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Miss Scarlet

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Posts posted by Miss Scarlet

  1. To me there is a big difference between athletic competition and CA.  In snowboarding she needs to do the best she can and let the medals fall where they may.  She isn't asked to cooperate with the other athletes or bad mouth them.  

    Yeah, I get that. I meant why do those types even enter snowboarding competitions if it's just about community and "riding powder"? Although that's probably OT.

  2. We should come up with a CA drinking game. Viewers should take a drink whenever someone mentions how beautiful Ivanka is. I feel like Trump probably insists someone say it at least once an episode.


    I really don't like the fundraising tasks. I get second-hand awkwardness watching people ask for money because it's something that I would absolutely hate doing myself and it's boring to watch people sit around and make phone calls. The creative tasks are much more interesting and entertaining. 

    • Love 3
  3. Kevin Jonas got a lot of airtime last night. He's also writing the Celebrity Apprentice blog on NBC, which Clay Aiken wrote during his season (does anyone remember which contestants wrote it during the other seasons or if there's even been a blog during the other seasons)? I'm thinking this means he goes pretty far. Maybe final 2 or final 4 and then comes back for the final task. It wouldn't make sense for them to ask someone to write the blog if they get fired early on and then have nothing to write after that. Maybe Trump is interested in a younger winner this time around? Kevin was a bit smarmy, especially about his 4.3 million Twitter followers who he said (paraphrased) that he can get to do whatever he wants.


    I'm not sure why they made such a big deal of his Twitter followers in the boardroom, other than to be like "see, this show has real celebrities!" I'm sure 90% of his followers are pre-teens/teenagers and it's not like they can come down and spend thousands of dollars for the fundraising tasks.


    I think Kevin and Ian are going to form a "we hate Geraldo" alliance. Ian seems competent and, judging from the previews, willing to fight with other people enough to go far. I could see the top 6 being Kevin, Ian, Geraldo, Leeza, Vivica and Gilbert. I think it's sad that every season the men's team has numerous legitimate contenders, whereas the women's team is all crazies and cannon fodder. The quiet and competent players on the men's teams are usually winner material, whereas those same types of contestants on the women's team are dismissed for being boring and bad entertainment.


    I thought Ivanka's love of 90210 was hilarious. Who woulda thunk it? Glad that they're finally letting her show her sense of humour. I died when she started talking about asking Ian about Brenda, Dylan and Kelly. I could see her sticking up for him in the boardroom in the future, although nothing will ever rival her massive crush on Trace Adkins.


    I guess it's nice that Jamie Anderson is pleasant and normal, but she's not going to last long on this show. Her response to Trump's question about the boardroom indicates that she's from the snowboarding community that doesn't really believe in competition and is all about learning/enjoying doing things together. These are the snowboarders that get mad when other competitors say that actually want to win medals. If these people are all about community then why do they even enter the competitions in the first place?


    I also thought that Trump might jump all over Shawn for her comment about thinking their team lost. I think he does that more for regular Apprentice contestants and lets the celebrity ones get away with a lot more.

    • Love 3

    What was with Ivanka's comment on how articulate the women's team is?  She sounded so surprised/impressed by their ability to string multi syllabic sentences together.  Although, she obviously hasn't spent too much time conversing with Brandi yet.  Dumb as a box of rocks that one.  The only big words she knows are 4-letters long.

    I think after dealing with Teresa Guidice a few seasons ago, where it was embarrassing how incoherent and inarticulate she was, everyone looks better afterwards.


    Oh and Lorenzo saying that the women would do better than the men on the pies because "cooking is what women do"? STFU, You can leave any time. Although his misogyny always fits in well on Celebrity Apprentice. There was also a crack at the beginning of the episode about how the women's team should call themselves Team Hormone. Yes, because men clearly have no hormones and never act on such hormones. Ugh. The sexism has made me come so close to quitting this show so many times.

    • Love 5
  5. When Buddy comes to the Taylor house and Tami sends him over to Eric, saying "here's Buddy, he's got a box".


    When Buddy picks up Buddy Jr. and Tabitha at the airport he tries to hug them and Tabitha says something like "ew, you're all sweaty" and he says "no more so than usual". Brad Leland's delivery on that was so great.

