the end.


    Teacher's Snow Day - It seems like with a lot of these digital shorts they expect the high production values to make up for the lack of content or bad raps/lyrics. This reminded me of the office Christmas sketch. I feel like SNL thought this was so edgy (Omg! Teachers smoking weed!!!) and was going to be a huge viral hit.  I liked the idea of this one, not the execution. I'm not sure how I felt about the "we're teachers, all our dreams are dead part". On the one hand, yes a lot of teachers feel that way and act like it, but on the other hand it seemed like a "let's mock people who have boring 9-5 jobs and aren't doing things like making cool digital shorts".


    WU - Michael still cannot read the cue cards. I liked Jost's joke about "ruining the quinceanera". I don't think his delivery is improving, I think it's more that the tone of joke matched his typical delivery and persona as stiff, uncool white dude. I also liked the jokes about the NFL domestic violence ad, not so much because it was funny, but because of the truth to it. I was like "yeah!" and nodding along with it. The One Dimensional character wasn't that funny to me. Other than the sniper baby there was nothing new there. I know Cecily is doing the monotone voice because it's sort of Zooey Deschanel-esque, but I think it's too lacking in energy. I also can't fully get behind this character because SNL has serious issues with writing one-dimensionally for female cast members (especially Cecily) and doesn't seem to realize the irony of it. I liked Jebediah's U2 jokes. They were obvious, but I still liked them.


    Pushy - What? Why?


    The Jay-Z Story - "What are we doing eating salads? Let's go practice rapping!". Hehehe. I'm not as big a fan of Mike O'Brien's work as a lot of other viewers, but this was funny.


    Career Day - Did not like this one.


    Hugs - This basically become a sketch of its own. I like seeing the goodbye sequence, but it got awkward there at the end. They also had timing issues with Blake Shelton's episodes. Maybe they're cutting Good Neighbour shorts at the end?


    Overall, I didn't think this was a great episode and thought JK was kind of wasted. It's understandable, given that the 40th anniversary special is around the corner, but it could have been better.

  16. Sonjia's looked like a bathrobe to me.


    Fabio seems like a great guy, but I was so tired of his "I'm so amazingly progressive and fashion-forward because I play with androgynous looks". Granted all the designers are full of themselves, but I just wanted to tell him "No, Fabio, you're not. People have been doing that since before you were a fashion designer."

    • Love 3
  17. Love David. He's been my favorite since he started. He's started to get more deals and branch out into more areas, which is great. When he first started he was kind of Vikram-ish.


    Jim acted like an immature 12 year old boy throughout the reusable pad pitch. I thought it was disrespectful. The other male dragons laughed a bit at the beginning, but then took it seriously. Jim, grow the F up.


    Wek is fun sometimes, but also annoying and attention-seeking. I can predict the pitches he'll make offers on, because he thinks he's the "cool" dragon and goes for whatever seems young and hip.


    I'm going to go to tell hell for saying this, but I don't get all patriotic about Canadian athletes and think the lionization of athletes is dumb. I'm very surprised that deal wasn't a gimme, with all the dragons going in on it. Again, not surprised Wek went in at all.

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