    • Love 2
  6. Yeah, the whole "my mom and I are popular and outgoing and Dale and Kelley were quiet and introverted" is pretty bad. I can understand saying that you have nothing in common with someone or don't find them that interesting, but the way she worded it was pretty narrow-minded and judgmental. I've only read a few of her exit interviews, but I wish someone had asked her explicitly about being a brat. Not so much "did you know people didn't like you" or "how hard was it that people didn't like you" or even "why do you think people didn't like you", but just directly asking "were you acting bratty out there?" Although I guess we would have gotten the same "I'm just young and cute and flirty" answer. Which doesn't even make sense. She's talking about why a bunch of guys didn't like her (the ones on Coyopa). So it's not even a case of "oh all the girls were jealous of me". Doesn't she realize that if she's actually so cute and flirty, the guys would like her more, not less?

    • Love 1
  7. Between these post-game interviews where she refuses to own up to her behaviour and keeps talking about how awesome she is and the pre-game interviews where Missy talks about how Baylor is amazing and is going to win every challenge she really does come off as a spoiled brat. Which is disappointing because I want to like her.


    Their relationship is so weird and unhealthy. So if I have this right it's basically that Missy sacrifices Baylor's well-being/doesn't listen to Baylor whenever Baylor's needs conflict with a man in Missy's life, so to compensate for that she gives Baylor whatever she wants and tells her how awesome she is at everything all the time? Baylor is aware of this whole dynamic and the fact that Missy is trying to make up for her poor decisions, yet never questions the validity of what Missy says and does and is still incredibly co-dependent with her?

    • Love 1


    Holmes: I’m not sure it’s right to refer to you and your mother as villains, but there was definitely a negative sentiment around you two. Is that something that palpable while you were out there or is just now coming to light now that you’re watching the show?

    Wilson: Oh no, I felt like I was hated from the get go. But I don’t know why my mom would seem villain-like at all. We’re very positive people. But, we don’t take BS very well. So, it was hard for me to be that target that people wanted out all the time. I have a great group of friends. I’m the life of the party, leader of the group. I had to shut my mouth out there and take the punches.

    Oh Baylor...




    Holmes: One of the early feuds was between you and your mother and Kelley and Dale. I believe Dale and your mother had a tiff over food distribution.

    Wilson: Honestly, the only thing I can say about that is Kelley and Dale are the opposite personality of me and my mom. They’re very…hermit…kind of people. They like to keep to themselves. I never connected with them on anything. The life that they live is very different from my mom. That’s what’s so interesting about “Survivor,” is you take people from all walks of life. People that you don’t understand. Like I truly do not understand how Dale lives in such a small town and never leaves. We just didn’t get along.


    • Love 2
  9. Irrelevant.  Each person uses his or her own attributes, qualities, strengths and weaknesses. 



    It sure didn't stop Parvati from developing those skills.  She's a quadruple/quintuple threat, who can beat you with strategy, brains, social, brawn, charm, sex appeal and double crosses.  The most complete package in Survivor history IMO.  



    I strongly disagree that responding to a woman sexually 'objectifies' her. It's an essential part of evolution, built in to our genetic code.  The moment men stop responding to women that way (and vice versa) the human race is in serious trouble.    



    EVERY strategy depends on the other people.  You have to persuade others to go along with you: they decide if your pitch or alliance or promises are good enough to go along with you.  So in the way you are describing the power is always with others.  And in fact, that power is notoriously short-term: it constantly shifts, as broken alliances and the endless blindsides prove. 


    i.e. the thing you complain about is true of every aspect of Survivor. 


    Besides, this whole passage sees one tree and mistakes it for the forest.  Parvati builds alliances, plots critical blindsides, wins immunities, and strategizes with the best of them.  Sex appeal is just one tool in her arsenal. 



    While Natalie played real well, I think she played against far inferior opponents.  Who besides Nat might qualify for an All-Stars season?  Maybe Jaclyn?  Until Natalie stepped up her game, this was one of the most boring seasons I can recall.  I know many others made this point, all during the season. 


    Parv on the other hand played against an entire beach of the best players ever (HvV), and another fantastic line-up in FvF. 

    The fact that Parvati has other skills and attributes is great, but that's just one example. There are countless stories and testimonials from women who regret that they relied on flirting their way through things because they wish they had put that time and attention elsewhere. 


    Responding to a woman sexually isn't objectification per se, but when the woman bases her whole persona off of flirting/her seuxality and that's the way both she and members of the opposite sex see her and evaluate her self-worth, then that is objectification. Which can happen with women who make this their self-defining trait or mode of interpersonal interaction and is problematic when her other skills and attributes are ignored and discounted. Parvati is actually a good example of this because she gets labelled and branded by CBS as the flirt, when her game encompassed more than that. This is not okay just because it's "built" into our genetic code and that doesn't even make sense because there are lots of situations where it's inappropriate for women to be responded to sexually and thus, they aren't. So it's not as though we have no control and cannot stop ourselves from acting on primitive reflexes.


    Yes, every strategy depends on others, but there's more power and more of a chance of success on the player's part if they try to convince the other person based on strategy rather than being judged based on their looks or on flirting. 

    • Love 1
  10. I think Parvati did try to work with Coach and swing him and Jerri over to her alliance. I might be misremembering, but I think that's where the whole scene in the water came from. In terms of the inauthenticity thing, I just meant to explain that that's why I think that's why a lot of viewers don't like Parvati. I think (and hope) that if men were charming in the same way (i.e. to a person's face, but then mean in confessionals) they would be called out as being inauthentic as well. Lots of fans have called out Boston Rob for this. I like Kim a lot and I've seen her being called charismatic and charming, but rarely called out as fake about it.


    Parvati's charm probably works better in person simply because then the flattery is directed at you. It might also be because at this point she has a reputation for being charming and that reputation almost pre-forms people's opinions or creates self-fulfilling prophecies in her interactions.


    I think this is also speaks to the difference between charisma and charm. Charisma is just pizzazz that someone has and it's just there. They don't try to put it on. It just emanates from them. Whereas being charming is very specific to the person you're talking to, trying to get something from, etc. So that's why the people being charmed by Parvati on the show get it, but those sitting at home think it's like being charismatic and  expect to see it, but can't really because it's not directed at them.


    I think being charismatic is an inborn skill, but being charming is something that pretty much anyone can do.

    • Love 1
  11. But we're not here in a subject called "Life Lessons for Women", this is about Survivor gamesmanship and what works in the game.

    I think it's okay to take issue with CBS trumpeting her as an example, sure. Because of the small possibility of people trying to apply her lessons/techniques elsewhere. But the subject I believe we stemmed from originally was when particular women have played a great game. And she did. It bothering many on an emotional/moral level is a separate thing--valid in it's own place when the question being asked is about the morals of Survivor rather than what makes people win.

    Yeah, I think the comment "sex is a valid weapon to use when men are making themselves fools over you" made me think of it in more general terms. It is interesting to think about it solely for short-term gain in Survivor. I would say thought that I don't think that in Parvati's case flirting, as we tend to define it based on sexuality, really worked. I don't think a vote ever changed based on her "flirting" with men in the game (except for maybe Russell). It didn't work with Ozzy in her first season despite her repeated attempts to flip him over to her side, the only guy that voted for her to win in Micronesia was Jason, who it seemed that she was mean to or at least didn't pay much attention to and the men that voted for her in H vs V seemed to do because they respected her strategy and immunity wins. So I don't think her flirting actually did that much for her game. She was able to form strong social bonds with the women and those helped her, but that was less about flirting and more about flattery and other aspects of Parvati's interpersonal style that I think get conflated with flirting.

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  12. It reminds me of Parvati a little bit--so many fans can't stand her, but a lot of people who have actually met her in person have said she's got this powerful magnetism.  Like Coach's amazing HvV quote, one of my favorites, "She's got the charm, she's got the smile. For some reason when she pays attention to you, you feel like you light up. It's not that people don't see it, it's just that they're allured by her charm. They're taken by it. They're smitten by it. It's unbelievable."  I feel like I get some of that through the TV screen, but many people don't.

    That might be true, but I think one of the reasons a lot of people dislike Parvati is because they can very clearly see that her "charm" is really inauthentic. There's a scene where she "charms" Coach in the water by flattering him and saying "I don't fear has ever controlled you" and then goes into a confessional and totally bashes him. I think some people can tell, even without the confessionals, that what she says is mostly fake and full of crap. 


    I always thought it was interesting that the players that found her the most charming seem to be the ones that are most insecure and most in need of attention. Players like Coach and Russell need constant attention and validation. I don't think they can detect if it's authentic or not and if they could, I don't even think they would care. If Parvati is smart enough to pick up on this and choose to work with these people because her "charm" can work best on them then good for her, but I always thought it was very telling that her charm never worked on guys who seemed to be smart or mature or more secure with themselves. 


    She also gets a lot of credit for her double idol play in H vs V. I thought that was an awesome moment and really exciting, but I've read that the reason she did that is because she knew Amanda so well outside of the game and could tell Amanda was lying to her about who the Heroes were voting for. Using both idols was brave of Parvati, but is it really that impressive that she could tell when one her good friends was lying to her? I think that would be expected. It would be more impressive if she had pulled that off with a stranger or another player. Which is why, even though I do enjoy All-Star seasons, Survivor is really a game meant to be played with strangers. 



    Sex is a valid weapon when dealing with men making themselves fools over you.
    Well said. I think it's interesting that people will put Parvati in the top tier of players/winners and yet still deride women who 'use their boobs to manipulate' or flirt with the men to get further. Parvati played that kind of game impeccably and I applaud her for it. Hell, she played that kind of game with women even!

    The issue is not whether or not men are dumb enough to fall for that or how effective flirting is to get favours done for you. This issue is that is dangerous for women for several reasons, the main ones being a) this is a short-term strategy that most women can't use as they get older and is problematic because it takes the place of developing other skills that are more useful and longer-lasting that women could use to get their way, b) it encourages men to continue objectifying women and think that's all women have to offer and c) the power in this situation doesn't reside with the woman because it's still up to the man to decide if she's pretty enough/good enough, etc. for him to give her what she wants. So this is about more than the short-term gain of a woman getting a man to do her a favour or in making moves when trying to win a game, especially when CBS brands Parvati's flirting strategy as the archetype of a successful female winner.


    Beyond the CBS marketing though, I think Parvati's case is a bit different because even though she refers to her strategy/interpersonal style as "flirting", I don't think that's really what it is. It seems like it's actually more about using fake flattery to get on people's good sides, which she does with both men and women. So it doesn't seem as sexual as what using the word "flirting" would suggest.


    Natalie probably played the best game by a female contestant since Parvati. I wasn't a fan since she and Nadya were irritating on TAR, but I grew to like her. Most deserving winner in my opinion.

    Natalie played it better -- she didn't use sex as a weapon.

    I definitely think Natalie played a better game than Parvati. I give most of the credit in Micronesia to Cirie and maybe I'm just forgetting something, but the only big movie I remember from Parvati in H vs. V was the double idol play. That was great, but she made that move based on knowing Amanda was lying because they were good friends outside of the game. Natalie made several big moves towards the end when playing with strangers who she really had to read without much to go on. Unfortunately, although a lot of people will count Natalie as satisfying winner I don't think people will ever see her in the same league as Parvati because at this point people forget what Parvati actually did in the game and just go off of the reputation she has built in the Survivor world.

    • Love 7
  14. I've been wondering a couple things about this case. If Adnan is really innocent and thinks Jay did, then why wouldn't he say that at some point? I've read that he doesn't want to subject anyone to the same thing that's happened to him and falsely accuse someone, but that seems like a flimsy reason. I think people that are saying he can't do this because he and Jay did it together are probably right. Giving out more information about Jay would also mean further incriminating himself. I think Jay's stories change so many times because he is trying to minimize his involvement.


    The other thing I've been wondering about is that some people involved with the case have mentioned either on the podcast or on Reddit that they can't get involved because they're worried about something happening to them. Supposedly this is why we never heard from Stephanie. So if Adnan is guilty and he's sentenced to life in prison, who is it that these people are afraid of? Asia mentioned that she was coerced into writing the affidavit from people in Adnan's community. Is this who they're afraid of? This plus the fact that it's been suggested that the police might have been the ones to give Jay information about where the car was before they began tape recording his testimony makes me wonder if there isn't some third party involved. Then I wonder if reading a bit on Reddit has made me fall way too far down the rabbit-hole with conspiracy theories.


    I have to say that I didn't find this podcast as compelling as others seem to. I think part of it was that I found all the information and stories so hard to keep track of and didn't really take that much time to go over the timeline or do too much reading about the case online. I'm sure it was incredibly difficult for Sarah to organize all the information she had. I wonder if she could have organized it in a different way that would have made it easier to follow, but I can't really think of how else she could have done it.


    I think the JonBenet Ramsey case could be really interesting for season 2, but they would never do it. It's way too high-profile and has been discussed so much already.

  15. I didn't watch the reunion, what did he say?  I've said it before, but this season has really opened my eyes to how awful people are about divorced women.  It's been pretty shocking.


    I do think that some women who are divorced are made to feel ashamed of it, which isn't right. On the other hand...



    I think Missy's three divorces were only important in that she kept making them important. She brought them up as "proof," that she was, an expert on men, a survivor, a person who had been through all sorts of tragedy, a strong woman, and who knows what else. If we saw Missy or Baylor bring up the divorces five or six times, just think how often the others had to hear about it over the thirty nine days. I noticed that throughout the show she kept bringing it up in ways that made her look good, we didn't hear about the "shame," until the finale when she was crying about the meanness of Reed. Probably lots of people on Survivor have been divorced multiple times, they just didn't choose to make it their claim to fame.

    This makes sense too. I also think that the 3 divorces and resulting relationship between Missy and Baylor was the hook that got them cast in the first place. So I can see Jeff bringing it up at challenges and tribal in front of the other players or the producers prompting Missy and Baylor to talk about this in confessionals. This is the kind of backstory they wanted in Blood vs. Water that would lead to emotional relationship transformations from being on the show and that Jeff could analyze. Between that and Missy/Baylor's own willingness to bring this up, it was discussed a lot and jokes arose from having discussed it so much. Maybe if it had been mentioned by Missy (or anyone else who plays that's been divorced a few times) off-hand a few times, such a big deal wouldn't have been made about it.

    • Love 2
  16. LOL.  I don't know what possessed her to throw the "I haz no uterus gambit."  It was like she was answering a pageant question about how she would use her survivor winner's platform to help others.  Sorry Jacks, no dice.

    Yeah and  when she said that the title meant more to her than the money because it would inspire other girls with MRKH I was thinking...that's nice, but you do know this is the 29th season of a reality TV show, right? I guess she doesn't since it's pretty obvious she'd never watched the show before being cast.


    Not sure if someone else already brought this up, but lol at Keith needing a do-over for his confessional and also his PMA - positive mental attitude! Never thought Keith would be into those types of sayings or self-help type stuff, but you never know.

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  17. Oh, I forgot the best part of last night: the realization that I'll never again have to see Jon and Jaclyn mouth "I love you" at each other.

    This. They remind me of that episode of Friends where Monica is freaking out because Pheobe and her boyfriend (the cop) are at the beginning of their relationship and really demonstrative with each other. Monica freaks out because she wants to be the one who's part of the hottest couple in town. That's what Jaclyn and Jon remind me of. Broadcasting their relationships not because they really love each other (although I'm sure they do), but mainly so that they can constantly show others that they are the hottest couple in town and that everyone should envy them. 


    I didn't mind them that much as individuals since they were bland and inoffensive, but good riddance.

    • Love 3
  18. From her interview at http://cartermatt.com/144791/survivor-san-juan-del-sur-interview-missy-payne-perception-decisions-injury/




    CarterMatt – First of all, how does it feel to be able to actually discuss the game now?

    Missy Payne – It is a huge weight taken off my shoulders, which is great because I’m not very good at lying or keeping secrets, as we all know because I was portrayed as super-loyal. With all of my friends asking so many questions, it’s nice now to be like ‘okay, let’s talk about it.’

    Oh Missy. I'm sure Jon and Jeremy would disagree with about you being "super-loyal".


    She does add later on in the interview that she wasn't as close to Jeremy because she thought he was playing everybody, but still. I don't know if I would describe her game as "super-loyal". I think she should get off of that soapbox.

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  19. There have been a lot of jokes made about Missy's 3 divorces and on the one hand I feel like yes, maybe it says something about how she's a difficult person, but on the other hand is it really that big a deal? Celebrities get divorced all the time. She can just tell people she's the Elizabeth Taylor of marriages. Also, in a weird way I'm kind of impressed that she got married 3 times. I don't know that I'll be able to find a partner that I can stand for long enough to even get married once!


    Also, people have pointed out that it wouldn't be such a big deal if a man had been divorced 3 times. I think Rob C talked about how if Keith had been divorced 3 times people would be like "Haha, oh Keith. What a character". I agree that that's what the reaction would be.

    • Love 6
  20. Very happy that Natalie won. I only saw the Amazing Race season where she and Nadiya were out first and I thought their screaming at each other was hilarious. I don't know anything about the other season where she was supposedly really awful. I like that we have another strong female winner, who wasn't presented as a flirt (even though that's not how Parvati won the game, but CBS did "market" her that way) and was more visible than Kim (who is also great). I think sometimes Natalie tries to hard to come off as a "badass", but it's not the worst thing in the world. I hope future female players try to emulate her style of play.


    The only thing I'm wondering about is her voting out Jon. I'm sure that she did this for strategic reasons, as well as emotional ones, but the show definitely played up the revenge aspect. If this move really was more emotional than strategic, then it wasn't good gameplay and if the goal to get Jon out to avenge Jeremy had ended up ruining her game (which it seems like it almost did a few times) then it would have been really foolish. Other players have been called out as dumb for playing emotionally.

    • Love 1
  21. I have to say, the most shocking part of last night for me, was that Alec actually asked to fairly coherent and relevant questions during the final tribal council.

    That was shocking to me and also the fact that he was able to breathe through his nose long enough to ask those questions.

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  22. Same here. Purely personal perception/supposition on my part, but I kinda get the vibe of Baylor dismissing ANY kind of personal conflict with a kneejerk "Oh, they're just jealous of me" response.

    Besides her mother and Natalie, did Baylor form strong positive personal ties with ANYBODY in the game?

    That's totally the impression I get too and I'm sure whenever she says that, Missy is right next to her, feeding her ego and saying "Of course they are! Now let's go eat more rice" or whatever else Baylor wants. I don't think she formed a strong bond with anyone. Missy said that Natalie adored Baylor and maybe this is something Natalie will mention in her exit interviews, but I always got the feeling Natalie tolerated Baylor and needed her for strategic purposes. Baylor was so wrapped up in her mom and sometimes Natalie that I wonder if she even made the effort to talk to anyone else during the game.


    If she had conflicts with one person, fine, maybe that was just a fluke or due to weird interpersonal dynamics or issues on the other person's end. When pretty much the whole cast has said throughout the season that you're spoiled and difficult to live with? Maybe you want to start thinking about that. This could be a learning experience for her if she would let it. Again, I say this as someone who thought she was kind of getting a bad rap, but I'm not thinking that anymore. There is no self-awareness or consideration there, just self-congratulatory talk.

  23. I can't stop thinking about why in the world Baylor asked Natalie to play her idol for Missy, while simultaneously insisting that everyone, including Keith, was going to vote for Jaclyn.  If Baylor was so confident that Jaclyn would be the only person who would vote for Missy, why would Missy need an idol?  It just makes no sense, *unless* Missy and Baylor were thinking about blindsiding Natalie and wanted to get the idol out of her hands.  Maybe Natalie had the same thought, and that's why she realized one of Missy / Baylor had to go?  




    That was so awful.  Jeff might as well have just reached over and patted her on the head while saying "Pretty girl, shhh."  

    I think I pulled a Natalie and "blacked out". I have no memory of this and like to pretend it never happened.

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  24. So I felt badly for Baylor after I watched her Ponderosa video. From what we saw and heard on the show, she was a little bratty, but not hateful or mean.


    Then I read this interview (http://www.examiner.com/article/survivor-baylor-interview-i-think-they-all-underestimated-me) and this part caught my attention:




    Tom Santilli: So what was it? Did they not like your personality?

    Baylor: Honestly, I don't understand to this day why they didn't like me. The only thing I can think of is that I'm this young, cute, flirty, twenty-year-old girl that they probably just didn't want around and didn't want to have to deal with. But I think that they all underestimated me and I'm proud that I lasted longer than all of them, except for Keith, the only guy who outlasted me.


    It's hard to feel sympathetic towards someone who has no self-awareness. I really doubt the reason they disliked her is because she was "young, cute and flirty". Even if you think you're being flirty, you should at least acknowledge how it could come off the wrong way and be seen by others as annoying or bratty. 

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